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  • Is it wrong to eat communion wafers?

    I've always been very curious about the communion wafer. I'm not Catholic, but I've been thinking about attending a mass just to see how they taste. Are they any good? Would they go good with guacamole or maybe hummus?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Conservatives: How Will You Blame Obama For Today's Shooting?

    Let's see some good spirited response here. You know even though Obama had nothing to do with this shooting, you want to blame him. Do your best here. I want the really, really wacked out hard-core stuff. Tell me about how these are the end times and god's wrath is coming. Talk about how Obama is probably some sort of communist, socialist, totalitarian, foreign, satanic, islamist black drug-addicted racist. If you want to get best answer here, you'll have to dig deep into your paranoid brains. Get creative. Go!

    2 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Will NHL fans come back?

    Word is just coming out that the NHL is canceling more games. If the NHL decides to cancel the entire season, that's the second time in less than a decade the fans get screwed. Will you be back? I guess I'm addressing Canada since we have other things to do here in the US and hockey is a niche sport at best here.

    7 AnswersHockey8 years ago
  • What would your ideal god be?

    There are so many religions out there, how does one choose? Catholicism? Meh, too much about sin and guilt. Scientology? C'mon, let's be serious here. Islam seems like it comes with lots hummus and really pretty hand-woven rugs, but those are the only positive aspects I can think of.

    So if you were looking for an ideal religion to suit you, how would you pick your deity?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • About State's Rights?

    How much do you believe a state's rights should trump federal law? If your state thinks it's okay for everybody to own rocket launchers and tanks, does that mean you also think it's okay when a state legalizes marijuana or gay marriage? After this last election, I'm starting to think more about the power individual states should have, but I think it should be consistent. In other words, if I don't like gambling and legal prostitution, I won't go to Nevada ... but I won't be against their wishes either.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Why do Conservatives Blindly Support Israel?

    Conversely, why is it that people with liberal beliefs tend to support the Palestinians? Speaking for myself, I tend to support the underdog, the little guy, so I have a hard time rooting for Israel in this fight. Far too often, accusations of antisemitism get thrown around for simply disagreeing with the policies of Israel. Do you equate support of the Palestinians to racism?

    8 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Have any of your guns actually been taken?

    You heard it four years ago when Obama was elected, and you're hearing it again now. "Obama's gunna take our guns!" For all the people I've heard express that fear, I don't know a single American that has actually had the government show up and take their guns away. So tell me law-abiding Americans, have your guns been taken away? Who took them?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • How important is the proposal?

    So after months of talk and more than a few internal pep talks about commitment, I've decided to take the plunge and ask my girlfriend to marry me. This will be a second marriage for both of us. I'm not one for grand gestures and we have both decided that when we do get married, it will be a personal ceremony with just us on a beach somewhere. That being said, how important is the actual proposal? Considering what I paid for the ring, and the commitment it symbolizes, I would like to think it's a grand enough gesture. Thoughts?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Why keep track of rebounds in basketball?

    I'm always a little puzzled at the plethora of statistics that people keep track of when it comes to sport. If I'm not mistaken, a rebound is when the ball bounces off the backstop and the opposing team recovers the ball? Maybe I just don't understand how pivotal this statistic is to the game of basketball ... why not keep track of how many times a player dribbles the ball per game?

    2 AnswersBasketball9 years ago
  • Why do Christians revere the baby Jesus?

    Didn't Jesus grow up and live into his 30's? Wouldn't an adult be more likely to answer your prayers since he/she would understand what you're saying?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • AFC vs NFC during the regular season?

    If the point of the Super Bowl is to pit the best team of the AFC against the best team in the NFC, why do teams from both leagues play against each other during the regular season? Is it similar to interleague play in MLB, or do these so-called leagues have a lot less meaning in the NFL?

    5 AnswersFootball (American)10 years ago
  • Speaking two languages simultaneously?

    I live in the San Francisco Bay Area which is very diverse. I ride BART to San Francisco every day and hear a lot of different languages being spoken on a daily basis. I've noticed that many people, particularly people from India and the Philippines tend to speak their native language with bits of English sprinkled in.

    Example: "Blah blah blah next tuesday, blah blah blah so at 3 o'clock, blah blah"

    Just substitute "blah" for another language if you don't understand what I'm getting at.

    I only speak English, so it's hard for me to understand why you'd switch back and forth between languages mid sentence. In my example, if it were Tagalog, would there be no way to say "next Tuesday" for instance? This is a direct quote from a conversation I heard on BART recently.

    Thanks for participating!

    5 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Do you find 9/11 coverage to be manipulative?

    So 10 years after 9/11 our country is still in a lot of pain. I wonder how many people will actually spend a good chunk of their time this weekend stuck on their TVs watching 10th anniversary coverage and scared of more attacks. For me personally, reliving that day with more pictures and footage won't help me gain a perspective that I somehow missed over the past decade. The terrorist threat is real every day, not just on anniversaries of tragedies. If waving flags and praising the troops is your way of commemorating this awful anniversary, I'm not criticizing you. I just wonder how we as a country can move on and protect ourselves in the process.

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism10 years ago
  • If polygamy was legal?

    Would you have more than one husband or wife? How would you work it out so that all of your potential spouses got equal attention? Do you think jealousy could be avoided?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Travel in the former USSR?

    I'm an American of half Armenian descent and I've always had a fascination with Armenia and the former Soviet republics. I'm curious to know which of these countries might be good for Westerners to travel to. I'm also curious to know if anybody has been to Armenia, if they can offer some good travel tips. I don't speak Russian or Armenian so that is definitely a factor. Also, which of these republics has a lot to offer as far as sights, culture and cuisine? I'm aware that there is quite a bit of enmity between Armenia and some of its neighbors, so is that a factor for an American of Armenian descent traveling in that neck of the woods? Thanks for your input.

    3 AnswersRussia10 years ago
  • Scientology - Religion or Business?

    Before I even ask the question, I'd like it to be known that I'm an atheist and I believe all religions are false. That being said, with all the information available, it seems obvious to me that Scientology is a bigger joke than most. Do followers of Scientology really believe that a Science Fiction writer created a religion based on aliens from space? Do celebrities join the church of Scientology because it's a trendy thing to do? Did L. Ron Hubbard create this "religion" to make money and get tax breaks? I'm always open to reasonable debate - if my assumptions are wrong, fill me in.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why are Islam and terrorism so strongly linked?

    With the bombing and deadly shooting in Norway today, I can't help but wonder what it is about Islam that drives people to commit acts of terrorism. Word now comes that a group called "Helpers of Global Jihad" have claimed responsibility. Please don't misunderstand - obviously, the vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists, so let's avoid engaging in that sort of talk. I'm just curious to know what it is about Islam that drives some individuals to commit these violent acts.

    17 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Hip Hop Style question?

    Why do inner city youths/people into the hip hop look leave tags and stickers on their hats, shoes and other articles of clothing?

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop10 years ago
  • Why is a doomsday so important to Christianity?

    Earlier this year, American Christian radio host Harold Camping stated that the Rapture and Judgment Day would take place on May 21, 2011. Obviously that didn't happen. Throughout history, many different Christian sects have made prophecies about the world ending and they've proven to be true exactly 0% of the time.

    My question is, why is the Rapture or end of the world such an integral part of the religious beliefs of many?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Does a full moon affect human behavior?

    So we had a full moon yesterday and all day today I've heard several people mention that whatever happened yesterday that was quirky can be attributed to the fact that we had a full moon. A lot of accidents on the freeway? Full moon. Weird crimes? Full moon. etc, etc...

    So is there any evidence out there to back up that people act differently depending on the lunar cycle? Spare me the New Agey stuff please.

    12 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 years ago