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  • Christians, is your god more complicated than the universe?

    I have often heard from christians that because of the universe's complexity, it must have a creator. Now I ask: Do you believe that the god you worship is more complicated than the universe? If so, does this complexity mean god must have a creator as well?

    If you could cite a bible verse or something from your church doctrine or whatever that would be useful.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • 0.10 M hydrofluoric acid is titrated with 0.10 M of sodium hydroxide solution?

    the Ka of HF is 6.8 x 10^-4. Which indicator is the most appropriate for signaling the end point of the titration?

    A. bromphenyl blue (pH 3-4.5)

    B. phenolphthalein (pH 8-10)

    C. Thymol blue (pH 1.5-2.5)

    D. alizarin yellow R (pH 11-12)

    E. bromthymol blue (pH = 6-7)

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersChemistry9 years ago
  • Opinions on environmental science/global warming?

    I was interested in knowing people's opinions on the environmental issues that are popular today. I was wondering if there is any relation between this and faith or lack thereof, so please state your religious status in your answer if you please.

    By environmental stuff I mean recycling, global warming, saving endangered species, green energy, and that type of stuff. Some people think it is a very important issue, while others think it is a scam or otherwise of minimal importance. Opinions?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How did gay people come to exist?

    I was wondering why there homosexual population exists.

    If you're an evolutionist, how do you think they evolved? I mean the size of the homosexual population indicates that natural selection has kept it around for some reason, even though to my knowledge it is detrimental to evolutionary fitness.

    If you're a creationist... why do you think god would create homosexual people? I mean don't most of you Christians teach that it's sinful in some way?

    If you're a creationist but don't think being gay is wrong.. I guess this question doesn't apply to you.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Would you wear a sweater if you knew Hitler once wore it?

    Imagine you have a sweater. You happen to know that it was once worn by Hitler, but it's a pretty generic sweater so there is no possibility that anyone else will realize this. Would you be less inclined to wear the sweater? What if it was the only sweater you have, and it's a cold day outside?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can someone explain pantheism to me?

    Sometimes on here or elsewhere people talk about 'pantheism.' All I know about this is that instead of a personal god that stands apart from nature (as in theism), pantheists believe something like god encompasses nature and everything in nature, or that god IS nature... or something like that.

    I was hoping for some quick details so I am not misinformed. Do pantheists pray to god like theists do? Do they believe in an afterlife, or think that humans are special parts of nature in some way? Are pantheists like christians, or more like deists or atheists? Any details would be appreciated, thanks.

    And don't bother trying to convert me, or telling me that this is silly because god doesn't exist (I'm an atheist anyway, I just want to know about pantheism here). Thank you.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can noise canceling headphones stop people sitting next to you from hearing?

    Currently with the headphones I use, you can hear the sound coming out of them even if you are standing 15 feet away. I was thinking of buying noise canceling headphones to solve this so I can listen to my music without bothering people sitting near me.

    Noise canceling headphones advertise themselves as being able to block noise from the outside. I don't really care about this, but I want to make sure that they also contain the music so only the person wearing the headphones can hear it.

    Also I'd prefer not buying expensive headphones if that is possible

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • Anyone here become an atheist because of the Internet?

    I was wondering how much of a role the Internet plays in atheism's growth. So can anyone here say that they saw something on the Internet that encouraged them to become an atheist?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can anyone refute this proof I came up with for the existence of my god?

    Sometimes people tell me that I need to prove that my god exists. So I came up with five proofs. pwned.

    -Thunderstorms are a symbol of Thor's marriage to Sif. Without this gift we would not have the life giving waters that allow us to live.

    -Nobody but Thor could summon the power to create thunder. Thunder is Thor's reminder to us that he is there.

    -References to Thor are numerous and have existed for hundreds of years.

    -If there is no Thor, there will be no one to kill the serpent Jörmungandr during the final battle at Ragnarök.

    -When Thor created Time, he left us a sign by naming one of the days after himself (Thor's Day, or Thursday).

    So anyway, did anyone ever SERIOUSLY doubt Thor's existence?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why are unborn embryos considered people?

    I often hear pro-life people say that life begins at conception. To me, this implies that just because something is alive, it is a person. I don't quite follow this logic. If this is true, what makes humans any more valuable than ants, bacteria or brain-dead bodies (which are technically alive but cannot think)?

    I've always assumed that humans are valuable because of their minds-- the ability to maintain conscious thought, reason, show empathy and emotions, etc. At early stages of development, humans do not have these capabilities- they are not sentient beings. So what makes them any more valuable than any other mass of cells?

    If your answer is that humans are inherently valuable because of god or something and not because of intellect, consider this. What if aliens exist, and we came in contact with them. They are intelligent, friendly, and very much like us. Are these aliens to be treated like animals because they are not human, or like humans because they are intelligent?

    One more scenario. Imagine if a human had his brain removed, but his body was still alive and controlled by a computer. Is it a person? On the other hand, if someone's body was completely dysfunctional save the brain, it is a person (think Stephen Hawking)?

    So if unborn embryos do not have a developed central nervous system (which includes the brain) at early stages of development, why do some people consider them on par with people in terms of moral worth?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How do I get people to believe me?

    So I wanted to get people to believe a bunch of stuff that's not true, and if possible I'd like to have it done in a way that they don't question what I say or think that it might possibly be wrong.

    Here's some of the things:

    1. My dad made the universe and everything else, and therefore I am super important. Not gonna say that I did because if someone asks how, I won't know how to answer.

    2. The only reason you think you live in the United States of America is because of an evil conspiracy. It is actually known as Johnland.

    3. Most importantly: If you give me money, good things will happen to you. For example, you will gain magical powers such as walking through walls and you will be permitted to live in Johnland 2 after you die.

    I'm not sure how I can get this message across effectively. Mind control might be an option, but I'd prefer that people actually believed it so that they can spread it to other people. If I spread it through mind control I would have to teach others my secret if I wanted the idea to become global and I don't want other people to be able to use mind control.

    Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • More atheists here at night?

    I've noticed here in the R&S category, questions asked during the day get answered mostly by christians while at night there are more atheists. Any idea why?

    BTW I am in EST, so its 10:45 PM right now.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can anyone refute this proof that my god exists?

    Sometimes people tell me that I need to prove that my god exists. So I came up with five proofs. pwned.

    -Thunderstorms are a symbol of Thor's marriage to Sif. Without this gift we would not have the life giving waters that allow us to live.

    -Nobody but Thor could summon the power to create thunder. Thunder is Thor's reminder to us that he is there.

    -References to Thor are numerous and have existed for hundreds of years.

    -If there is no Thor, there will be no one to kill the serpent Jörmungandr during the final battle at Ragnarök.

    -When Thor created Time, he left us a sign by naming one of the days after himself (Thor's Day, or Thursday).

    So anyway, did anyone ever SERIOUSLY doubt Thor's existence?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What's with the phrase, "Women and children?"?

    Alot of times when people talk about crime or work they say things like "and they even killed women and children!! OMFG." It just occurred to me... women and children make up what, 75% of the human population? So that leaves 25% of us adult males... who for some reason, are less valuable than the rest of the human race. srsly?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Would you lie to someone for their happiness?

    Sometimes I hear people say things like "it doesn't really matter if my faith is true or not, religion is good for society" or "good for moral development" etc. I wanted to hear some opinions on this.

    Whether you're a believer or an atheist, consider this. What if you are sure that what you believe is truth, yet you know that if you convince your children to agree with you, they will have a less happy life? If you're a believer, imagine if you live in a society where your religion is not tolerated, a place where people like you are bullied in school and might suffer depression or even become suicidal? If you are an atheist, what if you had reason to think that a lack of belief in god could lead to drugs, depression, etc. (not saying that it does)?

    So basically... if it was one or the other, which would you choose? Happiness or truth?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Are there people who think differently than me?

    My friend recently informed me that there are some people in this world who have opinions that are different from my own. I'm pretty sure this is BS, but I want to make sure.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Where did my bike go?

    My bike was here just a minute ago. Now it is gone, and I don't know where it is. Anyone seen it?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Forget about religious views?

    So I see a lot of people arguing about religious stuff, like whether god exists or not. It was fun for a while, but it's gotten tiring. I propose that we all forget about religious stuff and debate about optimism/pessimism instead.

    Seriously, wouldn't it be better if people were like

    "I'm an optimist! The world is better when you think everything is good!"

    then someone else says

    "Grrr! Life sucks, people who aren't pessimists are stupid"

    then someone else says

    "I'm a realist, I like to look at both sides of the issue"

    and they win.

    But instead everyone's all like

    "Praise to the Lord"


    "let me quote my favorite long bible verse and hope that its relevant: (verse)"

    "you're stupid!"

    etc. Anyway, its really annoying and nobody ever wins. Religious arguments were a cool idea, but they have gotten old. We should remove them from the game and switch to something else.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago