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  • It it wrong to re-do a wedding if......?

    My husband and I got married just over 3 yrs ago. We did a real small wedding as it was we could afford. Went to the court house and said our "I do's". It would have been just fine but...

    1) NO one in my family came ( my step-dad was hospitalized that morning). Some because of my step-dad others because it was not what they wanted for me.

    2) We did not do any party's at all, My mother in law took all who came (15 people) out to lunch.

    3) My family wont even acknowledge that we are married

    My mom said to just do a re-do on our 5th wedding anniversaryary with a real wedding and reception to fallow. Is it wrong to do so? Has it been to long to do so?

    16 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • Is something wrong with me?

    So I get up every morning at 7am. Make my husbands breakfast and lunch, then get my kids up. At 8:35 my kids leave for school and I finch watching the news till 9am.

    This is where the question comes in. From 9 am till just after 4pm I do not turn on the T.V or Radio. I ether play online with no sound or read books once I have the house cleaned.

    My husband says this is strange and not healthy to stay in the quiet all day. Is it? Can it be a Sign of another problem?

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Aspergers and travel?

    My son is 7 and has Aspergers. We want to take him and his 9 yr old sister to Disney World. But he does not do well with crowds and loud noises. How can we do it and not over whelm my son?

    4 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong to ask the kids.....?

    to give up some birthday and christmas presents in exchange for a 7 day trip to disney? Both my kids want to go real (bad they are 7 and 9.) So we told them we would start saving but what if santa brought you disney money instead of toys and my mom freaked out. She said that it ain't the kids job to pay for it. I just don't see how getting them disney bucks instead of a toy is wrong. What should we do?

    18 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Atheist? What makes someone a Atheist?

    By definition a Atheist is someone who does not believe in a deitie(s). So in other words does not believe in any gods. So my quesion is this..... Are you a Atheist if you do not believe in a god but that there is a higher power..... be it your conscience or moral code? My family says I am a Atheist but when looking this up I do not agree. Can anyone help?

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Disney vacation for nine, How can we do this for cheep.

    There are 6 adults and 3 kids. Please advise.

    3 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Miss Bimbo?

    In the news today as always they are bashing things they say young people should not be watching or joining in on. Like Miss Bimbo? It is a vertual world for people to go to and play. (not real) Yes it promotes to skinny woman and dressing in "bimbo" clothes. But who is realy at falt if our chilren are playing this. When did it become some one else job to raise our kids? When did we start expecting the computer and t.v. to raise our children?

    My question is.... Is it their job or ours to raise our children? Should we start to remove t.v. shows and computer programs so that lazy parents do not have to watch thier kids?

    It is time we started to raise our own and not leave it to others. If we don't who will? Is it not time we stoped pointing fingers at what is our falt not the T.V and Computers?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Why fight for rights to cry about it later?

    Why did women fight for equal rights if they did not want them?

    I have heard many women complain that men treat them badly. Why lets see so far as I have been told men expect women to pay half, they cuss in front of them, they no longer open doors, and they expect women to do as men do ( work, serve our country, etc).

    So y question is do you want equal right or not? We as women can not have both ether you want to vote or you don't! But how can you expect guys to act like they did a hundred years ago and still be there equal?

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • wedding colors?

    I am almost done planning my wedding. Have picked out the dress and everything.

    The problem is I was not around for my fiance's sisters wedding and today when I was looking at her wedding pic's I noticed she had the same color's! White, Ice blue with Silver.

    Should I change my colors or just go with what I want? We are having a Winter Wonderland and the colors are perfect!

    My fiance say to put a darker blue in it. Any Ideas? Please help

    15 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Why is the ER the answer?

    Why do parents rush off to the ER for every bump and bruise? We wonder why kids today get picked on when they can not get a bump and off we go to the local ER.

    So why all the panic? We turned out just fine and we fell down. Did our parents rush us to the Er? No they picked us up kissed the booboo and off we went. What has changed in the time between us being kids and having kids?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Finding snowflake Tattoos?

    Can any one find me a really great snowflake tattoo?

    5 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Why is it that pregnant woman freak?

    Why is it that women freak out about what they eat and do when they car pregnant? For as long as there has been people on earth there have been pregnant women and yet more and more are freaking out as time goes on. Did our Great Grandmas lay in bed and eat only "healthy" foods? No they did not they where up with the sun cooking cleaning and chasing kids and guess what they lived ( thus you )!

    So why all the freaking out? And no I do not want to hear the doctors say its bad. Do you really think that laying in bed all day will make delivery better or do you just plan to dope up to remove the pain?

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Winter Wonderland?

    Hello and thank you for your help!

    I am getting Married 12/12/09 and am doing a Winter Wonderland them but can not seam to find a cake topper with snowmen or snowflakes.

    Our colors are White, Ice Blue, Silver and Black in that order

    Please help if you can and thanks again

    P.S. If you have and other Idea or info I would love to have it thanks

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Why is it?

    Why is it you can ask and answer any Question you want but as soon as someone says something against christians you get a violation notice? I can say Anything and its cool bash the jews or muslims just not the christians?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago