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Lv 55,155 points

~Just 1 good egg~

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I'm a newly engaged woman, very happy with my life, in love with my fiance, and still hoping to have a baby one day even though I'm now technically of advanced maternal age.

  • How hard is the CA Realestate test?

    I'm looking into the courses now and am wondering if anyone can share how long it took to study and how hard the test was. Any tidbits you can give me would be appreciated, thanks

    1 AnswerYahoo Real Estate8 years ago
  • Has anyone tried Lumosity and what did you think?

    I've tried the daily free games and am very tempted to purchase a year, but would love feedback from others who have tried it first.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Which is better a bigger pre-tax or post-tax retirement savings?

    We still have 10 years or so to go but I realized we aren't very balanced and am not sure if that even matters....thoughts??

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • How to handle an awkward situation at work?

    I have a coworker who sits in the next cubical, she's always been somewhere between a bit and quite a bit socially awkward but just lately she took it to an extreme level. She apparently quit bathing and I'm not talking about for a day or two but possibly for more than week, not that I'm sure but no one smells that bad after only a couple of days. Anyway, it was so bad I could barely work in my own cube and went to her supervisor who chose to not address the problem. The next day my supervisor was making photocopies and along came this girl and my boss almost puked, then she just about ran down to HR to complain. Long story short they sent her home to wash and wrote her up. That was yesterday, when she came back there was some tears and total silence from her. Today even more tears and silence, she wont look at us or talk to us and scurries around with her head down. She started boo hooing at 3:00 today and ran out and didn't come back. So tomorrow when, if, she comes back do I address the situation, ignore it or what??

    4 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • Should I have been included in Brother-in-laws wedding somewhere?

    A few months back my brother in law became engaged to a wonderful woman, our family is very happy for them both. My soon to be sister in law and her mom went immediately into planning mode and soon details like the wedding date, hotel location and wedding party were announced. This will be a good sized affair with more then 200 guests, well into the $50,000 range because her family can afford to provide such a nice day. The wedding party will have 6 bridesmaids and groomsmen, my husband was asked to be best man. Meanwhile both mothers have been involved with dress shopping for the bride and bridesmaids, flower arrangements, table settings and any manner of other details. None of which I have been included in, unless you count an off hand offer to see the pictures after the fact. Now I am not particularly close to the bride and had no specific expectations, but finding myself completely out of the planning, wedding party and excitement is making me feel like the odd 'woman' out. I get that this is not my day but it is a family event where I am apparently just a guest, while my husband will be front and center with the happy couple and in many of the pictures...with her maid of honor. I'm fully prepared to suck it up and be a good guest but am I wrong to feel a bit slighted or am I overreacting??

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what a US currency $5 bill from 1806 might be worth?

    I'm not actually looking to sell it just interested in what it might be worth, any details would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerTrivia1 decade ago
  • Who is the oldest spontaneous pregnant woman you know of?

    Everyone says you probably wont get pregnant in your 40's but it does happen, do you know anyone this has happened to? And I'm not talking about IVF

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Should I go for the job?

    So like many out there my job is in jeopardy, I make decent money and like the company but right now the only other position available is at the reception desk. I havent answered phones in years and my pay scale would take a hit with this position. Should I wait to be laid off and take a package or make a move that will pay less but be more secure? What would you do?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Why do people pull the race card with OJ?

    I don't get it, the man got away with MURDER and both sides screamed race he actually gets convicted and I'm hearing about all the injustice and how unfair the courts are because of his race and the previous trial. Is this all because he threw a football and now he can do no wrong...I don't get it.

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Childern at destination wedding?

    Ok, I know this is a touchy subject so bare with me...

    We are getting married in Las Vegas, in a huge suite at the Mandalay courtesy of my family, even though we are an older couple. The guest list is only 30pp, the ceremony will be in the room at sunset in front of floor to ceiling windows with a cocktail hour in advance. We have a private room for dinner off-site that only holds 30 pp and a hired bus to transport the group again with limited seating.

    Heres the delima two of our guests have two children each all under 12, we understand that parents like to include their children but this is Vegas and we feel with the drinking, atmosphere and limited seating that children aren't appropriate. Can we specify on the invites, or simply invite the parents only or communicate the adults only wish via personal conversations? We don't want to offend. But also keep in mind that two of these kids are stage hogs and I just dont want my guests to have to sit through little Nathan's past 5 science fair winning entries I had to recently.

    Do we suck it up and invite the whole family's or risk offending??

    14 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • How to handle people who 'invite' themselves into your wedding?

    Two issues have come up and they both caught me by surprise;

    First my fiance's oldest friends daughter who is 8 and unfortunately almost as round as she is tall asked if she could be the flower girl. She's a terribly giggly thing and I couldn't see her making down the isle without falling apart...but I just didn't know what to say.

    Then the female half of one of the couples we hang out with most asked me if I would mind inviting one of her friends who I only know vaguely....because she would be fun...why would I do that, I've never even had a conversation with this person.

    Aren't people supposed to wait to be 'invited' verses inviting themselves??

    14 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • My Japanese Maple is looking poorly?

    We planted it about two months ago and now about a quarter of the leaves are browning and dying, is this normal planting shock or over watering or what... Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • In home child care much and ...?

    Ok. I've been corporate bound for too long and I'm feeling hemmed in, I think I need a change, something more fulfilling then pushing paper. Many moons ago I was a nanny to 3 kids and loved it, I had activities most days, field trips, walking discovery jaunts, movie was great.

    I'm considering in-home child care to 2-3 kids, I know it'd be a lot of work but feel I'm up to it. What I'm not up on is the details, rates, rules, liabilities, I know that the state would prefer a licensed In home child care providers providers for all the obvious reasons but with only 3 kids it hardly seems worth my time or effort if I have to pay taxes....What does everyone else do? Are you all licensed? How do you handle liability issues?

    20 years ago I worked in someone elses home and didnt worry about these things

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Call me crazy for asking...?

    Has anyone ordered Clomid on the Internet, meaning without perscription?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Prometrium....?

    Has anyone taken prometrium to lengthen their luteal phase and if so did it work??

    I was offered Clomid or Prometrium and decided against Clomid because I know I am ovulating and have great CM and I dont want to upset that balance.

    Any opinions or experience??

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Success with NPG?

    Has anyone tried and or had success with Natural Progesterone Cream after ovulation?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • TTC Ladies...Who is with me??

    I just enticed my hubby upstairs to BD....Who else is O'ing this week and having fun BDing???

    Baby Dust to us all...;-)))

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What is a chemical pregnancy?

    Just curious since I've seen it mentioned here a few times.

    Thanks and Happy New year to you all...Baby Dust!!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Older preggy mom's to be....?

    Are there any older mom's to be on YA, and by older I mean late 30's early 40's...I'd like to know how you did it and how you are doing while pregnant.

    And also...Happy New years!!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How fast can sperm swim?

    I've been lying still for a good half hour after we BD just to give them time to get on their way. How long does is take for the sperm to get into the uterus?? And if anyone knows, how long does it take for them get to the fallopium (sp?) tubes??

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago