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i'm jus a girl who is in love with the most amazing, cutest,funniest, nicest, && completely p e r f e c t guy in the world. :)

  • transgender porn.?

    My boyfriend and I got pregnant the first time we had sex..(we have a 19 month old now!) So I moved in right away. After a few months I went thru his phone and he was texting a gay guy and talking sexually. He swore he wasn't gay. Yesterday I looked at his browser history just out of curiosity. And he was looking up monster cocks and transsexual porn... Still don't know what to think or do. I'm unhappy in this relationship but I'm doing it for my son. My son needs both of his parents. Should I just let it go?

  • what to wear to my high school reunion?

    My 5 year high school reunion is Friday night. I'm from a small town so we'd have it at someone's house in my hometown. We will be hanging around a fire pit. My graduating class was 15 students & we used to all be pretty close so I really want to go but I have no idea what to wear? I'm going to go shopping for a new outfit. I had a baby 9 months ago! & i've gained around 20 pounds since I graduated high school. What would you wear? Thx in advance!

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • my 8 month old wont eat table food?

    He's still learning to pick up things. but even when i try to feed him he just spits it at me. last night i was eating dinner and i was giving him little pieces of bread and he took it fine. he was yelling at me for more! he hardly takes his baby food anymore. once in a while he'll eat really good for me. i cant keep buying formula :( Thank You in advance!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • another way to say "i was fired/terminated"?

    i need help.. i got fired from a daycare when i was 5 months pregnant. i haven't worked since. i've been home for 8 months and wanting to get another daycare job so i can take my son with me. i've had an interview but i believe that because of my last job is the reason they didn't hire me. i had TONS of experience with children of all ages. so my question-- whats another way i can say/put on applications that i was fired? this is why i was fired.. me and another worker were outside with children. 4 babies and i dont remember how many but toddlers as well. 2 kids slipped out of a broken gate and were found in front of the daycare. after this happened i heard that its happened before and they didn't fix the gate? thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting7 years ago
  • how long til i can pump again?

    i pump & bottle it or formula feed. i was wondering how long i have to wait to pump again if i have an alcoholic beverage? i would pump & dump til i can refrigerate it & give it to my baby.

    thanks in advance.

    && please, no rude answers.

    i'm just being safe!

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • 38 weeks pregnant...?

    & not feeling much movement.

    Is this because he's getting bigger?

    Kinda scares me being a first time mom & all.

    I'd hate to make a trip to the ER if this is normal.

    I've googled it..& all I got out of it was thay every baby is different.

    No rude answers please, i'm really worried.

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • 7 months pregnant cant quit smokin?

    I can't! && it sucks.. I need to quit now so he still has some time to put on some weight. My ob sed she thinks I'll have a 6 and a half lb baby. I know that's not horriblee.. but id like to quit! && I'm kinda worried.. is everything guna be okay with my baby? My mom smoke with her 4 kids while she was pregnant.. we all came out jus fine.. my step mom smoked with her 2.. they came out jus fine... I need help.. I need someone to reassure me that everythibg is guna be okay..

    5 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • 30 weeks pregnant...i want a turkey sandwich!!?

    so they say ur not supposed to eat deli meat cause it contains listeria && can cause a miscarriage blah blah blah.. but i'm almost 31 weeks pregnant. wouldn't you think it'd be okay to have a turkey sandwich cause i'm so close to the end?

    4 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • confused && hurt? did he cheat and give me an STD?

    i'm 28 weeks pregnant.. i haven't been with my boyfriend (childs father) for very long. i got pregnant the first time we had sex. anyway.. last week i went to my doctors cuz i had a sore on my vagina. turned out i have herpes.. i went to an appointment today and asked my doctor if he cheated on me? if he knew he was a carrier and never told me? or if ive had this before i even met him? she sed i most likely got it from him.... guys don't show symptoms.. for like nothing. ladies go thru all the pain! so do you think he cheated on me? should i talk to him about it? or jus let it go? whaT would you do? i'm very confused, upset, && hurt... can't stop crying! and i kno its not gud to be like this bein pregnant and all cuz baby feels what i feel but i don't no what to do. i'm so lost.

    thanks in advance.

    STDs8 years ago
  • did he cheat? could i be infected?

    i'm 27 weeks pregnant.. i made an appointment this morning with my ob to get my downstairs checked out. [still waiting on results] i have a sore down there? && its pretty painful. at the beginning of my pregnancy i had STD tests done && everything. i showed my boyfriend this sore... he says it looks/could be herpes. did he cheat on me && give me herpes? wouldn't this have shown up months ago when i got my STD testings done?? i'm jus soo confused. i need help!!! thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersSTDs8 years ago
  • 3rd trimester coming up..?

    so my 3rd trimester is coming up-i'm 26 weeks today.

    && i know every pregnancy is different but is it really as bad as people are telling me?

    always crying.. always tired.. blah blah blah.. anyways, ppl jus tell me it is horrible.

    can you share with me what you experienced in your third trimester?

    && sorry one more question.. i worry a lot about my baby and if everythings going okay

    when i'm in between my prenatal appointments.. this probably is a stupid question but

    why is my tummy always so small in the morning? at the end of the day its huge and you

    for sure can tell i'm pregnant.. is it because i drink lots of water during the day?

    thanks in advance!!

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • which soda has fewer sugars?

    i need help to find out what soda flavor has the least sugar..

    i've tried googling it.. no luck.

    thanks in advance!! :)

    3 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years ago
  • names for my baby boy(:?

    everyone keeps asking me if i have some names picked out..

    i'd like his name to start with "C" doesn't have to tho!

    i want an uncommon name tho..

    all i've come up with is Caden.

    i need ideas!!


    7 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • first time pregnant.. burning/pain under chest.. 22 weeks?

    its horrible pain.

    i called my on call dr this morning cuz i was havin lower

    abdominal pain in my right i have this horrible

    burning/pain under breasts. (right where my bump starts)

    anyone else ever experienced this?

    do you know whats goin on?

    is this normal?

    do i need to go to the emergency room?

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • not gaining enough weight?

    the day i found out i was pregnant i weighed 156. my first trimester i was sick ALL THE TIME.

    && dropped down to 148. now i'm 22 weeks (over morning sickness) and now at 163. is that bad?

    or do you think its jus cuz i've changed my eating habits?

    i jus want a healthy baby..

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • read boyfriends texts in his phone...?

    last night i looked at my boyfriends text messages..

    there was one person i didn't kno.. i opened it..

    saw that they were trying to meet up so they could f*ck around..

    i went to the top of their messages.. and its a... dude...

    i went thru his fone cuz he was bein such a d!ck towards me yesterday

    && wanted to see if i could find any reason why..

    what should i do? i'm 22 weeks pregnant.. with his child!

    i mean come on, is he that freakin horny??

    he was texting this guy yesterday afternoon.. while working.

    so of course i wasn't around.

    no rude answers please.

    this is serious..


    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • dark reddish brown wanna go light auburn?

    so i dyed my hair for the first time with sallys permanent box dye.. && it didn't turn out the way i wanted. its a darker reddish brown. i will never use sallys again.. even though its probably best.. no. i bought some box dye from walmart a light auburn.. ive had this color before. my question is will it turn out? like will it go over the reddish brown color? or what do you think i should do?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • first time pregnant...?

    This is my first pregnancy. I'm about 18 weeks and I felt the baby move on Monday morning [5 days ago] && haven't felt anything else all week. Should I be worried?

    7 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • having a tough time with work.?

    well i'm pregnant && think it'd be best if i stuck with this job til i had baby. i'm 18 weeks..almost half way there! i work at a daycare.. && i'm really starting to hate it. they are always changing my gah d@mn schedule and its f u c k i n g things up. when i first started i was only working one ta six and thats when i found out i was i scheduled all my doctor appointments and stuff in the morning. then they change me to be a float.. different class everyday.. wednesdays i dont work til 3 and fridays i have off.. so they tell me to make my appointments wednesdays before 3 or on fridays..well they jus told me last night my schedule is changing again starting monday.. i work monday thru thursday 7:30 ta 5:30.. i have appointments that have been set up for well over a month now.. and they fall on wednesdays.. when i have appointments at my ob i can't make them for fridays because my doctor isnt there.. i'm sorry this sounds so silly.. i'm stressing about it && worrying. what would you do? would you try to hold on to the job til baby comes? or find something else?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting8 years ago