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  • Who is the legal owner of this car?

    I purchased a 99 Ford Mustang in the summer of 2015. I worked at my job for the money and i was very happy to have purchased it. Problem being, the insurance is in my fathers name, and because i was a minor at the time, Pennsylvania could not put the car registered in my name, only my fathers. So i purchased the vehicle, but it's in his name. I'm moving out soon and i asked him if i could take the car with me so i can continue to go to work and vo tech, and he got mad and said no it's in my name, my car. However i purchased it. This is not a noob question, i'm just wondering who is the legal owner of this car.

    12 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • How can I get Fallout 4 to install onto my PS4?

    I have Fallout 4, and when i install it, it'll download and everything but when i open the game,it's been stuck for 8 hours and still nothing. I've restarted the console, deleted the game then reinstalled, everything. Do i still have to wait still?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games4 years ago
  • Is it legal for a citizen to arrest a suspect with handcuffs?

    So i just bought me a nice pair of handcuffs, and i do go to a tech school where i learn how to handcuff properly. Basically Criminal Justice. Now lets say

    i witness someone shoplifting, or committing any illegal action, would i be able to arrest that individual, and then call the police so they can handle it from there?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Can you help me fix my Guitar s fret buzzing?

    I have a 7 string ESP LTD, and when i play fretted frets, from B-D strings, they buzz. very bad on B, E, and A. i looked at my action and its close to my frets. closer than my Ephiphone Les Paul. I tried loosening it and the truss rod WILL NOT loosen. I watch the movement and turn in 1/8th, and no budge or anything. Is there more than the truss rod to raise the action and stop fret buzzing?

    5 AnswersOther - Music5 years ago
  • Is it possible for my girlfriend to be pregnant based on these events?

    We had Sex the day after her period (pulled out), the 26th of December, (never came) and Jan 1. I did *** inside of her, but I held the bottom of the condom so no *** would leak out. The other two I had condoms on as well . She was supposed to get her period Jan 6. Her cramps stopped the 7, and since then till today, no cramps OR bleeding. No blood has been seen at all. She's highly stressing which could delay it, but we don't know if she's pregnant. We were gonna do a test the 13th, but maybe we could know if she isn't pregnant b4 we spend the money. So please help!

    3 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Is it legal for parents to kick out their child to whom is 18?

    This child is not a bad one, he has a job, a car, and bills he pays with no problems. But is it legal for his parents to kick him out, as in do not come back

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Is it possible to major, or even start a career in demonology?

    I'm interested in this. A lot. I wanna investigate in this area. No I don't wanna get rid of the demons, not in my interest, but I wanna study this subject. Anyone know a start?

    4 AnswersParanormal Phenomena6 years ago
  • Why is Satan seen as an evil figure when he isn't?

    He has killed far less people, and represents pride, and love to those who deserve it. But why is he concidered evil if he's a god that realistic about life, than a sugarcoat god that's jealous

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • What is your favorite AC/DC Album?

    Mine is the new Rock or Bust

    6 AnswersRock and Pop6 years ago
  • Is this normal for Having Sex for the first time?

    I'm 17, she's 16. Lately we've been trying to have sex, and I've been cuming too quickly. I'd put the condom on, and as soon as it goes it, literally, I have to ***. It's so annoying. This is the 4th time so far and this happens. She gets me hard, I have confidence, and as soon as it goes it, I ***. I try to distract myself, or not think about it, but that gives me an extra 10 seconds. Any tips? Help? Please

    4 AnswersMen's Health6 years ago
  • Wii and SD card question please help?

    So I have an SD card that I'm using for my wii. Unfortunately, I need help getting the saved data from the Wii, onto my SD card. When I go into the saved data options, everything there is saved, so I guess that's good. But when I try to load that data from the Wii Menu, they're not there. Like I can't play the games, but the options menu says it's saved.? Can you help? Please?

    1 AnswerNintendo Wii7 years ago
  • Question on grammar please help?

    So if I remember correctly, in the English dictionary, doesn't (s) mean that your referring to more than one, but it's possible to have one. For example, where are your parent(s)? In that case, your asking where both of their parents are, but it's possible to only have one. Am I correct on this grammar?

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Can Eczema spread from one person to another if the other person touches it?

    So I have Random eczema bumps on my arm (not grouped) and was wondering, could my gf get eczema if she touched it?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • Can you help and determain what are these small itchy bumps?

    So it all started when I was doing work around my house. After I touch some wood and metal, I noticed really bad itchyness on my middle finger. They were small and clear and itchy, so I thought it was eczema from the metal. So I used Aloe Vera to help cure it, and noticed I started breaking out on my arm. These bumps are not grouped together, they're randomly placed on my arm. They itch, they're small, their heads are clear as well. I do not know if clear liquid will come out if itched often, but I don't wanna find out to make it worse. Is this eczema? Allergic reaction to the metal? Pleaseee help!

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years ago
  • Amp won't play sound when I have my les Paul on treble mode?

    Ok so I have a les Paul and at the top, you can switch it to rhythm, treble, or in the middle. When I have it at rhythm mode, the amp plays it, no problem. But when I have it at treble or in the middle, no sound is amplified at all. I have the volume turned to 10, but it doesn't amplify. When I first got it, it was fine, but now, poof. I can only use it on rhythm mode.

    It's not the jack, Bc I have more than one jack. (Amp and Rocksmith) think you can help?

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics7 years ago
  • Les Paul not amplified on Treble mode?

    Ok so I have a les Paul and at the top, you can switch it to rhythm, treble, or in the middle. When I have it at rhythm mode, the amp plays it, no problem. But when I have it at treble or in the middle, no sound is amplified at all. I have the volume turned to 10, but it doesn't amplify. When I first got it, it was fine, but now, poof. I can only use it on rhythm mode.

    It's not the jack, Bc I have more than one jack. (Amp and Rocksmith) think you can help?

    2 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • Amp won't play sound when I have my les Paul to treble mode?

    Ok so I have a les Paul and at the top, you can switch it to rhythm, treble, or in the middle. When I have it at rhythm mode, the amp plays it, no problem. But when I have it at treble or in the middle, no sound is amplified at all. I have the volume turned to 10, but it doesn't amplify. When I first got it, it was fine, but now, poof. I can only use it on rhythm mode.

    It's not the jack, Bc I have more than one jack. (Amp and Rocksmith) think you can help?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players7 years ago
  • Who do you side with in Fallout New Vegas and Why?

    I'm always with the NCR. They have a great army and pretty supportive

    Taking over Vegas with Yes Man is perfect, until I noticed that he sent Benny out to kill you..

    I don't like Mr. House at all. He just seems...pushy.

    Caesars Legion was good when they have captured Benny for me to kill him. But they have Slaves. I don't support slaves. Not at all. And then when talking to some others, they say, "degenerates like you belong on a cross". ***** please. I'll kill you...which then leads to infamy

    So who do you like? And why?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Is there an easy way to obtain lots of caps in Fallout New Vegas?

    I got over 5,000 caps by heading into black mountain and picking up and selling the weapons they had there. Is there another place like that where I can get tons of caps?

    I only have the Gun Runners add on

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago