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Music teacher and member of 2 local bands. Professional photographer on the side. Great interest in the arts both visual and performing. Big fan of Harry Potter and Artemis Fowl.

  • While playing my PS3, it suddenly went Black and White?

    I am using the original connector (Skart) that came with the system. It's OLD, but has been working just fine. Yesterday I was playing a game and all of a sudden, I lost all color. I have tried restarting it, but holding down the power button when in standby does nothing. I have reset the config, installed the latest update, everything, but still no color. This is not a case of the plug being in the wrong place as it happened while I was playing and all was right with the world.

    I tried using an HDMI, but the system won't even identify the cable. All I get is "No Signal" message.

    Like I said, it's old, but....Any suggestions????

    1 AnswerPlayStation7 years ago
  • Has anyone used Fender Fuse?

    I just downloaded Fuse for my new Mustang ll amp, and downloaded a pre-set tone, but have no idea how to retreive it from wherever it saved it to, so I can actually USE it. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment9 years ago
  • Biblical inconsistencies?

    How can they all be right? Things that make you go hmmmm.

    Book / Who goes to the tomb/ Guards Boulder/ Who tells what happened

    Matthew: Mary Magdalene and Mary / yes/ One flying angel on the boulder

    mother of James

    Mark: Mary Magdalene, Mary

    mother of James, Salome/ no/ One young man in the

    tomb, but the women told no-one

    Luke: Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of

    James, Joanna and some other women / no/Two men in the tomb

    John: (Two visits) Mary/ no/ no-one

    The disciples/no/ two angels and Jesus

    Since the people who wrote these stories were not even there, how can anyone actually believe that these stories are anything but myths and "urban legends"? And these are just a few of the contradictions found in the Bible, and why so may "factual" accounts of the same story?

    Here is another "biggie":

    Matthew 5:44 states that you should love your enemies. Jesus then in Luke 19:27 seems to suggest through parable that he will have those who won't serve him killed. Matthew 5:39-45 states that you should accommodate the wicked and not resist evil, because that's what God does. But Jesus makes it clear that this is a case of do as I say and not as I do when he threatens the wicked with the eternal torture of Hell (Mark 9:43-48)

    The book is filled with such contradictions. How can you say you want to live your life based on such nonsense?

    No trying to be disrespectful, but these things concern me as a human being with a logical mind. Please explain to me why anyone should look to this book for absolute truth, since it can't seem to get the "truth" straight. Truth never contradicts itself!

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Is there a safe and quick way to reduce edema?

    I drink lots of water daily, and even use lemon juice (a natural diuretic), and I spend more than enough time in the bathroom, still, for some reason I am retaining enough water to be classified as an inlet. (shoes fitting too tight, feet and hands feeling like water wienies) and yes, I've seen a doc, and there's no diabetes or anything they can find. I just don't want to take the Lasix, as I don't like the side effects. (don't like pills of any kind, really)

    Any ideas?

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine10 years ago
  • Doesn't absolute power corrupt absolutely?

    I mean NO offense to those who believe. I just find this an interesting analogy and wonder what your thoughts are.

    It is said, that "God" is the absolute ruler of the universe. "His" word is "law" and we are to obey without question that which "He" sets forth." Is this not true of religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam as well as others?

    If that is the case, Then I put forth the idea that this "God" is a dictator by definition:

    1. A ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force

    2. A person who tells people what to do in an autocratic way or who determines behavior in a particular sphere

    3. a ruler who is unconstrained by law

    4. dictatorial - authoritarian: expecting unquestioning obedience

    Considering the above, and the fact that millions have been killed in the name of "God" and religion, (The Crusades, The Inquisition, The Burning times, the Salem Witch Trials, 9/11 and so on) does this not constitute "God" as the ultimate dictator? I mean by definition.

    Now, with all of the hate being spread by two of the largest religions in the world, Christianity and Islam, and all in the name of "God" doesn't this seem like a bad idea to even want to be associated with this kind of ruler and justify horrible deeds under the guise of it being approved and condoned by this ruler?

    Just some thought. Again, NO disrespect intended.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, What do you think of the following?

    I looked this up after seeing it on a couple of billboards in town, just to see what it was all about. I am not a believer, but this was a bit curious, so... Anyway, is from a site called ""

    One of the statements made there is this: "WE CAN KNOW from the Bible alone that the date of the rapture of believers will take place on May 21, 2011 and that God will destroy this world on October 21, 2011.

    Now really, how can someone actually state this as a fact, and try and back it up using the same book that millions of other people read and never found reference to this date?

    This is one of the things that really bothers me about religion. The constant stating of things/ideas/theories and such as actual "fact".

    I mean no disrespect to anyone, but, really? Can people actually believe this stuff, adn if it's not generally accepted throughout the Christan community, why is it being allowed to remain as a testament to the Christan beliefs?

    Just want to know what you all think about tjhis.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually speaking...What do you think?

    I know we all pretty much feel that all life is "sacred", at least to some degree, but how do you feel about the killing of insects and such? Do they not have the right to live? And are we really in a position to determine whether or not something deserves to live or die? Other than killing for survival (which is acceptable and in most cases necessary) does the cockroach crawling across the floor deserve to die, just because you don't like them, or are we making a determination based on some "God" complex?

    I just find it hard to kill something just because it's annoying. I know I certainly wouldn't want someone to kill me, just because they found me to be to their disliking. Should we give all life the same respect? What about microbes, bacteria and such? After all,, in essence, they too are "living beings"?

    What do you think?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else find this curious?

    I have noticed a growing trend here on the R&S boards. It seems that if a question is asked by an Agnostic or an Atheist, that questions Christian beliefs, it is many times more likely to be deleted, even if the question is not worded in a derogatory manner. Yet, when the opposite occurs, the question is being left alone, even when it IS in a derogatory fashion.

    Is it that one group is allowed more "freedom of speech" than others, or is it that they just can't take direct confrontation, and to avoid having to try and answer the question, they simply report it as being against "policy"? I don't know, but there seems to be a double standard, and in a forum, such as this, one standard is sufficient,

    I respect those who believe differently than I do, but I also expect them to have the same respect for me. I have just as much right to question them on their beliefs as they do to to question mine. It's what this section is all about. But when one group denies another to ask questions, then it becomes a dictatorship, and freedom of religion, speech, expression and opinion ceases to exist.

    When a question is a direct insult and is obviously vicious in nature, this I can understand being reported, but if it's simply a question, then leave it alone and let the other side take a shot at the answer. If we Atheists reported all of the posted questions that are a direct insult to us, then there would be a lot less to read and respond to, And that would be a complete drag.

    Does anyone else see this trend?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Fellow R&S people....Any suggestions?

    A friend ask me last night to come up with a single syllable word for "God". The word must mean the same thing. She is writing a song and wants to convey the idea without using "God" as the term.

    Please keep the derogatory stuff out. Being an Atheist, I have heard them all already, so please be respectful.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks in advance.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Believers and Non-Believers , Would you please give this a thought?

    It's so sad to see all of the hate and insults that come from believers towards those of us who aren't. Please, is it not possible for you to realize that the only difference between us, is that we simply don't believe in deity? We have all the same passions, likes and dislikes as you do, with that one exception. We love and care for our families and friends and would defend them with our lives. Many of us are actively involved in Human Rights, Ecology, Education, Cultural Diversity and so forth. So many times I have seen so-called Christians call us every name in the book, without really knowing a single thing about us.

    Yes, the slamming goes both ways. There are those on the other side, who do the same to you. Some say it's just human nature, but is it really? Either way, if it's done with the intent of just spreading hate, then why does anyone take part in it? Christians preach about love, and Atheists "preach" about tolerance, yet neither side seems to take it seriously.

    Is it not time, that we begin to tear down the barriers between our respective paths, and find ways to combine our efforts in healing the Earth and helping it's people, rather than this constant war between belief systems?

    Those who find comfort and direction in religion, live in joy and peace within it. but don't condemn other's for their differences in view about the subject.

    Non-believers, we also need to take the high road. We don't agree with religious teachings and dogma, but if we say that we are more tolerant of the world in general, then why not show it more in forums like this?

    We don't have to agree with each othr's beliefs or ways, just as we don't have to agree on the best toppings for a pizza, but we don't have to promote hate between those who like sausage over pepperoni.

    These fights have gone on for so long, and all it does is create an environment saturated with the poison of hate.

    Maybe I'm crazy, but I would rather live in a world of tolerance and peace, than in a world that would rather condemn and kill those who simply see things in a different way.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where was your "God" when that jerk shot an innocent 9 year old in Tuscon?

    How can your "loving God" let a pretty, innocent little girl get shot and killed by some maniac? Not to mention the others that were killed by this jerk-off! How can you tell me, that this was all "part of God's plan"? If that is the case, then this is just one more reason I am glad I am not a believer. I was touched by the murder and attempted murder of the rest, but I lost it when it came to the little girl who was there only to see how government works. Why would your "God" allow this kind of thing to happen? Is your "Heaven" running short of angels or what? Sorry, but I am outraged by this event, and it served only to reinforce my non-belief. Not condemning, just looking for a reasonable answer.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why all of the constant ranting?

    Seriously, each of us has found our happiness in our beliefs or our lack of such. We are each content in our decisions. Those who seek refuge or solace in a particular religion have freely chosen that path. No-one held a gun to their head to make that choice, and no-one held one to the heads of those who have chosen not to believe in any deity at all. Personal choices, each and every one.

    People on either side of the issue will not change those who are firm in their own beliefs. Yes, while it is fun to debate the issue, it's beating a dead horse. I have seen many people here in R/S ask serious questions about other's beliefs only to get slammed by the opposition and even at times by people in their own group. What a waste of time and energy.

    Yes, there are those who love confrontation and those who answer just for the points, but let's get real. Would it not better serve each side to simply respect everyone's point of view and quit the incessant arguing over the same issues and such day after day, time after time? Would it not shine a better light on both sides if we simply let people believe what they wish and stop the constant condemning? I know many will think this is all just fun and games, and at times, it can be. But at the end of the day, the only things that really matter are the facts that we are all human, we all have our differences, we all bleed, we all love and we are all part of the same planet. Maybe, just maybe, this is where our focus should really be. We can agree to disagree all we want. BUT, If we cannot hold our hand out to our neighbors simply because they think differently, then we have really have bigger problems than just our religious preferences.

    I don't have to agree with you, nor you me. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not here to live up to mine. But if somehow, we can find common ground, then surly, we have found a better path to peace.

    And if this is true even in part, why must we insist on condemnation rather than openening a hand of friendship? Ater all, we can all learn something from each other without throwing religion into the mix. What do you say? Is anyone here even willing to try, or has the idea of peace once again fallen on deaf ears?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • No question but rather a wish?

    Although I am an Atheist, it doesn't mean that we cannot offer respect to others beliefs even if we disagree with them. So, with that in mind, I want to wish all of the Jewish people here in R/S a HAPPY HANUKKAH! We certainly don't have to agree with each other's beliefs, but we can still be friendly.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do these famous people have in common?

    Here's a short list of very famous people who are liked by many, many people across the world. What do they all have in common?

    Woody Allen, Lance Armstrong, Isaac Asimov, Rodney Dangerfield, Billy Joel, Angelina Jolie, Keanu Reeves, George Carlin.

    Just a few for your concideration.

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • With all of the currently known saints?

    Which seems to be approx. 2, 600, (+/-) , that the followers of Catholicism pray to for one thing or another, what then is the big deal with slamming the Hindu people for having their own Devas and Devis they pray to for basically the same things? True, the Hindus have many more deities and such, but still. Why do the Catholics think they can pray to their "saints" for protection, travel, whatever, but the Hindus will go to hell for praying to their own? The Catholics have statues of Mary and Jesus, various Popes and such, While the Hindus have statues of Ganesha, Laxmi, Hanuman, etc...Please tell me why it's ok for the Catholics to have their "graven images" but the rest of the world is doomed to hell for having an effigy of their particular deity of choice? Really...What's the difference? Saint's, Devas, statues of Mary, statues of Shiva.

    And please don't give me the answer of "well, our saints are/were real people." I want an actual Intelligent answer here.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have any info on an artist named Marzo?

    I have a great original oil of some pottery, signed only with the name Marzo. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersPainting1 decade ago
  • Christians..If your God never changes, what went wrong?

    I have heard for years, that your God never changes, The same yesterday, today and forever. If that's the case, why then, in your OT, your God was always striking down and punishing evil people and such, but by the time your NT came along..Nothing. And even now, nothing is being done, although things are much worse now than ever before. Did he change his mind, or just give up? Or do you think he's just setting back watching it all happen? In either case, he would not be the same God of the OT. In which case, he changed. So how then can you claim he is the same? If you do something at one point in time, and do not do it again, then something changed. Nothing ever remains static, and if your God actually existed, he would be no exception. The proof would be in the non-action against the same things action was once taken. What kind of excuses can you come up with for this inconsistency? Or is this going to be just another feeble attempt to explain something that has no basis in fact, past or present? Not condemning you, just curious about your ideas on this subject.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • When is enough really enough?

    When will this pointless bickering between Christians and others come to an end? Christians constantly spitting out scriptures to people to whom it doesn't matter. Atheists trying to disprove the existence of diety. Muslims and Christians always trying to prove their side. Why can't people just let others have their conversations and stay out of what really doesn't concern them. I'm guilty of it, and I'm also getting tired of it. No matter which way to tend to lean, it's like pouring water on a duck, it's all gonna roll of, so why keep up the constant fighting, and just stick with people and questions that concern you and your particular path. Or is this just going to continue and really take the fun out of this particular site altogether? I just think it's time we get on with our own groups, and leave everyone else alone.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, What do you think of the following scriptures?

    Exodus 22:18 (Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live) and Deuteronomy 18:10-11 (which proclaims the ban against magical practitioners and gives a list of them. Found in your King James version.

    Do you believe these to be something you need to follow to be a good Christian and if so, would you be willing to kill the next witch you come across? Or, is this another example of picking and choosing what you will and will not follow even within your own religion, based upon your particular interpretation of what was said?

    There is no condemnation meant here, just wanting to know how you feel about these kinds of things and if it is one of the main reasons you choose to attack those of different beliefs, especially Wiccans and Atheists.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why The obsession With bra size?

    What I would like to know, is why there is this stupid obsession, by both sexes about a woman's breast size? This garbage has gone on for so long, and the obsession has become so great that the self image of our young women has been demoted to their bra size. They are so obsessed with it that they are damaging their bodies in order to be "popular" or whatever. Why can't we give these young girls and young women support for JUST WHO AND WHAT THEY ARE and not put such damaging pressure on how they are built?

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago