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Keith Tucker

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  • XBOX 360 Slim Backwards Compatablity not working?

    I bought a new Xbox 360 Slim 4GB. I buy a refurbished 120 GB HDD with the XBOX 360 Slim HDD Case. I install the HDD to the XBOX 360 Slim. I download the XBOX 360 Backwards Compatibility update from USB Flash Drive to my XBOX, and it can't play Original XBOX BACKWARD COMPATABLE GAMES. I clear the Cache from the HDD, it doesn't work, I reformat the HDD, and it doesn't work.

    Is the XBOX 360 Slim not Backwards Compatible even with the HDD Installed?

    1 AnswerXbox10 years ago
  • Why does every team have to be represented in MLB All Star Game?

    Why does the All Star game has to have at least one person represented from every team

    What difference it will make if no players from the Royals, Pirates, and Orioles not represented. Will it harm the All Star Game

    Will fans from those cities protest or cause hell?

    12 AnswersBaseball10 years ago
  • Is Osama Bin Laden's death Obama's major accomplishment?

    Bin Laden is pronounced dead. Will this keep Obama in the White House in 2012.

    Does Bin Laden's death make in difference on the war on terrorism and the war in the Middle East.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is Music Therapy Haram in Islam?

    Music Therapy shows benefits for the Mentality Challenged, the crazy, and children suffering with Autism. Frank Sinatra music can be a example to calm people with difficulties.

    Scholars in Islam don't endorse Musical Instruments except the Duff. They say Music intoxicates the mind and distracts people of making prayers on time.

    What does Muslims have against Musical Therapy for the people I mentioned above.

    Does anyone have a alternative if they are against Musical Therapy.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should the 2011 NFL draft underclassmen should be eligible to come back to college?

    Since the NFL is in a lockout, it makes the 2011 NFL draft difficult because of trading picks for current players in the NFL.

    Should Cam Newton be eligible to return to Auburn to play as a redshirt senior since he may holdout for guaranteed money (other rookies may do the same actions) , they may not have a NFL season

    Should the rules in new Collective Bargaining Agreement guarantee former college players to return to their schools (underclassmen only like Juniors, and redshirt Juniors, and redshirt sophomores) if there is a lockout before the NFL draft even though they hired a agent.

    Should NFL have the power to banned the player union for five years or more during fiscal years if profits are down and owners have more control on moneys earned in the season?

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What if Jared Loughner was Muslim?

    If Jared Loughner was Muslim and a jihadist, will he get the same coverage. Major Hasan didnt get the same coverage as Loughner and he killed 12 people in the 2009 fort hood shooting.

    I mean if Loughner was replaced with a Jihadist instead, a discipline of Imam Anwar Al Alwaki, and the assassination of the congress woman was political, will the moral panic be bigger or just another terrorist attack. Will young radical Muslims give that Jihadist credibility because it part of the war against Islam.

    Will the outrage be quieter because of political correctness and American Muslims.

    Why didn't the Underwear bomber or Time Square bomber aren't view as a Loughner.

    Why didn't the media associate the Underwear bomber, Time Square bomber, or Fort Hood Shooter with a mental illness like they did with Jared Loughner?

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • If islam isn't barbaric, why are islamic countries barbaric?

    I'm talking about Countries with Islamic law and Islamic religious standards. In UAE, a traveler was a house guest to a Arab business man in Abu Dubai, he had a recent knee surgery, he bring vicidin in luggage without the prescription bottle. He was immediately arrested for drug charges. He can be given the capital punishment because of the Islamic moral laws. In Pakistan, a Diplomat was arrested and sentenced to death for blasphemy because she defended Christianity in a conversation with a Muslim. You can be arrested in Saudi Arabia for carrying a bible or proselytizing. You can be beheaded if you practice Astrology in Saudi Arabia because your accused of being a sorcerer. Why would Muslims what Sharia laws in western countries when Muslim governments are barbaric?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Will clay duke go to hell?

    Clay Duke is the guy who was shooting at a school board in Panama City, Florida. He spray paint a v on the wall. He said his wife was fired from the school district.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why do Muslims stone women for adultery? Why is it practiced in the 21 century?

    I don’t get it. Countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, stone women for adultery. The stones have a certain size to inflict pain but not to cause a quick death. They say a woman has to have four male witnesses to prove her innocence.

    A married woman can be raped by a non married man. The man can lie to the authorities and say that it was consensual sex and the man will only receive 100 lashes. The married woman needs four male witnesses to prove the woman was raped because her credibility is questioned (for being a woman). The non married male can have a male friend lie and said the two had consensual sex (married woman, non married man).

    If stoning is not in the Quran, or Hadith (question to Muslims who say stoning isn’t allowed in Islam), why do Muslim countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia practice it? Why do Muslims endorse it? Why are their Muslims in Western Countries who push Sharia Law and want to include stoning for adultery?

    I don’t see politician Keith Ellison (Muslim) condemning stoning for adultery because he may feel indifferent if a woman gets stoned in Islam.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are Christians aren't allowed to proselytize in Muslim countries?

    Why can't Christians proselytize in Muslim countries when Muslims are allowed proselytize in Christian countries?

    Is there a double standard in Islam?

    There is no even playing field between Muslims and Non Muslims in Islamic countries.

    Being a NON MUSLIM in an Islamic Country is a CRIME if you cause moral corruption.

    Is there a stampee no erasee theory (a game you play as a kid) that a man named Muhammad can start a religion, and no one can dissent, dispute, or proselytize something different. Any person who challenges Islam in a Islamic country will be killed.

    Is the Quran so sacred of a book, if a non Muslim challenges the Quran in a Muslim Country, they would be killed (Blasphemy) and viewed as an enemy of Islam (kuffars).

    Can non Muslims dissent Islam in Muslims Countries? In Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, you proselytize Christianity, you’ll will be jailed or even killed. They might charge you with Blasphemy, or treason (Insulting Islam, challenging being an enemy of Islam, or creating moral corruption in that Muslim country)

    I’m saying this because six Aid workers were killed this week in Afghanistan by the Taliban (Terrorist group). They won’t proselytizing (giving Medical care to civilians) , but they were viewed as enemies of Islam and should be killed with no Trial.

    Can anyone tell me that the Taliban are good guys and not a bunch of thugs who oppress women, and violently spread Islam?

    If Muslims say Islam is a very peaceful religion, how can you ignore the violence, chaos the persecution of non Muslims in Middle East and African countries with the Islamic law? You know non Muslims are treated different in those Muslim countries than in the United States, France, and England.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is a crucifix considered a lucky charm?

    I was at Friday prayer, the Imam told the ummah that lucky charms, beads for good luck, and amulets are shurk (unforgivable sin). He said “people who look for good luck, cures for diseases, prosperity, and cast out demons with those items; the gates of Jannah (heaven) will not be open for that person”. He claimed that the crucifix is a lucky charm. He said if someone wears one, it contradicts with the lucky charms. Can anyone dispute this?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is the anti Christ, false messiah, and Satan three separate people?

    In the second coming, is the anti Christ, false messiah, and Satan three different people, two different people, or one person?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do Muslims hate Interest (riba) and want it to end?

    I don’t why Muslims hate interest (riba) even if it works in their favor. I heard that in the Muslim belief, God is in war with interest and Muhammad in a Hadith said “riba is worst than committing Zina (illegal sex) with your mother”.

    All these financial gurus encourage their clients to have bank interest work in their favor. Suze Orman said the best way to obtain wealth is put you money in the bank and have bank interest work in your favor. Pat Robertson (Christian Televangelist) encourages has audience to save up money, put it in the bank, and collect interest to obtain riches down the line. Pat Robertson said that Interest is PERMITTED BY GOD and its propaganda for Muslims to have Sharia banking in the non Muslim world (700 Club TV show).

    Question… I have a late grandfather, he has a one million dollar pension (family can’t access the pension) in a CD account with the bank, the untouched pension makes 8.7% percent in interest a year ($87,000.00), the interest is pasted on to 30 family members every year.

    Why do Muslims say that is dishonest money (riba)? He’s not a Muslim and the bank is working in his favor.

    Is there some fear if you participate in interest, you will go to (Muslim belief) hell, feed hot burning coals and get tortured by 72 Demons?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do Muslims view Prosperity Gospel Churches?

    How do Muslims view pimp daddy preachers like TD Jakes and Creflo Dollar with their Prosperity gospel, their entourage and their Lavish Lifestyles...

    How do Muslims view people who attend churches with singing, dancing and playing gospel music choir and a house band and the Consignation dressing Super Fly?

    How do Muslims view places of worship without sex segregation?

    How do Muslims view big church super fly preachers who put style, good vibe, and flavor in preaching a word of God?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is listening to James Brown Music Haram?

    Is listening to the God fighter of soul Haram? Why do Muslims consider music with musical instruments (Guitar, Piano, Brass instruments) devil music?

    If James brown performed Do it to death (Gonna to have a funky good time) with only a Muslim drum instrument, will it be haram?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it a possibility Islam wouldn’t exist if Muhammad was murder as a child?

    If to say a time traveler went back in time to kill Muhammad as an infant?

    I watched the Back to the Future movies (1, 2, and 3) this weekend. I was thinking about paradoxes in time travel. If time travelers do certain actions, interfere in events, or communicate with people, they can alter time.

    What will happen if someone had a time machine (Back to the Future Delorean), went to 570 AD Mecca, and killed the infant prophet Muhammad and travel back to present time? Will Islam the religion exist if its founder was killed by time travelers?

    I asked a Sheikh the same question and he said that is “irrelevant”. He said that I don’t know the meaning of prophet hood, God will never have his prophets or messengers killed, and the idea of time machines, time traveling, and altering historical events is nonsense.

    I want a Muslim to tell me if technology like time machines, and if the theory of time travel exist, is it possible a time traveler killing a young Muhammad, Islam wouldn’t exist? I want a Muslim to prove Muhammad is a Prophet of God and not just a Spiritual Guru who invented Islam.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why can't we stop giving Israel a $23 Billion dollar a year Allowance?

    I not Anti Semitic but I think the United States giving Israel 23 billion dollars a year allowance is NON SENSE. Were in a debt crisis and they are having the low and middle class pay for it. I’m a college student from the Bay Area and college students’ protest in Sacramento for budget cuts and high tuition costs in California three days ago. Why do US spend so much money for Israel? Why can’t we use those 23 Billion dollars for the Black Community, the United ***** college fund, the NAACP, public schools, after school youth activities, Community colleges and State Universities..

    Why do we spend so much money on an evil Country who wants to destroy Arabs (Palestinians)? Why do we spend money a Country that violated me human rights (destroying the Arab man and mocking him as a bastard) than Fidel Castro? I keep hearing “Israel has the right to protect itself” by why the United States have to pay the expense (23 Billion Dollars a year!!!) where there are more stuff important? I don’t know because it Zionist and Jewish Lobbyists in America, but it seems Israel is more important than disenfranchised citizens in the United States. We need to put more money in schools and government services, not Israel.

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Are Major League Baseball young prospects overrated? Why are young prospects marketed like Superstar players?

    Does a young prospect predict a team’s success, or is it media that covers more prospects?

    Is this just media hype to get casual fans to have more interest of watching baseball?.

    Do MLB teams (mostly weak and low market teams) use young prospects to market their clubs for playoffs or to say they will be a every year first place team?

    I watch MLB TV 30 Clubs in 30 Days. The Analysts say Kansas City Royals will be a Juggernaut team because they have “superstar” Minor League prospects. They say the Royals will compete against the Yankees and beat team in the playoffs because of their young prospects. I don’t like when Baseball Analyst say that the Kansas City Royals are going to be a great team contending for first place because Baseball America says they have nine superstar caliber prospects. I don’t like to call prospects superstar players because they didn’t play a single game in the majors.

    Major League Baseball is a free market game. MLB doesn’t have a salary cap and the best teams (New Yankees, Boston Red Sox, and Los Angeles Dodgers) can purchase the top pitchers and sluggers. It gives weaker, small market teams a disadvantage. I think that’s the reason teams market unproven young players to create hype against bigger market teams.

    MLB has more media coverage towards Minor League Baseball, NCAA baseball, Caribbean baseball, and Nippon Baseball (Japan). MLB can do heavier scouting through the medium of Television and Internet. They can now bid for International Superstar players like Ichiro, and Alfonso Soriano from Nippon,

    They paid 22 year old Pitcher Aroldis Chapman (Cuban Player) $30 million dollars just to sign with the Reds. He didn’t play a Single Professional game.

    They paid 21 year old Pitcher Stephen Strasburg (San Diego State) $15 million dollars to play in the Washington Nationals Organization for the next four years. These Analysts say he’s the Michael Jordan of Sports and he can be the best pitcher who ever played the game of baseball. He didn’t pitch a DAMN game in the Majors.

    5 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • How hard can Rafael Furcal Throw if he was on a pitching mound?

    I see this guy throwing 100 Feet long toss at the outfield line a before a dodger game and its like he’s throwing 75 mph. I saw fielders (non pitchers) pitch in late games. Tony Pena Jr. (93mph), Scott Spiezo (87 mph), Aaron Miles (78 mph), Nick Swisher (81 Mph), Mark Grace (72 mph), Karim Garcia (83 mph ) Ichiro (91 mph in Japan all star game in 1996).

    6 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago