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Lv 32,305 points

michael c

Favorite Answers15%
  • Why is "flip flopping" regarded as something so terrible?

    I really don't mind if a presidential candidate changes his mind or admits they are wrong. In fact, stubborness is a less desirable trait in my opinion.

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have any additional information on the new GI Bill?

    Does anyone have an idea of when and if the new revisions to the MGIB would go into effect? What will happen to those currently recieving benefits? Would you have to reapply? Thanks to anyone who answers.

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Anyone think Ovechkin will ever be able to score 50 in 50?

    He might have a shot if he keeps getting better.

    10 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • How many goals will Ovechkin finish with?

    I think between 60 and 69

    17 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • How will this tax refund work?

    I don't think this tax refund will help boost the economy. I know they say people will be more likely to spend with it. Even if people go right out and spend it won't it hurt the value of the American dollar? Hopefully someone with a good background in economics can answer this. I don't think it will help anything but I would like to hear a good explanation why I am right or wrong. Thanks.

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago
  • What are you going to do with your crooked tax rebate?

    I am going to buy 100 cups of coffee.

    11 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Why are Americans so divided?

    I realize that everyone has there own ideas and opinions, but don't we all have a common goal in mind? So why is there so much animosity towards members of different politcal parties? I very rarely find actual discussion on this site and more often find bickering and declarations of superiority. I don't see anything getting accomplished that way. Is it that unreasonable to believe there could be some common ground?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why would anyone still support the war in Iraq?

    I know many people are concerned with terrorism and think that we are fighting it by being in Iraq. It seems to me though that we have inflicted far more damage on ourselves than any terrorist network could ever hope to do. September 11 attacks were tragic and we lost many lives and it impacted us financially. But we have lost more life in this war since then and the war has cost over 400 billion dollars. We are also going to have to pay for long term care for the wounded.

    It seems we have fallen into a trap and America's enemies could not be happier that we are spending so much on this effort. There is so much political turmoil in the area it is hard to imagine that there will be peace anytime soon.

    I want to hear the opinions of the supporters of the war, but all are welcome to answer!

    "He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly."

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How is the Colts/Chargers game going to end?

    Best answer goes to the person who makes the most accurate detailed prediction.

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • A question for servicemembers in support of war in Iraq.?

    I have read many of the questions and answers here and have noticed several people embracing a very large American military force. As long as we are fighting a war with Iraq there will be a demand for more soldiers. Does an age of perpetual war mean job security for military members and therefore a favorable condition?

    I think this war is costing America far too much and an absolute war on terror can never be won. We will create enemies as soon fast as we eliminate them. The current strategy is flawed I think we could use the war fighting money to ensure security at home. To withdraw from Iraq would mean a decrease in the amount of soldiers the US needs to employ. This would mean many would need to find other work an unfortunate situation but a realistic one.

    I know this is a complicated situation and many of you will have different reasons to support the war. This may or may not be one of them for you. I am not trying to provoke anyone here, so if you get offended I apologize.

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Should the US Republican party be considered conservative?

    The last Republican president to decrease the debt/GDP ratio was Nixon. Reagan began a trend of increasing the debt by over a trillion at the end of his second term. Bush increased it by over a trillion in his only term. Clinton went over a trillion on his first term but increased it by less than half a trillion by the end of his second term. Bush the second increased it by over a trillion in his first term, and I am scared to see what it will be by the beginning of next year.

    I am not being disrespectful with my question, I am merely stating some facts and asking for opinions. If you are offended I apologize but I would like to hear some responses from anyone who cares to answer. I am here to listen and I want to take anyone who answers seriously so please keep it clean. Thank you.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • For anyone that answered this question?;_ylt=As_xg...

    If you think that torture is a good idea to obtain information, had it ever crossed your mind that it puts American troops in danger of the same treatment? Do you think that you will get any good information out of someone you are torturing? Enough to make up for the fact that someone in your own family who is serving in the military might be tortured?

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Why are so few Republicans voting in the primaries?

    I am a little surprised to see this. What is the reason for this? Are many Republicans just not bothered with the primaries or do they not have a preference which candidate wins the nomination?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Any old guys out there still skateboard?

    I am 24 I know it is not that old but I picked up the board today for the first time really in 7 years. I was surprised at how much I still had, but I pushed it a little too far and wiped out a few times. I remember when I was younger falling way worse then I did today and having no problems with it. But I am so sore right now I can't move! Am I too old to be doing this? Or if I pick it back up will my body get used to the punishment again? Any experiences out there?

    2 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Can you get a ticket if you go through a red light that won't change?

    The sensor in an intersection I regularly travel through seems to be broken. It is fine during the day when traffic is flowing regularly. Late at night when I am the only car in the intersection it will not change. Then the instant a car that shows up on the other side or the left turn lane, the green light on the other side goes yellow. It is very frustrating to have to wait for someone else to show up to get the thing to turn green. I don't want to do anything like cut across the left turn lane to run over the sensor because you can get pulled over for that too. So are you allowed to treat a broken light as a 4 way stop sign? If not what else can I do?

    10 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Cat question?

    I have always let my cat outside whenever he seems to want to go out and play. I don't have a problem with it, he never gets hurt and comes home when he is ready. Lately he only goes out for a few minutes then wants to come back in then wants go go back out. He does it at night too while I am trying to sleep and it is loud and annoying. I guess it is my mistake for not realizing if I let him in or out when he bugs me he would eventually learn to think he can do this all the time. I would just make him a cat door or something but I live in an apartment and can't do it. How can you teach the cat to chill out at night and not be so loud? Should I stop letting him out, or should I stop letting him in immediatly? I don't mind him going out at all I just want him to not bother me at night while I am sleeping.

    25 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else disturbed at how much false information people inject into this site?

    I have only recently started using this website in the last couple of months and I enjoyed at first having the chance to answer questions and give opinions. But I have read so many postings of people deliberately giving false information! This is a non partisan question I know a lot of people are going to say it comes from one side or the other. Even if your opponent spread lies why would you feel you should retaliate in kind? Why can't more people be forthright? This is very depressing that so many people are this dishonest. It is making my head spin. Will people ever stop this and engage in rational discussions?

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • These questions and answers are all partisan.?

    Why can't there be more saying, let's have a good clean election, or may the best candidate win?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Non sense statements?

    I have seen several questions on here where the asker implies Obama is a terrorist, or wants to send all of America's money to Africa and more outrageous comments. Does this actually work on people? I know that most people are able to disregard such non sense but how many people will this affect the way they vote? Do people that make these statements really believe it will help their agenda or are they just trying to be annoying and aggravate people? Are these statements made solely to deceive people or are there that many people out there that do not have a clue?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago