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As long as your not stuck-up/ shallow/ stubborn/ sterotypical/ closed-minded, or just plain annoying, i'll try to help you out

  • why do birds like to crap on my car?

    it seems like everyday I get more bird crap on my car. I dont park near trees. i never see or hear any birds nearby when I enter/leave my car. yet somehow my car gets pooped on by birds, and its never just once. I have a white chevy lumina (big sedan). why do birds do it to my car? is it cause its white?

    7 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • what does it mean when you have yellow around your eye?

    I remember hearing/reading that if you have yellow coloration in your iris/ around your pupil, its a sign that you have some type of problem disorder like diabetes or something. is it true? i see a little yellow in my eyes, im a little worried. any info would be great..

    7 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • how to embed a sound file in powerpoint 2003?

    i have to create a machu pichu (basically a powerpoint presentation) and I need to have dialog with it. how do I embed the sound file into the powerpoint slides so that when played on other computers, the sound will still be there? thanks

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • wtf is so wrong with kenpo?

    I was browsing some answers to some recent questions and there were some people saying to stay away from kenpo for self defense. I've been training in kenpo for 14 years and it is a pretty solid martial art for self defense, much better than other styles for self defense(judo, tae kwon do, etc). I wanna know why you guys/girls are saying not to take it. I understand if you mean not to take it if its a mcdojo, but just about all martial arts styles have mcdojos. (my dojo isn't one, its part of the NECKF-New England Chinese Kenpo Federation). so why all the hate??

    12 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Calculus Problem 2 of 5?

    ok so here's the problem:

    intergrate= |

    |x * arctan(x)dx

    please i don't want just the answer, some explanation would help. also these problems are supposed to be done by substitution or intergration by parts

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • questions about mass gun laws?

    i've wanted to get my permit for a while but i got a few questions and I wanna see if anyone can answer these:

    1-how much does the permit itself cost?

    2-how long is the permit good for? how much is it to renew?

    3-what types of firearms can i and can't i buy? (Can i buy an ar-15/m4a1? can i buy a g36? can i buy a bolt action rifle? any shotguns i cant buy?)

    4-do the firearm safety course teach you how to disassemble the guns and put them together?

    5-are there any certain age restrictions?(i am 19 if that helps)

    the reason im asking is cause i love firearms and i want to start my collection. if i hadn't been accepted into college i would've went to the army, mostly just to shoot guns. dunno why i love guns so much...the guns i want for my collection are:











    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What are some fun things to do for cheap/free?

    i dont have a lot of disposible income (money I can waste) and I want to do thing with my gf, but sometimes I/we cant cause of the money. what are some fun things that we can do together (other than movies/tv) that isnt alot of money. we live in worcester, mass if it makes things a little easier.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • help for my gf, please?

    so my gf has gained some weight since we started dating, about 25lbs(I know, BAD BOYFRIEND!!!) and I'm ok with it but she isn't. she doesn't like diets cause after a week or so she just breaks it and eats whatever, and she can't stay motivated to workout by herself(i promised we"ll work out together once i go on college break in may). can someone help her out and come up with a diet that she can follow and some exercises and tips so that she can stay with it AND see results(which is part of why she doesnt stay motivated for working out). if this helps, she is:



    19years old(i think it might be a factor)

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • emulator question?

    ok so I downloaded snes9x and zsnes emulators so that i can play some snes games, but they dont come with the emulators. where do i go where i can download the games for the emulators, some links would be good( i would like to download super metroid, super mario, whatever)

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • why do girls find it....?

    why do girls find it dorky or weird when a guy does martial arts? wouldn't you want your man to know how to protect himself and you? i dont understand why you girls like it when men are all musclely and strong but its weird when he does martial arts.

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • java programming question?

    i got a problem here, hopefully someone can help me out, heres the situation:

    Write a program that reads in a sequence of n numbers from the keyboard. The user first is prompted "How many numbers are in the sequence", to which they reply with an int value n > 0. Then your program should read in n int values.

    The task of your program is to (a) identify the maximum occurrence of a number; and (b) print that value to the console.If there exists multiple values that have the same maximal occurences, then you can arbitrarily choose one to output. For example, given the sequence "3 4 4 4 5 5 5" you could choose to output either 4 or 5 as the one with the maximum occurrence.

    I dunno how to set it up to compare if one number occurs more than once, and then compare it to other bunches of numbers to see which one occurs the most. After i figure this part out, im golden.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • java programming #3?

    ok heres my last one, this one I know what to do (something with a loop and a variable that determines how many spaces are needed and increments by 1 every loop.) heres the problem:

    The following figure is a trapezoid shape made up of underscores and spaces, and has a height of 6 lines of character. You're job is to write program which prints a similar figure with 20 lines of characters. You are required to use a WHILE loop to implement this.

    _ _ _

    _ _ _ _

    _ _ _ _ _

    (should make a triangle with even spacing on each side, didn't paste so I had to do it myself, and it doesn't keep the spaces when I post this)

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • java question #2?

    ok heres another one:

    Write a program that reads a set of integers, one per line, until the end of input has been reached (in Eclipse, this is done by typing "Ctrl-Z" in the Console window). You can assume that at least two numbers will be typed in. Once all integers have been read, your program should output from this set of numbers: (a) the minimum number; (b) the maximum number; and (c) the average of all numbers entered. Here is an example of the output of running a working program:

    ok I know how to do everything but the beginning. I know i need a loop, scannerclass, an imbedded loop, and whatever else. so basically i don't know how to make eclipse continue to take in the numbers. I know how to do the ave, min and max, but not the input until ctrl-z part.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • java programming question?

    ok so heres my problem:

    Write a program that determines if a string has the same third-to-last character and third character. For example, “abcdcte” has 'c' as both its third character and its third-to-last character. The string you compare with your program can be any string longer than 3 characters. Case sensitivity matters: “abCdcte” does not have matching characters. Your program should output on a single line the statement "The word has same third letter and last-third letter" if the string value has that property, and "The word does not have same third letter and last-third letter" if it does not.

    i know how to do most of it, but I dont know how to get the third to last letter part. I got : if(string1.charAt(2)==????. once i figure out what the ? is, i got the rest. thanks in advance

    (ps, I may post more of these tonight so anyone that wants 10pts and my gratitude keep aware of when I post stuff)

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • torrent-stuff question?

    I personally am very against pirating anything and everything, but i want to get a few games but they are either a) extremely hard to find or b)their consoles are obsolete/I dont want to buy them. I was wondering if there was any good sites to find games to rip. I used pirate bay once and downloaded bittorrent, but the game didn't work for me. I want to play the games on my comp cause i dont have the orignal system. any sites and a step-thru on how to set it all up so I can play would be greatly appriciated

    (the games i want are metroid prime 1 &2 and 3 if possible, super metroid, incredible machine, MGS-twin snakes, mega-man games, original mario games up to mario64, and zelda 1 & ocarina of time, and whatever other ones I can't remember)

    (dunno if this affects anything, but I got vista on my compy, I believe its ultimate edition)

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • ebay-selling stuff question?

    I've had a bunch of records my grandma that I never knew gave me a few years back. Being in college and in a relationship is extremely taxing on my funds, so I decided to sell the records. I got an ebay account set up, all i haveta do is take the records out, check the conditions and put it on ebay. I was wondering how do you price records? Is there a kelly blue book for records/vinyls? If you have any selling tips, I'd appriciate it as well

    6 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • political candidates question?

    ok i'm not a big political person, but seeing how im of age, I'm gonna use what millions of people died to protect, vote. but i don't know what the candidate's stands are on everything like education, war, economy, etc. is there a site where they have all the possible candidate's stands/beliefs/policies?

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • ab workout question?

    ok i just started routinely working out, but i got a slight problem. I work out anywhere from 2-5 times a day and have been for the past 2 weeks. im a skinny/average guy(6ft, roughly 160lbs) and i got luv-handles/obliques. they're not awful, although it does look a tad odd. i do medicine ball incline sit-ups(pull yourself up, someone throws a medicine ball at you, go down, throw it back on your way up) and leg throws(lay down, lift your legs up perpendicular to floor, someone throws ur legs, try to not let them touch the floor) anyways can anyone tell me some good oblique area workouts so my abs dont look as awkward

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • do I have add/adhd?

    i just started college in the fall and I've had a hard time adjusting. I never studied during high school and i had a 3.2gpa throughout the 4 years. Now that i'm at college (and @ wpi nonetheless) i have a really hard time sitting down and studying at all. the professors dont really teach you anything, at least not like high school teachers. I can't seem to process what i'm reading and I can't focus on what i'm doing. when i get to problems, if i dont understand/know what to do, i get angry and eventually give up. i think i have add/adhd, but not 100% sure. i dunno if i should just try to study, or ask for help from the professors, or get an add/adhd exam.

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • three ladies at the bar, star if you like?

    star please

    Three women left separately after a very late night out drinking Guinness until the early hours. They met the next day for an early pint, and compared notes about who had been the most drunk.

    The first gal claims that she was the drunkest, saying, "I drove straight home, walked into the house, and as soon as I got through the door, I blew chunks".

    To which the second gal replied, "You think that was drunk? I got in my car, drove out of the parking lot, and wrapped my car around the first tree I saw. I don't even have insurance!"

    And the third proclaimed, "I was by far the most drunk. I got home, I go in a big fight with my husband, knocked a candle over and burned the whole house down!"

    They all looked at each other for a moment. Then the first gal says: "Ladies, I don't think you understand. Chunks is my dog."

    10 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago