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  • My Daughters Bassett Hound is pottying in the sun porch all of the sudden?

    My daughter has a rescue Bassett Hound that we have had for several years now. He is adorable but he is starting to pee on our back sunporch. This is where we let him hang out when we are busy or not at home. Even though he is let out often he still does this. He also has accidents in the house recently. He was doing so great and for a long time and now all of the sudden he has accidents daily. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do you apply for small business grants in MO?

    Does anyone know how to legitimately apply for small business grants without the up front costs? There are thousands of websites but I have always heard that if there is a fee they are most likely not legit? Anyone out there with some experience in this? Any help appreciated.

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to find a teaching job in missouri?

    My husband worked on the railroad for years and hasn't taught for 20 years but he has a lifetime certificate for teaching k - 12. He has applied through our local district with no luck but when going on the internet finding a site that has education positions has been like finding a needle in a haystack. Does anyone have any suggestions? He's 45 so obviously he isn't too old to start over, his degree in is physical ed with a minor in biology. Thanks for your help, like so many others, we are seeing our ife savings go down the drain.

    2 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • So I'm sitting at my desk crying my eyes out, can you guys help me please?

    Long story short. Ex husband and I were married 8 wks and found out we were 6 wks pregnant. He didn't want the baby and left because I wouldn't have abortion. Wasn't a dead beat before this, we dated three years he was raising his three children, I never saw this coming. I had the baby during a time when I had cancer, I nearly died giving him life. Husband still divorced me and has only seen the baby (19 months now) two times in a year. I am remarried to my best friend and he wants to adopt the baby, he's a wonderful husband and father and I love him so much. My question is, why do I feel so guilty and so sad like I'm doing something horrible to my baby's biological father. This guy has always messed with my head and played mind games. He is alchoholic and pot smoker and now he is acting hurt that I am proceeding with this adoption. Yet this past weekend he was here (lives 5 hrs away) drove right past my house twice, didnt see the baby? What's wrong with me guys?

    42 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Sons father hasn't seen him in six months?

    I know this is the marriage and divorce section but you all are the best when it comes to reliable answers so here goes. I have an 18 month old baby boy (BEAUTIFUL) and his father who left me when I was pg because I wouldn't have an abortion hasn't seen him in six months now. He up and moved to Kentucky when the baby was five months old. However he won't "voluntarily" give his rights up even though I am remarried and my husband is a wonderful father to our son. He (being the ex) keeps threatening he's coming to see Isaiah and that I HAVE to let him have him because it's his custody rights in our divorce decree. My question is can he do this? I mean isn't there some time limit that if he doesn't exercise his rights he no longer has them, abondonment? I mean can you imagine the trama to my baby to be handed off to a perfect stranger for a weekendj, not to mention my ex has fallen into pot and whiskey so I don't think I would trust him. Ugh, any laws protecting us here?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I've only been married six months and I don't want sex?

    We were best friend before we got married, we share six kids, three his and three mine. Our life is great, busy yes, but great. The deal is I started taking Lexapro about six weeks ago for anxiety and now I have NO sex drive whatsoever. He's also taking it for the same reason and he is the same way. We have an autistic nine year old and so the medicine just helps with dealing with that (please don't judge) that's a whole job in itself raising our disabled son. ANYWAY....we aren't really stressing about it or anything because the doctor said this would most likely happen I was just wondering what you all thought? Is this something that will pass after a few months when our bodies get used to the meds? Just wondering if anyone had some personal experience. Thanks.!

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • myspace question?

    I sent someone an email on myspace, my ex husband who's a creep and left me when I was pregnant. Anyway I sent him a Merry Christmas email through "send a message" on his page and now I want to take it back....can I if he hasn't opened it yet?

    4 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • My husband is depressed and it's making ME sad....:-(?

    Ok, so we only got married in July, newlyweds and we are suppose to be on happy and this is our first Christmas and I am working so hard to make it all perfect and he is just sad and flat ALL THE TIME! I didn't realize he had depression before we got married, he self medicated with alchohol and I don't drink so when we got married and there was no alchohol in the house he finally came clean. I helped get him into therapy and he just started anti depressents but it's only been two weeks so as of yet no improvement. I feel guilty for feeling the way I feel but together we have six kids, half mine and half his, and he is really not much help and I work as many hours as he and provide the same income plus I do all the housework and everything for the kids and yet he still walks around all sad faced all the time and has like no personality like life is just so hard. We have a great life, beautiful home, great kids and love our God. I just want to say "get over it already" .....HELP

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My husband is emotionally retarded!!!!?

    I married my husband six months ago, he was my best friend for years. The problem is now that we are married he treats me like his maid and the mother of his children and doesn't really do much for me.....he doesn't even tell me I'm beautiful or notice if I wear a new outfit. Our counselor says he is "flat" and he should get on some anti depressents but he refuses. We share six children so my plate is full in addition I own an insurance company so I am stretched. He works on the railroad so sometimes he is gone for days leaving me to run the household, take care of all the kids and run my company. Is it asking for to much to want him to "romance" me once in awhile? In six months the only real thing he had done for me was sending me flowers once. He isn't that guy who just thinks of things, even the simple things that a woman may want. I have to remind him of everything usually several times before he does it, it's like having another child.....any ideas? Or should I run?

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Good Thanksgiving Dressing Recipe?

    I need a good recipe for thanksgiving dressing that isn't too complicated but tastes great....I have never made my own dressing and there are so many recipe's out there on the websites I am lost....any suggestions? Thanks.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • My 18month old son wont eat veggies.....ANY VEGGIES!!!?

    Any suggestions that actually work? How does he even know before he even tries one. I can have it on the spoon (peas, carrots, corn, green beans, broccoli, etc) and HE KNOWS....if I do get it in his mouth he immediately spits it back out. This child is 18 months and 36 pounds and wears a 3T so he is obviously healthy but the only veggie I can get him to eat is mashed potato's. Just wondered what other mommies have done? Thanks.

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Ebay is it for real????????????

    I am such an ebay virgin and I need some help. I want to buy a razr because my daughter dropped hers and you can get them really cheap, how do you know whats real and what isn't? How do you avoid fraud? I don't know anything about Ebay so any tips or advice or even "education" would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • My Chihuahua was being fed "human food" and refuses dog food?

    Any suggestions on getting him to consider dog food? He has always had people food and no matter how hungry he seems when I give him dog food he refuses it. I have tried soft food in several different brands and flavors. I know human food is not healthy for him but if it's what he is used to what can I do to change it? He is two and a half. Thanks.

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • For those of you who told me NOT to get a chihuahua!!?

    I am please to tell all you "experts" (only those of you who were mean to me because I spelled the breed wrong) that Friday we did get Agadore (the pooch) and he is WONDERFUL!! He doesn't nip at the baby and gets along great with all the kids. Thank you to everyone who did give me good advice and please know that all dogs are different. I had done quite a bit of research before getting the dog and it was all pretty negative (because of having children) but this was my sisters dog and I knew he didn't fit the "stereotype" of the normal chihuahua so I took a chance. We love him so much and he is just working out so well. I am glad I followed my heart on this one and not the advice of the mean people who tend to be on the pets board. For those of you who were pleasant and encouraging or even not encouraging but still remained pleasant.....thank you! Please note that not all dogs within a breed are the same!!

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is it really that horrible that I spelled Chihuahua incorrectly? You people can be MEAN!!?

    For all the jerks who corrected my spelling of Chihuahua and insulted me as well.....screw you!! This is my sister's dog, (she has two) and she HAS two children that live with the dog so he has been around little kids. I only have ONE small child the others are pre-teen and teenagers. I have asked questions on Y answers before (never on pets) and never have I seen a more rude and self righteous bunch of people. I have done google research on the breed and I know the dog as it's my sisters I was just asking in general from owner's who have had experiences other than my sisters. Agadore is a great dog and adorable, I thought Yahoo Answers would be a great place to get additional input from real people rather than just the research itself. Apparently I was wrong............

    28 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Should I get a chiwawa?

    I have six children with my husband (blended family) our youngest is 18 months and we are considering a chiwawa? Any advice from other chiwawa owners? He's two years old and adorable, are chiwawa's good with kids?

    23 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Should I stay married to my new husband or leave him for my ex husband who I am in love with?

    I have been married for four months, I married my best friend after he asked me to marry him eight times because I honestly thought it would be great for our kids and I knew how lonely he was since his wife died. I am still in love with my ex husband who I share an 18 month old baby with, my husband knew this before we got married. In fact the night before our wedding I was crying in his arms telling him I didn't think I was ready because I was still in love with my ex. He convinced me that our new life together would be best for everyone and that we would get through this because of our faith in God and love for eachother's family. Our family has blended well, our children are happy and my husband is happy. I am not! I don't want to be selfish but I love my ex even after the things he did to me in the past and our son doesnt even know him. Now he wants me to leave my husband and move out of state to be with him, would this be best for our baby? He is sober now

    35 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Women only please......................?

    Do you ever just get bored being married and let your mind wander????????????? Or is this playing with fire?

    21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Need a cute last minute Halloween costume for my 18mo old?

    I bought him a "tiger" costume as a resale shop a few months ago and it's too small now. He is a very big boy (35 lbs and size 3T) and only 18 months old. So my girlfriend gave me this adorable lil dragon costume and it's a four T I thought sure it would fit and decided only last night to try it on and it DOESN'T. I went looking for a costume today at our local department store and NOTHING....he has a costume part tommorow and the nearest store to this town is an hour away....any ideas of a make it yourself adorable costume????

    13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Why is foreign adoption so difficult, is there an easier way?

    My husband and I would love to adopt a baby girl, the problem is everytime I look into a specific country or agency we don't meet the criteria. Examples, you have to be married three years and not have more than four children living in the home. Even though are home is quite large and there is plenty of room. We have only been married a year but together we share six children. Our income is great and our home is nice so why is this so difficult. I don't understand the cookie cutter mold, I also learned that korean adoption you can't be older than 45 when the baby arrives and right now my husband is 44 (I am only 34). Is this hopeless or am I not looking in the right direction?

    8 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago