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    LMP august 29, Postive test on the 26 sept,


    THURS 69.4

    FRIDAY 114

    SUNDAY 240

    TUESDAY 464



    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • last period August 29 + test Low hcg?

    Positive test last wed, than hcg 69.4 Thursday, Friday 114 and Sunday 240.. Do they seem ok. How far along am I. I think I ovulated on the 14 of sept, due to 30 day cycles.. anything would help I do know I have to wait but looking for suggestions.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • last period August 29 + test?

    than last wed, positive pregnancy test, than thuursday hog 69.4. Friday 114, than today 240. Now I know these are low so does this sound like a miscarry

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • IUI failed Done trying?

    Just started spotting , I even had seven matured eggs. Good luck to everyone else though.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Testing tomm. After IUI Anyone else testing?

    Tomm. is the day. 14 days after Iui.. Tuesday test was negative.. I had seven matured eggs. No signs of period really. Been lightheaded, hungry, bloated crampy but last two days just been really tired.. Lots of baby dust to all, hoping to get my BFP after four years trying, after tubal reverseal....

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Any one else due for period Oct 15?

    Had Hcg trigger shot on the Sept 28, IUI on Oct 30, took test today was negative. Getting my hopes up, Having sore breast nausea backpain. Was wondering what your syptoms are right now..

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Had Iui On October 30 & 7 eggs matured.?

    I went to doctor today and they said my lining of uterus is a 18. been nasuea, sore boobs. tired. bachaches headaches.. waiting to test until Friday. Blood test came back neg today..was it to soon to test , only asked my doctor to check hcg cause I dont feel well at all. What do you think

    TTC 3 years after tubes untied. 1 tubal two miscarriges every November the last three years...

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • DOes it sound like i am having a miscarriage?

    Levels went from 9 to 31 to 301 to 489 than to 153. i have had no bleeding or anything. Had a ultrasound wed there was nothing is sac. than on friday went to er there was a sac in uterus. I thought if levels werent at 1000 they could see anything in uterus. I was also told you couldnt see anything in uterus unti 5 weeks and 2 days. i was exactly that on friday. I did my blood test ealry friday morning. I am not sure whats going on. On wed they gave me progetrine. i am still on it. i go back to doctors tomm. what do you think anyone have levels fall than go back and everything be ok.

    8 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Please read need some advice?

    Last period on October 27, on 11/22 on confimed pregnancy test hcg 9. than on wed.24 hcg 33 than on monday the 29 301, and than on wed.12 1 hcg 489. I had an ultra soud done yesterday doctor said everything looked great. I have had NO bleeding and no spottinng at all. I am wondering if levels are low. MY levels with the 301 and 489 were not taken at the same hostpial. My nurse says that has a big say in it also. I am retesting tomm. what do you think.. I turned 5 weeks yesterday

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am confused, please help?

    So suppose to start period on 18 started on 20 I got to fetily doctor i didnt ouvlaute to the 4th, well thats the day i got my trigger shot, i had to follicles. SO when do i expeact me period this monh. When is the soonest i can test...I dont know when to test since i ovulated later. I am so confused. Please advice. I hae had alot of lower back cramping constapiion, and tred, but i know those can mean anything. thanks

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • When should I have my next....?

    Had a postive pregnancy test in oct 25, miscarried gith after. I was normally due for my period on Oct 29 had a period, wel then the middle of nov thought i was gonna have another period. I spotted for one day only... I was on fermera for two months and stopping taking in August. With fermma I was having two periods a month. I dont know when I got pregnant than. SO I am unsure if im late now cause my period still has came. My levels were back down to 0 about a week ago. Can you conieve if my levels werent down back from zero. I dont know what to tthink. I have askk my doctor and she has said to wait to middle of month to see if period comes. So anyone know any answers, all will help. I am so confused no smart answers. thanks

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • can you ovulate if your hc levels havent went back to zero yet?

    Just asking if anyone has heard you can. My body was messed up and i was ovulatin and havin two periods a month on fermera . Stop takin in Auust ot prenant sept, and miscaaried, I startd my period yesterday which is only a couple days late. Will i ovulate this month, my hcg is still at 273. thanks

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • WHat is up with this???They ask the questions?

    you give them the answer if its not the answer they want to here than they shouldnt ask. I hate this question . Do you think I m pregnant? Look all we can do is say what we think than you want to give a thumbs down, dont ask the question if you dont want to know what we think. Not trying to be rude just stating the truth. If you want to know take test.... Baby dust to all ttc

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Y am i having morning sickness if i had a miscarriage.?

    My evels had been dropping 1201 last wed, and 1138 last friday

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago

    Just updated info went to doctor levels have went from 1201 to 1138, so i guess they r goiong to fall now. Im so pissed and upset, What did I do to deserve this, Nothing in the uterus now or tubes, but now he is saying could be in tubes. GRRRRRRRRRRRR sorry just needed to vent

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Im Having or had a miscarriage?

    Just updated info went to doctor levels have went from 1201 to 1138, so i guess they r goiong to fall now. Im so pissed and upset, What did I do to deserve this, Nothing in the uterus now or tubes, but now he is saying could be in tubes. GRRRRRRRRRRRR

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • PLease read need to know what you think?

    So i kinda been told that too. they arent sure, but my levels are at 1201 now and im haveung bleeding, I had a postive pregnancy test last fri, levels 423 mon 745 tues 912 and today 1201, so im wondering the same thing, I had ultra sound done fri, nothing, monday they though t they saw something , and today they saw a sac but not sure uf its healthy ir not, They said come back friday. But im thinking maybe had twins thats why the bleeding since monday. I did have some light pink last thurs im thinking that was implation blleding. The bleeding now im not sur about, So my last period was sept, but just came off fertily drugs in August so they think my period is off and ovulation, cause you have to be at least for weeks to show up. So i wish the best of luck and just keep praying and waiting. If you have no bleeding i wouldnt worry so much

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • anyone have this and not miscarry?

    So my levels friday 423 yesterday 785 today 912, going back tom. Last period sept 30, postive blood and urine test last friday. Now im bleeding today, whats going on. I spotted yesterday. Doctors dont know either.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • please answer very worried?

    Went to doctor, said my levels were 423 on fri, I went today and they were 785, Should i be worried, Im spotting also. Doctor says he dont know. I had a period sept 30, I also had a postive blood and urine test this last friday, just looking for answers, do you think im miscarring. He kinda seemed worried,i did have my levels taken two different place so that means they cold be off a little, Is it 48 hours or 72, please help

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What do you think is going on?

    got a postive blood test and urine test last week. I spooted a day last week and now today, its a little more today, i do have a uti though. they checked my levels today and they have almost double sinced friday, so im going back this afterfor an exam. I amnot sure what s going on but they said my levels are going up so everything still should beok. Hope the best for you. My levels were 423 and now 763 so im just praying. just trying to gey opinons from you guys see what you think. Its there when i wipe but is red. I wonder if is cause i had sex yesterday morning, cause last week had the sex the day before and spooted the next day also. just wondering

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago