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Lv 618,529 points

♥Sing It For Japan♥

Favorite Answers12%

there really isn't that much to say about me.. i'm a girl, love to read, i hate stereotypes - they suck!, i full-on hate homophobic people, and i love music! - i can't live with out it. =) i love anime, my favorite is Fullmetal Alchemist. *swoon* Colonel Roy Mustang... I have a tender spot for cowboys... ♥ I'm going into education to become an English teacher.

  • Creative ways to invade someone's personal space?

    For my nonverbal communication class, I was assigned to violate nonverbal social norms regarding space and touch. ie) sitting directly next to someone at the mall when there are plenty of other chairs available.

    I am trying to come up with something more creative than the example listed...any ideas? My partner suggested randomly walking up to people who are walking in the mall, and holding their hand. However, I am slightly afraid that will end up with having security called on us. xD I do love my class, but not enough to go to jail for it. :)

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • In your opinion, what caused the American Civil War?

    I'm writing a term paper on how we should remember the Civil War. I already have my thesis mapped out, but am looking for some outside reflections based on your region of the country. (Which state do you live in?)

    Slavery? States' rights----the "lost cause" ? etc. Does your opinion match or differ from what you were taught in school?

    6 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Does this make me easy?

    Some of my friends and I went out dancing the other night at this night club. There was also this group of guys who we were dancing with because they were really nice, funny, and understood that there was no way in hell that any of us were going home with them. Well, this one guy and I started talking a little bit, and then we were dancing together---which while we were dancing, he kissed my neck a couple of times, and then eventually, my lips. I suppose I could have stopped him, but I didn't because he wasn't really making me terribly uncomfortable. Before my friends and I left, he pulled me off to the side and kissed me on the cheek, telling me that he really wanted to see me again.

    I feel like I didn't really do anything wrong, because I didn't sleep with him, or accept any alcohol (I'm 18) or anything like that... but a part of me feels like I deserve the 'sleazy' title for allowing a random guy kiss me. I just want some second opinions..

    I'd also like to add that it was my first time out clubbing... so I didn't really know what to expect, etc.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Convention: masquerade formal attire: f or m?

    Hey everyone--

    So my best friend and I are making preparations for an upcoming convention, and we've already decided that we are going to attend the formal ball as Germany and Italy from Hetalia. As Italy, the obvious uke, I am going to wear this big ballgown. ( in the color blue that is displayed) However, we are debating between me going as a male Italy in a dress w/ a flower in my wig, OR to make me a female Italy and invest in an extension of sorts to give Italy long curly hair--more fitting of a woman in ancient Roman times.

    I'm just looking for opinions. My friend thinks I should go as male Italy since that pairing is more wide-spread... but I kind of like the idea of having Italy cross dress and looking really pretty.

    thanks in advance for your opinions!!

    1 AnswerComics & Animation10 years ago
  • Male country artist recommendations?

    Hey everyone~

    I was scrolling through my ipod the other day and realized that I don't have nearly enough country music on there for as much as I like the genre. Not to say that I don't have a lot--I do--but they are all older artists... Alan Jackson, George Strait... etc. I was hoping for some male country recommendations. Feel free to recommend specific songs if you would like too. =)

    Thanks in advance! Hope everyone is having a fine evening as well.

    6 AnswersCountry10 years ago
  • What are the top 10 things that come to mind... the 1960s?

    When you hear "the 1960s" what do you think of? (a survey for reseach for my analysis paper)

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I'll make a man out of you!?

    It is a lost cause, or do you think I'll be successful in my mission?

    BQ: What's your favorite classic Disney film?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Senior Prom: who did you go with?

    I just got rejected by the guy I asked to prom~~oh well. ^_^

    BQ: What was your senior prom's theme?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why don't we use these insults anymore?

    Why don't we call people....

    bootless onion-eyed foot-lickers OR

    gorbellied fat-kidneyed scuts OR

    yeasty swag-bellied pigeon-eggs?

    Those insults are much more fun than the common ones we use now a-days.... xD

    --Shakespearean insults are much more colorful. =D

    BQ: which of those three is your favorite? Can you create your own?

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Novel recomendations: Dark; abuse, rape, suicide?

    I am looking for a good novel to do a book report project on for my Senior English class. I'm looking to make a video/music video for the project and would like the story to be pretty dark and involving some form of abuse. Any suggestions?

    Any recomendations are appriciated. Thank you. =)

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Footloose or Dirty Dancing (20 characters)?

    Which do you think has a more diverse audience? Which of the two do you think reflects the culture it is representing best? Your favorite?

    *Trying to decide which movie to write a college paper on...

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Will you give me the beat boys, and free my soul?

    Well, will you~?

    BQ: What is the price for such demands?

    *Bored and don't feel like studying for my calculus test*

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite movie (Help for my college assignment)?

    I have to choose a movie review to write a summary of for my English Comp 2 class. I can't decide on a movie, since I'm trying to use one I haven't seen, so I am not biased in my summary. So... I'm looking for random suggestions.

    Favorite movies?

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • New cartilage piercing--a little pain, should I seek help?

    Okay, so I got my cartilage pierced on New Years Eve... so it's been five days. Generally, I can't really feel any pain due to the piercing... but today, after I cleaned it the second time, it started hurting. It isn't a constant, searing pain... but it's an occasional pounding. I wouldn't be terribly concerned, except that due to my schedule, I had to wait ten hours before cleaning it the first time and second time.

    It doesn't appear to be extra swollen or anything like that.... but should I seek a doctor's help, or go see the piercer, or something? Or do you think it's normal?

    Any help is greatly appriciated. Thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Car window won't go back up?

    so I rolled down my window to get the mail, and now my stupid driver's window won't roll back up. It's the middle of winter, 15 degrees outside, and my stupid window won't roll back up.

    Any suggestions about what to do---do you think i'll have to take it into a shop to get fixed, or could a relatively-car-knowledgable father fix it?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Jane Eyre--your recommendation?

    okay, so I have to do a book report project soon for my English class, and I was considering Bronte's classic. I was hoping for your opinions on the novel, and if you'd recommend it. I have a general concept of the story, because I watched a version of the movie a long time ago... but it's been years, and I don't remember it perfectly.

    So would you recommend it? Good read?


    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How to correctly spell coworkers?

    is it spelled coworkers, or co-workers?


    Words & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Hetalia cosplay choice... help?

    okay--so my friends and I are planning a big Hetalia group cosplay... and I can't decide on a character to cosplay.

    So far, we have the following countries represented: Germany, Northern Italy, Southern Italy, Russia, and France.

    We have a tentative America, if my one friend finalizes her decision. so... yeah. there are just so many options, and I love them all! xD I am torn between Prussia, Spain, England, and Japan.


    Thank you in advance for your help; it is greatly appriciated. =)

    3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Should I comfront her?

    So there's this girl at my school who USED to be one of my best friends, but ever since the end of last year, she's been rather distant. Well, when school started back up this year, she's been even more distant to the point of being really mean. Plus, she has been turning two other people that I used to be really good friends with against me as well--like, they'll talk to me on occasion, but if the main girl is there, they do nothing to even aknowledge my existance. One of my other friends who I'm still close with sits next to them in their physics 2 class, and she told me that after the anouncements (which today happened to contain an announcement about how I was chosen to represent our school because of my citizenship and stuff) the main girl started talking **** about me and stuff, and again, nobody said anything to defend me.

    So I am trying to decide if I should comfront the girl and just ask what I did to make her hate me, or to tell her to just talking about me. or to just ignore it--so that she doens't know taht she's getting under my skin. Any advice?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Lady Gaga or Roxas costume?

    background info: for our spirit week for homecoming at school next week, we have disney/superhero day. well, originally I thoguht I'd go as Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2--but then my best friend said that she's gonna go as Katy Perry, and asked if I'd go as Lady Gaga... I can'd decide which to dress up as.

    so the poll is Lady Gaga or Roxas?

    10 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago