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  • Girls, how often do you wash your hair?

    I wash mine every Sunday morning and straighten it every Sunday evening ready for the week. It doesn't get greasy that much and lasts the week. I've gone two weeks before and it looked really glossy. It didn't feel that bad either. I use Pantene. What about you?

    11 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • What clothes do you wear on an every day basis?

    Are you male or female? Do you tend to wear a skirt, dress, trousers, shorts, tshirts, long sleeves, suits etc. also what environment are you in?

    Every day I wear jeans and a tshirt with floral vans (£10 rip offs). Have a hoodie but pretty much never wear it. That's at home and at college. Occasionally I will wear a dress if it's hot but not often. Never wear a skirt. You?

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Do you have to wear uniform at the school you go to?

    When I say school I'm talking UK schooling age so up to 16. Colleges in the UK you don't have to wear uniforms anyway (don't know about sixth forms). So, do you have to wear a uniform and what is your uniform like? Shirt and tie? Polo shirt etc? Skirt or trousers or shorts etc? If you don't have to wear uniform what do you wear? Also what country do you live in?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • How often do you use your punch bag and work out daily?

    I do a lot of lacking around college during the day the. In the evening when my mum takes the dog for a walk I do about an hour workout. I do 15 minutes punching (loads of different combos) then 15 minutes of sit ups, crunches and pressups. Then do another 15 minutes of punches (usually do a round of 200 punches non stop then odd left right, left right left, etc). I also run on the spot when punching non stop as well, give my legs a bit of a workout as well. Then the last 15 minutes I do some more sit ups and crunches then for the last 5 or so minutes I will sit on the floor on my knees, lean forward so my chest is touching my knees and forehead touching the floor with my arms bent 90' parallel to my body. I then have a shower. What do you think of this workout and what do you do? And how often? I do this every day at about 5-6 or 6-7. Usually when my mum is out so I can blare my music. Aha.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • How good is coconut for you?

    A fresh coconut that you have just drilled to drink the milk, then smashed to pieces with a hammer to eat. How good is it for you? I absolutely love fresh coconut :)

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits7 years ago
  • What should I use to keep my hair curly?

    I've got some hair curlers that I haven't actually used yet. I have reallllly frizzy hair which is also quite long (halfway down my back). Anyway, I'm gonna give it a rough straighten first to get the frizz out then I will curl it (is this necessary or will the heat from the curling iron take the frizz out without the need to straighten first?). I would like to keep the curls in (I want like, proper curls- all over my hair) but am afraid that when I sleep the curls will flatten. What sort of hairspray can I use to ensure they stay in enough to not look like a failed curl? In UK, want o buy in shops. Can't be over £4 or £5. Thanks :) the curler is Remington btw :) thanks

    2 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • Is British yogurt and american yogurt the same thing?

    What I mean is, jam in England is jelly in America and jelly in England is jello in America. When I watch american shows and they are eating yogurt it looks like a different consistency to that in the UK. It looks thicker whereas here it is quite runny. Is it the same thing just made slightly differently or is it a different thing altogether- like jam and jelly?

    5 AnswersEthnic Cuisine7 years ago
  • What are some shampoo and conditioner brands in America?

    Like, in England we have Pantene, Head and shoulders, Herbal essences, Alberto balsam etc. what are some equivilates brands commonly used in America?

    4 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • Constantly using a hot water bottle?

    Hi, just wondering. I have a hot water bottle every single night. Have don't for about 2-3 years. I have stomach problems and the heat reallllly soothes my stomach and relaxes the muscles. My stomach problems have gotten slightly worse over the last few months and during the summer holidays when I have been at home I have been having about 3 hot water bottles a day and 1 at night. It isn't for the heat (although that is a bonus) but it relaxes muscles as my stomach is prone to knotting and cramping/spamming pretty badly. It is always on my stomach. Anyway, is this bad? Is it going to do any damage to my stomach. It doesn't touch the skin. I have a top and occasionally a jumper on. Thoughts?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • What are the age laws on buying and drinking alcohol?

    Is it 18 or 21? And what laws go with each age? Thanks

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • What do you think of my weight?

    I am 18 (in early September), I am female, 5'8 exactly. I weigh 64.3kg. I eat healthily, exercise every day but do like the TV. Eh never eat frozen or ready cooked meals. Everything we cook is always freshly prepared (not for health, it just tastes nicer and is so much cheaper). Never have any of the low fat stuff either. What do you think?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • I want to start running?

    Hi guys. Basically, I want to lose a bit of weight and exercise. I don't do much exercise at the moment apart from a good half hour workout on my punch bag every other day. Anyway, I really want to start running/ jogging. I live near loads of cycle and walking paths and cliffs etc so I will be running off main roads. I will obviously need trainers which I currently don't have. I would like to run with music/ headphones on. The only headphones I have now are tiny £1.99 headphones. The tiny little iPod type ones. They fall out quite a bit when I am standing still so what cheap headphones would you recommend? Also, what shall I wear? As I don't do much exercise now I have a bit of intoned 'fat' on my legs which I'm not a big fan of (hence the running) so what sort of shorts? I will obviously wear a T-shirt. Another thing, when is the best time to go for a run? In the morning? I wouldn't mind getting up at 7 to go for a run. Good idea? Shall I have a drink before I run? Need advise.

    Final thing, how do I start off? I have never been big (or small, for the matter) on running so I am quite out of shape. How far shall I start running at?

    Thanks :)

    I'm an 18 year old girl, 5'8/5'9, 66kg/145|b.

    2 AnswersRunning7 years ago
  • Good american crime drama series?

    I love watching american crime dramas (so much better than British!).

    Anyway, I have already watched every single episode of:




    NCIS: LA

    CSI: NY

    CSI: Vegas

    CSI: Miami

    The Mentalist

    Person of Interest

    Are there any other ones that you would recommend watching? Thanks :)

    Oh, I tried the first few episodes of Criminal minds and found it a bit boring. It is still on my list but just wondering, does it get better the further in it goes? Thanks :)

    7 AnswersDrama7 years ago