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Free Dog Souls With Conversion

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Answers1,323 Not real but hilarious all the same.;_ylt=AgKv5bdhLqPUKoshftnYJa7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090719232605AARNn3w

  • When applying for federal jobs, is a total score of 86 at the GS-05 level good?

    They gave me this result after answering questions on a questionnaire. I was wondering how good this score is.

    Thanks. :-)

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • How did I lose 20 points on one question?

    I asked one question which was removed. For some reason, I got two VN's for the same removed question. Even still, that should only have been a loss of 10 points.

    Can anyone explain why the Yamster doesn't understand simple arithmetic?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite piece of hatemail you have received while on Y!A R&S?

    I'm quite a fan of this one I received a few days ago.


    Subject: I'm not ignorant

    Message: and the reason you don't believe in God is probably because you were one of those b-itches who didn't want to accept what Paul said, women are to remain silent, so shut the hell up atheist demon.


    It has such fervor, that certain fundie disregard for punctuation and capitalization rules, and, of course, a deflated ego that must be defended at any cost.

    The perfect combination in my opinion.

    So, does anyone have an email that sticks out in their minds?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I'm trying to understand this line of thinking?


    Were you ever stationed on a submarine? There is no privacy. Gays don't belong in the military unless they have their own platoons/units/ships.

    Is there supposed to be restrooms/showers for heterosexual women, then for lesbians, then for straight men, then for homosexuals? Just how much room do you think is on a submarine? Oh, and there is the bunkroom problem too. The bunkrooms on a submarine are tiny. Like I said, no privacy.

    Gays are not the only people with rights. Straight people have rights too.


    Srsly? So, then...homosexuality= rape?

    Discuss, please.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Could someone give me some general hockey advice please?

    I've always wanted to play ice hockey, but never have. I can ice skate (can't go reverse and my stopping isn't that great), and I have found a place that offers beginner classes that have women in them. I'm a woman just in case that last part seemed kind of random.

    What I would like to know is what kind of equipment will I need and approximate cost?

    How does the sizing work for all the equipment?

    Are there any leagues that feature all women in them but are not professional? Like maybe association play for instance.

    Any help or websites you can point me to that answer these questions would be great.


    4 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • How many atheists on here were indoctrinated into atheism by their parents?

    The following is a response to a question about how atheists do or don't know if god is talking to a specific person.


    because they grow up believing they are different in "thinking". Their parents drilled it in them from such an early age and will defy and deny anything to prove themselves "different" .

    Kind of spoiled

    EDIT :



    I love how the whole indoctrination thing is turned around, but what this particular person seems to fail to understand is that most of our, atheists, parents were not atheists themselves. At least I don't think they were, but I am open to correction.

    My parents were certainly not and still are not.

    Damn that atheist indoctrination!

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has anyone seen the new Michael Moore flick, Capitalism: A Love Story?

    If so, what did you think?

    I really enjoyed it. It opened my eyes up to some things I had not even considered before and to some I had sadly ignored just because they didn't immediately affect me.

    I'll probably see some of his other flicks now too.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Fundies, do you actually think this is witty?

    "it takes way more faith to believe the evolution nonsense than to believe in God"

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • So, God is like a police officer then...?

    This was one response to a recent question posted tonight:


    A rather foolish question, and not very well thought out!

    More importantly, if a person breaks the law, should they be allowed free and total access to the rest of society?

    Remember, "if you can't do the time, then don't do the crime!" - Oh - wait - it's too late - you have already broken God's Law.

    He LOVES you so much that He came to earth as Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and having never sinned, actually became sin FOR you, trading places with you and taking your place, and dying to pay the penalty for YOUR sins (crimes against God), and this is how you repay Him?

    He loved you so much He died on a cross for you. But if you insist on living in continuous rebellion against Him, committing high treason against His rightful Authority to rule, and you continue breaking all His Moral Laws, then what other option does God have but to judge you?

    ***** YOU do the math! Do you want murderers and thieves and the like living in YOUR neighborhood? That's what police, judges, juries and prisons are for. Well those who DO want to live under God's Authority, and DO want to obey Him, ought likewise to be protected from those who do NOT! Or do you honestly think that all criminals should be released from all prisons? If so, let them live in YOUR neighborhood, not MINE! *****


    If God is the Celestial police force, who is IAB?

    I mean, absolute power corrupts absolutely, yes?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How is it possible to steal from something much after your time?

    This comes from the BA response of the following link. Do people really think this way?;_ylt=As37Z...

    That has to be the greatest hoodwink of all time. Let me put it into perspective if you will allow me.

    "Oh hai, I just invented something that someone else invented 1,000 years before my existence. Clearly, they stole the idea from me. Srsly."

    Yeah...that makes complete sense...

    Can you even imagine copyright law if this was how it worked for the rest of the world?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking, is this supposed to be a loophole?

    So, I get the general gist of being saved through grace, although I thought, one had to ask forgiveness for each sin. This was in an answer to a different question, and it confused me. The following quote seems to not be suggesting that you seek forgiveness for your transgressions but, instead, can do whatever you want because you're part of the club now?

    "Though I sin, I am sinless in the sight of God because of Christ. I am a sinner saved by grace."

    So, what am I missing? Is this a poor explanation by another poster, or is this how you all understand it as well? This seems to me like trying to pull the wool over god's eyes. If god hates sin so much, how can this be?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is our educational system this bad?

    "And if evolution is true, why is it that after nearly 4000 years of circumcision, Jews are not BORN circumcised?";_ylt=AjUXz...



    What is wrong with you people?

    You people here is referring to everyone who finds this to be a valid argument. (just in case there is any misunderstanding)

    May I just counter for a moment please?

    Following this person's logic: Many girls have had their ears pierced as babies by their parents. If evolution is true, why then, are girls not born with pierced ears?

    This is how ignorant that argument is. Does anyone else want to give up on humanity after spending time on this site?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do people assume that if you support healthcare reform, you are automatically a lackadaisical person...?

    expecting a handout? This is inspired by the below question and some of its responses.

    That seems to be the gist of people who are against it? Why such an extreme or desire to discount and objectify people?

    I happen to work for a living, and I try to better myself and my position everyday. However, I have a preexisting condition which precludes me from living without medicine. I now have health insurance, but not great insurance at that. Much better than it was though mind you.

    I have been denied coverage numerous times, and when offered it charged $400/month just for the premium. That doesn't include co pays or the actual medicine. I had no choice but to take it.

    Do you stand on this platform because you have no health concerns, because you've never been denied coverage, because you (or your parents) have the means to support your health care costs and insurance. I suspect so, but I will reserve judgment.

    I have news for all of you saying this. Not everyone is lazy or looking for a handout. We just want companies to answer to someone when they participate in what, in any other field, would be considered corrupt practices. A nation should be judged by how it treats its worst off citizens. And we wonder why the world laughs at us.

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to God without Jesus, or does Paul contradict the teachings of Jesus?

    1 Corinthians 7:13-14:

    13 And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.


    Paul claims this is his understanding, and not necessarily the Lord's, but doesn't this directly go against what Jesus said about the only way to the Father is through the Son. This seems to suggest that marriage to an unbeliever also saves.

    And if so, does this not contradict the verse about being unequally yoked?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does this say about me?

    So, I just saw this on GraphJam, and, I admit, I lol'd heartily. It was a graph involving the probability that someone will insult religion if they are...

    So, my question is what does it say about me to not only be so amused at a parody of what so many of us see on here everyday but to also then post a question about it in R&S? That's right; I just gave you free reign to insult me. Have fun, and consider it an early present. ;-)


    If we don’t destroy the commie anti-liberty freedom-hating liberals then the freedomez will be destroyed by teh communismz!!!!111!!!eleven!!!!!!

    Why can’t you see that liberty is dying?! The very fact that women are walking up the marital altar as NON VIRGINS is symbloc of the fact that liberty can not survive in this evil liberal world where people can act as they please!!!!


    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, in your ideal (Earthly) society, what would be the best form of government?

    Would you trust more in a democracy or a monarchy? Perhaps a Constitutional monarchy or even something else?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists, atheism is a religion...?

    Okay, good. Now that I have your attention.

    The (mainly but not just) Christians on this site seem to always want to classify atheism as a religion no matter how much we (or the dictionary for that matter) tell them it is not.

    Then I see questions and answers on here talking about how the Constitution guarantees us freedom of religion but not from it. Most of the respondents go on to say that they have no problem with those of other faiths having that freedom. (I'll believe that when I see it).

    So, should we just give up and let it be called a religion? They would pretty much have to then be resigned to no longer having an argument to deny us a freedom we already have or yet again be shown as hypocrites.

    Plus, we would then possibly be open to tax exemptions...

    Of course, I'm just mulling all this over in my head and am not serious. I am curious as to what you all think though.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do many actors prefer stage to cinema?

    It seems many accomplished film and television actors, when asked, say they prefer theatre or being on the stage to acting in movies/tv. Some even say the stage is their first love.

    I have a few hypotheses:

    Perhaps, when acting on stage you feel you are truly acting because you are playing to a live audience. Maybe it feels more true to the art form? There would also be an added note of more ready instant gratification with claps and standing ovations as opposed to waiting for movie ratings.

    Perhaps they feel the stage is where it all began, and so, in that way, they are upholding traditions.

    On the other side, movies allow you to appeal to a much wider audience and provide a great deal more monetary wise.

    My guess would be that there would seem to be more of an exchange with stage acting.

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Why do many actors prefer stage to cinema?

    It seems many accomplished film and television actors, when asked, say they prefer theatre or being on the stage to acting in movies/tv. Some even say the stage is their first love.

    I have a few hypotheses:

    Perhaps, when acting on stage you feel you are truly acting because you are playing to a live audience. Maybe it feels more true to the art form? There would also be an added note of more ready instant gratification with claps and standing ovations as opposed to waiting for movie ratings.

    Perhaps they feel the stage is where it all began, and so, in that way, they are upholding traditions.

    On the other side, movies allow you to appeal to a much wider audience and provide a great deal more monetary wise.

    My guess would be that there would seem to be more of an exchange with stage acting.

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Spiritually Speaking, it may be time to move on...?

    Did I mention I'm kinky in bed?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago