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  • I'm in love with my bfs friend. (I know that's horrible)?

    So Ive been dating this guy for 2 1/2 years now. Its always bothered me that he isn't passionate about anything and never gets excited or upbeat ab anything. I figured I'd get past that because he is super nice and caring. Anyway, it has been bothering me more lately but worst of all, I have started to fall more and more dor his friend. Ive liked his friend since the first time I ever met him. Love at first sight if you will.

    However, it wasn't until we started playing video games online all the time recently that I realized just how much I am crushing on this guy. Now regardless of my bfs friend, I think it is only right of me to break the relationship off. If I am falling for other peoole it isn't fair to him. At the same time, I will be sad if I never get to see his friend again. I feel all mixed up and anxious. I tried breaking it off with my bf a few days ago but instead we just talked ab things that bothered me and how i wasnt feeling as in love with him but we stayed together. Now after seeing his friend last night I have realized I do want to be with someone more passionate and energetic. Anyway, I think his friend is like my soulmate if you will and i know thats never gunna happen. What do i do???? -lost & confused

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Linguists: what is the rule of pronunciation for the following words: impossible impermissible inconceivable in-congruent inaccessible?

    hello linguists I have a question for you all if I may ask. I am currently majoring in english educ and am enrolled in a linguistics course. the question I am supposed to answer is what is the rule of pronunciation for the following words:








    so far the rules that I have assumed are:

    a. The rule for pronunciation is that words such as impossible and impermissible are pronounced using the bilabial nasal [m] when it precedes a bilabial stop such as [p].

    b. For the words inconceivable and incongruent the rule is that the “n” of “in-“ is pronounced as the nasal velar [ŋ] because it precedes a velar stop such as [k].

    However I am unsure what the rule may be for the last three words. any ideas?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay6 years ago
  • Hit my foot about a month ago still hurts?

    So about 22 days ago i hit my foot at work. While i was walking back from the smoker outside back into the kitchen i couldnt see and ended up slamming the top of my foot really hard on this wood ramp out there. It ended up gettin really red rather fast. Obviously because i hit it. Anyways so a bruise developed and it stayed purple/blue for about 2 weeks. Gettin worse when i wore shoes that enclosed my feet. I mean i can walk on it no problem. I believe there still is some slight bruising now more of a greenish brown it kind of gets worse after wearing shoes. Anyways when i run my hand along the top of my foot i can feel either a small bump or it is that there is a dent now in my foot and so it feels like part of it has a lump. Anyways it still hurts to the touch and it is sensative when i rest it on anything or rest another foot on it. I am just wondering if it is possible that i broke my foot. As i believed it did when it first happened. Or possibly chipped a bone. Anywho was just wondering if there is a chance i did break it and whether or not it will heal ok or always hurt when touched. Thanks.

    2 AnswersInjuries9 years ago
  • Do you believe that Obamacare segregation is fair?

    Do you believe it is right or fair that unions and those in government jobs are exempt from obamacare? How is it fair that a majority of americans must participate in obamacare while those enacting obamacare are exempt from it as well as unions. I dont think that is right. I dont believe in obamacare period. But liberals must look at this and i believe it could be something we can all agree upon that it isnt right. And do you not feel it is a bit odd that those forcing us into obamacare are making themselves exempt from their own law? If they are going to make us follow the rules and laws of obamacare why should they be exempt from it? Are unions and government officials better than us? Is it fair that they are being awarded right and powers that other americans are not? I do not think so. Those working as teachers and in auto companys do not have to participate in obamacare. How is it right that they get more freedoms and choices than others. Obamacare is a segregation of the working force inthis country.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Do you believe that Obamacare segregation is fair?

    Do you believe it is right or fair that unions and those in government jobs are exempt from obamacare? How is it fair that a majority of americans must participate in obamacare while those enacting obamacare are exempt from it as well as unions. I dont think that is right. I dont believe in obamacare period. But liberals must look at this and i believe it could be something we can all agree upon that it isnt right. And do you not feel it is a bit odd that those forcing us into obamacare are making themselves exempt from their own law? If they are going to make us follow the rules and laws of obamacare why should they be exempt from it? Are unions and government officials better than us? Is it fair that they are being awarded right and powers that other americans are not? I do not think so. Those working as teachers and in auto companys do not have to participate in obamacare. How is it right that they get more freedoms and choices than others. Obamacare is a segregation of the working force inthis country.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Employer filed my w4 without even consulting me?

    I started working at a restaurant and after getting the job began to wonder when i would have to fill out my w4. My last jobs provided the forms for me. My employer asked for my social security number as well as other information. I never recieved any instruction to fill one out. I receive my paycheck and i am taxed for medicare, income tax, and social security. This leads me to believe he filled out my w4 without even consenting me. Im pretty sure that isnt even legal. As he would have to forge my signature. I am worried i may not be being taxed appropriately. I only make like 200 a week. So when i get taxed 50 dollars i think about those w4s you know. Anyways i was wondering if even though my employer illigally filed my w4 can i file my own now so i atleast know what my w4 says. I rather have mine in the irs records than some guy who did mine who i dont know and dont know what he put down.

  • Why are there so many vultures in my yard and circling my back yard?

    I have never seen black vultures before this past week in my whole 14 years of living in georgia. I saw them at work by the dumpster which made sense because it was open. But right now there are about 10 to 15 of them flying around my yard landing in trees. Its crazy! Its like the movie Birds. Except vultures not crows. I have seen turkey vultures before which are more common here. But i have never seen these black vultures before now. Why are they here? Have they migrated because of the storms? There is nothing dead in my yard so i dont know why they are here and so many.

    3 AnswersOther - Environment9 years ago
  • Do you support what Obama says about personal achievements?

    President Obama recently stated that we are not responsible for our achievements. According to Obama,Henry Ford is not responsible for developing the first assembly line and building up Ford Motor company: The government is. Bill Gates is not responsible for his achievements, the government is.

    This trend applies to every business owner in the U.S. If a Doctor pays his way through college completely on his own money and starts his own practice. Supposedly he still owes his achievements to the government. Let me point out that the government works for us not the other way around. and we are the ones who support it through our tax dollars.

    However,besides that. What i want to know is, Obama Supporters do you believe that you and everyone else's achievements are not due to your own successes, hard work, and intellect, but due to the government "allowing" us to achieve these things. Do you believe that peoples achievements really belong to the government and not to the persons?

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Is it illegal for a lawyer to send you threatening emails?

    Someone close to me recently was served with a lawsuit. However, before even recieving the papers he recieved an email from the opposing mans lawyer. This email stated that (my father) had been served and that the lawyer was going to take his house and everything he owns. And continued to make more maclicious threats. I just cant remember it all atm. What i want to know is that is this unproffesional email sent by the mans lawyer in anyway illegal or in obstruction to anything? Thank you.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Why do riften guards keep asking me for bounty? skyrim?

    Skyrim: for some reason the last two places i have fast traveled that arent main cities a riften guard has showed up asking me to pay my bounty. First off. I havent commited any crimes in riften besides killin that orphanage lady but that was along time ago and i never got caught and i have been back since and didnt have a problem.

    Anyways my first encounter with a riften guard was at the house you get Frost the horse at. I payed my bounty which was like 1,200 gold. Which sucks. Figured ok i will just get it over with and pay it.

    Then i did a few quests and fast traveled to heartwood mill to turn ina quest that is apparently glitched so i cant. So i was guna leave and then i was approached by a riften guard... again. He says i need to pay a bounty of 1000 gold. So i tell him im in the guild pay him 500 he accepts but then says i need 500 more. So i just killed him cuz im like u kno what im tired of them taking all of my money Randomly.

    Anyways question is. Has this happenedd to anyone? Will it stop? And if not is there some way to fix this cuz it really sucks. Especially since i go to riften for thieves guild stuff. And i rather not have to encounter them everytime i fast travel outside of a main city as well.


    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Yaz birth control. how did it affect you?

    Im just curious what other peoples experience was when taking yaz birth control. Heres my story

    When i took it i developed severe anxiety that increased over time. I would have unexplained panic attacks every 5 minutes of everyday. I had to go to the emergency room once because i had a panic attack that persisted for 2 days. It was an awful experience. I was not stressed out at all. It was more of a chemical reaction in my brain causing the attacks.

    I insisted to my doctor that it was caused by my yaz birth control which she refused to believe. I had never had problems with anxiety previous to this. I ended up switching birth controls and then stopped having panic attacks so frequently. Now i rarely have panic attacks however i feel yaz somehow permanately damaged me. The anxiety problems i developed while on the pill have not fully gone away. I experience panic attacks every so often now and have some trouble with anxiety. Its crazy for me to think that a pill like that could permanately mess with me.

    Im dissapointed my anxiety isnt completely gone forever, and it may never be. But im glad im smarter than my doctor and decided to stop taking that horrible medicine.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Do you think i have insomnia?

    So its 6:30 am and i still havent fallen asleep. Its like this everynight. Before it used to only take me 3 hours to fall asleep now its taking me anywhere from 6 to 10 hours. I havent stayed up super late before like on purpose. So its not like i got my schedual messed up. I seriously lay in bed for hours. I do however finally fall asleep most of the time. And then when i do i wake up like every hour. sometimes i even only sleep 4 hours get up early.. since i fell asleep early hha. And i still cant fall asleep at night. Do you think i have a medical problem? Is there anything i can do to fix this? Cuz its driving me crazy. Ive been living during the night because by the time i fall asleep its an hour or two sometimes more after sunrise and when i wake back up its sunset time.

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • So ive heard ppl say that no guy wants to be your friend. is this true?

    Im a girl and i have a lot of guy friends. And ive def heard the like sayin i spose that no guy wants to be a girls friend. Is that true? Have my guy friends or do my guy friends like me and they just decided to hang out still cuz i put em in the friend zone. Im just wondering because after someone uve known for your whole life has been in that friend zone i wonder if i can get em out and date them! Lol.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do i know if my best guy friend likes me as more than a friend?

    So me and him have been friends for id say almost a year now. When we first hung out it really seemed like he may like me he always asked me on dates but i thought he was joking. Time has definitely passed since then and now that i like him idk if he likes me that way or if he ever even did. A week ago he sat on my lap and was jokin around which i kinda thought was flirting. But i really dont know! any advice from guys would be cool. i always feel like its tricky with guy best friends.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago