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  • How to wake up refreshed after late night dance rehearsals?

    I just finished graduate school and have a job that I love and have worked very hard to get to a place with my company where they are offering me more responsibility and a very decent salary. Just to start off this discussion, I know that my job takes priority over my hobby- so no need to bring that to my attention.

    My hobby is dance and always has been. I choreograph hip hop and do jazz, contemporary, and tap also. I am currently dancing in two dance companies doing local charity performances and private parties. The problem is that the rehearsals always go late and then I have to get up for work early.

    I always feel groggy. I've never been a morning person. I'm 29 years old and fit/healthy, so I know I have it in me to find a way to make my schedule work. I am finding that now I tend to sleep in and then have to make up a bunch of work I missed over the weekend- which my job is fine with but it's affecting my quality of life.

    Any tips from you healthy, morning-loving people? Or, people like me who have found a way to cope with the cold, harsh beginning to the day? LOL. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • What can my company see if they install iCloud on my company iPhone?

    My company has an AT&T business account and I have an iPhone 5 through this plan. Our IT guy has insisted installing a company iCloud account on our phones and I was wondering what he/my company would actually have access to see...messages? emails? photos?

    If so, is there any way to limit what they can see? And can I have two iCloud accounts on one phone?

    Please don't send me a link to another site. I've tried to google this but I just want a simple and accurate answer...thanks so much in advance!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Dr. says my ingrown toenail will be okay but it hurts and bleeds?!?

    I have had an ingrown toenail for over a month now. I am prone to them because my dad has them and because I am a dancer, so my feet are used to taking a beating and I am usually quite good at detecting them. This one seemed to come out of nowhere and has been agonizing!

    The reason I'm on here is to get some help or, at least, some insight on anything else I could do. I've been to my doctor and he said that it doesn't look bad enough to warrant surgery and he gave me some antibiotics, which I took for ten days and got a little relief...but a couple weeks after, it started to hurt again real bad! I am soaking it with alcohol and epsom salts, cleaning it with alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, wearing sandals, putting neosporin on it, covering it with a bandaid so it won't get infected, I tried tea tree oil...I AM AT MY WIT'S END!

    The problem is that the ingrown part is near the cuticle, deep down, so I can't cut it out yet. It bleeds when I try to do bathroom surgery, so I've given up that method also. It is puffy and swollen and some pus comes out by the cuticle but when I tried to lance it, it just bled again. My doctor knows all of this and seems to think it will heal over time. Do you think I really need to just wait it out until it grows out? Help me, please!

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Mystery tab on bottom of computer won't close?

    So, you know when you open a program, a tab appears on the bottom of your computer screen next to your "start" menu (on a PC)?

    Well, I have a tab that appears to be open, but I can't right click on it to close it. It also does not show up in my task manager as a program. I also do not recognized the icon, so I can't figure out what program it is.

    When I click on it, it highlights but nothing else happens. Any ideas on what it is or how to get rid of it?

    2 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • Vet Costs for Ear infection in Dog?


    I just took my dog into the vet for an ear infection. While I understand the infection is severe, my dog does appear to be in pain (no scratching, itching, weird behavior, nothing). Of course I am going to take her into the vet as soon as possible to get it resolved and am caring for it with OTC ear solution for the time being, but does the below seem a little extreme?

    Why does she needs three antibiotics? And what do you all think about the pricing? Thanks for any input.

    Examination $45

    Sedative $77.50

    Ear Flush Service $77.50

    Antibiotic Injection $47.50

    Orbax 68mg (antibiotic) $31.50

    Analgesia Injection (painkiller) $47.50

    Rimadyl Chewable 75mg $27.50

    microscopic ear exam swab $37.50

    Vet Solutions 16oz ear cleaner $15.95

    Otomax 15 gms (antibiotic) $27.50

    Qtips and hazardous waste disposal fee $2.50 and $1.80

    For a total of $445 or something like that. They told me nothing was optional but I'm going to get a few second opinions and take her in first thing Monday.

    Dogs1 decade ago
  • Care Bears episode where they stop caring?

    I have searched the internet and racked my brain already to find this episode, so giving me a link to wikipedia or imdb is NOT going to help...

    ...I am a child of the 80's. There was an old Care Bears episode/movie/special where there were two little kids (specific, I know) and all the Care Bears get brainwashed into not caring. At one point, they collect one of the children in their cloudmobile and the other kid is like "Wait, what about me?" and one of the Care Bears says "We don't have time to care about you." Traumatic, right? LOL. Anyway, does anyone remember this?!?!?!?!

    Full points for anyone who leads me in the right direction.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Best dog food for MY dog?

    I recently adopted a 5-year-old doggie. She is about 35 pounds and since they were feeding her mixed Pedigree and one other brand, I bought some Pedigree wet and dry for her to eat. She eats all her food and drinks plenty of water and goes on walks three times a day. I have had her about two weeks.

    At first her stools were loose (not diarrhea though) and now, they are firm but seems almost too firm and she is passing bowel movements but seems slightly constipated/uncomfortable. Yesterday, I had to take her to the vet for expressing anal glands because she had an infection from licking her anal region since it was inflamed. She is now on antibiotics but I want to know if I should try changing her food eventually to a more high-fiber diet? Also, please give me afforable options as I am a graduate student and on some form of a budget. I'll pay a little more as long as I can find it in store, though.

    Thanks for any helpful answers!

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Taking bandage off my dog's foot?

    I just adopted my dog four days ago and she was given to me with a very well-bandaged foot, as she had torn off one of her nails on that paw. They told me to take it off on Monday but she isn't letting me apply pressure or pull on it. She will let me touch it with some sweet talking but I can't get her to let me remove it.

    They told me not to get it wet but can I now, since I want it off anyway? I'd prefer not to take her to a vet since the bandaging wasn't done there and the shelter vet (who did it) is over an hour away...Thanks!

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My puggle has a Napoleon on training her?

    First of all, please do not tell me not to call her a puggle. I know it's not a "real breed," but that's what I call her and that's what she will be called despite your annoying responses on what to call my dog.

    Now then...My dog is 5-years-old and I just adopted her from the humane society shelter. She is trained to sit, lie down, go to her bed, and housetrained. She is very sweet and loves people!

    The problem is that she barks and charges at big dogs when we go on walks or to Petco. I have some ideas on how to train her, but would like some ideas based on actual experience that don't require hiring a trainer...I am a graduate student who does behaviorism for a living, meaning that I can easily learn a technique to train her and also meaning I have no money to pay anyone else to help me right now.

    She was originally owned by a man who rarely took her out and then abandoned her when he lost his job, and then this man's neighbor took her to the humane society when he never returned. Not sure if this background is helpful but I want the best answers possible...THANK YOU!!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Basic advice for new puggle owner?

    I am adopting a 5-year-old, black, female puggle on Friday. I am so excited! I got a food/water dish and harness and food but was hoping for some advice on basic caring for her. She is my first dog, I am very thorough and so, I want to do everything right.

    How much/often should I feed her?

    How long could I leave her alone in my apartment, if needed?

    Anything else, too, would be great! She is already trained to sit and lie down, and completely housetrained. The people at the Humane Society said she's a little quirky around other dogs, which is fine since I don't have any other pets. She really likes to walk and they said she is really smart and learns routine quickly. Okay, thanks!

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Two specific questions about soy milk?

    I recently found that my stomach issues were related to eating dairy (mild food allergy), so I have switched to soy milk. I LOVE Silk's Vanilla but here are my two questions:

    1. Is the Vanilla flavoring bad for your health? I have heard mixed things about that cane juice stuff they use for natural flavorings...

    2. I have been seriously craving this vanilla soy milk and want to drink it all the time. Is this bad for me? And what could be causing such an intense craving? I can just drink glass after glass.

    Only educated, well-informed answers please....or answers from experience. Thanks!

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • My guy has HPV...what to do?

    The guy I am dating has HPV (one or maybe more than one of the strains that causes warts). I know this because he told me. He said he used to have warts but they are gone now. I know I can still get the virus from him, so I would definitely use a condom. Plus, I got the Gardasil vaccine about two years ago. I am 25.

    So, what else could I do to prevent myself from getting it from him when we get intimate? And if he touches himself and then touches me with his hand, will I get it? Or is it only contracted through genital-to-genital contact?

    PLEASE DO NOT tell me not to sleep with him. It is not helpful nor will I listen to your advice. Thanks for all other answers!!

    7 AnswersSTDs1 decade ago
  • can you get styes that keep coming back?! help!?

    I think I had a stye on my upper eyelid last week but it went away over the weekend, so I figured it was gone. This week, on the same exact day, I seem to have gotten another one!! I work with a child who got a really bad stye on his inner eyelid last week and since I see him on the same day, it would make sense that I caught it from him.

    Is that possible? And can it be something else, like a chalazon, or whatever? It's only on one eye- the left upper lid.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • nosebleeds from allergies?

    I have been getting nosebleeds from the same nostril. I have fairly bad allergies and currently am taking two different nasal sprays (Astellin and Flonase) in addition to saline nasal rinse (Neti Pot) twice a day. My doctor said these were all fine to do simultaneously to help with my allergy symptoms but I'm not sure what I should change now that I'm getting recurring nosebleeds.

    Anyone experience the same thing? Anyone a doctor?

    2 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • USB power surge from usb-powered cooling pad?

    I get an error message when I try to plug in my new USB-powered cooling pad saying that there has been a power surge and I need to disconnect the device and reset the port.

    How can I get this cooling pad to function in my usb port? And if I absolutely need to buy some kind of external hardware, any suggestions? It would be best if I didn't have to buy yet another accessory for my computer...


    Sony Vaio

    Windows XP Home

    recent new hard drive installed and formatted from scratch

    no other hard drive or software problems until now.


    1 AnswerOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Sex with ex-boyfriend?

    I broke up with my boyfriend of seven months just a few weeks ago. I know I broke his heart but it's the best decision I've made for myself in a long time. He was kind of needy and the relationship was too draining. I was giving and not receiving. He's tried to get me back but I keep giving him the same answer. But now we're thinking about becoming friends with benefits. I've done it before, no big deal...right?

    Yeah, so that's my question. I guess I'm more worried that he would get hurt later when I move on OR that he wants to get back in the relationship. What if we talked it out? Because I like sex. It's natural and wonderful and he's a loving person and we have chemistry. Just knowing what I told you, what do you think?

    Oh, and I'm 24 years old.

    27 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do herbal teas and green tea have tannin?

    I just read that tannin is good for a flat belly. Okay, laugh at me. I also have a sinus infection, so have been drinking tea more. I drink green tea (which I know has caffeine, but only 25% compared to the coffee I usually drink) and herbal tea.

    I want to know which teas have tannin and which don't and whether the amounts of tannin differ. Thanks!

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • What are these "sores" in the back of my mouth?

    They are on both upper sides of my mouth in the back, between the gum and cheek. I had my wisdom teeth removed almost ten years ago, so it isn't that and I had braces even longer ago, so it's not that either.

    This is the second time I've gotten this. I thought I was just being lazy about flossing and that I was brushing too hard but I changed my oral habits and saw a dentist, who said everything looked good. I have good insurance and a good dental clinic.

    So what are these sores? Why are they on both sides- could they be stress-related? What can I do to ease the discomfort?

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • NuvaRing taken out late/put in late?

    Okay, I've been on the NuvaRing for over a year and no complications. I always get my period on the same day around the same time. The last four months or so, I've been taking out the ring a day late and putting it in a day late so that I get my period at a more convenient time. These last months have been NO different from the months before other than I would get my period a day later just like I needed.

    I thought it was all under control. This month, though, I haven't gotten it yet today and I was supposed to get it in the morning...what is the chance that I am pregnant? My sexual habits have remained the same with the same person...

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • If it's not a foot sprain, what is it?! Opinions?

    Last night in dance class, I landed on both my feet really hard after a jump. (I know now to wear more supportive shoes.) It really hurt at first but then after I "walked it off," it seemed okay. But in the middle of the night, the pain was very bad.

    I first thought it might be a sprain in both feet but there's really no swelling, just soreness and pain when I walk. Do you think I could have just pulled a couple muscles in my feet, or is that the same thing? And is there anything else I can do but the RICE method?

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago