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  • Where is there to go stargazing near Chattanooga, TN?

    State Parks close at sunset and the city is too bright to stay at home, so where is a good place to go?

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • party with a '20s theme?

    im going to a birthday party that has a '20s theme and i'm trying to figure out what to where. i don't really wanna where a suit, but idk what else is '20s.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • make in class conversation more than homework?

    This girl sits next to me every day in class and we talk. Usually the conversation is just about the class or her asking about homework. Occasionally we talk about other stuff, but not all that often. How do I smoothly move the conversation to something other than homework?

    I'm sure I can figure this out on my own, I just wanna see what the community has to say on the topic.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how can i figure out if this girl likes me?

    ok so this girl sits next to me every class and ive been trying to figure out if she likes me. i cant really ask her to hang out with me in the middle of the week cuz im busy and she is even busier. so far all im getting is mixed signals. im gonna see if she wants to do anything on the weekend on friday, but in the mean time is there anything i can do to see if she likes me?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what's wrong with people?

    ok so this girl sits next to me every class and we talk and cross check hw and stuff. we ate lunch together once (not a date) and studied for a test together. however, other than this we havn't really done anything together.

    well i think she is fun to hang out with and talk too so yesterday i texted her and was like "what's up? i never see you outside of school..." and she never responded. i do like her a little but have never hit on her or asked her out or anything so its not like she is trying to let me know she isnt interested. ive never been a jerk and i am always a nice person.

    so here is my question. why is she all nice and friendly to me whenever i see her, but she can't be bothered to respond to my text. am i wrong for thinking this is rude and unfriendly?

    i have texted her before and she has responded so its not like i have the wrong number. apparently she just doesn't want to be my friend on the weekend. im super confused.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • have you ever noticed you are attracted to the same type of people?

    I've noticed that I always seem to be attracted to girls that all have similar personalities. They have their variances, but some of the same elements are still there. the weird thing is I'm attracted to them even before I get to know them. How could I possibly know what their personality is like before I talk to them.

    anyone else noticed this?

    17 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • so whats the deal with this girl?

    ok so there is this girl in my class and I kinda like her and I'm trying to figure out if she is interested. we had lunch together once (not a date), we've studied for a test together, she always sits next to me in class and we talk, and sometime she plays with her hair (let it down when we went to lunch). Sometimes she is really nice and friendly and other times she isn't as friendly. I think she isn't as friendly sometimes cuz she is feeling sad or tired or something (she is a freshman in college). She also asks me for help on her hw in class too. she laughs at some of my jokes and she jokes around too, she also leans in decently close when she is talking too me.

    ive tried to drop subtle hints that i like her (i.e. suggesting we study together, complementing her, asking how she is, just generally being nice and paying attention to her, some other stuff too).

    I don't want to just ask her out though because I like having her as a friend and that would make things weird if she wasn't interested.

    so is she even remotely interested in me? or does she just like me as a friend?

    sry if first paragraph is really random, im trying to condense a lot of info.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how should i flirt with a girl in class?

    i sit next to this girl in class and i want to flirt with her to see if she likes me back. so whats the best way to do that without telling her directly that i like her?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what do you do when you have a crush on a girl?

    but you aren't 100% sure that you actually want a relationship with that person? Sometimes it seems like a relationship would work and other times it seems completely wrong. so many mixed signals its confusing and kinda depressing.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Am I allowed to sell photo's edited in Photoshop CS4?

    Or is this against the license agreement? Someone told me it was but I'm not sure I believe them.

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • anyone else unimpressed by avatar?

    sure the visuals are great, but the story and character progression suck hard. story is just a re branded Pocahontas. for a 2 and half hour movie they sure didnt spend much time making emotional connection between the characters. can any of you really answer the question why did the dude and the princess fall in love? she hates him in the beginning, so what changed her mind? also first half and second half dont flow together very well at all.

    12 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Best keyboard for $30 or less?

    I'm looking for a keyboard for $30 dollars or less for gaming and general use. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • adding classmates on facebook?

    So i met this girl in class, but I can't remember if I already tried to add her once on Facebook. If I did, it would mean she ignored my request. So should I try to add her?

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • what is this snl skit?

    it has kenan thompson playing some old grandma or something and he keeps saying "i will beat yo ***." i think it may be in the news section sometimes.

    anyone kno what episode? or even better do u have a link?

    1 AnswerComedy1 decade ago
  • question about racing suspension?

    if the suspension on a car is loose, then the body will move more and it will result in wider turns with less sliding. if the suspension is stiffer the body of th car will move less and make tighter turns but slide more. does that sound right? if not can u please explain.

    2 AnswersFormula One1 decade ago
  • question about q4 2009?

    when something says it will be released q4 2009 does that mean it will be released sometime between oct. and dec. or is it refering to q4 of the fiscal year 2009 which would be like july. to sept.?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • how much is my used computer worth?

    its an insignia (best buy brand) desktop that i bought in 2005.


    intel pentium 4 2.8 ghz (single core)

    some intel motherboard idk which one but it doesnt have agp just pci

    1gb of ddr ram (not sure what speed

    320gb seagate hd

    chaintech nvidia geforce fx5200

    250w psu

    i payed like $450 for it before tax and then added the fx5200 for about $90ish. it came with 512mb of ram. i added another 512 to get 1gb. i also upgraded the hd to the 320 but i dont remember how much that cost.

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago