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Favorite Answers4%
  • Good thing we figured out how to do without copper, lead, tin, zinc and gold, huh, what with them being unavailable these last 15 years?

    . . . or are you what all Democrats call a "science denier" for refuting the people they call "experts?"

    3 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Do you believe people used to live into their 50s sometimes, as recently as 1980 instead of the average of 42 like in recent decades?

    . . . or are you what all Democrats call a "science denier" for refuting the people they call "experts?"

    3 AnswersOther - Health6 years ago
  • If you're 40-ish or older, how do you describe to younger people what it was like to be able to see the sun?

    . . . or are you what all Democrats call a "science denier" for refuting the people they call "experts?"

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government6 years ago
  • Does it amaze you that 35 years ago everyone in the cities didn't have to wear chemical protective gear and gas-masks like we're all used to?

    . . . or are you what all Democrats call a "science denier" for refuting the people they call "experts?"

    6 AnswersGlobal Warming6 years ago
  • Isn't it staggering to realize India, Pakistan, China, the Middle East, Africa and South America used to be populated?

    Is it your good luck to live in North America, Europe or Australia, where humans can still survive . . . or are you what all Democrats call a "science denier" for refuting the people they call "experts?"

    3 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Have you come to accept that MOST people who would have been at least 44 years old now have starved to death?

    . . . or are you what all Democrats call a "science denier" for refuting the people they call "experts?"

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government6 years ago
  • Do you realize the World produces a lot less food than it did 45 years ago?

    . . . or are you what all Democrats call a "science denier" for refuting the people they call "experts?"

    7 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Do you understand industrial pollution is cooling the planet at an unacceptable rate?

    . . . or are you what all Democrats call a "science denier" for refuting the people they call "experts?"

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government6 years ago
  • Now that the "Net Neutrality" rules are published:?

    Can someone explain how forbidding ISPs to charge less for services that are easier and less expensive to provide is going to enhance your internet experience?

    6 AnswersElections6 years ago
  • What criteria leads to Y!A balking bandwidth to a particular user?

    This Y!A account IS SLOWED.

    > It's not my PC. Other people can log-in on my PC and have "virtually instant" click-response - but when I log-in Y!A is SOOOoo slow I can often check and respond to emails and whatnot in another window while waiting for a "question" to load to the point where I can "click in" and post a response.

    > It's not my ISP. No such problem exists on other sites - not even other Yahoo sites. It's ONLY a Y!A thing.

    > IT IS this particular Y!A user-account. The same slowdown happens when I go in from other machines in other locations - desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone, mine, other people's, home, work, library . . .

    > Yes, I further tested by creating a "sock account" and it blazes about Y!A unhindered. Log-it-out; log-in THIS account - and Y!A crawls almost beyond usability.

    Any ideas WHY?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • While answering 0/10 T/F questions correctly, harwarda said we should account for a time lag, so lets look at a 3-year delay?

    Each True/False scenario based on BLS data. Years shown are 3 years prior to the range of available BLS data for that set (to account for a three year lag)

    "True" means you think the relationship shown exists to a statistically significant degree

    "False" means you think the relationship is insignificant or is opposite.

    1) 1936-2012 Less real-per capita Federal Spending : Less Total Private Employment 3 years later

    2) 1952-2012 Higher Spending/GDP : More workers stuck with Part Time work 3 years later

    3) 1964-2012 Bigger Federal Debt : More people losing jobs (not including layoffs) 3 years later

    4) 1992-2010 Republican President : Fewer Private nonfarm mass layoff events 3 years later

    5) 1992-2010 Smaller Deficit : Fewer workers laid-off 3 years later

    6) 1992-2010 Higher Debt/GDP : Fewer Mass layoff events 3 years later

    7) 1984-2010 Fewer Senate Democrats : More Output per Hour in Private Business 3 years later

    8) 1984-2010 Smaller Deficit/GDP : Less Productivity in Nonfarm Business 3 years later

    9) 1936-2012 Smaller real Deficit : More Total Nonfarm Employment 3 years later

    10) 1991-2012 More Democrats (House+Senate+WH) : Fewer Discouraged Workers 3 years later

    11) What is your political alignment?

    2 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • How many of these economic/political relationships can you judge correctly?

    > Each true/false question is based on a different Bureau of Labor Statistics data set and applies to the years shown at the end.

    1) True/false: U-6 unemployment tends to be significantly higher when there are more House Republicans? 1994-2015

    2) True/false: Hourly Earnings for Manufacturing Employees tend to be significantly higher when there are fewer Republicans in D.C.? 2006-2015

    3) True/false: Unemployment tends to be significantly lower when Federal Spending is lower? 1948-2014

    4) True/false: Median weekly earnings for Hispanic/Latino Women tend to be significantly higher when Republicans control fewer chambers (House, Senate, White House?) 1979-2014

    5) True/false: There tend to be significantly fewer Private nonfarm mass layoff events when there are fewer Senate Republicans? 1995-2013

    6) True/false: Employees tend to have significantly higher real earnings under Republican Presidents? 2006-2014

    7) True/false: White Unemployment tends to be significantly higher under Republican Presidents? 1954-2015

    8) True/false: People tend to lose/leave jobs at a significantly higher rate when Democrats control fewer chambers (House, Senate, White House?) 2000-2014

    9) True/false: Employees tend to get significantly more hours when Minimum wage is higher? 2006-2015

    10) True/false: There tends to be significantly fewer people "Not in the Labor Force" when there are fewer Senate Democrats? 1975-2015

    11) What is your Party alignment?

    3 AnswersElections6 years ago
  • Does lower Federal spending lead to higher wages?

    1) True or False: With less real per-capita Federal spending, we can expect higher hourly earnings 2 years later? (for the next Congress to "inherit")

    2) What is your Party alignment

    Based on BLS data, Total Private Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees, 1982-1984 Dollars - 2006-2014

    2 AnswersGovernment6 years ago
  • Does higher Federal spending lead to lower wages?

    1) True or False: With more real per-capita Federal spending, we can expect lower hourly earnings 2 years later? (for the next Congress to "inherit")

    2) What is your Party alignment

    Based on BLS data, Total Private Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees, 1982-1984 Dollars - 2006-2014

    1 AnswerElections6 years ago
  • Do lower tax rates lead to more jobs?

    1) True or False: The lower the top marginal tax rate is, the higher we can expect total employment to be 4 years later? (for the next President to "inherit")

    2) What is your Party alignment

    Based on BLS data, Employment Level - - 1948-2015

    6 AnswersElections6 years ago
  • Like it or not we tax incomes, but . . .?

    1) Should you also be taxed for the action you take to generate that income? For example, if you're a Software Developer, besides your income tax, should you also be taxed based on how much code you write regardless of what (if any) income it generates? (Sort of a "doing your job tax.")

    2a) If not, what justification (if any) can you see for doing that?

    2b) If so, can you justify singling-out a particular field for such taxation but not applying it generally?

    5 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • The lower Federal spending is, the lower we can expect unemployment to be?


    1) True or False: The lower Federal spending (as a portion of GDP) is, the lower we can expect (U-6) unemployment to be 3 years later?

    2) What is your Party alignment

    Based on BLS data, Alternative measure of labor underutilization U-6 - 1994-2015

    8 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • True or False question about Democrats and "future" benefit costs?

    This is about how much "benefits" cost compared to actual wages. For instance, for 2004, "benefits" accounted for 28.63% of what the average employer spent on his average employee.


    1) True or False: The more total House, Senate and White House Democrats there are, the lower we can expect that benefit cost percentage to be (that the next President will "inherit") 4-years down the road?

    2) What is your Party alignment

    Based on BLS data, Private Industry Total benefits for All occupations; Percent of total compensation 2004-2014

    2 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • 1) Which of the following is a good predictor of higher teen unemployment?

    A) Higher Real Per Capita Federal Spending

    B) More House Republicans

    C) More Senate Republicans

    D) More D.C. Democrats (House + Senate + White House total)

    E) More Senate Democrats

    2) What's your party alignment?

    8 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • How would you recommend enhancing the validity of this survey?

    Over some time, I posted 33 multiple choice questions, mostly about American civics and history.

    After posting each question and receiving answers, responses were sorted "oldest first."

    If the first answer was correct, that "player's team" won the point. If it was wrong, that "team" was locked-out, giving the other side a chance to steal the point with a correct answer but if their first response was also wrong, the round ended scoreless.

    OBVIOUSLY, this is not exactly scientific. Giving the losers benefit of the doubt, I want to know from Democrats/liberals in particular what YOU think a "fairer" way to score this sort of thing might be.

    > Count ALL responses?

    > Score on a right/wrong percentage?

    > Use "profile scans" to determine respondent's alignment rather than relying on "in answer" declarations?

    > Do way with the multiple choice feature?

    Honestly, I think this method isn't bad. I saw essentially the same 33 questions done in a written format and after 1,000 people or so had taken it, the "partisan disparity" was in the same ballpark (something like 45%.)

    1 AnswerPolitics6 years ago