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Girls: Can you help me?

My girlfriend and I have been dating for the past 3 years. She is the love of my life, and we have both talked about marriage. Her parents are not in good health and she has been taking care of them. I have had opportunities to advance my career in other places, but I have stayed here to be with her. It has been my decision and I made it the way I wanted. Well, she asked for a break the other day, and I asked if it would irritate her if I wanted to talk to her sometime. This is what she wrote: 

“Babe, you’re not going to bug me by messaging me or wanting to talk. I’m not being rude. If you want to text me or talk to me, please do 💗 I love you more than you will ever know. I need to figure myself out, that’s all.” 

Today, she posted a selfie on Facebook. She had gotten her hair dyed black (she is blonde) and had gotten her doubles pierced on her ears. She tagged her best friend in it and said “sometimes you just need to live life on the wild side to make everything better 💗” 

Do you think she is done with me? Should I break all contact with her?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Orthodoxy is the only true faith. Rapture = heresy; Fireball should be beheaded for spreading this heresy on Yahoo Answers (deceiving Christians into false hope). Dreams/thoughts are from 1)angels who always do good; 2)demons who never do good; or 3)you making shyt up in your head while you sleep trying to solve your problems; or from 4) your gov't using this supertechnology. Usually, dreams/thoughts are from demons. So, that explains a lot of people being in the wrong all the time. Rapture thing is from demons but you can't rule out the gov't using some super technology like Project Blue Beam to kind of introduce people to the evil flying antichrist who will ride on a donkey into the Third Temple. So, churches who closed for COVID (or had COVID measures like dipping spoon into some liquid like alcohol) are no longer Christ's but now are working for Satan promoting the new COVID religion. Last Patriarch is Patriarch Irenaios 1st. He blessed Catacomb movement. For liturgy what you need is antiminis (towel with remains of saints sewn into it); wax candles; one cup/one spoon; non-Kosher non-yeast non-barcoded non-qrcoded wine/bread. Kosher = sprinkled with blood. Yeast is grown on pig bacteria. QRcode = barcode = mark of the beast. Roman Catholics tried one cup and one spoon and got sick with Bubonic plague (no laughing matter). You must hide (within a small group of 10-15 people according to saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Seraphim of Sarov) in order to escape the unforgivable mark of the beast. No documents once you hid because documents are from Satan; burn all the documents that you can find. No electronics once you hid because antichrist's minions will track you using electronics that you got. Even old broken unplugged 1970 TV set will show the antichrist using Tesla's ether. In case you're in 'Murica and want to hide, then consider inland Alaska. Arctic Circle = Security Circle for WW3. If you manage to escape the unforgivable mark of the beast, then your direct ancestors will go to heaven (according to saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov). Thanks for reading this spiel. Forgive me.

    Source(s): Antichrist is gay flying wizard who was born from a prostitute and who will ride on a donkey into the 3rd Temple. Antichrist's mother is a 12th generation prostitute (according to saint Lavrentiy of Chernigov) According to researcher Grigoriy Klimov, prostitutes = lesbians = witches; so, antichrist's mother is a witch, a lesbian, and a prostitute; forgive me.
  • 2 months ago

    When a girl asks for a break, it does not mean she is taking a break from sex.  It means she is taking a break from having sex with YOU.  When a girl radically changes her appearance (blonde hair dyed black, doubles pierced on her ears) it is for the specific purpose of attracting men to have sex with.  More specifically, she is trying to attract men that she has NOT had sex with YET, for the specific purpose of having sex with them.

    You ask, if she is "done with me"?   NO!  NOT at all.  She wants to put you on the back burner while she has fun screwing around with other men.  She definitely doesn't want to lose you.  She wants to come back to you after she's increased her sexual partner count significantly.  

    You ask if you should break all contact with her?  Only if you value your sanity more than a faint hope of a little sex at some point far in the future.

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