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Marco S

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  • Can security tackle me?

    I'll start with I was not shop lifting or stealing anything. me and a friend were skating in a shopping center and a guard yell "get off the board" me and my friend ignore him and decide to skate to my car and leave. As I'm skating to my car a guard comes out of no where and tackles me off my board and on to the ground. Can i do anything about it legally? Again i didn't steal anything and i feel like I was assaulted by a guard who takes his job waaaay to seriously

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Girls. If a girl is ignoring me does that mean she's not interested anymore?

    OK so i met this girl and she seemed nice so I got her number and we started talking. I would ask her out here and there but I never got a "no" always I'm busy maybe next time. After a while I asked her if i should even bother trying to take her out and her reply was something like "it take me a while to trust a guy" so i said ok and shook it off.A few weeks past by and I was finally able to get a date nothing special just a simple lunch date before she had to go to work right before Christmas break. But recently after break these past couple weeks she's been ignoring my text. Normally if she didnt get back that night she would text me at some point the next day and say I'm sorry for not getting back, any how what do you girls think: I think I'm a bit emotional atm so I don't want to do something stupid - is she just not interested anymore,should i delete her number and move on, should i stick around, do I bring it up next time we talk and if I do how? Sorry I just think she a cool nice down to earth to girl and you don't find many of those now a days

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Where can I get a set of different colored wheels?

    I just got my first long board sector 9 and I want to change the wheels but I don't want the same color and I cant the individual one with the colors I want in the same brand. Does anyone know a site that has a pack where you can pick the colors or something similar?

    1 AnswerOther - Outdoor Recreation7 years ago
  • can someone please make this more coherent?

    The post years of the World War II were characterized by changes in the way Americans lived, work, and thought; as Howard Sitkoff would say, "the 1960s' was dawned 'bright with hope and idealism". Generally because it was during this time when several Americans express social and civil conformity. In Thomas Hauser "The Importance of Muhammad Ali," the civil rights movements had many faces: "Martin Luther King Jr, Medgar Evers, and Viola Liuzzo", perhaps one of the recognized and admired is Muhammad Ali. Born January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky as Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr., -he would later changed his name to Muhammad Ali when he converted to Islam-, a time and place when African Americans were still placed in the servant class. According to Ali mother; Ali got his first taste of discrimination when they when down to the convenient store downtown, Ali asked for a glass of water and they refused to give him one because of the color of his skin. On April 28, 1967: Ali refused induction in the army because of his religion belief, and the American people responded with a hateful glare. Ali was convicted: served four years in prison, stripped of his title, and exiled from boxing for 3 and a half years; ironically Ali impact was growing "among black Americans, among those who opposed the war in Vietnam, among all people with grievances against 'the system.", he "had the courage to stand up like no one else and risk not only his life, but everything he had.".But for millions of people, the experience of being black changed because of Muhammad Ali. The civil rights movements also had organized group to help their call, probably one of the most known is the Freedom Riders, also the brutality they endured; everywhere they would go to try to express ingratiation among public area, they were; beaten, chased, harassed, killed, etc. Anything the other side could do to stop them. Probably the worse of it was brought on by local and state police forces. David Grunfeld recalled when he had just gotten out of boot camp for the Air Forces he was stationed in Montgomery, Alabama; Grunfeld and a friend wanted to spend the day in town and head off to the bus station. When they got to the bus terminal they noticed a crowd of white boys all dressed in white t-shirts and jean, each holding some kind of weapon: bats, stick, pipes, and chains. When the Freedom Riders Arrive the boy without any hesitation rushed the bus and started beaten them. In Grunfeld recollection police were at the scene. . . with their back turned and completely ignoring the situation. Although not all the riders endured such harsh resentment, many others were arrested and thrown in jail and charged with either: unlawful assemble, trespassing, or disturbing the peace. Ellen Broms recalls when she was still a student at Los Angeles City College, she was inspired to become a Freedom Rider after attending a rally where Martin Luther King Jr., was the keynote speaker. Broms Freedom Ride was by train to Houston and to test the Union Station coffee shop. After the owner would not let them in but eventually caved, only for the owner to call the cops and have them arrest for unlawful assemble. Majority of them stayed for eight days; the white riders were released earlier, but it was only because they were so severally beaten they had to be treated outside the hospital. Core put up $150,000( $1.1 million today) to bond the Mississippi Freedom riders out, at the first trial they were found not guilty on a technicality, but at a second trail they were found guilty and sentenced by an "all white jury and fined $100 each". at a higher court they were able to get it appeal and overturned. Oddly enough some Freedom Riders were actually successful. In Ms. Jean Desmond recollection her daughter had phoned her, asking if it was possible to borrow her car for a freedom ride to Washington and to join her. Ms. Desmond who believes in equality agreed to both; the Riders were to gather that following Saturday morning in downtown Manhattan each having four to five people and must have at least one "black". They were instructed to stop and every restaurant along Route 40 in Maryland and test the service; they were only to leave if state trooper arrive and read them the Maryland Trespass Act. Ms. Desmond recalls their first stop resulting in the state trooper being called and how the trooper was having difficulty trying to read the act. Not all their stop ended with them being escorted out, some places actually served them and on that trip alone, Ms. Desmond desegregation four restaurants that day. While many groups in post-war American gained ground, African Americans continued to fight for equality and opportunity

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Can someone make this more coherent?

    Composition has never been my strong side so can someone help me

    Although War World two was fought overseas and no direct conflict took place on Americans soils, almost every Americans regardless of their status as a soldier or a civilian felt the affect of it. Americans solider surely felt the biggest Impact of World War II, since they were the fought who actually saw the war unfold: from the start of D-Day to when the first atomic bombs were dropped. Imagine it as a soldier: being cramped up in a small vomit reeking boat with 20 plus other soldier, for over an hour on it way to Omaha Beach, where there enemy had already secured a base wondering if this is the day you die. Only to be literally shot up as soon as the doors dropped because the Bomb squad completely missed it target, so now they had to duck and dodge bullets, while firing back if their weapon didn't stop working from water damage. In Antony Beevor "D-Day Or Operation Overlord, June 6, 1944," he recaps the statement of some airmen "the sea was so packed so full of ships that it almost looked as if you could walk to France" a sight that I'm sure no soldier, sailor, or airmen would ever forget. Probably this biggest burden that they had to deal with as soldier in war, was the ever lingering fear to death. They had no idea what was going to happen next, if the enemy is hiding over the hill, in the over, tree, bushes ect. for all they knew the enemy could just randomly ambush and possibly kill them: in PFC Leo Nelson Adams recollections, PFC Adams tells how his platoon had just clear a river but were then ambushed by Germans and killing one of his comrades. However even though it was only male soldier who were actually fighting; they were not the only ones who experienced the horrors of war, nurses had this burden as well. If a soldier get shot, blown up, exposed to chemicals, who takes care of them? a Nurse. So granted nurse did not actually fighting in the war, nurse still witnessed all the after effect of it but with the add challenge of saving a person life, but that doesn't mean that they we're completely safe and untouchable. A U.S navy nurse named Ann Bernatitus learned this the hard way "On March 3, the hospital was bombed, even though the warehouse on the beach had a big red cross". On a final note I believe the only demography that felt a positive affect from World War II were women on the home front. During this time many males felt that they had a responsibility to their country and join the military to fight in the war, leaving behind their family and their job. Normally this would not be an issue except for the fact that American was producing most of the tanks, bullets, guns, planes,etc for the war and now the companies that made these had less able body men to do the job as needed, leaving them no choice but to open their door for women workers. Like many men during this time, women also felt compelled to do their part for the war effort. One such women was Delana Jensen Close, Delana was a women who spent the first two of the war in Yuba making howitzer field guns, she would eventually break through social walls make $1.31 an hours instead of the typical .65 cent a hour for a women and become on the first and only women to run a big machine (the plant was testing if a women could handle it).

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Lawyers, prelaw students, etc. HELP!!!!!?

    Hello my friends and I recently had a run in with a cop where he literally detained me because I said "Better luck next" the excuse he gave me was that we were in a high crime area and drew attention to ourselves. He tried to intimate us by saying we legally have to identify ourselves to cop or he was going to arrest us and take us to jail. Lucky I know my rights and called his bluff, but unfortunately for my friends they dont and they fell for it and gave the cop their I.D. So I decided to start informing people of their rights. I already know Terry vs Ohio, Delaware vs. Prouse , Hibel vs Nevada, U.S vs. DeBerry, and Brown vs Texas but that's only five. Can someone out there name some more, I'm not asking for an explanation of it just the name and I'll do the research myself.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can someone make this more coherent?

    I'm a math science dude so I suck at composition and someone please help

    The relationship between the American citizens and the National government was extremely sensitive under President Hoover administration earlier on in the Great Depression, but under President Roosevelt administration the American citizen once relied on the national government to provide for the greater good. Although President Hoover embodied the American dream; where he was orphan at the delicate age of nine, Hoover work his way into Stanford, climb the corporate ladder, and eventually become President of the United States. Giving the impression that he'd be the ideal President during this financial crisis, however Hoover fell a little short of this feat (given the shock that it started only months in his term) and did very little during his term in office; possibly making him the most hated person in America. One popular skit stated that the depression has ended while a sidekick replies with 'Has Herbert Hoover died'. It wasn't until FDR that true progress toward recovery was made from the what was branded 'The New Deal'. The long term benefits of the New Deal was: relief for ailing farmer worker who were hit hardest by this crisis, refinanced mortgages for homeowner and farmers, and provided work for at its peak forty percent of the unemployed. Although once relief was provided it wasn't welcomed with open arms. Father and husband now had to reach out for help to provided for his family. At an interview one man recalls how he put his hand 'On the door-knob five times' before he was able to open it. Although the New deal provided relief it was sometime difficult to accept it

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Is this a coherent paragraph?

    I have a homework assignment due and want to make sure that I did it right. So can someone double check and maybe reedited it, if needed

    Although World War I was fought over sea the impact it had was felt by all Americans regardless if they were a civilian or a soldier fighting in the war. For civilians it is hard to imagine how an over seas war could impact them but what they do not realize is that there was a call to all American to led out some support. Good Housekeeping put an ad stating "If the Allied Peoples and their soldier are to have enough to eat, you must fight your battle in your Kitchen now". When the War first broke out women were only asked to come up with simple and good recipes or not to waste food, so it could be shipped over seas. But because of a loophole in The Naval Act of 1916 women were now allowed to join the Naval, women now had a true opportunity to prove that they can do almost if not everything a man can. Secondly this also gave the African American to prove themselves: although there was still racial segregation among the troops, one regiment in particular did this feat the 369th infantry (Harlem Hellfighters). They were an all black regimentthat spent the longest time in direct battle (191 days) and came out one of the most highly decorated regiment. Lastly it goes without saying that it was the soldier that felt the full impact of the war. Since tanks and planes were relatively new; as a soldier you would have to carry all your material guns, ammo, bombs etc form point a to B: "The Projectors,which, like all our other material had to be carried several kilometers along the road."

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Girls honestly was this a dick move?

    Ok I just finished alot of drama with a girl so I was ready too see what was out there so i asked out the first cute girl i saw and actually got a date. I asked her out for lunch so i get there ,meet her pay for our food and had some small talk but her face would not leave her phone. I said hey i bet I'm alot more fun then her phone she laughed but overall no dice. I got so tired of it i got my drink and tired to leave. She stopped me and asked where i was going and i told i was leaving because i have better things then compete with a phone she said no, blah blah blah, but i left anyways. Is this a Dick move i feel kinda bad

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • She thinks I used her.?

    So I met this girl last year we got to talking and started hanging out and then we eventually kissed. Thats when it all pretty went down hill. I felt the spark so I rushed into it and asked her to go with me and then she starts telling me that she doesn't know because she been cheated on alot and that she's scared I might do the same so I kinda scared her away, and we did not talk for a lil bit we agreed to be friend but i got caught in a lie and went through the samething but i fix it and time went by and I still wasnt over her and she could tell and asked if I still liked her and I said yes. she said she did to but she's still going through drama with her last ex and that we couldnt be my friend anymore because it wasnt fair to me I was able into talk her into still being my friend by saying that I'll just suck it up and be that friend that she could always relie on so we worked things out and we were friends again and finally here we are. I pull up to my school parking lot I see her walking to her car, our birthday was coming up (Yes we have the same Bday, I know right?!) and we decided to spend it together so I go over to say hi and see if we were still green for go, she said maybe because her family planned thing big thing for her, so I said ok and shook it off, we had other small talk we hugged and thats when we kissed again, I guess we both felt it again and that when it turn to making out she stopped mid way saying we couldnt do this but I pulled myself back in, it happened again but that time she pulled me in, and then into really making and then in the back of her car, (we didnt have sex) we just took off our shirts(she kept her bra on) i rub her, she played with me and she said she was a virgin and proved it when she said "I don;t know what to do" and "I've never felt this before" and then we kissed goodbye. I didnt text her for two days and when i did she got mad and started saying how i was like all the others and that i used her and then she pretty much cut me off, four months go by and I dont she her. I finally see and tried talking to her and all first I thought it was going great but then she pretty much asked why i was talking to her and that she didnt want to talk to me and that really hurt.

    Now what? I'm not looking for us to be a couple I just want her back in my life she meant a lot to me and has the totally wrong Idea about me and my intentions?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does an employer have to inform you that you've been fired?

    Ok i think i got fired i looked at the schedule for next week and saw that i wasnt scheduled at all, not even on call I haven't done anything that my manager called me out about or had one of those moments where we had to talk in the backroom. If i was fired is she at least suppose to tell me?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • I'm so loney :'(?

    I have plenty of friend and a job so I talk to alot of people, but I find myself sitting in my room and just wait, wait for a text or a phone call but nothing happens. I dont have a girlfriend, its not that I can't talk to a girl but whenever I do I get stuck in the friend zone and nothing happen I havent had sex in about a year and half and I'm 20 and all this is putting me in a state of depression and it's murder on myself esteem and me in general. How can I fix this

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • How much to buy a motorcycle?

    OK so I finally have saved up enough money to buy my first bike, but after I buy it what else do I need to pay to make it street legal (sale tax, title fee, registration fee, etc). Lets say I paid 2K for the bike from a dealer, about how much more do I need to save up to actually be able to ride it on the streets. I live in florida if it makes things easier

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • Girls did I do something wrong?

    ok me and this girl I like have had a complicated relationship since august normally I would be done but I felt the spark during our first kiss and we even have the same birthday she's 17 and I'm 19. Anyways we we're making out next to her car and then got in the car and start to have fun all we did was take off our shirts and play with each other (we didn't have sex she's a virgin and I want it to be special for her first time) The whole time she kept saying we're just friends and we shouldn't do this, but she kept pulling me back in. Afterwards I talked to her a bit because she looked really confused I kissed her goodbye and left. This was on Tuesday and I didn't talk to her again till Thursday and because of that she got pissed off, and started saying I should of called her that day and that we're done. Kinda broke my heart a bit :' ( but anyways did i really do something wrong or is she just overreacting and what should I do at this point?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Best time to take a protein shake?

    Ok so I'm trying to gain muscle mass, I normally take my protein shake as soon as I get home from the gym, would it also help out if I took it the night before I go to the gym

    P.S I workout in the morning

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Girls am I really that pathetic?

    Ok even I feel pathetic about this. I met this girl at school, we started talking, hanging out, and then we kissed and for the first time ever I felt the spark. I asked her later on if she wanted to be my GF That's when it all went to ****. She says maybe. later on her friends tells me she needs to talk to me. Me being a pothead and being really nervous I smoked a little before i talk to her, I met her and she tells me she doesn't want to risk our friendship and that her ex is trying to get back in her life. I say ok. That same friend tells her I was high and she got so mad she was able to look me dead in the face and say "get over me right now because we're never gonna happen". I took it pretty hard. ok I've accept that she doesn't want to be a couple, I can still talk to other girls but she always pops in my head and I just really wish it could of gone different between us. My question is how do i get this girl our of my head, because even I think I'm incredible pathetic because of it

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Changing android phone screen?

    The other day my friend dropped my phone and cracked the screen (hater), yesterday my sister fried the charging port on her phone, now my question is can I take her phone to a repair shop and have them take her screen and put it on mine?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Don't want her out of my life :' (?

    I met this girl at school and we starting talking / texting and we've hung out a lot. We kissed this one time and we said that we liked each other, but that last 4 bf she had all each on her and that she doesn't want to leave herself vulnerable because shes scared I might do the samething. She doesn't want to be friends because she says its wouldn't fair for me because I have these feelings, but she doesn't want me out of her life because she still has feelings for me. I just don't know what to do at this point.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • So confused and have no idea what to do : (?

    I met this girl in school the other day I got her number, we started to chill and then I really started to like her and the other day we kissed (which turned into a make out session). We held hands as i walk her to her car and on the way I asked her if she wanted to be my GF, she said she did but not now. I then get a random text from her saying that she never should of let it go that far because shes talking to this other guy (her best friend). The text also say that she likes me too and that she felt something when we kissed. It also says how shes confused and has no idea what to do liking two guys at once. Her friend says give her space but I'm just so confused, lost, hurting and just have no idea what to do from here.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Feel sick every morning?

    lately every morning I wake up and feel sick, sore throat, slight fever, and nausea but as the day goes on i get better

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years ago