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  • I hate my nickname but don't know how to change it?

    My name is Rhianna and everyone calls me Rhi and have for the past 14 years or so, I just don't like it as a nickname but it feels weird when people call me by my full name because only my parents do that.

    I don't like anna as a nickname either

    Does anyone have any suggestions for nicknames for my name and how to get people to accept a change and stop calling me Rhi

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • I've had a headache for a week what should I do?

    Had a headache for a week, it comes and goes a bit during the day but I always wake up with a headache and at night I go to bed because it becomes to strong that I can't concentrate.

    It goes away for a short time if I take pain medication like panadol or nurofen but it comes back again

    The pain has been at the left back of my head but today it's sort of all along the sides and back of my head and my neck is stiff.

    It's christmas eve eve and I know a lot of places are closed or booked out around now, there's an all night place I can go to but they always make me wait hours to see someone.

    What should I do? Should I put up with it or do I really need to see someone asap?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • How to ask partner for open relationship?

    - Heterosexual relationship

    - I am the female

    - Been together 3 months

    - I can't have sex for medical/emotional reasons so I'm not seeking the possibility of an open relationship so I can sleep around

    I would feel more comfortable to be in an open relationship so that everything is on the table and I don't feel pressured into being more sexually active with my partner. He doesn't pressure me but I stress over it a lot and it would take a lot of anxiety out of the relationship if he could have sexual freedom.

    So how do I go about discussing it with him, I don't want to offend him and I don't want to end our relationship

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Help with singing? Tone Colour/Color of voice?

    I've been singing for about 12 years. I started singing in the choir at primary school, I was part of a youth choir for 7 years, and part of 2-3 school choirs at secondary school (7 years). I always sang as a Soprano. I did Music throughout highschool which involved a lot of solo singing. I've also previously been taught by singing teachers (4 different teachers) overall having lessons for 3 years.

    I am currently doing a singing course which involves ensemble and solo singing.

    I have a 3 octave range

    I have practically perfect pitch, I always hit the right notes without a problem and I can hear when I'm going sharp or flat.

    I can sing loud

    I have an under-developed chest voice due to years of relying on my head voice as a soprano

    I can get a scratchiness in my voice around my break

    I know how to open up the back of my throat (soft palette) to open up the sound for high notes

    The problem I have is the tone of my voice. I have a consitent and even tone. However, my voice is very narrow sounding, it's very sharp (not pitch wise) harsh, brittle and piercing. My mum describes it as cutting like a knife. My mentor has said that my voice is too bright whereas everyone else in my class is working on brightening their sound.

    I want to know if there are exercises or ways I can improve the tone colour of my voice, widen it and make it warmer and not so piercing. I notice this tone colour the most when I sing high notes, my voice sort of locks into the note and it's very piercing.

    Please note that my pitch is not the problem!

    Thank you very much! xoxo

    Singing9 years ago
  • Anybody know this film? (plot in description)?

    It's a black and white film about a man who is an actor in a play/show where he is a murderer. I'm pretty sure it's set during the war time because he gets injured in a bombing attack in London. He forgets who he really is and thinks he is the murderer/the man he acts as. He kills a lot of people. I can't remember how it ends though, I'm pretty sure it ends the same way the actually play ends where he tries to strangle someone but gets shot.

    Anybody know this film?

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • Feeling sick, have work tomorrow, please help?

    I'm 19 and my parents are away until saturday (it's wednesday night)

    My doctor upped my dosage of endep 10, I'm taking 2 tablets which is 20mg of amitriptyline hydrochloride.

    It's to reduce the spasms I get in my bladder, I suffer from interstitial cystitis

    However since Monday I have been feeling groggy and tired, I'm getting 7-8 hours sleep a night which is what I prefer and more than I am used to (I usually function fine on 4-6 hours)

    I cannot concentrate at work (work 8:30am-5pm) my eyes hurt, and my mouth is so dry even though I've had 2L of water today as well as an iceblock to try and numb my mouth. My muscles are sore and I have a headache. I just generally feel awful

    I fell asleep at work today, for an hour towards the end of my working day, no one caught me and I didn't have any important work to do but I feel embarrassed about it and I'm really concerned because that shouldn't happen.

    What should I do? I'm going to try and move my next doctor's appointment to next week instead of in 2 weeks but do I reduce how much medication I'm taking? Could I be sick from something else?

    I don't have a temperature/fever

    Also please don't suggest caffiene it causes flare ups in my bladder which is extremely painful and would stop me being able to get to work and undo the good the medication is doing.

    I'm only asking on here because it's night time and I'm by myself and I don't know what to do

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • Can't stay awake, feeling sick, unsure what to do?

    I'm 19 and my parents are away until saturday (it's wednesday night)

    My doctor upped my dosage of endep 10, I'm taking 2 tablets which is 20mg of amitriptyline hydrochloride.

    It's to reduce the spasms I get in my bladder, I suffer from interstitial cystitis

    However since Monday I have been feeling groggy and tired, I'm getting 7-8 hours sleep a night which is what I prefer and more than I am used to (I usually function fine on 4-6 hours)

    I cannot concentrate at work (work 8:30am-5pm) my eyes hurt, and my mouth is so dry even though I've had 2L of water today as well as an iceblock to try and numb my mouth. My muscles are sore and I have a headache. I just generally feel awful

    I fell asleep at work today, for an hour towards the end of my working day, no one caught me and I didn't have any important work to do but I feel embarrassed about it and I'm really concerned because that shouldn't happen.

    What should I do? I'm going to try and move my next doctor's appointment to next week instead of in 2 weeks but do I reduce how much medication I'm taking? Could I be sick from something else?

    I don't have a temperature/fever

    Also please don't suggest caffiene it causes flare ups in my bladder which is extremely painful and would stop me being able to get to work and undo the good the medication is doing.

    I'm only asking on here because it's night time and I'm by myself and I don't know what to do

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • I am constantly waking up with a dry mouth/dry throat?

    Every morning I wake up very,very thirsty; my mouth is extremely dry and my throat sore.

    When I drink it doesn't fix the problem and it's not until late morning/afternoon that I feel better.

    I can't drink too much in the morning as I feel like I need a lot of water and drinking that much gives me a stomach ache

    As far as I'm aware I do not snore, no one I have slept in the same room with has ever said I said I snore and I always ask to make sure they're not trying to be polite.

    Previously I have woken up suddenly feeling like I am choking/something is caught in my throat, although that problem seemed to solve itself a month ago after I changed my sheets/pillow/pillow case

    I don't go to bed thristy

    What is causing this problem and how can I solve it?

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • How to I breed a growlithe that knows both Morning Sun AND Flare Blitz?

    How to I breed a growlithe that knows both Morning Sun AND Flare Blitz?

    I have Pokemon Pearl

    I am going to get an espeon with morning sun off a friend who has hg/ss? this is possible right?

    1 AnswerZoology9 years ago
  • Need quadsuit/fursuit padding help?

    I am making a quadsuit and I was wondering how to attach the padding to my body?

    I don't want to just glue/sew it onto the clothes I want to wear when I wear the suit. I want to have the padding seperate so that if I ever need to sell the suit or the clothes wear out/don't fit anymore I don't a have to remake the padding.

    I was thinking of using buckles/belts (the kind on backpacks) to hold the padding in place or using D loop belts.

    I would like to make pockets in the suit to slip the padding into but I do not think I have the sewing capabilities to attempt something like that.

    Any tips or ideas would be very helpful as the only suitable place to buy buckles/belts/backpack straps is online in america (I am in australia) and the cost of importing is over $100

    4 AnswersPerforming Arts9 years ago
  • What song is on the advertisement for the Tv Show 'The Voice'?

    I'm in Australia and there is an ad for the up and coming show 'The Voice' (I think it might be the second series)

    There is a song on one of the ads which is a female voice and piano and the lyrics are

    I've been out on the ocean, sailing alone, travelling nowhere, you've been running on (heart break?) with just you around your heartbeat's the only sound

    I can't find this song by googling the lyrics, does anyone recognize it?

    7 AnswersComedy9 years ago
  • I really hate my name/nickname?

    My name is Rhianna. It's pronounced Ree-Are-Nah

    When ever someone reads my name they pronounce it (Ree-anna) even when I introduce myself they will call me Ree-anna. Or Brianna, Or Liana, Rhiannon. It's ridiculous

    I'm 19, I got my name mispronounced by teachers all through school, unless I was really proactive at reminding the teacher every lesson I just got called Ree-anna. I've given up, I don't correct people anymore I just let them call me whatever they think my name is. I'm very shy and timid around people.

    My ex even mispronounced my name 3 months into our relationship ...

    I used to love my name but I've come to hate it. The only nickname get called is Rhi/Rhee

    I hate this nickname, I've had it since I was in Yr 4. I hate it when adults call me that (like teachers) I hate it when people I don't consider to be a close or well liked friend calling me that.

    It's become my name, it's the only thing my friends call me, it's always Rhi

    I also LOATHE Rhi Rhi

    I was wondering if there are any other nicknames you can get from the name Rhianna? And how do I go about getting friends to call me a different nickname/name?

    6 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • My hand is really sore and swollen?

    I was making boxes at work today from 9-4 with a half hour break. It involved bending flat pack card boards along the fold lines and stapling the sides down using a metal hand held stapler.

    By the end of the day my hand was swollen and sore

    Work finished 4 and a half hours ago and my right hand is aching and throbbing. I cannot bend/flex my fingers properly. The palm near the base of the thumb is incredibly tender. My middle finger is extremely swollen and sore. I cannot use my hand at all. I get a lot of pain in my middle finger and pain and the pain stems into my wrist and stops short of my elbow.

    Overall my hand is very cramped and tight

    How can I relieve this pain? How long can I expect it to last? I only get the weekend off and I don't want to spend it home in pain.

    I should also mention 4 years ago I fractured a joint in my middle finger. Could I have damagex it further?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Pokemon: How to breed buneary to know Encore AND Switcheroo?

    How do I breed a buneary to know both encore AND switcheroo in Pokemon Pearl?

    3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation10 years ago
  • How to learn songs fast?


    I have to learn 3 songs by the 16th of July 2011 (so I have a week)

    The songs are in japanese which is a language I can't speak (only fluent in english)

    I have the tunes of all three songs perfect, I could hum them to you however I just can't remember the lyrics (can barely say them either)

    Is there a more effective way of learning these songs than just be listening to them over and over and trying to sing along; or is excessive repetition the only way?

    any ideas are greatly appreciated <3

    3 AnswersSinging10 years ago
  • Absol in Pokemon Pearl never swarming?

    I want to catch an absol in pokemon pearl and I've been checking the swarm everyday for 2 months and still have not had an absol swarming

    Is it just bad luck or is there something I can do to increase the chance that the swarm will be absol?

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation10 years ago
  • Help! Paper clay has dried like cement to inside of bowl, how to remove?


    Earlier today I bought a paper clay powder when mixed with water will create a workable clay like material. I mixed up a batch but accidentally left it uncovered for several hours inside a silver mixing bowl (the ones that come with electric beaters) It has dried like cement and I can't get it out of the bowl, I have tried scooping it out, cutting it out, putting the bowl in boiling water, using oil, dish washing liquid but nothing is working

    Any ideas?

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts10 years ago
  • Microphone and soundcard suggestions?

    Hi, I'm looking into getting a microphone and sound card to start recording singing/talking.

    I don't want to spend too much, but I still want good, crystal clear quality sound without background noise

    I use a Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated xoxo

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Pokemon egg moves/breeding help?

    I would like to breed an absol to have the egg move Baton Pass but also the egg move Mean Look.

    I know to get one egg move (say Mean look) I would breed a female Absol with a Male Umbreon but is it possible for my absol to learn both Mean Look AND Baton Pass via breeding?

    If so can someone explain what I would have to do to achieve this

    Thanks in advance ^___^

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago