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Hello there, my name is Lilith (not my true name sadly). I have been a regular user here for over four years, but recently my level 7 account was suspended. Please do not pity me, as it was entirely my fault. Woopies. You'll definitely find me lurking within Gender Studies, but I will occasionally venture into the Women's health, Men's health and the Pregnancy section - once I get up to speed again. Want to know more, desire some advice or information? Give me an email, and I shall reply as soon as I possibly can. Due to University studies, it mightn't be instant, so I apologise in advance.

  • What is your opinion on LOVE146? Do you support it?

    LOVE146 is an organisation raising awareness and helping young females that have been sex trafficked or exploited - sold solely for sex to another.

    I'm seeing LOVE146 all over social networking sites, and I support it. However, they don't seem to raise awareness for the boys that are also sold for sex...

    3 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • How should I deal with this situation? What would you do?

    On Tuesday, I ended up in A&E at the local hospital. I discovered that I had a kidney infection. I couldn't inform my professor that I would miss his lesson that day due to needing urgent treatment, and had no way to contact him at that time.

    Next day, I told a guy within my class that I missed the lesson due to being in hospital (that's all), and to tell the professor if he sees him before I do.

    He ended up seeing the professor before me, and told him my whereabouts, but also added that I went for a common cold and had a nose bleed. Why would a guy add something like that? The guy in my class could see I was still extremely ill.

    *Wrong section, but you guys are often wise individuals here.

    7 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Do you think refusing to do certain acts means you're being a bad partner?

    Or just not into or comfortable doing them?

    There's one thing that I'm certainly uncomfortable doing in the bedroom, and I mentioned this to my very close friend. She replied saying that she felt sorry for my boyfriend (we're so very close and did date at one point).

    I remember replying to one of my friends talking about the same sex act with disgust, and he asked if I did that. 'Jokingly', I replied with a huge no and a laugh. He said I sound like an awful girlfriend. He even implied my partner might go elsewhere....

    I'm sure some people might get the idea of what I'm referring to. :O ------

    25 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • What is your opinion on the 'Friendzone'?

    Many young men appear to rant and constantly talk about something they refer to as the 'friendzone' and how awful it is being friends with women.

    I don't understand how some men act like they deserve a relationship for nice to a woman. I can't have any male friends without other men thinking I'm being cruel, and holding them within the 'friendzone' - like men cannot be friends with women.

    The idea of the friendzone in my mind is rather silly and childish.

    14 AnswersGender & Women's Studies7 years ago
  • Would you tell someone if their partner talked like this about them?

    They only talk about their partner in a sexual manner - how good in bed they are, size of certain body-parts, how far they're willing to go in the bedroom, and openly compliment/drool over members of the opposite gender in front of others.

    The gender of the people above are irrelevant, really.

    There's one person on my course that only mentions sexual things about his long-term girlfriend to everyone. We all knew her bra size, how far she goes, how tight she is before he even uttered her name. (We didn't ask for any of the sexual information).

    He's told me that the only reason he chose his girlfriend over her sister was because she had a better behind, whilst the sister had better breasts. He constantly drools over images of women, and defends Porn more than anything else.

    I want to tell her, but maybe she knows he does it? I dunno.

    5 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Why do some men defend Porn more than anything else?

    I've had many discussions with the men on my course at University, and the only topic that seemingly caused outrage was the fact I dislike Pornography, especially within a monogamous relationship - shouldn't be within it in my mind.

    I've found some pretty disturbing things in Pornography without much effort (cannot mention what without possibly getting suspended again). I haven't really ventured anywhere other than the popular ones that all ages can have access to.

    However, no matter what. many men seem to desperately defend Pornography. It seems to be the only topic some of them feel strongly to defend.

    They certainly didn't like my personal opinion on this topic.

    16 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • What do you think of those that blame their actions/inability on their gender?

    Or those that use stereotypes to their advantage or explain something?

    For example, I was in a Café and I overheard a man and a woman talking - probably partners or friends. He started to talk about something, and the woman replied:

    "Ofcourse I don't understand computer stuff. Duh, I'm a woman!"

    I've heard people of both genders use typical gender stereotypes to explain an inability to understand something or use it to their advantage.

    7 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Why are some women so afraid of ageing?

    One of my friends was a teenage model. At age 17, she became so worried about ageing and possible wrinkles that she got botox injections.

    I'm also similar, but I'm not entirely sure why ageing bothers me so much. I've endorsed in expensive skincare to reduce ageing and other stuff. If I had the money, I would probably get something to stop me from frowning to reduce wrinkles.

    Why are so many young women worried about ageing?

    19 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Why do some evil men have a problem with harming women?

    I was watching a crime documentary yesterday about woman that was brutally murdered in front of her triplets by an assassin hired by her ex-husband.

    According to the documentary, the ex-husband contacted multiple assassins, but only one was willing to beat up or harm a woman. The willing assassin was only interested after he was told that she abused and harmed her children.

    Why would even evil and murderous men not want to harm women?

    7 AnswersGender & Women's Studies7 years ago
  • Not wanting a traditional marriage means I don't want one at all?

    I've made it very clear to my adoptive parents that I don't really want a traditional marriage within a cold church, nor wear a long white dress. Just my desires..

    My adoptive mother seems to believe this translates as 'I don't want to get married, I have no interest and possibly hate marriage completely.'

    Instead, I'm just not a fan of religion and churches here are almost always damp, cold, and rather dull. I'd prefer some colour - maybe a manor house by a lake? Somewhere beautiful and full of nature is my preference.

    Why would someone think I hate the idea of marriage for the above?

    13 AnswersGender & Women's Studies7 years ago
  • How come women should see 'sexual harassment' as a compliment?

    How come women are expected by men to see sexual or street harassment as a compliment, but when homosexual men do the same to men, they rarely see it as a compliment either?

    Many men act downright aggressive towards homosexual men that give them 'compliments' in the same manner women are meant to see as compliments, especially lesbian women. Being from the LGBT community, I see the above a lot.

    "Straight men get offended when a gay man hits on them. But I am supposed to be "flattered" when a straight man hits on me even thought they know I am Lesbian?"

    12 AnswersGender & Women's Studies7 years ago
  • What makes someone high maintenance? Am I high maintenance?

    I got into a discussion about shopping and money.

    I'm the type of person that would rather save up my money and buy the better quality item over the cheaper one, especially when it comes to shoes and skincare items. Cheap shoes break quickly, and cheap skincare doesn't usually work.

    Some of my shoes cost over £150, and my skincare items can cost over £20 each. I have never used anyone else's money to buy these items.

    One guy was shocked and said I was very high maintenance.

    10 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • What would you think about this type of person?

    The type of person that believes monogamy is unnatural for humans, therefore finds no problem with dating multiple people/cheating.

    For example, I had one friend with the above views. She was dating one boyfriend for six years. She'd also been dating another for the two years out of the six, whilst also getting comfortable with the first boyfriend's brother. None of them knew.

    The excuse was that it's unnatural to be monogamous, therefore she and others didn't see any issue with what she was doing (some people thought it was fine).

    10 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Would you refuse to get in an airplane driven by the opposite gender?

    A passenger on a recent WestJet flight left a crude, sexist note scrawled on a napkin denouncing the flight’s female pilot.

    “To Capt./WestJet,” the note says. “The cockpit of airliner [sic] is no place for a woman. A woman being a mother is the most honor not as “captain” Proverbs 31 (Sorry not P.C.) P.S. I wish WestJet could tell me a fair lady is at the helm so I can book another flight! Were [sir] short mothers not pilots Westjet.”

    WestJet told ABC News, “We are enormously proud of the professionalism, skills and expertise of our pilots and we were disappointed to see this note.”

    7 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Women, does a man ignoring you make you more interested?

    Many men often claim that ignoring women will cause them to become increasingly interested in them, and the longer they ignore, the better.

    I'm not sure if I'm weird, but as soon as a guy ignores me, I assume they've completely lost interest, and that will make me lose interest fast. Even when my boyfriend goes away for a couple of weeks, I seem to lose some interest and spark.

    8 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • What do you consider as creepy?

    On my pervious question, I mentioned that I'm always approached by creepy people.

    I definied these people as creepy, as they had characteristics of sociopaths and psychopaths. They would often approach me with insults as a form of flirting, asking me to get into their vehicles or follow them somewhere. Some even expressed aspects of Erotophonophilia.

    BQ: Would you consider the above people as creepy?

    7 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • What would make someone attract truely creepy people?

    Almost all the types of people I seem to attract are truly creepy individuals, many of which could easily be described as sociopaths and psychopaths.

    I don't understand what makes me appealing to those types of people.

    I'm an extremely shy and introverted individual. In reality, I'm a polite and quiet person - I prefer to find a quiet place to read and think. People describe my attire as gothic, as it's mostly dark colours, but my clothing is rather feminine.

    (They insult me as flirting or tell me very sadistic things they'd like to do to me. Erotophonophilia. Others have wanted me to get into their vehicles.)

    11 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Do you think men notice when women are wearing natural make-up?

    Yesterday, I decided to play a trick on the guys at University by applying loads of make-up, but I only wear natural looking make-up. (don't own non-natural stuff).

    - Eyeliner

    - Kohl

    - Base foundation

    - Perfectly matched foundation.

    - Perfectly matched concealer

    - Pink/red Lip stain

    - Cheek stain

    - Eyebrow definer thing

    - Mascara

    I asked them how much make-up they thought I was wearing - most only noticed that I was wearing black eyeliner.

    15 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • What do you think of those that rub their sexual experience or lack of?

    What do you think of those that rub their sexual experience or lack of in other people's faces?

    For example, a person bragging about how many sexual conquests they've had, and possibly even shaming another that has had less sexual partners.

    A person that abstains or is virginal that constantly implies that they're better and more special than an individual that hasn't abstained or remained virginal.

    (I've met both these types of people in my lifetime - in person).

    2 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • How does one learn to love themselves?

    I'm a very insecure person, and dislike what I see. People tell me I need to learn to love or accept myself, but I've never understood how that's achieved.

    14 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago