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My name is Tiffany and I am a very proud Marine Corps wife and mommy to a little girl. We are currentley stationed in Pensacola, Fl until November 2010. I have been married for 5 years. He has done one tour to Afghanistan and 2 to Iraq. He requested to come to FL so he could be 3 yrs nondeployable, but I know as soon as we leave here next year, he will be deployed for a 4th time! Our daughter is 4 and we were going to wait until the beginning of the year to start trying for #2, but surprise!!!! I'm currently pregnant with our second daughter and due May 10! If you want to know anything else, just ask

  • what's your opinion on cousins names?

    I have a niece that was born in November and her name is Chloe. We are having our second girl in late April/early May and we want to name her Zoey. We live 1000 miles apart and only visit once to twice a year. My mom is not happy, but it's our baby and we can't seem to find another name that we like better. What do you think?


    14 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Question about inheriting debt?

    Both of my in laws are doing poorly this year. My mother in law is 60 and living in a nursing home due to congestive heart failure, obesity and diabetes that she didn't take care of properly. Now her kidney's are shutting down and she has less than a month to live. My father in law's cancer has returned (had it in 2007 the first time) and they are giving him 4 to 6 months. Anyways, my question is this: I believe my mother in law has a lot of debt (not sure how much, but I know it's over 10,000.) from unpaid medical bills and personal loans. Will the creditors come after my father in law even if he isn't the cosigner on any of the loans? If they do come after him, what happens when he dies? Do we have to pay the creditors?

    I'm just trying to help my husband out by asking this. We live in FL and they live in PA. Please be nice, I know this isn't a lawyers office, I just want to be able to help him out. Thank you!

    ****they don't own any property or even a vehicle right now.

    7 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this boy name?

    Okay my husband is stuck on the name Otto. I keep going back and forth, but right now, I'm stuck on Ian. So what do you like better, Ian or Otto?

    Last name Mahany (said like ma hay knee)

    15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Allergies and Pregnancy?

    So I've had allergies for most of my life and every year around spring time I have a week where I have to take benedryl at least once a day. So about 2 weeks ago it started with sneezing and itchy eyes and now I'm stuffy almost everyday. I do remember being stuffy with my first pregnancy.

    My question is for any of the ladies out there with allergies....did they get worse before you found out you were pregnant? I am expecting my AF anyday now (it's 3 days late) but I'm waiting until I'm 7 days late to test. I just can't think of any other reason that they are acting up right now!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Need some help on how to surprise my Mom on Mother's Day???

    Ok, so my husband is out of town for a few weeks and he said I could go to visit my Mom for Mothers Day so I wouldn't be alone. So I booked the ticket and only told my best friend so she could pick me up at the airport. Anyway, my Mom still doesn't know I'm coming and I leave tomorrow. I am going to surprise her at work on Saturday (I get in after 11 tomorrow) and I need ideas on how exactly to surprise her. Do I just walk in? Or should I send my daughter in with a flower to give to her? I'm not very creative so any help is great!!!

    10 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Cutiest Ways to Surprise my Mom for Mother's Day?

    Ok, so my husband is out of town for a few weeks and he said I could go to visit my Mom for Mothers Day so I wouldn't be alone. So I booked the ticket and only told my best friend so she could pick me up at the airport. Anyway, my Mom still doesn't know I'm coming and I leave tomorrow. I am going to surprise her at work on Saturday (I get in after 11 tomorrow) and I need ideas on how exactly to surprise her. Do I just walk in? Or should I send my daughter in with a flower to give to her? I'm not very creative so any help is great!!!

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • any one ever experienced this?

    Ok just to start I'm pretty sure that I'm not pregnant. I have not been feeling well since Tuesday. I threw up once and ever since that I just haven't felt right. It starts at about 7 pm. I will be ok all day and then at 7, I get all achy like I have the flu. I'm extermely tired and can sleep for more than 12 hours if I was allowed (I have a 3 yr old). I just don't know what to think and I can't get into the dr's until next Thursday. Does anyone know what this might be??? Any help is appreciated

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • feeling strange?

    i woke up fine this morning, ate a half of banana and some water, went outside and was cleaning, came back inside and sat down, only to be fighting the urge to throw up for like 10 minutes, i finally did, then i felt better. i have eaten since then and kept it down, but every once in awhile, i still get the urge to throw up. i also feel weird. i don't know how to describe the feeling.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • feeling weird?

    i woke up fine this morning, ate a half of banana and some water, went outside and was cleaning, came back inside and sat down, only to be fighting the urge to throw up for like 10 minutes, i finally did, then i felt better. i have eaten since then and kept it down, but every once in awhile, i still get the urge to throw up. i also feel weird. i don't know how to describe the feeling.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • 2 yr old with pink eye?

    we went to a birthday party on saturday and today (wednesday) around noonish, her eye kept getting these really big yellow (what I thought was an eye boogie) things in it. now it's bed time and her eye is all swollen but the whites of her eyes aren't red. she has never had allergy problems before, do you think it could be pink eye? if so how long do I wait before I call the dr?

    3 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • i let my sister in law move in with us to help her out, now i am going crazy.?

    I let my sister in law (whom i didn't even really know since she is 9 years older than my husband and lived in new hampshire when we were dating in pennsylvania) move in with us due to some bad luck on her part with money. she got sick and had no sick leave so she got behind on her rent and car payment. she moved in with us in october and we moved to flordia from north carolina in november. she didn't have a job and a month after we got here, she finally got off her butt to find one. we went to PA to visit family for christmas and while we were there my husband complained to his mom that she was lazy and his mom told his sister. that night she called and yelled at my hubby, then asked him to keep it between them (there was some not so nice stuff said about me). we came home a week later, i told her this wasn't working out and i gave her 30 days notice to move out. now i feel like i should of given her less time cause she is acting rude to us. do u think i was right to ask her to go?

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I moved my daughter into a toddler bed about 4 months ago and now i can't get her to sleep in her room!! Help

    We put her in the toddler bed about 2 months before we moved. she did so well for the first month, but after that she started waking up in the night screaming and now that we've moved, she won't sleep with out me. i can get her to fall asleep in her bed, but 2 hours later she is up screaming and continues this every hour or so through the night. i am at a loss on what to do and for now she sleeps in our room on her matress on the floor. I really need help. I want my room back!!

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Changes in my period?

    ok from the time i was 12 and got my period i have been a 28 day cycle girl. I would have the week of pms then my period like clock work, then at 20 my husband and i had our daughter. my cycle was still 28 days but with no pms the week before. if i wouldn't of been tracking it, i would of been surprised. then last month i was 2 days late and this month i am going on 4 days late. my question is does this happen often that a womans cycle changes? serious answers please.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Question for other married couples?

    My husband and I have recently started getting date nights once a month and with out going to the bar ( I don't want to pay for a taxi cause we live in the boonies) I don't know where to go. We have done the dinner, movie thing enough. Any suggestions?

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • how early is too early to get a pregnancy blood test?

    i went to the dr's on the 10th and they did a blood test for pregnancy. i shouldn't get my period until the 15th though, was that too early. i have some pregnancy signs like nausea, fatigue and cravings. what else could it be. (this would be my second baby)

    10 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago