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  • Do I need to hire a lawyer before or after filing the paperwork for child support?

    I need to file for child support. The father and I never married. I got the paperwork already. There is a question that says "do you have an attorney for this matter?" Should I hire an attorney now and he files these papers for me or do I just fill these out and take them back and just hire an attorney if problems arise? I don't know how this type of thing is usually done. How does this go? Thanks.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is this an ok way of weaning my baby off of formula?

    I always planned to breastfeed my baby exclusively but when she was born she was given formula bottles in the NICU after being separated from each other in the hospital for the first 4 days after birth. I pumped to try to bring my milk in even though I was getting nothing. After many issues she is bf now and she loves it, but the ped told me to offer a bottle after each feeding when I asked if she can successfully be breastfed exclusively. I've tried to research as much as I can and found that breastfeeding is a spply/demand proccess so it makes me wonder if offering the bottles is hindering any chance of being able to stop the bottles. She is 6 weeks old. After bf she takes about 1-2oz of formula; she would have 3-4oz of formula without the breast milk. I want to try giving up a few days to just lay around the house with her to the breast as long/often as she wants so she can build up my supply to the amount she needs. Is this a good way to go about weaning her from the formula? I just want my baby to rely on me and have no formula. We have an appointment to see a lactation consultant next week, but hopefully, some here has experienced this.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • My newborn only wants to sleep while in my arms. Is this ok?

    She's three weeks old. No matter how deep of a sleep she's in, once I put her down she wakes up and whimpers or cries. But she'll sleep for hours in my arms. My mother keeps pushing me to stop holding her because my mother says she's "spoiled". I don't want her to grow up to be a bad kid (and I do fully intend to set limits and rules as needed later on) but for right now I just feel like this behavior is affectionate, not spoiled. But my mother and her sisters are making me feel like I'm doing something wrong. I listen to them for a lot of advice so far but I would rather hold her when she wants me to for now. This is my first baby. Am I wrong? Do I need to leave her lying down on her own when she wants to sleep in my arms?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Experienced moms, please help: I don't know if my newborn is eating enough through breastfeeding?

    She is two weeks old today. She was admitted to NICU at birth and we were isolated from each other for almost three days so she started out on formula every 3 hours. The hospital gave me a pump on the day after her birth (although my milk hadn't come in yet) that I used every 2-3 hours and I got to breastfeed her for the first time after 3 1/2 days. Now that we're finally home the pediatrician said I can breastfeed her and supplement with formula "if needed". The problem is that I really want to breastfeed her exclusively but it seems like something is wrong. She seems to love breastfeeding but when I put her to the breast she almost immediately goes to sleep. She sucks in her sleep but it doesn't seem like she's sucking hard enough to me; it's more like a pacifier type sucking. I've tried undressing her, tickling her, switching sides more often, and she wakes up but she just goes back to sleep again. After about 20 mins she will unlatch herself (or I do it if over 20 mins). But then I lift her to burp her and she wakes up and starts rooting and whining so I have to put her back to the breast. It's like she just wants to be in that position and she's not really down there to eat. She does not act this way when bottlefeeding. She stays wide awake and drinks quite vigorously from the bottle then goes into a deep sleep for a long time. I don't understand why she doesn't eat that way when breastfeeding. She is also fussier when she goes without formula for a long time. With the bottle she wakes to eat every 3 hrs like clockwork but when breastfeeding it seems we are feeding every 45 mins for a half hour at a time for all 24hrs in the day. I really want to stop the formula bottles altogether but I'm worried she won't eat enough. Could using the two methods of feeding together be confusing her? I offer the breast whenever she wants to eat; how do I know if I have enough milk for her? I'm worried she might see the bottle as food and my breast as just a pacifier with milk in it. Any advice is appreciated.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • A potential employer is scheduling a flight for me. Do I need to tell them I am pregnant?

    This company invited me to Texas for a second interview next week. I am 30 weeks pregnant. My doctor said I can fly but every airline has it's own restrictions for pregnant women and some may let me fly and some may not. The employer is scheduling the flight on my behalf. Does the employer need to know that I'm pregnant to plan my flight? I don't know what airline.

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What do you think of my employer's attempt to require his employees to vote as he dictates?

    I'm sure we've all seen the news report pouring in of company leaders sending out emails to employees telling them who to vote for and how controversial it's been.

    Well, the CEO of my company did this as well. I wasn't shocked though. A few years back they sent us email and forced us to watch an emergency video about why it is in our best interest for us to refuse to talk or listen to the union representatives that were trying to unionize us, and they listed some pretty threatening reasons. It worked like a charm, too. When the union reps came around to talk to us, most workers wouldn't even say hi to them for fear of being seen speaking to them.

    The new "vote romney" email also made it all the way down to us little folks. What's interesting is that the bottom workers were very evenly split with a few independents, and now this "vote for romney or else" email seems to have sparked a big blue flame. There's now this "you can't bully us" movement gaining momentum from the bottom up and a "do as we say" movement gaining momentum from the top down.

    I think this may be the saddest election I've seen in my lifetime.

    What does everyone think of this? (Please note that I did not mention who I plan to vote for or whether I lean left or right. Let's not turn this into a vicious attack on either party. Please comment respectfully. We will all have different opinions).

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Why is my new cat scared of the ceiling fan?

    I've never seen this. For those who didn't see my post a few weeks ago, I adopted this cat from a vet a few weeks ago when someone left him outside the office in a box with a bunch of kittens overnight. He's doing better now, finally came out of the basment and starting to explore the 1st floor a bit... The problem is he won't come into my bedroom unless I turn off my ceiling fan. He stands at the doorway and looks up at it with this frightened looked and then takes a step in but looks at the fan again and runs back out and just does that over and over until he decides it's not worth it and goes back to the kitchen. If I turn the fan off he has no problems coming in to play or sleep with me. But this is a problem for me because I am a fanatic about circulating air. My ceiling fans run all year. I can't figure out why the ceiling fan scares him (and only the one in my room). I want him to sleep with me but he leaves if the fan is on, and I can't sleep without it. Will he get used to it? What should I do?

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Is it safe for my cat to lay behind the stove?

    I just got him yesterday. He's a 1 y/o male, very sweet and loves to cuddle but he has had a rough week. Someone abandoned him and three kittens after hours in a cardboard box outside a local vet's office a few days ago in the rain and they sat there all night. The vet brought them inside and then yesterday I brought this one home. He has been hiding behind our gas stove since. I would like to get him out and hope he will go hide someplace else. But I also hate to interrupt what he thinks is a safe spot unless I need to, since I know he is only hiding because he's stressed. Is it okay for him to lay back there or should I get him out?

    3 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Is anyone else fed up with forced advertising? Other email services?

    This morning I tried to view my account settings, and I was redirected to a page to re-enter my password. Meanwhile, there was a commercial playing on the other side of the page for some new animated kids movie. I typed my password and pressed enter. Nothing was happening so I used my mouse to click "submit". Still nothing. That's when I noticed the commercial had 20 seconds left. The page was actually refusing to process my log in until I watched the complete commercial. At the end of the commercial, I was logged in instantly.

    I don't watch yahoo video news, but on the rare occasion that I do, I can understand being required to endure commercials first. But forcing me to watch a commercial before you will sign me into my account?? I think that's unnecessary. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have a recommendation for a another email service you like better?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Is it ok to search for an email address to send a thank you letter after a phone interview?

    I got a call from a corporate recruiter last week regarding an engineering position. He asked if I'd be interested and I said yes and sent him a quick thank you via email afterward. He said the regional HR Manager would call and he set a time for that. This was my first contact with her when she called, and we spoke for about 30 minutes. Afterward I searched for her email online and sent her a thank you letter via email also. She seemed to like this and the next morning replied back asking for convenient times for a phone interview with the hiring manager at the job site (which is in chicago. she is in cleveland.). My phone interview was this morning and lasted about one hour. It went very well and now I need to send a thank you letter. However, I feel this is slightly different than the recruiter and regional HR manager. This person works at the job site. He is the engineering manufacturing manager as well as the hiring manager. We have never spoken until he called me today. I found his company email online. Should I send a formal thank you letter via email or should I snail mail it to the company to his attention? This is an entry level position for a manufacturing engineer. Thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Can I install Windows 7 Upgrade on a latptop that won't boot but was using Vista before it stopped working?

    The computer gave a blue screen one day last week and then started doing weirder things since. Right now it is stuck in a loop where windows fails to start and then it restarts and fails again and continues that way. I wanted to reinstall windows but i get a discount price on windows 7 upgrade edition anyway so I'd rather do that. However, I seem to have seen messages indicating there are problems with some required startup files on the hard disc. If I try to upgrade to windows 7 using the disc I will buy, will those bad files that aren't allowing Vista to start up prevent my upgrade to Win7 from being successful? I am not a computer person at all, so try to keep the answers as simple as possible. Thank you...

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Black Females: Advice on transitioning from relaxed to natural hair?

    I have had relaxed hair since I was about 15, because my mom wanted me to. I never wanted it, as I loved my natural hair. It was long, soft and wavy, and people always asked me if I had a relaxer, anyway. I am 25 now, and I have decided to wear my natural hair again, but I just realized I don't know how. I have not had a relaxer since August and will not do it again. I usually wear it in one ponytail to the back for now, and I notice that when I wash it and just wear it down, everything curls except the front, and I don't like the way it looks like that. Why does the front stay straight? Is that because I always have it pulled down by the ponytail? Or maybe the relaxer will just take a long time to wear out of the front? I want my entire head to have the same texture and be wavy like it used to. To achieve this, do I just wait or will I have to cut all my hair off or what? Please help. I don't know anyone who has natural hair to get advice from. Thanks.

    2 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • Can the stadium ticket office tell me whether my NFL game ticket is legit?

    I want to surprise my boyfriend with Bears-Packers tickets- only this game will do, not another. I couldn't get tickets through Ticketmaster back in July (they sold out immediately), and now I can't afford the sky-high prices on stubhub, nfl exchange, etc. But I found a guy who says he has tickets to sell, and the price is better (still above face value but doable). A friend told me that if I buy an NFL game ticket from such a source, I can ensure the tickets are real by calling the ticket office and providing the ticket number to them and they will tell me? Is this correct? Anyone else ever done this?

    2 AnswersFootball (American)10 years ago
  • Is a rip-off?

    I am trying to buy two Bears game tickets from anyone re-selling their tickets. Someone told me to use I have never used it before, and I don't really like the site, because the descriptions are not very detailed about what I am buying. Also, one person told me that many people sell fake tickets there. Is this true? Can anyone tell me about their experience with this site? Thanks.

  • Can I claim these miles as a tax expense?

    I started a business this summer providing tutoring services to young kids. I use my personal vehicle to travel to my clients' homes and/or schools. I have detailed records of all mileage for the car this year- personal miles, miles used to consult with potential new clients, and miles used to travel to tutoring sessions. I was told that when I file taxes next year I should be able to deduct the miles used for any business-related travel. Is this accurate? I have tried reading the IRS website, but it's a little vague about what qualifies as "business travel". I am sure about traveling to consulting sessions for potential clients, but what about traveling to/from the tutoring sessions with current clients? Is this considered business travel or commuting? The car is old and is also used for personal use, so I plan to use the standard seduction. Also, if anyone has any sites or books that explain the rules more clearly, please list them for me. Thanks!

    3 AnswersUnited States10 years ago
  • Is buying an Xbox with a larger hard drive worth it for a ten year old?

    I want to surprise a ten year old boy with an Xbox. He had one back in 2010 but we got rid of it when it started giving an error message and wouldn't work. He got a Wii after that, but he says now he doesn't like it anymore. Since he is getting older, I think he wants cooler, more mature games now. Anyway, I want to surprise him with an Xbox/Kinect, but I went to the store and found that video games have become very complicated since I was a kid. There was a 4GB and a 250GB and the salesman said that the difference is in being able to download more games from the Microsoft store or something, which I guess sounds useful in theory, but he is only 10, so he doesn't have a ton of games anyway. How many games can he have on the 4 vs the 250? Is the larger hard drive necessary or not? Are there other features that I should be aware of? I don't want to be tricked into buying more than we need. Thanks!

    7 AnswersXbox10 years ago
  • Which e-reader or tablet is best for a twelve year old?

    This is a birthday present for a 12 y/o who worked really hard to improve in school last year. I want to get her a special present (in august), and I think she would like this. Unfortunately, I am not very tech-literate, so I need direction. She loves to read, so I thought e-reader, but she recently got a facebook now, so I think it would make her feel "cool" to be able to check that on her new device, and maybe surf the web, but it has not been easy to locate many e-readers with color screens, so then I thought tablet. 3G would be useful, as we travel a lot, but I guess not mandatory. I don't think she is responsible enough for something as expensive as an iPad. Would like to keep it under $300 ish, so I won't be too upset if she breaks it. Also, I would prefer to not be restricted to buying ebooks from one exclusive place if that's possible. Most important is that the device makes a good e-book reader, because she does love reading, and i want the gift to say "I know you well". I have been researching on and, but I am so confused by all the Android and E-ink lingo, etc. Suggestions?

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics10 years ago
  • Any ideas where to get a Dodge pickup brake caliper bracket same day?

    I have a 2007 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup (autozone says it's a standard or quad cab. all four dours are full doors). The bracket that goes over the brake caliper is crossthreaded. I need that bracket, and two autopart stores have ordered the wrong one already. Does anyone have any idea where to get one in the same day? All the stores require special orders for this. The junkyards do not have my vehicle. Ideas? Otherwise, how difficult is it to retap the hole? Never done that. Thanks!

    3 AnswersDodge1 decade ago
  • My car sputters when I'm sitting idle with it running? What's wrong with it?

    My car sputters when I'm sitting idle with it running and sometimes when I try to accelerate from a slower speed. I have a 2003 Kia Spectra. If sitting in idle at a light, it seems to calm down if I put it in neutral while I wait. It also doesn't seem as bad when the fuel tank is more full than when it's getting low. It's not always too bad, but it seems to be getting more frequent lately. It also shakes a lot on the highway, almost like my seat and the steering wheel and the whole front end are vibrating really hard (in case that might have anything to do with it). We just changed the fuel pump last weekend and going to change the fuel filter this weekend, but we had hoped the sputtering was caused by the bad pump. What could be wrong?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What are some nice places to live near Hartford, CT?

    I need to find an apartment in the area to live from mid-May to mid-August for a seasonal job. I will be working in Plainville, CT, near Hartford. I won't have much time to travel and apartment-search, so I want to know the best places to look. I want an area that is safe above all else for a single female. Country, suburban, or small city settings are all fine. I would prefer not to travel more than 35mins one-way to work. Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago