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  • Who should end the Undertaker's streak? Should it be ended?

    Everyone is talking about the streak. First off let's get one thing clear, it will not be Cena that ends the streak. He's not even a possibility.

    The streak, should it be ended, will be ended by an up and commer that needs that win to catapult himself to the next level. For example, 3 years ago John Morrison would have been perfect. He was right there, but needed something to make him stand out, ending the streak would have worked.

    So, if Taker wrestles at Mania XXX, and I think he will, who should end his streak, since I'd say it'll either end there, or it won't end at all. Who should be the man to do it, or should it be done at all?

    Some possiblities:

    Ryback, but if he wins the WWE Title between now and then he's no longer a choice.

    Wade Barrett, he's there, but needs a pusher, this could be it.

    Miz, former WWE champion, but since then has kinda fallen a little, this would put him back at the top.

    Kofi, been waiting for years for that push, this could be in.

    Zack Ryder, fans love him, this could be his moment.

    Brodus Clay, he'd need to turn heel and use this to make him a monster, but it'd work, that's for sure.

    Not possible:

    Cena, Punk, HHH, Kane, Orton, Sheamus, Big Show, Ziggler, Daniel Bryan. They don't need this win. You give it to any of them, you've wasted the streak, you've wasted what could be the biggest win of someone's career and the start of a historic career. It won't go to a person that's already gotten themselves in the HOF, not saying Ziggler and Bryan have, but they are established.

    Remember what the streak did for Randy Orton, and he lost, Imagine what it'd do for one of the guys I mentioned before if they actually beat it. So give me your pick. Who will it be and why, and who should it be? Best answer will be the one I think makes the best arguement to go with a good choice, or has the best explanation as to why it shouldn't or won't end, though I am 95% sure it will end.

    16 AnswersWrestling8 years ago
  • Dream match card, rate and choose winners?

    Since everyone does their dream card, I am gonna do one, but I'm gonna do one every week or few days, and give results too based on your votes. Something I'm gonna see if it's fun and if it draws interest. 10 matches each time, and there will be tag matches, but it will be between real legendary teams, not any of this Rock and Cena vs Punk and Austin crap. And no triple threats or matches with 10 superstars. All one on one or 2 vs 2 tag. And they will all be matches that have never ever taken place, or if they did, one of the superstars was toward the end of their career or way past their prime so it's not the same. And only with WWE or WCW stars. No TNA, or no guys that have only ever wrestled in TNA.

    Just pick a winner to each, and rate on a 1-10 (1 worst 10 best) how much you'd want to see it and how good you think it'd be. If this gets interests, I may keep doing it for a while and never have the same match twice.

    Here we go

    1. Legend Killer Randy Orton vs Living Legend Bruno Sammartino

    2. CM Punk vs Randy Macho Man Savage

    3. Mr Perfect vs Dolph Ziggler

    4. Ultimate Warrior vs John Cena

    5. Stone Cold vs Dusty Rhodes

    6. Rock vs Harley Race

    7. Rock and Roll Express vs Rockers (janetty and Michaels)

    8. Midnight Express vs Hart Foundation

    9. Legion of Doom vs British Bulldogs

    10. Triple H vs Rowdy Roddy Piper

    3 AnswersWrestling8 years ago
  • Why do people think the Montreal Screwjob was a work?

    Why do people honestly think the Montreal Screwjob was a work? Someone on here said everything about it smells like a work, but that is just a stupid comment.Think about it, nothing about it smells of a work other than the profession it took place in. If it were a work it would have went a lot differently.

    First had it been a work, Bret Hart would not have left WWE for WCW. He for sure wouldn't have written WCW in the air on a WWE ppv event. He would have left the company, and the whole knocking Vince McMahon out that happened in the locker room would have been taped to add to the story. Anyway he would have left for a little while, in protest, and then come back around WrestleMania to exact revenge on Vince and Shawn. Maybe vs Vince with Austin vs Shawn for the belt, and Bret cost HBK the title much like he was cost a few months before. But in no way would they have done it that way so Bret and Rick Rude could go to WCW and use it against WWE, that'd be bad business period. The fact Bret went to WCW and mentioned it during the Survivor Series for one should be enough to prove it was not a work.

    Number 2, If Bret were going to go to WCW after this, and it was known ahead of time, and gonna be a work, he would have lost cleanly to HBK. Whenever a wrestler leaves the company they are made to look bad in the months before leaving. Bret would be no exception. Vince would take the oppurtunity to make WCW's biggest sign in some time look weak before letting him go. Bret would have tapped to the Sharpshooter or been pinned by Sweet Chin Music, not made to look strong in his departure. You can ask any superstar ever about it, they are made to look weak before leaving. Bret looking strong in leaving also proves it was not a work.

    3rd, if Bret had left for WCW with this a work, when WCW was bought out, and the Invasion angle took place, Bret would have been the man to buy WCW, or to help lead the WCW forces against Vince in a management role, or at the very least, it would have been him and not Ric Flair that bought Shane and Stephanies stock in the company. They would have taken advantage of this and cashed in.

    4th, it took Bret too long to go back to Montreal. If it had been a work Bret would have confronted Shawn in Montreal at some point, or maybe had someone attack Shawn and come to find out Bret put them up to it. This would have been used over and over. Not waiting over 10 years to bury the hatchett and have the Bret vs Vince match.

    Finallly, neither Bret nor Shawn have ever acknowledged this was anything but real. They've done interviews, DVDs, never once admitting it was a work, they would have by now.

    The fact is as I have shown here, the Montreal Screwjob was 100% real. If Bret leaving for WCW like this wasn't enough proof, then just think about it. No way anyone can actually think it was a work.

    So here's my question, why in the world do you, if you do, think it is a work, and if you don't, then why don't you? Is it because of reasons I stated, or do you have your own?

    4 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • The way I would book Survivor Series. And change the WWE title picture?

    If I were a WWE booker, this is how I'd book WWE up to Survivor Series in regards to the WWE Title and a new stable. Tell me what you think of it

    At HIAC I'd have Cena vs Punk for the title in the cell. Settle it once and for all. They'd go back and forth and eventually get outside the cage. Rock would then interfere. Right as Rock was going to finish off Punk, I'd have Jack Swagger, Ryback, and Mason Ryan all come out and attack Rock and Cena leaving them laying. Punk pins Cena and keeps the belt.

    RAW next night. AJ Lee makes a number 1 contender's triple threat match to decide who will face the champion at Survivor Series. The match is Cena vs Orton vs Del Rio. Winner faces Punk at SS. The match goes on, finally Swagger, Ryback, Mason Ryan, Heath Slater, Tensai, and Wade Barrett all come out to attack the 3 men in the ring. But help comes. Kofi Kingston, R Truth, Zack Ryder, Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd all come out to even the odds. Then they attack Del Rio, Cena and Orton as well. Leaving all of them in the ring. RAW goes off the air with Michale Cole wondering what the hell is going on here.

    RAW one week later. AJ Lee says she wants answers. She says that since the triple threat match didn't finish the week before, it'll happen again tonight cause WWE needs a number one contender. Hit Paul Heyman's music. He does not come alone. All the men that attacked the participants the week before, come with him. He cuts the following promo:

    "AJ Lee. My name is Paul Heyman. You don't learn from your mistakes do you? Do you think last week, and HIAC the night before, was just some random act of violence perpetrated on 4 innocent superstars? Oh no. You see AJ. The WWE asked for this, they brought this one themselves. Allow me to explain. The Rock drops by once every blue moon and claims to love WWE, but not enough to stick around. Hell, not enough to have wrestled in more than 2 matches in the past 8 years. Yet the WWE found it fair to give him a WWE title shot, and let him, and us, know about it 6 months in advance. But I ask, why? What did he do to deserve this title shot? Win one match? He won at WrestleMania, is that it? Well then give title shots to about a dozen other men as well. He beat John Cena at Mania? Then give the Miz a title shot as well. What WWE did was spit in the face of the men you see behind me. Men who have been here week in and week out, day in and day out, busting their asses for this company, only to hear that you're not good enough, the title shot goes to a man that only comes around when WrestleMania is in his home town and his cousin is going into the WWE Hall of Fame. Not only that, oh no it's bad enough he gets a shot, but then John Cena gets booed by half the people in the audience. People chant Cena sucks. They beg WWE not to put him in the title picture anymore, and yet they do anyway. Alberto Del Riio has lost 3 consecutive World Heavyweight Title matches at the last 3 pay per views, yet he's now getting a shot at the WWE Title. Orton is always in the hunt, it's the same people over and over again. There is never any new blood in the picture. Well we are here to end this. What you are looking at AJ, are the overlooked, and under appreciated. No more. From now on, we are the new face of the WWE. You saw what happened last week, if you decide to go through with your plan tonight, the same will happen again. As long as Orton, Cena, Del Rio, or anyone else that is over exposed is in a title match, or a # 1 contender's match, that match will not have a finish. Oh no, it'll end in chaos. We will not tolerate this anymore."

    AJ : "So you're saying if I have my triple threat tonight, you'll keep it from ending?"

    Paul: "No. I'm saying we'll keep it from happening at all."

    AJ: "Then tonight, the match will be inside a steal cage. Let's see you disrupt that."

    Segment ends with Heyman giving the "I'm scared" expression.

    The match happens at the end of the show. Torward the end Heyman's crew comes out. They surround the cage. Now no one will climb out of it. So Heymen's men, climb into it. And leave them all laid out again.

    1 AnswerWrestling9 years ago
  • No offense to Edge, but isn't it too soon?

    No offense to Edge or HBK either for that matter, but isn't 1 year later a little too soon? I mean in other sports you have to retire 5 years before you can go in the Hall of Fame. I know this isn't other sports but really, are we so low on deserving hall of famers that we have to induct people that just retired?

    Edge is a hall of famer no doubt, but there are others just as deserving that haven't went yet and have been retired longer.

    Rock. The ceremony was even in his home town so it was perfect time for him to go, and I honestly thought with it being there and him wrestling that he would go. But when they said Edge was going I knew he wouldn't cause there can only be one marquee guy and Edge was it.

    Mick Foley. Again a marquee guy but not near as high up the food chain as Edge or Rock or a couple of the others I will mention in a minute. But still, why not put him in, he's not active anymore, least not regularly anyway.

    Randy Savage. First off Vince should be ashamed of himself for the fact that Savage did not live long enough to see himself go in the Hall of Fame. Secondly, the man died last year. Is that not enough? It's ok for him not to be the marquee guy, though he is worthy, cause he wouldn't be there for it anyway.I mean what is it gonna take for this guy to get in?

    Jake the Snake Roberts. When is his time gonna come? He like Savage may not have a lot of time left. Let him see his induction.

    There are others also but come on. I mean there are people in the Hall of Fame that don't even deserve it. Don't you think it a slap in the face to the men I mentioned that they are not in the Hall of Fame but Walter Perry, Mike Tyson, Drew Carey, Koko B. Ware, and Pete Rose are? I mean yes Edge should go, but why induct someone that just retired and leave other worthy people that have been retired for a while out of the fold? Explain that to me please and also, is there anyone else you think should be in the Hall of Fame that isn't?

    5 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Why do fans complain about Cena but not Hogan?

    I am having a little trouble understanding this here. Fans complain about Cena for looking like Superman, hardly ever losing, winning multiple titles, and being the main event at WrestleMania after WrestleMania, and for only knowing 5 wrestling moves.

    But those same fans begged Hulk Hogan for one more match. But Hogan was Superman in the 80s and 90s. Only knew 4 wrestling moves, one less than Cena supposedly knows. Never lost but maybe once every 4 years. Was first to hold the WWE title 3, 4, and 5 times. Actually when he won his 5th no one else in history had held it 3 times. And he was the main event of 8 of the first 9 WrestleManias.

    So what is the difference between the two? Isn't it hypocritical to boo Cena and cheer Hogan? Tell Cena he sucks but then beg Hogan for one more match? Makes no sense so someone please explain it to me.

    10 AnswersWrestling9 years ago