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Favorite Answers10%
  • Am i protected from pregnancy yet?

    I started levelen ED on the first day of my period. That was seven days ago, have taken them at exactly 7:30 each morning and not missed one, on the pamphlet in the box it says wait 14 days to have sex but on every website online it says you are protected after taking seven active pills? (Which I have) Help lol can I have sex yet? My boyfriend comes home tomorrow

    2 AnswersWomen's Health5 years ago
  • I need both boys and girls answers on this!?

    Okay so i wanted both boys and girls opinions because boys know how boys see this and girls have experience with this sometimes. Iike this boy but i only see him once a day at school and that only lasts for ten minutes, hes in none of


    Classes and hangs with a different group and is

    In another year than me how do i get his attention and how can i build a good relationship upon this

    Short times?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • how can you tell if your smiley is too small to be pierced?

    so i am going to pierce my smiley in a couple of weeks, save your " you cant do that by yourself" because i will either way so help me or don't, i have sterilized 16 gauge piercing needles and sterilized smiley jewelry too, and i have been doing my research on it to get it just right etc and when i heard about your smiley being too small i got concerned, i don't know how small it has to be in order for it to be "too small" but mines fairly small, not heaps small, and could any body link me to photos of smileys and tell me how small is too small or something? thank you i know it seems a hard question. xxxx

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • my rat keeps on sneezing?

    okay I bought him 3 days ago, he was sneezing a little, he ran away on the second day and I only found him today about an hour ago, since then hes been sneezing quite a bit, like 8 times a minute, there is no redness or blood or even any form of liquid or anything coming out at all, I don't use bedding that has pine shavings or wooodchips either, could it be him settling into his new environment or something bigger? help :)

    5 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • why are you vegan, and if vegetarian, why not vegan?

    just interested in hearing everybody's stories :)

    10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • feeling alone? :( :( :(?

    ive been vegetarian for 1 year and vegan for 2 and because im 13 and in australia there is no vegans i know and how do i get to know others like me other than online? :(

    12 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • help with my hair please!?!!?!?

    okay my hairs always been thick but lately its been getting REALLY thin!i think its cause i wash it everyday, i have stopped doing that now because i heard its bad for it, i also only straighten it like once every two weeks and i just dont know what else to do?! i think its dying my hair that made it thin /:

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • help with finger piercing?!?

    i pierced the surface of my finger idk what to call it, i did the middle finger with a needle, and i was wondering, do you guys know where to get a nice small like stud thing to put in, i dont want it to look tacky, i pierced it small, so idk if an eyebrow thing would work in it? :/ help please? x

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago

    ok so in the past few days i noticed my guinea pig was lacking movement but thought he was just getting tame i didnt know, and then i thought no something must be wrong my mum didnt believe me until today where we took him to the vets and got antibiotics, inbetween ive fed him alfalfa and some orange and kiwi fruit for vitamin c and the vet said its a 50 / 50 chance of survival, i feel help less and want to know if there are any home remedies for this? btw yes ive had him in a steamy room and done all that, but what other medicinces can i MAKE?! please help i think hes going in the bad direction and i love him )-:

    1 AnswerRodents8 years ago
  • is my pet a tortoise or turtle?!?

    he/she has claws, likes walking around my backyard, but loves swimming in fresh water for long periods of time, is this a turtle or tortoise?

    her/his shell is not flat, she/he has a yellow stomach and a long neck, my dad says she/he is a tortoise but everywhere i read says tortoises cant swim where this one loves swimming! help!

    5 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • Help please, have no idea what to do!?

    ok, so I was doing my paper run, and there was a car coming, i saw a shell type figure lying on the road, and rushed to it, picked it up and took it home, my dad says it is a tortoise, but this tortoise loves swimming in fresh water, which makes no sense as we have NO fresh water near us, only salt water lakes, i read around tortoises cant swim but this one loves swimming, which makes me think, maybe this is a turtle?

    He/she is a bit bigger than my hand, has a long neck, swims in my pond, has a yellow stomach and a dark green shell, the shell is not flat, she/he has claws and also loves walking around, what do I do with her/him?

    i cant put her in the lake as shes a fresh water one, she loves roads too so i cant release her incase she gets hit by a car (i found her on a busy highway)

    i dont know what to feed her, so tell me, what species is this turtle/tortoise!?!

    and is swimming safe for her?

    3 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • How can people be so cruel?

    dairy farming

    factory farming

    egg farming


    all them horrible things they do!



    seriously, it is so mucked up I just have no idea how people do that stuff?!

    12 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Weird question, but feel alone in this?

    I have been a vegetarian for a while and now vegan for a year, and it isnt like i feel like quitting, i find it easy, but I feel alone?

    I dont know ANY other vegetarians/vegans NOBODY shares the same opinions as me and nearly EVERYBODY I know argues about it with me aswell, Idk i feel as though it would be easier if I had someone to talk about it with and all, is this weird? and what should I do?

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Please help me understand this experiment we did in science?

    ok so in science class we did this experiment where we had a beaker full of water, then a glass tube connected to an upside down flask, we put the glass tube connected to the flask in the water and put the bunsen burner onto the side of the flask until the water in the beaker started bubbling (in like 2 seconds!) then once the water stopped bubbling we took away the bunsen burner, and the water from the beaker shooted up the glass tube and into the flask! this is really cool but i would like to know why this has happened, so can somebody plz give me the theory on this? thankyou! i thought it was a little like the egg in the bottle thing but plz explain?!

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • We did this experiment in science class and i don't completely understand what happened?

    ok so in science class we did this experiment where we had a beaker full of water, then a glass tube connected to an upside down flask, we put the glass tube connected to the flask in the water and put the bunsen burner onto the side of the flask until the water in the beaker started bubbling (in like 2 seconds!) then once the water stopped bubbling we took away the bunsen burner, and the water from the beaker shooted up the glass tube and into the flask! this is really cool but i would like to know why this has happened, so can somebody plz give me the theory on this? thankyou! i thought it was a little like the egg in the bottle thing but plz explain?!

    2 AnswersOther - Science9 years ago
  • i really need your help vegans cooking class!?!?!?

    oko long story short i am a vegan dont wanna cook meat etc my teacher sed i had to even when i brough in replacement meal ideas etc

    my mum has pretty much had enough of it and i have to cook anzac buiscuits tomorrow but i dont want to, what do i do!?!?!? i dont want to cook it but i cant just sit there and not do anything as that would be counted as really naughty and id probs get suspended, what to do?!?!?

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Vegans i REALLY NEED HELP i have cooking tomorrow and have no idea what to do!?

    oko long story short i am a vegan dont wanna cook meat etc my teacher sed i had to even when i brough in replacement meal ideas etc

    my mum has pretty much had enough of it and i have to cook anzac buiscuits tomorrow but i dont want to, what do i do!?!?!? i dont want to cook it but i cant just sit there and not do anything as that would be counted as really naughty and id probs get suspended, what to do?!?!?

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Everybody is saying that soy milk is bad for you!?

    is it? i mean theone i drink has b12 calcium protein 99% fat free and only 4 grams of sugar per litre! i drink 1-2 cups of it a day, is this bad for me? i just know rice one is high in sugar and ca't stand oat or almond

    15 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago