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  • What do you think about my ex? Does he deserve a second chance?

    I’m 25 and dated my ex for 4 years. He took me to nice restaurants, cute dates, and it was the best love I had ever felt. A while in to the relationship he went to NYC for travel. He brought me back this fancy fur coat since he wanted me to have something nobody around here had. My parents saw it and forbade me from dating him since he was nothing but a “rich city boy.” I agreed to see him behind their back because he didn’t want to give up on us and I promised I would tell them later. He stuck by me all these years with unconditional love. The girls at work wanted me to go out with this guy and I went on a date with him because I wanted to feel “free.” I don’t know how my BF found out but he confronted me. I lied to him and acted like I didn’t know what he was talking about until he gave me proof. I blocked him because I was in a corner. He waited for me all those years and I did this to him. He was devastated. He told the guy about us dating and even accepted my sisters friend request on Facebook he promised he wouldn’t do. The guy I went out with was a player, while my boyfriend was everything I ever dreamed of. Fast forward 4 months later. I hadn’t heard from him all this time until he showed up at my family’s house with a package that had a necklace in it, wanting to apologize for what he did that weekend because he was afraid he was losing me and he acted out of desperation. He had never acted that way before. My family still hates him. Why’d he do this? Is he psycho?

    1 AnswerFriends19 hours ago
  • Girls: Can you help me?

    My girlfriend and I have been dating for the past 3 years. She is the love of my life, and we have both talked about marriage. Her parents are not in good health and she has been taking care of them. I have had opportunities to advance my career in other places, but I have stayed here to be with her. It has been my decision and I made it the way I wanted. Well, she asked for a break the other day, and I asked if it would irritate her if I wanted to talk to her sometime. This is what she wrote: 

    “Babe, you’re not going to bug me by messaging me or wanting to talk. I’m not being rude. If you want to text me or talk to me, please do 💗 I love you more than you will ever know. I need to figure myself out, that’s all.” 

    Today, she posted a selfie on Facebook. She had gotten her hair dyed black (she is blonde) and had gotten her doubles pierced on her ears. She tagged her best friend in it and said “sometimes you just need to live life on the wild side to make everything better 💗” 

    Do you think she is done with me? Should I break all contact with her?

    2 AnswersFriends2 months ago
  • What do you think of her?

    I’m a 24 year old guy and my girlfriend is 21 and very religious and a Christian. I told her I wanted to get my first tattoo and she wasn’t very supportive and said she liked me very much without ink. I wanted to get a half sleeve on my arm. When the day came for me to get it, she hugged me, kissed me, and told me how excited she was for me because she knew I really wanted it. She went with my frothed and I to the tattoo shop and she held my hand when I was getting it (I could tell she was uncomfortable there though). Afterwards, she posted a picture of me and my new tattoo with a long caption about how proud of me she was for being so determined and going through with it. She also ended it by saying, “my man looks so handsome with his new ink 🥰” Do you think she seems like a sweet and supportive girlfriend?

    1 AnswerFriends3 months ago
  • Can I have some guy help?

    I’m a 21 year old girl and I have been seeing this 28 year old guy. The thing is, he has a Masters degree, is a special education teacher, and is a complete gentleman. I, on the other hand, only have a high school diploma and work as an assistant manager at Justice in a mall. He treats me like a queen. We were talking one day and he said he had always wanted to get his ears pierced because he has never done anything like that in his life and always admired people who had piercings and tattoos. I talked him into letting me pierce his ears at the store one day. Oh my gosh. When he got them done and seen them in the mirror for the first time, he had the biggest smile ever and his face was as red as a tomato. He absolutely loved them! Well, today, he told me that I am the most amazing girl he has ever known and having pierced ears is the first time in his life he has ever felt “attractive.” Do you think this guy is boyfriend material? 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 months ago
  • Can I have some advice, please?

    I’m a 21 year old girl and I have been seeing this 28 year old guy. The thing is, he has a Masters degree, is a special education teacher, and is a complete gentleman. I, on the other hand, only have a high school diploma and work as an assistant manager at Justice in a mall. He treats me like a queen. We were talking one day and he said he had always wanted to get his ears pierced because he has never done anything “wild” like that in his life and always admired people who had piercings and tattoos. I talked him info letting me pierce his ears at the store one day. Oh my gosh. When he got them done and seen them in the mirror for the first time, he had the biggest smile ever and his face was as red as a tomato. He absolutely loved them! Well, today, he told me that I am the most amazing girl he has ever known and having pierced ears is the first time in his life he has ever felt “attractive.” Do you think this guy is boyfriend material? 

    6 AnswersFriends8 months ago
  • Can I have some advice, please?

    I’m a 21 year old girl and I have been seeing this 28 year old guy. The thing is, he has a Masters degree, is a special education teacher, and is a complete gentleman. I, on the other hand, only have a high school diploma and work as an assistant manager at Justice in a mall. He treats me like a queen. We were talking one day and he said he had always wanted to get his ears pierced because he has never done anything “wild” like that in his life and always admired people who had piercings and tattoos. I talked him info letting me pierce his ears at the store one day. Oh my gosh. When he got them done and seen them in the mirror for the first time, he had the biggest smile ever and his face was as red as a tomato. He absolutely loved them! Well, today, he told me that I am the most amazing girl he has ever known and having pierced ears is the first time in his life he has ever felt “attractive.” Do you think this guy is boyfriend material? 

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 months ago
  • Can I have some advice, please?

    I am a 27 year old guy and met this girl who is 24. She is so mature and intelligent. She is a special education teacher and genuinely cares about people. The thing is, she admits she has had a wild past. She grew up going to a Christian school and was raised in a really religious environment. She said once she got to college, she was ready to let her hair down and be a “bad *****.” She was ashamed in telling me she had her clitoris and nipples pierced through college, but says those days are long, long past her. She does have some tattoos, and loves her half sleeve tattoo, but always wears long sleeve shirts because she wants to be seen as classy and not have people judge her. What do you think about this girl? Do you think her past is in the past? 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 months ago
  • Legal Implications with Departmentalizing Elementary Grades?

    Hello! I am doing a study, and it is required that I find a legal matter involved in the departmentalization of elementary grades. I am not sure if they are any legal matters with it? The only thing I can think of is assigning teachers to teach content areas they don’t like. If anybody can help me out, I would appreciate it so much! Thank you! 

    1 AnswerTeaching1 year ago
  • Girls: Can you help me, please?

    I have been dating my girlfriend for about 3 months. She is a total sweetheart. The thing is, she has a lot of tattoos she piercings. She has tattoos on both of her upper arms, and a big one below her chest. She has her nose, tongue, belly button, and nipples pierced. She is such a down to earth and mannerly girl, and whenever we go out or are around my family, she has her makeup all done up, in a cute dress covering her tattoos, takes out her tongue ring, and just looks like a cute girly girl. Why would she do this? 

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Girls: Can you help me?

    I'm a 21 year old guy in college & my girlfriend is 19 & a very classy girl. This weekend, her childhood best friend was in town & we all hung out together. Her friend told a story about how when they were like 13 & whenever her parents were out of town for the weekend, they would have a sleep over when they were home alone & would both wear her moms lingerie around the house & cake on the makeup & smoke her dads cigarettes. My girlfriend said said that they just wanted to feel "grown up." She said she's never smoked since that time. What do you think about this? Is this weird? 

    1 AnswerFriends1 year ago
  • Girls: Can you help me?

    I have been dating my girlfriend for about a year and we are both 22. She is a Christian and very strong in her faith. The thing is, we do have sex, and she is very supportive of it in our relationship. She said she has always been taught how bad it was to do it before marriage, but she believes it has brought us even closer. Is it okay for her to feel like this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Girls: Can you help me?

    I'm a 22 year old girl in college and I have been dating my boyfriend for about two years. I got two tattoos before I had met him, and he doesn't like tattoos. I have been wanting this tattoo on my ribs for awhile now, but have hesitated to get it since he doesn't like them. Well, my birthday is in a couple weeks and he surprised me with this letter saying that for my birthday he made an appointment for me at the tattoo studio I like and he is going to treat me to the tattoo I have been wanting. He said he loves seeing me happy and how happy tattoos make me, and said the only condition was that he gets to hold my hand and admire how beautiful I am when I get it put on. What do you think about this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • What do you think about this?

    I'm a 22 year old girl in college and I have been dating my boyfriend for about two years. I got two tattoos before I had met him, and he doesn't like tattoos. I have been wanting this tattoo on my ribs for awhile now, but have hesitated to get it since he doesn't like them. Well, my birthday is in a couple weeks and he surprised me with this letter saying that for my birthday he made an appointment for me at the tattoo studio I like and he is going to treat me to the tattoo I have been wanting. He said he loves seeing me happy and how happy tattoos make me, and said the only condition was that he gets to hold my hand and admire how beautiful I am when I get it put on. What do you think about this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Girls: Can you help me?

    I have been dating my girlfriend for about a year and we are both 22. She is a Christian and very strong in her faith. The thing is, we do have sex, and she is very supportive of it in our relationship. She said she has always been taught how bad it was to do it before marriage, but she believes it has brought us even closer. Why would she feel like this if she is religious?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Girls: Can you help me?

    I've been going out with my girlfriend for a few months and she's the sweetest girl ever. During the summer she sometimes wears crop tops and matching skirts because they're cute and fashionable. My grandparents and aunt & uncle were over at our house and she stopped by & it was a day she had one of her crop top outfits on and I could tell from the first moment she was really embarrassed about it. A few times she tried to pull her top down to cover some skin & she told mad afterwards she felt like a slut in front of my grandparents. I know this might be weird, but I found it so HOT that she was showing off some skin around my family. Is this weird of me? I hope she isn't a slut for doing this?

    1 AnswerFriends2 years ago
  • Girls: Can you help me?

    I've been going out with my girlfriend for a few months and she's the sweetest girl ever. During the summer she sometimes wears crop tops and matching skirts because they're cute and fashionable. My grandparents and aunt & uncle were over at our house and she stopped by & it was a day she had one of her crop top outfits on and I could tell from the first moment she was really embarrassed about it. A few times she tried to pull her top down to cover some skin & she told mad afterwards she felt like a slut in front of my grandparents. I know this might be weird, but I found it so HOT that she was showing off some skin around my family. Is this weird of me? I hope she isn't a slut for doing this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Girls: Can you help me?

    I have been dating my girlfriend for about a year and we are both 22. She is a Christian and very strong in her faith. The thing is, we do have sex, and she is very supportive of it in our relationship. She said she has always been taught how bad it was to do it before marriage, but she believes it has brought us even closer. Is it okay for her to feel like this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago