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kasia. * Gonna sell my car and go to vegas, cause somebody told me thats were dreams would be..

  • Mum keeps sleeping in my bed?

    Not as weird as the question looks! Basically my parents are arguing and I think they may be splitting up pretty soon so it's obviously awkward for them to sleep in the same bed so my mum keeps sleeping with me in mine? I'm 19 years old and my room is pretty much my sanctuary it's just annoying having to turn off my TV and go downstairs when my mum wants to come in and sleep in my bed. I love her but I don't want to hurt her feelings but seriously just want my room back! It's only been 2 nights and it already feel like this! They have done this before and my mum slept in my room for about 2 weeks or so. What do you guys think am I being selfish or? Thanks :)

  • Meeting someone real life?

    Hi :) I met this guy online on Saturday! He messaged me first and we spoke for about 5 minutes before he asked to text instead. He asked if I wanted drinks this week and I said yeah I'm free on Tuesday, he said that's great and said meet at 6pm outside a busy London public trains station.

    He doesn't seem to be wanting to make any conversation with me which I find weird? When I asked him questions he responded with an emoji or Yes No. I asked him where he lives and he sent me a link of a penthouse! I knew from his profile he is clearly very wealthy and works in banking, but I looked up the prices for these penthouses and they come in the millions? he is extremely good looking and on his profile he stated I am real and these are my real photos, the dating app is linked to his Facebook and he seems like a legit person from Facebook but I don't know? What do you guys think? He's not speaking to me but tomorrow is a definite! I just want to know if he is who he is without interrogating him? Thankyou!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What shall I get my dad for Christmas?

    Sorry I know this question has been asked like a gazillion times but all the answers I saw don't really relate to my dad!!

    My dad likes coffee he also plays tennis he likes APPLE (the make) he has an iPhone iPod and now an iPad he's just bought himself new Gillette shaving stuff and his favourite seems as if everything he wants he's already bought! I was going to get him a personalized castegram iPhone case but the delivery takes up to 3 weeks and Christmas would have been and gone by then!! Also it's his birthday two days before Christmas so I wanted to get him a big present or a few presents. So far all I could think of is a mug? He is VERY specific with mugs lol he only drinks out of one coffee mug out of all the cups we have in our house!! But I can't just get him a mug for his birthday and Christmas..I have no idea what to get him! I was thinking about a coffee maker but I don't see the point of them tbh! All ideas are appreciated but please don't say shirts ties and shoes because I got him that last year and probably the year before!

    5 AnswersChristmas8 years ago
  • What do you think of this dress?!?

    Hey guys!

    On a verrrrrrrry tight budget with it being christmas and all!! Having a reunion sort of thing with some of my ex-closest girlys, were going to a big club up town and I do want to look nice but without spending money I haven't got!! What do you think of this dress? Is it too plain? What kinda heels clutch hair style? I just thought the dress is cheap free delivery and I could make it look nice with some killer heels and a studded clutch but any outfit suggestions will be much appreciated :) Thanks!

    8 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • What heels to wear with this dress?

    Hey guys! Was thinking of buying the dress, its quite simple just a lbd but with all the christmas parties coming I thought I could do with a classic black dress! Do you think this ones nice? How can I style it like what sort of heels and jewlerry? I have an oversized clutch bag in black but I don't want to look too black! Links would be great! xx

    11 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • What do you think of this coat?

    Hey, I'm living in London and winter is definitely coming so I will need to invest in a nice coat! Do you think this is nice? Any suggestions of other coats you have come across? Do you think this coat will be something that I can wear with skirts dresses jeans leggings everything?! ALL answers will be appreciated :D

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Which coat shall I get? clickable links included :)?


    Sorry I know there the same coats but in London we see more winter than we do of summer and I want to make a good investement :) I have a gift voucher and will be using my 20% code making it cheaper and worth the coat but I don't know which one? I have tried the brown one on and love it I can't wait to put my fur collar over it but then I saw this purple one which isn't in store so I couldn't try it on and I'm kinda torn between the two! Please help and say why the colors better :D Thankyou! x

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Which coat shall I get?

    Can't decide which coat to get..I know it's abit early for coats but I keep seeing loads and I've always said if you see a nice coat you want get it before it goes out of stock haha! Anyway which coat? and why please :)

    Just seen this coat..but quite like it


    Have wanted this coat since last year..but when I finally gathered the money it went out of stock!

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Guests paying for a destination wedding?

    Long story short, my uncle (mums brother) is having a destination wedding in spain. My uncle said for guests to pay for the flights and he and the bride will be paying for the hotel rooms. However, the bride told my mum she herself is out of money after paying for her side of the family to fly out to spain and attend the wedding and also she mentioned "you pay when you check out". My mums just forked out hundreds paying for the flight she and I will not be happy to pay for our food as the resort is not all inclusive our flights and now the hotel room. I'm thinking of telling my mum to talk to my uncle about the hotel rooms? And if hes paid for the brides side of the family why has he not paid for his own family?? Is that rude or do you think we as the guests should just pay seeing as we said we were coming? Although we did not agree to pay for the hotel room!! My mum does not want to let her brother down but I'm starting to think this is more hassel than its worth! All answers will be MUCH appreciated :) Do you think destination weddings like this are acceptable?

    8 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • Buying a winter coat in August..?

    This may sound stupid but last year I really wanted a coat and I waited and waited for the right time to buy it and then found out it was sold out -__-

    This year its back in stock and I'm considering buying it but we are in the middle of August and so far in London we have been having great weather!

    What do you think? Shall I buy it? Will it go out of stock? It's £110.00 so thats quite alot to be forking out for a coat I wont be wearing for about 2 months but??

    Heres the link! Also what do you think of it?

    They had it in a beautiful rust color last year which I wanted but I don't want to take any chances in waiting for that one to come out!! Btw I live in London so we have around 5 solid months of winter!

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • How to stop them from taking money out from my account?

    Long story short but in as much detail I can give.

    I'm 17 years old and about three months ago my older brother took a loan out in my name as he had bad credit or something, he used all my details but as I'm 17 he made a fake dob and a fake number so they couldn't contact me. I did not recieve the loan (because I would have noticed 5grand in my bank account) and he tells me he didn't recieve the loan either, infact he told me he cancelled the loan so I had nothing to worry about anyway. About 3 weeks ago the company "MyLoans" took out £9.95 and £1.00 out of my bank account when I asked my brother about it he told me not to tell our parents which I did anway. My dad rang my bank on my behalf and they said they would block any transactions from the company, he also rang the MyLoans company and said I was 17 my details have been misused and could they stop taking money out of my account, the man said he would stop ALL transactions being made from my account and told us this would be the end of it, however today when I went to the cashpoint I half of my money was gone, I printed a bank statement and it says the MyLoans company has taken £69.99 out of my account..but my bank promised to block them from taking money out and the MyLoans company said they would withdraw my details too?? I'm only 17 so £69.99 is alot of money to me..I told my dad but he's got enough things to deal with right now and he doesn't seem to bothered about it, I told him this morning and when I arrived home he said nothing about it, what shall I do?? I don't want them to take ANY more money out of my account, I'm getting paid tomorrow and I'm scared they might withdraw more money? Can somebody tlel me how to deal with this on my own? Who to call what to say, and I REALLY don't want to get my brother in trouble either?? Please help!

    5 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • How can I stop them from taking money out from my account?

    Long story short but in as much detail I can give.

    I'm 17 years old and about three months ago my older brother took a loan out in my name as he had bad credit or something, he used all my details but as I'm 17 he made a fake dob and a fake number so they couldn't contact me. I did not recieve the loan (because I would have noticed 5grand in my bank account) and he tells me he didn't recieve the loan either, infact he told me he cancelled the loan so I had nothing to worry about anyway. About 3 weeks ago the company "MyLoans" took out £9.95 and £1.00 out of my bank account when I asked my brother about it he told me not to tell our parents which I did anway. My dad rang my bank on my behalf and they said they would block any transactions from the company, he also rang the MyLoans company and said I was 17 my details have been misused and could they stop taking money out of my account, the man said he would stop ALL transactions being made from my account and told us this would be the end of it, however today when I went to the cashpoint I half of my money was gone, I printed a bank statement and it says the MyLoans company has taken £69.99 out of my account..but my bank promised to block them from taking money out and the MyLoans company said they would withdraw my details too?? I'm only 17 so £69.99 is alot of money to me..I told my dad but he's got enough things to deal with right now and he doesn't seem to bothered about it, I told him this morning and when I arrived home he said nothing about it, what shall I do?? I don't want them to take ANY more money out of my account, I'm getting paid tomorrow and I'm scared they might withdraw more money? Can somebody tlel me how to deal with this on my own? Who to call what to say, and I REALLY don't want to get my brother in trouble either?? Please help!

    11 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • I feel really slutty..but I liked it?!?

    Long story short.

    I met a guy a few weeks later he took my virginity and then we started to become fwb (friends with benefits). We would meet every wednesday afternoon until one wednesday he didn't call me then he stopped calling me for about three weeks. I sent him a text about two days ago and he phoned me back asking me if I wanted to participate in a foursome (3 guys and me) I made up an excuse of why I couldnt come then the next day he said he was near to were I lived and could pick me up really quickly if I basically I ended up doing the foursome but it actully turned into a threesome as one of the guys had a wife so only wanted a bj. But..I went home feeling really sick and disgusted with myself but now, the more I think of it the more I want to do it again! I don't know why! A part of me wants to get rid of them and another part of me wants to call them again to see whether there up for it again! When should I text him? I was thinking by wednesday. Or is this stupid shall I forget all about it? If I start this will I get hurt??? What shall I do??

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • He's stopped calling?

    My fwb (friends with benefits) has all of a sudden stopped texting me? I haven't heard from him since the 2nd of this month..he did this before and it turned out he had starting seeing this girl, however two weeks later he text me saying he's not with her anymore then we went back to normal and now all of a sudden this? Shall I text him asking how he is? I'm bored of wondering if hes seeing another girl again I'd rather know tbh! What do you think?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do I get a friend to leave my house?

    I had a sleepover last night with one of friends. She snored and gargled her spit through the night kept tossing and turning leaving me with no sleep. It's 8am in the morning now I'm tired were both up I'm on my phone and so is she and the tvs on in the background and were sitting ob my bed! I've offered her breakfast (she didnt have) and gave her drink..I want my room back but I don't know whens shes going to leave..? How do I politley get her too leave

    10 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • I don't want her to stay at my house..?

    Hey! Basically my friends boiler exploded in her house and they said her house won't be fixed until next year!!! Her mum turned down the insurance accomodation they offered her family stupidly and her family went to stay at a relatives house. However the relatives house has now become cramped and my friend doesn't have a bed to sleep on (last night she slept on the dining table). She told me the problem and I said she could stay at mine for a couple of odd nights but I don't want her to think I mean she can stay until her house is fixed or until her relatives house becomes alright! I know shea my friend but I want my own space too and next years a LONG way away I dont understand why her parents wouldn't take the insurance accomodation?! I dont mind her staying like two nights a week like on friday and monday but I have a feeling its going to be alot more nights! I dont want to say no bevause she is my friend but when I REALLY dont wabt her to stay frequently because I need my space and I like being alone in my house away from my friends! What shall I do?!

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • I don't want her to stay at my house..?

    Hey! Basically my friends boiler exploded in her house and they said her house won't be fixed until next year!!! Her mum turned down the insurance accomodation they offered her family stupidly and her family went to stay at a relatives house. However the relatives house has now become cramped and my friend doesn't have a bed to sleep on (last night she slept on the dining table). She told me the problem and I said she could stay at mine for a couple of odd nights but I don't want her to think I mean she can stay until her house is fixed or until her relatives house becomes alright! I know shea my friend but I want my own space too and next years a LONG way away I dont understand why her parents wouldn't take the insurance accomodation?! I dont mind her staying like two nights a week like on friday and monday but I have a feeling its going to be alot more nights! I dont want to say no bevause she is my friend but when I REALLY dont wabt her to stay frequently because I need my space and I like being alone in my house away from my friends! What shall I do?!

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • I think I've finally let go..but now what?

    Long story short I met a guy who soon became my "friends with benefits" and then I stupidly fell in love him and obviously the more I saw him the more I fell in love with him..and the more I fell in love with him the harder it became to let go of him. So again long story short I texted him one day he said he's seeing somebody else and we didn't speak for about a month, when he texted me out of the blue asking me to meet him and of course I did. We met again two weeks ago and since then we haven't spoken and I think I'm I think I'm finished with him..usually by now I call/text him but not this time..I think that was the last time I will be seeing him as he knows my feelings for him but still treats me like rubbish. But my question is, now that I've let go of him what do I do? Just go back to being lonley?? Hoping to meet a man at a club?? Crying my eyes out over "hes just not that into you"?? What do I do now? How do I stop feeling so lonley without him?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is this dress okay for a night out?

    Question says it all tbh! Going out on saturday night but I need a cheap new nice dress because all my friends have seen my dresses and we are going into the city so I do want to look nice! But I have don't have much money to splash out out seeing as I'll be having to pay for drinks and cabs ect! For £15 I think its okay but I just needed some more opinions! Also what color heels and what type of heels would go with this? Oh and clutch bag please! Thankyou! xx

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • My driving instructor gets really mad with me?

    I'm 17 years old and have only had 4 hours of driving lessons however I am abit unsure about my driving instructor. Shes really nice when she drives me to the area of practice but when I'm in the drivers seat she's like a different person. I burst into tears today after she swore at me for not breaking at the right time. She shouted "that was f****** dangerous right there do you see what you just bloody did. Bearing in mind I have had 3hours of solid driving (first lesson she just talked) sometimes I put my foot to hard on the accelerator and she screams "you are paying for the lesson but your wasting my petrol do you understand how much it costs???" I don't mean to do it but her shouting at me makes it even worse! Also sometimes when she tells me to do something I get it wrong and she says "what dont you understand im a teacher not a mind reader, stop saying okay and then getting it wrong again" and then because I don't want to get shouted at again I loose focus on driving and worry about pleasing her. What do you think? Im not a very good driver so does she have the right to get mad with me? I felt so stupid after bursting into tears but I got really upset! She did apoligize at the end and she said she never swears at her students but I don't know?

    13 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years ago