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  • Attachment image

    Demand IMMEDIATE release of unemployment and PUA payments in Wisconsin!?

    We have just surpassed 300 signatures! Lets set a goal to get to 400 by the end of the day!

    People in Wisconsin have been waiting for unemployment compensation since March. Many are facing homelessness because of the serious backlog of unemployment claims in Wisconsin.

    Will you help us demand IMMEDIATE release of unemployment and PUA payments in Wisconsin?

    Please sign this petition and share with as many people as possible!

    The more signatures we have the louder our voice! They can't ignore our cries for help!

    Law & Ethics8 months ago
  • Hellbent on Purchasing stuff for new baby?

    Hi all!

    I need some help... My brother and his fiance are expecting a baby next month. They didn't publically announce the pregnancy until she was 7 months. My brother keeps harassing me and my parents about not buying things for the baby. Him and his fiance are making it seem like if we're not spending money to buy the baby things, then we're not excited and don't care. This is not the case...

    They didn't announce her pregnancy until she was 7 months. Now everyone is scrambling to buy stuff for the baby in the middle of a pandemic, when the majority of us DON'T have extra money to spend on a baby.

    Why is he so hellbent on us buying stuff? Can't we be excited and not have to spend money?

    Apparently, his fiance's family has already bought a bunch of stuff. They're trying to make it a competition. They're being manipulative and trying to make us feel guilty for not buying stuff for the baby.

    It's not that we don't care. But he fails to realize that money it right right now because people aren't working. 

    What can I do to help him understand?

    The last thing I want him to think is that we don't care. Because we DO!

    Help! Please!

    1 AnswerFamily9 months ago
  • Attachment image

    Older Cat keeps hissing at New Kitten?

    I adopted an 8 week old kitten last week. At first my older cat (pictured) would hiss and growl at the new kitten. There is still some hissing, but now my older cat will act like she wants to play, but as soon as the kitten approaches she will hiss at her.

    She will lie on her side and reach her paw out toward the kitten. As soon as the kitten approaches, she hisses at her, scaring her. She even went up to the kitten to smell her, but everytime the kitten moved she would hiss at her.

    So far I have seen a great improvement in how much my older cat hisses at the new kitten.

    My question is...

    Why would my older cat act like she wants to play with the kitten, but then hisses when she approaches?

    Thanks for any insight you can provide!

    2 AnswersCats1 year ago
  • Cat in pain?

    As I was sitting on the couch petting my other cat (Reesea) I hear a loud noise/commotion behind the couch. Almost as if my other cat (Prynses) ran behind d the couch and fell over something. It scared Reesea and I and Reesea jumped up. I went to investigate and see my other cat Prynses laying on her side on the ground and she looked up at me and meowed. I reached down the pet Prynses and she allowed me to pet her. She laid there for a few minutes then got up and walked to the other side of the room. She proceeded to lay on her side again, and it looked like she had hurt her leg. I touched her leg to see if there were any broken bones and she didn't pull away. She is able to walk on it, but limps slightly. I did use the lazer and she was playing with both legs, so she couldn't be in too much pain. But I know cats tend to hid their pain. She is sleeping on the couch now.

    Obviously I will take her to the vet if it is serious, but I want to know if there is anything I can do for her at home. Tomorrow is Sunday and most vets in my area are closed until Monday.

    I have some pain medication left from when she was spayed about a year ago. Should I give her some of that?

    Please no ignorant comments. I will take her to the vet if necessary.


    2 AnswersCats2 years ago
  • What to do if you think a coworker is lying?

    So there have been a few times that a coworker of mine had to leave early. The first time was on Halloween her story was that her son was sick "he was throwing up green stuff" according to her. Later that night she posted pictures of her son trick-or-treating in his costume. The second time was today. Her story was that her MOM scheduled a doctors appointment for her son at 5:00pm. But I see her post a live video of her at Nickelodeon resorts with her son. Now, I can't actually prove that she is lying, but these stories seem suspicious. When she notified work about having to leave early they stated "because it's such short notice, can you reschedule his appointment?" She refused of course.

    It wouldn't matter so much to me, but we work with kids. There are 85 kids in our program and when someone leaves early it puts more stress and work on the rest of the staff.

    I am not saying I am perfect. I have had to miss work before. But mine is always for a real reason, like I was sick. Not some BS reason about my mom making a late appointment for my son...

    What can I do? I don't want to be a "tattle tale" but it's not fair for the rest of us to have to break our back and pick up her slack.

    Thanks in advance for your advice!

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • Law of Attraction and dreaming questions...?

    I have a question about the law of attraction and dreaming...

    I have been doing some research about the loa recently. I have been trying to manifest a large amount of money.

    Last night I had a dream about winning a lot of money. I could visually see my first and last name on the check, and I had feelings of excitment and gratitude.

    I have had dreams in the past that were premonitions of things that would happen in the near future.

    My question is... Was this dream a sign that my manifestation is near? Was my subconscious mind aligned with my conscions mind? Was it a premonition?

    I only want answers from people who are experienced/familiar with the law of attraction.

    If you are going to make negative comments that aren't necessary please keep moving.

    Thank you to anyone who takes an interest question. I appreciate all positive feedback.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation4 years ago
  • Low speed collision and the other person claiming injury?

    Hi all, I got into a minor fender bender yesterday. I had just taken my foot off the brake and the guy in front of me hit on his brakes. It was raining and I wasn't able to stop in time. I ended up rear ending the guy in front of me, but it was at a very low speed, maybe 10mph at the most.

    Anyways, the guy immediately got out of his car and walked to the back of his car to take pictures. I got out of my car and approached the guy to apologize. I said "I am so sorry, are you alright?" He responded in a very snotty tone "No." I then responded "Ok, well let me go get my insurance information for you." He again in a very snotty tone responded "No, we will wait for the police."

    Ok. Cool. Fine. We can wait for the police, no problem. He proceeded to STAND in front of my car and talked to the police on the phone for 5 mins. At this point he got back into his car.

    The police got there 5 minutes later and informed me that the guy was complaining about neck and back injuries. Now, I don't want to discredit his injury claims, but he looked fine when he walked to the back of his car to take pictures and then proceeded to stand there for another 5 minutes. He was slightly overweight. I would think that if he was in so much pain, he wouldn't have been able to get out of his car to take pictures, or stand there for more than a few minutes. I have a small hyundai accent and this guy was driving a Rav4. I sustained most of the damage.

    So what are your opinions? Is he exaggerating?

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Implantation bleeding at 9dpo?

    Hello ladies,

    I am coming to you in search of some opinions and advise.

    My lmp was May 10, 2017. My cycles vary within a few days. Average cycle length is 27 days (give or take a few). My next period is expected June 7 or 8.

    Anyways, yesterday (9dpo, CD23) I woke up in the morning to use the bathroom, upon wiping I noticed some light pink spotting (about the size of a nickle) I thought it was just a fluke so I continued about my business. I went to the store to grab some coffee. When I returned (maybe 20 mins later) I used the bathroom again, this time when I wiped it was light brown. This spotting only lasted about an hour. I was also experiencing some slight breast tenderness.

    This morning, when I wiped there was still some brown discharge, but it was much less then the day before. My breast tenderness has also greatly lessened...

    As I understand it, I would be right on track for implantation... but since the breast tenderness is gone I am feeling defeated and discouraged.

    What do you think ladies? Does it sound promising, or is AF (Aunt Flo - menstruation/period) being a witch (with a capital B) and playing jokes on me?

    Your opinions and advise are greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive4 years ago
  • Credit Card payment returned?

    I made a payment to my credit card early, as usual. Normally I make 2 payments each month so that I can stay on top of payments, and it makes me look better. I made a payment on March 31st, and another on April 14th. My due date isn't until April 20th. So my payment was not late. The payment I made on the 14th was returned. (I forgot that banks were closed for easter, and the payment was withdrawn a day later) I was then charged a $25 fee. My credit card website balance still says there is a credit for the recent payment I made. If I was charged a fee why is my balance still showing I made another payment?

    Did the payment actually go through? If not, when will my account be updated to show that my payment was returned?

    Sorry for the lost post. I'm just confused.


    8 AnswersCredit4 years ago
  • Lightning crotch at 4dpo?

    Hi all! I have somewhat irregular cycles so it makes it difficult to be sure exactly when I ovulated. My cycles range from 26-30 days and any day in between. My average cycle length is 27.

    Anyways, at what I believe to be about 4 dpo, (could be 2dpo depending on my cycle length this month) I experienced an electricity type feeling in my cervix area, and in my uterus on and off all day. I have also been extremely tired. And only my right breast is tender...

    I know it is WAY too early to test, and implantation has not even occurred yet.

    My question is, Is it possible to feel conception? And has anyone else experienced this type of feeling before? Were you Pregnant or not? I would love some feedback, and encourage everyone to share their experience.

    Thanks ladies!

    2 AnswersPregnancy4 years ago
  • Hyundai accent having trouble starting after refueling.?

    I have been having problems with my car not starting after I put gas in it. I have to keep my foot on the gas when I start my car. After it has started it runs fine, doesn't cut off or anything until the next time I go to get gas.

    After doing a bit of research I learned that it could be the purge valve and that it's a common problem among Hyundais.

    I took the car in today to get the purge valve replaced. After work I went to the gas station to put gas in my car and THE SAME THING HAPPENED!

    Did the car shop charge me for the purge valve and fail to replace it, or is there another problem?

    I am very upset because the mechanics are professionals and if they didn't thunk that was the problem, why didn't they tell me, or at least advise me to do a diagnostic first?

    I am going to take it back up there tomorrow and demand that they refund my money. Because I basically bought a part I didn't need!

    Please help! What could it be? I don't have the money to keep making unnecessary car repairs.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs4 years ago
  • Expected tax refund Direct Deposit date passed?

    When I checked my refund status and it has been approved. It says "funds should be direct deposited by 2/15/2017" I am expecting it to come on my HR block emerald card. Since today is the 15th, I have still not received the direct deposit.

    My question is why has it not been deposited yet? And should I contact HR block about it?

    Thanks for your answers!

    1 AnswerUnited States4 years ago
  • Unique or unusual Early pregnancy symptoms?

    Hi ladies, I am currently in my TWW and I plan on testing on Sunday.

    I wanted to know if any of you ladies experienced any unique or unusual Early pregnancy symptoms that lead to a BFP!

    I need something else to obsessed about while I wait.

    So, Please share...

    2 AnswersPregnancy4 years ago
  • My cat pants like a dog during play?

    My kitten Prynses is 9 months old. Whenever I play with the feather dancer with her she gets so into it that she pants like a dog.

    Is it healthy to play until she is panting and out of breath?

    IS this a cue to stop the play session?

    5 AnswersCats4 years ago
  • Co worker advise...?

    This is going to be a long story. Hete is some background information...

    Anyways, I have been at my job for 9 years (I work at an afterschool program with elementary school kids) I have seen a few supervisors come and go. This year they decided that they needed 2 supervisors at the site I work at. I work on the older kids side (3-5 grade). The supervisor on he younger kids side was there last year. The supervisor with me seems to be micromanagement me. As I mentioned before I have been there for 9 years and I know how to do my job.

    She always tells me that I need to do things that she could have easily done, and often times makes me into the bad guy. I have had several parents come to me with their complaints about her. It also seems that she is not taking the time out to talk to the kids when they are misbehaving, she always just sends them to another group without letting them explain themselves. And it is always the same kids.

    I feel stuck because I feel like because she is my supervisor I need to do as she says, but on the other hand I have been there longer than everyone else combined. I obviously know what I am doing, otherwise I wouldn't still be there.

    How do I approach her about this? I don't want to step on her toes, but I also need to stand up for the kids that she is sending to another group.

    I feel!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • What to do if you witness someone shoplifting?

    I stopped at the gas station on my way home from work. As the cashier rung me up I witnessed a man step behind d the counter and take about 8 or 9 packs of cigarettes while the cashier had her back turned.

    I didn't say anything at first because I was trying to give the man the benefit of the doubt, and I didnt know if he had a weapon. I went out to my car and just sat there. When I saw thean leave the store a few seconds later without paying I went back into the store to inform the cashier. Luckily another woman also witnessed it and had called the police.

    I can understand if someone was stealing food to feed their kids, but cigarettes? I couldn't just sit back and watch.

    What would you have done in this situation?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • TTC is this normal?

    I had a miscarriage at 7w 1d in 2014. We have been ttc ever since.

    My average cycle length is about 26 days. My last period was from August 30- Sept 2 2016. According to "Glow" I ovulated between Sept 8-Sept 13.

    I do not use opks atm, as we are taking a small break from ttc. But I can't help but wonder, I have been experiencing some strange things with my lady parts lately.

    Here's the story...

    My last period was normal. I sold be on CD 18 now, which means I would be about 5dpo if I indeed o'd as scheduled. I never experience ovulation symptoms except cm.

    CD 9- nothing out of the ordinary

    CD 10- nothing

    CD 11- period like cramps

    CD 12 - slight nausea

    CD 13- large gush of fluid from cervix (it felt like I just got my period)

    CD 14 (possible O)- slight nausea, gassy

    CD 15- slight cramping, gassy

    CD 16- ewcm

    CD 17- sore throat, ewcm

    CD 18 (Today)- backache, period like cramps, ewcm

    I forgot to record anything for the first 8 days, but didn't notice anything unusual.

    **I know it is way to early to be feeling pregnancy smptoms, buy I wanted to know if anyone else experience pg symptoms so soon after ovulation and we're in fact pg.**

    Do we still have hope or should I consider this month a fail?

    Thanks for taking the time out to answer my questions!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive5 years ago
  • Ps4 says expected download date September 13th...?

    My husband preordered nba 2k17 and is supposed to get it 4 days early. The release date says September 20, but most people will get it September 16 if they preordered it.

    So why does his playstation say expected download date September 13th under the preordered info for nba 2k17?

    Does he have to wait until the 16th or is he going to get it on the 13th like the playstation says?

    Thanks for the response!

    2 AnswersPlayStation5 years ago
  • Does my older cat look at the kitten as her child?

    I have had my older cat (between 3-6 yo) for about 9 months. We adopted a kitten in April and they were instantly attached to eachother. Grooming, playing, and cuddling are common between the two since the start. They are both female tortie cats. They kitten is about 6mo now.

    My question is, what is the relationship between the two of them. Mother and child? Sisters?

    It would be interesting to know how they look at eachother.

    Thanks for your answers.

    2 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • 6mo kitten digs poop out of litter box and plays with it.?

    I have had my kitten Pryncess since she was 6 weeks old. She is now almost 6 months, and finds it fun to dig out poop from her litterbox. She will dig it out and proceed to bat it all over the floor.

    I clean her litterbox every other day, so it is not an issue of needing a clean litterbox. I think she just finds it fun.

    I know this sounds funny, and frankly it is. But I don't think it's very sanitary, and honestly I don't want dried poop all over the floor...

    What can I do to stop this behavior? I don't want to scold her, she may not want to use the litter box entirely...

    Please help, it's driving me crazy!

    6 AnswersCats5 years ago