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  • I am nearly 2 months pregnant, how likely am I to miscarry?

    I've been worrying lately about having a miscarriage. How likely is this to happen and is there any way I can lessen the chances? Thanks for any help =)

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • HELP I am pregnant and my boyfriend is not around?

    Long story short, my boyfriend passed away. I have obviously been really distracted lately but i recently noticed my period never came. Usually its ALWAYS on time. I told my sister and she got me a pregnancy test and it came up positive. I am only 14. I shouldn't be having a baby in this kind of situation.

    I don't know what to freaking do. I have disappointed my parents to the max. My baby will have no father. I still talk to his family but who knows what they will want of me when they find out. I know it's his baby, he was the only person I have been with. I want to be mature about it and tell my mom but she is going to freak. She said a couple of times that if I were to ever get pregnant young, she would beat my azz and kick me out of the house. Yeah as if i really need that. I know i screwed up but it's done now. I need support so I can raise my baby in a healthy home. She was pregnant at 21. You think she would understand. Obviously their not going to be happy, but i can't be kicked out when i need them most.

    Sorry for ranting on and on I haven't really talked to anyone about it and needed to get it out. Basically how do I go about telling my parents? Should i do it the same time as my boyfriend's parents? How do I make money? Nobody will want to hire a young person as myself but it's clearly time for me to grow up. What do i do now that I am carrying my boyfriend's baby? Please do not give me shyt for this. We used protection and i really cared for him and I'm PROUD to have lost my virginity to him.

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Can't choose where to get tattoo?

    My boyfriend passed away and I'm getting a tattoo in his remembrance. It's going to say Dusty and under his name will be his DOB to when he left. I can't choose whether to get it on my wrist or the back of my neck. I think wrist tattoos look really cute but they fade quicker. This will be my first tat and I don't plan on getting it until I'm positive of where I want it. Any advice??

    4 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • Where should I get this tattoo?

    My boyfriend passed away and I am going to get a tattoo in his rememberance. I will probably just get "RIP Dusty" because it's small and gets the point across. I wanted it on the back of my neck at first, but i want to be able to see it. Any ideas? Maybe my wrist? Btw my brother will be doing the tat so price isn't really an issue. Thanks for any help<3

    4 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • My world has fallen apart and I really don't know what to do?

    We have been together for only 6 months but we were best friends for a long while before that. He was walking with his brother and got shot twice and died before help arrived. It was for absolutely no reason. I know he didn't instigate anyone to do this. The part that kills me is right before he left, he called my name out and i wasn't there for him. And i think if i had been there, things would have come out different. What if we took a different way? What if we had left a different time? None of this would happen. He is only 17. No one deserves to die like that. I loved him and thought we would really be together forvever but now we're not :/

    How do i cope with this? I never thought the one person that was always there for me, would suddenly be taken away.

    4 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • How can i convince my dad to let me wear this shirt to school?

    So i just got a shirt at a gun show and it has obama's face and says 'hopeless" He doesn't really like it but i got him to get it for me. Then he said i can't wear it to school! Wtf i want to show off my new shirt. I would prefer not having to sneak it. I go to the smallest school ever so it'll probably get back to him and he'll get mad and take it. So, how do i convince him? ^_^

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Why does my boyfriend always rub his stomach?

    Usually its just when we're laying down or watching tv. He randomly starts rubbing his stomach. I asked him why and its like he doesn't even notice he does it. Its kind of cute but what the heck is the purpose of this o.O

    4 AnswersMen's Health8 years ago
  • How should i do my hair for tomorrow?

    My school is having ag day where ag kids bring in animals and the elementary kids pet them and learn about farm stuff. Ag is my elective so i hafta help the whole school day. Im wearing denim shorts, cowboy boots, a red tee shirt i hafta buy for the event, and probably top it off with my boyfriend's cowboy hat. How should i do my hair? I want it down but i don't want it blowing in my face all day >.>

    3 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Bleeding after having sex?

    I asked this before and didn't get a answer. A waste of my 5 points-.-

    Anyways yesterday my boyfriend and i had rough sex and now today im bleeding a little down there. Should i be concerned?

    3 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • :o i was sexually harassed by an employee. Do i have a lawsuit?

    I was at farm and fleet in the lumber yard part outside. I was sitting in the passenger seat and my dad was driving and the worker came around my side to get the receipt. So he reached in the window, and reached across me to get it. The whole time hes just winking at me and practically rubbing his arm on my boobs. At first i thought his eye was twitching, he was winking so much. So i leaned back in the seat away from him, and he just moved his arm closer to me. WTF

    I think this is extremely inappropriate. I should have said something. Maybe i was a little shocked cuz seriously my DAD is sitting RIGHT THERE and he had the nerve to do that. Its one thing to wink or whatever but to TOUCH someone like that? Its kinda perverted too cuz im 14 and he was at least 25. I shouldnt hafta go in there spending money and get rubbed up by some creep. Do i have a lawsuit? He should at least lose his job...

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Why do you think the government is setting up all these hoaxes?

    Clearly something shady is going on. Its obvious their trying to scare Americans and take away our guns. Which may i point out is the first thing Hitler did. So say they did take away our guns, what do you think their planning on doing after all that? It cant stop at just taking away firearms. They obviously have secret plans their keeping from the American people. Just curious what you all have to say? I know im gunna get alot of criticism and get laughed at and called stupid, but we'll see whos laughing when this all goes down, yea?

    9 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Why am i still emotionally effected after my school went on lockdown?

    My school went on lockdown in like january because they thought someone got in with a gun. It terrified me because i really thought i was gunna die and it was like no one was coming to help.

    Now im still hesitant every day to go to school. All school day i find myself drifting off into my own thoughts about someone breaking in and shooting the place up. I also imagine gruesome things that i think might be related to the lockdown.

    If im walking down the stairs i imagine myself falling and breaking my neck. If im in a car i imagine getting in a wreck. Its always so detailed that idk where i get it from. If im home alone ill just zone out and imagine someone breaking in and trying to kill me. If im out in public i just get a feeling like everyone is out to get me. This all started after it happened so is this caused from the lockdown at all?

    If i just think about it, im almost in tears and i have a fricken panic attack. Nobody else is effected at all by it. Why after all this time i still cant forget about it? D:

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • What do ya think of Ushers latest album?

    Looking 4 myself? I know it came out way back in june 2012 but i was just thinking about it. Honestly im kinda disappointed. I thought most of the songs were boring. "Hot thing" was way too repetitive and reminded me of his previous song "hot tottie." Not to mention he has another song called "hottest thing" seriously? There too similar in sound name wise. I also didn't really like "twisted" or "looking 4 myself" for some reason it screamed "GAY" i just think most of the songs on this CD were way to similar to each other.

    I really liked "cant stop wont stop." But after 2 minutes it gets kinda old. Same thing with "lemme see" and "2nd round" and "i care for you" I would say my fave is either "climax" or "lessons for the lover." Climax had a awesome video to go along with it where as Lessons For The Lover just really touched me for some reason.

    As for the cover design i thought it was ok. I guess im kinda neutral. The overall CD was no where near as good as Confessions or 8701. I really miss his old stuff. I give the whole CD a 6.8/10. Your thoughts?

    1 AnswerR&B & Soul8 years ago
  • How do i keep my shoes clean?

    I just got new shoes today and i wanna keep them new looking. My driveway is like a quarter mile and all gravel so by the time i get on the school bus they'll already be dusty and crap. Any tips??

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • How should i wear my new shoes?

    For a early easter present my boyfriend got me a pair of grey pastry studded sugar rush exactly like these:

    Theres different ways you can wear them so idk how i should have them? Should i zip the tops off? Maybe fold the tops down? Or keep the tops up? Your thoughts? Btw ill be wearing skinny jeans with them

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Can i take my goat to petco?

    Hes like a month and a half so hes small. Hes quiet and usually just sit on my shoulder so its not like hes gunna make a mess....

    5 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • How can i persuade my mom to let me get my tongue pierced?

    Im 14 and ive wanted it done for a couple years now. I haven't asked her but i know she will probably say no. Ill pay for it and everything so idk what her problem is. Its my life and ill deal with the consequences. I get good grades and im a good kid so i think i have deserved it. BTW i plan on getting it after i get my braces off so ill probably be 15 by then if it makes a difference=)

    6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Help with 8th grade solving equations?

    10. 3(g-3)=6

    12. 5(2c+7)=80

    14. 3(a-3)=2(a+4)

    16. 4(x-2)= 3(1.5+ x)

    18. 2(3.5n+6)= 2.5n- 2

    4 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • What little things do you miss about an old bf/gf?

    I cant stop thinking about how he would talk to me on the phone till i fall asleep. He would take me to the park and we would swing for hours. Or when i introduced him to my mom and he offered her a piece of gum. I loved when i would look over at him and catch him staring at me. And he was never late. Not once.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Is my principle aloud to do this?

    She is the biggest bytch i have ever met. My school district is 2 schools. One from pre school- 6 grade. The high school is grades 7-12. She is the principle of the elementary. Shes made up all these rules that are ridiculous. Ok thats her choice, i get that. But she acts like she can control everyone outside of school.

    Like at the football games all the kids split up and hang with friends. If she sees you without your parents, she walks you over to them. Im in the high school and she tried FORCING me to leave the game. Im old enough to be responsible and its not like i was disrupting anyone. I was there to see the game with some friends. My money is saying im not leaving the game.

    Even if your with an adult but their not YOUR parents, she makes you leave. You cant even go with an older sibling, even if there over 18. I honestly don't understand what her intentions are. Its not like were hanging out with strangers, everyone knows each other. All the kids are pretty well behaved. I just don't get it.

    Its not school hours, she has no right to say who you can go to a game with. She doesn't know the relationship between some people. Am i correct she is not allowed to do this after school hours? If she tries giving me shyt one more time there will be hell

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago