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What should I do?
Really need some others prospective on what I should choose. Any advice is appreciated.
I have 2 options.
1. Stay with current employer.
2. Take a chance with huge opportunity.
Quick summary of the situation.
Currently working for a friend of 15 years. He owns an electronics repair shop that Ive been working at for 3 years. He pays me 13.50 hr and keeps the tips, never gave me a raise and I go out of my way to make him more money. Without commission. Im grateful to have been given the job but feel under compensated.
He has a kid and another on the way.
My cousins have offered free office space and 50% of profits.
The dilemma is, I would be direct competition to my friend since I would be located less than a mile from him.
I know he would be devastated and angry if I leave but ultimately cares only about his bottom line as he has demonstrated for years.
Leaving would basically be a betrayal.
3 AnswersPersonal Finance3 months agoIf I leave he will become homeless, what should I do. PLEASE HELP?
Hi everyone.
Need some guidance from people.
over 3 years ago, I invited my old high school friend who I found out later was gay, and his boyfriend to become room mates with me.
My friends boyfriend is a selfish lazy prick so my friend left him and move out, still helping with rent but is gone now living somewhere else.
Ive been wanted to move to Arizona since the middle of last year but the ****** up thing is, my friend doesnt give a **** anymore what happens to his ex and has left me with a ****** UP dilemma.
The dude has no family, no job and noo money.
8 AnswersFriends11 months agoCollections account suddenly shows up after visit to bank?
A collections account that was gone from my report after disputing it returned EXACTLY the day I went to the bank to open an account that was closed due to owing money for a loan.
The bank was charged for the loan and so I couldnt pay it and my bank account got closed but the collections is for the loan that I got and not the overdraft charge on the bank card.
Was my attempt at opening an account again at that bank the cause for this collections appearing? That would be quite a coincidence.
So the bank was charged by the loan company due to non payment, which then caused my bank account to be closed because I coouldnt afford top pay.
The collection account is not from the bank though!
Did they somehow communicate or something?
The mother ****** at the bank sank my credit score, what a stupid mistake to go in.
5 AnswersCredit1 year agoMet a military guy on dating site. Is it a scam?
He says i have to sign up with a private secure phone plan to communicate with him which costs money?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year agoHow much rent should friend pay?
Friend wants to move in with girlfriend at my place.
Whats right and logical?
He pays his and her portion of rent or they count as one?
Should he pay 2/3 or half or rent?
Also, say I bring someone in, am I now responsible for their rent?
17 AnswersFriends1 year agoNeed help with XMP settings please!?
On my gigabyte UEFI screen, under XMP (which is enabled) Shows two memory speed multipliers next to each other. Both show 30x but one speed shows 3000mhz and the other shows 2400mhz.
The xmp worked fine when I first set it, for days no problem, now it shows 2400mhz no matter what I change.
And yes my CPU is overclocked but it worked fine with the OC.
Just suddenly today its stuck at 2400mhz.
What do?
1 AnswerDesktops2 years agoElectric Scooter stops responding randomly.?
So ive got a 650 watt 24v scooter, it seems like it makes too much noise. The throttle usually responds fine but at random moments the throttle will completely do nothing for upto a minute. It is a variable throttle.
Please help me with this thank you.
5 AnswersMotorcycles2 years agoTaking pain meds.?
I was prescribed vicodin and ive run out, i hace some oxycontin that i want to take. Will they detect the difference in a blood test.
2 AnswersMedicine2 years agoMy precious puppy passed away yesterday morning and I need some clarification PLEASE.?
His name was Stoney, he was over 13 years old was a small dog.
He died sometime during 5am-8am. The night before, he ate with a strong appetite and was not showing any unusual signs.
Ofcourse, being old, he had week feet and would stumble while walking. Hes had trouble walking with his hind legs for a while now. Hes had an occasional siezure but was fine for a while.
So what I want to know is, when he was found, he had vomited blood as well as pooped blood.
Also, I fed him deli turkey meat the night before.
I miss him so much, I loved him so much.
4 AnswersDogs3 years agoPLEASE HELP! So my 03 Mazda 6 was overheated, as I was exiting the freeway, it just shut down. Wont start anymore.?
I stupidly washed the engine down while it was hot. Had it towed home. Then added WAY TOO MUCH oil to the engine.
The engine cranks but wont start.
I siphoned out the oil. No luck. Havent done anything else yet.
How badly did I screw the car up?
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs4 years agoNeed some advice on moving?
So, got a major life decision to make, need some peoples prospective.
Ill make it short.
Im 31 living with my parents (dont judge, its common in my culture). My parents will be moving to Arizona within a month. My current job isnt great but my prospects are good for the near future in California.
I have two choices.
1. Stay in California with room mates (already confirmed with willing prospective room mates), take my chances with more independence and freedom.
2. Go to arizona with parents and pave way for a new beginning, new job and people. Basically start over but still with parents.
What would you do?
7 AnswersFamily4 years agoGoldfish has a bubble inside eye bubble, whats going on?
I noticed today that my fancy goldfish has a bubble inside his eye bubble, Im really concerned, what should I do?
1 AnswerFish4 years ago3 large goldfish in 10 gallon tank, will they be ok?
Greetings everyone,
So my 55 gallon sprung a leak and so I have to repair it myself in the next day or two.
My 3 adult Goldie s are very big but I had no choice but to put them in my spare 10 gallon tank, it is very well filtered with a 75g filter and also put an air pump on. Will they be OK for a max of two days?
1 AnswerFish5 years agot is wrong with me?
For the past 2 weeks I have become emotionally unstable, severely bipolar and distraught. Jumping between happy and miserable frequently
I'm really need to see from a new prospective but my mind is in a stress haze.
Quick rundown of situation.
Worked for friend for 8 months for scrap pay barely scraping by. Get an opportunity to start business with partner and so I do. Without warning I tell friend I no longer want to work with him, he goes ballistic saying I tucked him over. Since I started the new business one day 1, so much is going wrong, repairs that use to be easy I screw up constantly, I feel constant anxiety and stress.
Shouldn't I be excited for this new opportunity?
I can barely see straight and I am trying to focus but its like every step I take is booby trapped.
Last thing, I have GAD and take paroxetine which works miracles so I do have a long history of depression and anxiety but it has become overwhelming.
I really appreciate all the help I can get.
3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago