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Lv 58,699 points

Carl Williams

Favorite Answers5%
  • What should I do about my roomates.?

    I am a practicing Santa Muertista( a devotee of the folk saint Santa Muerte), have been for many years now. I even have the saint Tattooed on me. Anyways sense I moved in with my roomates last July I have gotten a lot of bigoted crap for my beliefs as has my saint. Its went as far as my roomates acusing the saint of being a demon and me a Satanist ( Santa Muertistas are Catholics Santa Muerte is a folk saint.) They have even forced me to place my shrine to her in a closet claiming it "scares the kids " funny I've seen the kids run up and kiss the statue. What should I do I need help I feel like m spiritual beliefs are being oppressed.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How long does it generally take for a vocations director to get back to you?

    I spoke with the Vocations Director of The Monks of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel this past Thursday. After a very long phone conversation and answering all his questions to the best of my ability he said I was a good candidate for Carmel life and that more info on the Monetary would be sent to me via email. Its now Saturday how much longer should I wait? I was thinking of calling the Carmel back next Thursday if I didn't get anything by then. Has anyone else ever encountered this when speaking with a Vocations Director?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • What are your thoughts on Kateri Tekakwitha?

    Kateri was born near the town of Auriesville, New York, in the year 1656, the daughter of a Mohawk Chief. She was four years old when her Father, mother (a Catholic convert) and younger brother died of smallpox. The disease also attacked Kateri and transfigured her face. She was adopted by her two aunts and an uncle who was another Chief. Kateri became converted as a teenager. She was baptized at the age of twenty and incurred the great hostility of her tribe. Although she had to suffer greatly for her Faith, she remained firm in it. Kateri went to the new Christian colony of Indians in Canada. Here she lived a life dedicated to prayer, penitential practices, and care for the sick and aged. Every morning, even in bitterest winter, she stood before the chapel door until it opened at four and remained there until after the last Mass. She was devoted to the Eucharist and to God. She died on April 17, 1680 at the age of twenty-four.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What are your thoughts on Bakhita?

    Born in a Village in Sudan, kidnapped by slavers, often beaten and abused, and later sold to Federico Marin, a venetian merchant, Bakhita then came to Italy and became the nanny servant of Federico's daughter, Aurora, who had lost her mother at birth. She was treated as an outcast by the peasants and other servants due to the fact that she was black and came from Africa, but she was always kind and generous to others. Bakhita became close to God with help from the village Priest, and became a Catholic. Bakhita became a nun to the order of the Canossian sisters after a long custody battle with Federico Marin who treated her as his slave and property.

    She was Cannonized in 2000 by St. Pope John Paul the 2nd.

    St. Josephine Bakhita

    1869 - 1947

    Patroness of the Sudan

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What to do if your a devout Roman Catholic man and a friend asks to conceive your baby?

    1. I am a devout Roman Catholic I know full well what the churches teachings are concerning sex outside of Marriage.

    2. Yes I do love kids and yes I have always wanted a child to call my own. I don't know what to do my heart is telling me this may be the only chance you have for a child my head is telling me you know its wrong you know its a sin and that would not be fair to the child so don't do it.

    I need genuine advise here please no nasty answers.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Where can I get palm branches?

    I would like to get 2 palm branches dry them out then get them blessed by my Priest on Palm Sunday and stick them up on my Home Altar wall under my Crucifix. Where do I get palm branches in Reno Nevada?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What is the song that is played in the Catholic religious based film Bakhita?

    The song plays a lot in the background of the film and it sounds so lovely but its in African so I can't understand it. If anyone has seen the film and knows the English translation to the lyrics or the name of the song I would be grateful.

    Bad translation on my part: Da ba samola conezua de ne na forie wochie to com pomota nami fororie wakotchie

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How to tell my parents that I'm getting married?

    So my parents are really old school. I've been with my fiancé for about 4 years and he asked me to marry him. The problem is that he moved to Texas for college and when he comes back for spring break he wants to marry me. I have the money for it and everything is planned. My parents don't want me to move over there but I already told them I was. I have not told them that I'm getting married although they do know that I'm engaged. They want me to stay home forever, they can't stand the idea of me leaving, and I doubt they would want me to marry him. I told my sister about it and she said that I would break my mothers heart if I did. I can't tell my mom since she's avoiding me ever since I told her I was leaving. The last thing she told me was "I want to see you married in white and pure before you leave here instead of living in sin with your boyfriend." I talked to my sister about that too and she said that if that what she said then she will regret that later. My fiancé is a good guy and the sweetest man I have ever met. He makes me happy and I make him happy. Its just my parents who think that he is taking me away from them and they are jealous of his family. I know for sure I will marry that week, but I also want my families blessings. Some people have mentioned to me that I should go with him and sign the marriage license and then tell them I'm married, but I really don't want to do that. I need a way for them to understand that I'm not their baby anymore and I need to live my life. Please help and sorry for the long information.

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • Is paying for sexual favors a sin or is the person who is taking the cash commiting the sin of prostitution?

    Perfer Catholic answers on this.

    No I did not do this its just a question that came up in conversation?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What do you know about Santa Muerte?

    There is a shop about 2 streets over from where I work that has an image of Santa Muerte in its front window. She is a life sized skeleton dressed as a Roman Catholic Nun holding a sythe in one hand and a balancing scale in the other a skull and a owl lay at her feet. the people clutter the area outside of the window with candles, flowers, glasses of water, Marti grass bead necklaces, coins, cigars, bottles of alcohol, cans of soda, candy, fruits, bread, pictures of people etc. The people who own the shop are a little old couple from Mexico City they are very nice people and they told me that she is a folk saint ( Is not part of the Catholic Church but part of Mexican culture) and that its part of their religion. My only reason for asking is due to the candle I found today at the door of my shop. Thank you for your help.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Catholics: Question about choosing my confirmation name?

    Does it have to be the name of a Saint or can it be the name of a blessed?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago