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  • Can a Landlord do this?

    My lease runs out at the end of June. I am paid up. I have kept the house (which was a mess, including fleas, urine stains, broken blinds, plugged drains, broken hot water heaters, etc. etc) in perfect condition and I have improved the overall condition by fixing and paying for things myself..

    My landlord and I are on good terms.

    I am leaving 3 full weeks before the end of my lease, but AM PAID TO THE END OF THE MONTH, WHICH IS THE END OF MY LEASE.

    My landlord is letting the new tenants MOVE IN their stuff starting the day after I leave. I am UNCLEAR about when exactly they will be staying here, but it is crystal clear that they are moving their furniture IN on MY PAID TIME.

    Is this legal? Are there any legal or other ramifications for ME? Should he pro-rate my rent and pay me back for their time here? Suggestions?

    (I live in SC), but am moving 2000 miles away, so I will NOT be able to come back and ascertain whether or not their bodies are sleeping at the house, and/or WHEN they are actually moved in.

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Legal Question for a Real Estate Attorney in SC?

    Is a Landlord in SC allowed to "double-rent" a home? (collect monies from 2 people in one month for the same weeks?)

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal7 years ago
  • Utility Question in SC?

    I am moving out June 9th. My Landlord owes me $2,000 security deposit back. He has agreed verbally to have me NOT pay June's rent, and then give me an extra $300.00, as the rent is $1700.00/month, and he would owe me the other $300.00. I have kept his house meticulously, and deal with a lot of nonsense- broken hot water heater, urine stained rugs (from previous tenants), FLEAS (previous tenant), and lots of broken things around the house)

    My question is this:

    He has new people coming in 'after I leave.' I was going to leave the utilities ON in my name until June 30th, but NOT if he's going to have the new people either RENT (in which case he'll be collecting 2 rents for the same time period) OR MOVE THEIR STUFF IN. He has told me he is doing this, but won't give me dates.

    Either way, I don't think it's fair to have ME foot the bill for the utilities. IT is VERY HOT here, and these people could leave doors open and my air conditioning bill could be through the ceiling!

    My attorney suggested turning OFF the utilities, since he won't tell me when and if the new people will be moving in ON MY TIME.

    i'm moving over 2,000 miles away ON JUNE 9th. I can't hang out to deal with this nonsense.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Turning off the Utilities in SC?

    It's hot. It's humid. I am moving out of my rental (after a year of hell). I moved in and found fleas. The house had to be bombed 2X. There were urine stains all over the rugs. IT took the Landlord 4 months (of begging) to get the rugs cleaned. (they should have been thrown out) I paid to have 25 year old vertical blinds replaced so I could have some privacy at night. Broken hot water heater that took 3 weeks to 'fix.,' plugged bathtub, on and on....

    My Landlord has found someone else already, and he has told them that they may move their stuff in after I am out. I then asked that the utilities be taken out of my name, but he is playing cagey and won't agree to that.

    It is my suspicion that one of 2 things will happen.

    1. The other people will slowly move their stuff in, lowering my thermostat and using my water/sewer.

    2. He will actually allow them to buy in on June 15th when I am out and collect double-rent for those two weeks AND have me cover the utilities.

    I am moving 2,000 miles away so I will have no knowledge or control of the situation.

    My attorney suggested moving out without paying June's rent (I am owed $2,000 in security back), and shutting off the utilities.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Prius vs Rav 4?

    I'm moving to AZ from SC. My Corolla is too small for my 'stuff' and my cats. I've tested both the Prius and the Rav 4. The Rav is definitely the better vehicle for the journey to AZ with the cats, but obviously I need to consider which one will be better for general getting around once there. Does anyone out there have strong feelings about either one? I am a bit worried about the battery issue in the Prius.....?

    7 AnswersToyota7 years ago
  • Question for AA members? Drinking, or drinking?

    My 'boyfriend' and I have been 'dating' for 8 months. We have known each other for 15 months. We are both in our 50s.

    He has always defined himself as sober- having been involved years ago with AA. However, he smoked marijuana for years, while attending AA for alcohol.

    He has stopped everything about 2 years ago (?), due to a nervous breakdown, which required Electro Shock Therapy (ECT), and 4 medications to keep him level.

    We have been friendly and obviously not proceeding quickly with any 'normal' relationship in order to give him time..

    Recently, he went with some male friends to the Bahamas for 5 weeks. He told me yesterday that while there he was given a rum punch at a restaurant without realizing it. (by mistake) (?) Then, he also told me that he mixed himself a few drinks at a friend's house and drank them....trying to see how it would feel.

    He is telling me now that he's decided now that he doesn't like the way it feels and it's a choice that he not do it anymore. (he remains on the 4 strong meds for depression and sleep)

    How does AA view these explanations, and this dabbling back into alcohol?? He is also anxious to get off his meds, and be 'natural.' I suspect he's cutting some of them down as well...which is not my business, but....

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Tenant/Landlord Question?

    My Landlord, who won't clean a rug, or replace a screen, has suddenly decided to put 3M film on all the windows for sun protection. ($5,000)

    With one day's notice, I have been 'babysitting' 3-4 men, who are all over my house for two days doing this job. They have had to take down blinds, and generally make a mess. I am not complaining about them, or their work.

    However, I have had to spend two days in this house, trapped with workmen morning to night. I have had to cancel my own plans. I can't read,cook, or watch TV.

    They may have to return tomorrow for a 3rd day to finish.

    Are there any 'rules,' or 'laws' regarding my inconvenience? This improvement does not matter a whit to me- I have asked for clean rugs, and broken blinds to be fixed, and a screen in each room for fresh air. I have been told that it is too expensive to do these things.

    This is not my house, but....I wonder if there are any rules about the fact that I have had to put up with this nonsense for 2-3 solid days. (Not to mention the cleaning I will have to do when it's finally over.)

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • WHEN can a Home be remarketed?

    An Inspection found some problems in a home I was trying to purchase. After a few weeks of wrangling, they refused to fix it, so I wanted OUT. We are in the process of getting my deposit back. I saw my attorney yesterday. I have been sent 2 documents to sign, releasing me from the contract. My Realtor and their broker have signed it.

    They house is already back online on the market.

    I thought this was not allowed UNTIL AFTER I have been released from the contract and my money returned???

    Are they allowed to re-market the house while still under contract with ME?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Why ask ME for a pickup at the airport?

    This guy I've been 'friends' with (and nothing more....?) went south about 5 weeks ago. Even though I had a really bad cold, he asked ME to take him to the airport at 3:30AM. I've been deathly ill for the last 5 weeks that he has been basking in the sun. Taking him to the airport and getting NO sleep started a bad case of bronchitis, and I currently have pneumonia. He knows I've been sick, but I got a text that he is coming home next week- could I pick him up at a different airport at midnight!? (this one is about 1.5 hours away) Meanwhile, he has loaned his really nice car to a poor friend for all of this time. why wouldn't he ask HIM??? I am feeling as if this adult man is 'using' me, and /or depending on me, without caring about me.

    I text him NO, without explanation.

    I'm peeved.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What's with my CAT?

    I have 2 cats. One is 6.5 years old, very placid, clumsy, overweight, and he sleeps a lot. I also have a younger spayed female- who is about 2. They have always gotten along just fine.

    In the last few weeks there have been a few incidents (getting more serious each time) where the younger female suddenly attacks and chases the older cat. There is lots of hissing and fur flying, and someone is needed to break it up. Once or twice it seemed to stem from the younger female being frightened by a noise. Other times, she just sees the other cat go by, and seemingly attacks.? It is possible she wants to play, but she's very aggressive and the older cat is getting traumatized. He won't come into the kitchen for his share of treats- and I don't blame him.

    Any ideas?

    (The younger female had a huge operation in August, needing her right kidney removed, as it was nicked during her spaying. She recovered well and is seemingly OK.) The older male cat is a really baby, and is never aggressive or anything. He's very attached to my daughter and follows her around everywhere. The female is more mine, but she's been aloof. Sometimes she sits in a doorway and meows at me for no reason. She doesn't want to play, she doesn't want to be picked up, she wants treats.....I think?


    2 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • OOOPS! He had a drink with rum!?

    12 years sober, but not really, as he smoked dope daily. oh well, 12 years sober, and now on 4 meds for depression and anxiety. (one of which is a narcotic) 12 years later, and oops! He claims he ordered a 'virgin' rum punch, and didn't even taste the rum, until after he had swallowed it all.

    This man is on a 6-8 week cruise in the Bahamas with 2 other (drinking) men, sharing responsibilities onboard a small yacht. He's been there one week, and the 'rum email' leads me to wonder.....

    OK, all you sober AA folks. Tell me. What's up with him?

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits7 years ago
  • Can Someone REALLY Change?

    Someone is 58 years old and a male. He has been married and divorced 2X. No children. Changed jobs and 'fields' about 6X, averaging every 5 years. (some businesses 'self-employed.')

    No money in the bank. No pension. No healthcare.

    Long, long History of alcohol and drugs. Illicit affairs with women from the bars- one night stands, and one long-time affair. Went to AA for 12 years, while smoking pot daily. (Used wife's prescription Zoloft meds for over a year. Weaned himself off eventually)

    Suffered breakdown about 15-18 months ago. (second wife had left him, sold house, took everything ) Couldn't sleep, racing thoughts, suicide thoughts and attempts, medications didn't help. Eventually got ECT treatments (3X) (electric shock therapy). Has been sharing his sister's small apartment for over 3 years.

    Currently taking lithium, effexor, klonipin, and Remron(?) Smokes cigarettes, works constantly (7 days a week usually) Attends church, and joined a men's group for church-support. Gives cash to homeless people. (sometimes a lot of cash)

    This person is 'trying' to reform a lifelong career of drug/alcohol addiction(s).

    My ongoing discussion with friends and myself is whether or not he has a likelihood of success?

    What are the odds/averages for this man to stay straight, keep working (his current job), and not have a relapse?? He has started talking about getting off his meds, which doesn't sound like a good idea. He has made great improvements, but....I am being warned that his progress is probably temporary, and that he is more than likely to require more hospitalization or worse......

    Professional thoughts only please.....

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • OK Guys! What's UP with this one?

    SIX months. We are both over 55. We are both divorced. He's made NO moves. We've had dinners, movies, boat trips, and spent tons of weekend time together talking. (as well as lunches mid-week)

    He shares lots of personal information, and work related stories. I am supportive, gentle, and very caring.

    TWICE, I have raised the issue of our "relationship," and the fact that there has been no physical contact. In response, he has occasionally hugged me, and I've received pecks on the cheek.

    NO passion. No 'losing of himself' into a kiss, or anything related to potential intimacy.

    I've set the scene- candles, detailed dinners, time on the couch, alone-time, etc. etc. I've rubbed his back, his hair, stroked his leg, etc. the point of feeling like a fool. ( NO response)

    We are both attractive. I've always had difficulty holding men back- and waiting. This one is a quiz.

    My daughter (and friends) tell me that he just doesn't like me 'that way.' They want me to give it up. It's frustrating and aggravating, and it's starting to wear on my self-esteem.

    This guy has had some emotional problems, and is on 4 medications for depression and anxiety. I'm understanding of that, but I don't know that it would be reason to be 100% unresponsive.

    So- GUYS- is there any reason to continue to believe that one weekend, this guy is gonna sweep me off my feet and really KISS me? (or more?)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Could my 'boyfriend' be gay?

    First of all, I have nothing against gays.

    I've been seeing a guy for 6 months. (every friday, saturday, and sunday, and sometimes during the week) We talk daily. We email. We text. We eat at my house (candles, home cooked meal, DVD movies), and we eat out.

    When nothing happened after a few months, I talked with him about it. He then started holding my hand, and when I talked to him a second time, he eventually started occasionally kissing me- but in a very platonic way. (like a brother or a dad might)

    I don't want to speak with him about this again, as it is embarrassing and I don't want to push him. (twice is 2X too many already! ) However, I have NEVER experienced this. Normally, I am the one holding the guy back a bit- wanting to wait to get to know him better, etc. etc.

    I've seen him interact with a few men, and he is very relaxed, and will even finish his discussion with a hug. (I witnessed this a few weeks ago, with a man he had never met before and discussed business with for about 10 minutes )

    Is is possible that he is gay? ( He did mention once that in high school the guys used to always think he was gay.....he didn't know why. I didn't think anything of it at the time.)

    How would I know???

    (I don't want to ask him directly, as I think it would be very offensive. If he IS gay, I'm thinking he doesn't admit it to himself either, and it would be against his catholic background, etc. )

    He's had 2 failed marriages, and stated that his last wife complained that he NEVER initiated sex.

    (so, hopefully, it's NOT ME!)

    How would I know?

  • Cholesterol and Statins Question?

    I have had high cholesterol for decades. Now that I am getting a bit older, I am concerned. I have tried Crestor, and Lipitor (generics), and they make me sick. I am in the bathroom all the time, and my stomach is a mess. I am highly intolerant of most medications, including all narcotics that make me vomit within 20 seconds.

    My current dr is a 'particle' test to decipher whether the high levels of LDL were sticky plaque (bad), or light and fluffy plaque. (not so bad) Well, mine were WAY over the top BAD. (less than 1,000, and mine were 2100)

    So- ANY ideas about what to do. No diets please. I am lean, have low BMI, exercise, have tried dried yeast rice, and I don't eat high cholesterol foods at all. I don't eat eggs almost ever, I watch labels, and I drink lots of water. I have been fighting this medication battle forever- and I'm scared to have to go on a medicine that will greatly lower my quality of life- stomach problems, muscle pains, etc.


    5 AnswersHeart Diseases7 years ago
  • Bi-Polar and Trying to Date?

    When a man doesn't reach out to touch, kiss, or get intimate on any level after 6 months of 'dating,' what is one to think?

    We are both over 55 (I am older by 5 years). He has emotional problems, and is on some heavy meds, which is why I have been patient and kind. (lithium, effexor, klonipin, and remron) He had some sort of break down about a year or more ago. (he had electric shock therapy 3X)

    I have raised the issue a few times about our relationship, and then he 'tries' to respond, by holding my hand, (weakly), and/or recently he has started kissing me kind of.....without any passion. (because I asked him to!)

    I KNOW he cares,and he likes me lots, I makes meals, we watch movies at my house (he lives with his sister in a tiny place), and I help him a lot with his work. I listen and support. He tells me I'm the best thing to ever happen to him.

    I've thought maybe he's gay, but I don't see it. ? I think maybe it's the meds, but he doesn't say so. He did mention that he never initiated sex with his wife- and she would get upset with him. (He had affairs on her, which is confusing.) He hates his mother, but likes his father. He used to drink and drug to excess, but is 'sober' now.

    This sounds pretty hopeless, huh?

    I'm really hung up on this guy-? I've been 'single' for 10 years- I'm ready. Is this hopeless? What do I do? I really like him, and can't imagine breaking it off with him.....He is very attractive and I 'feel' very attached to him. The dynamics just aren't right....

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Home Owner Class Action Suit Question?

    I purchased a home and lived there for a while, and then sold it. About a week after I sold it, I received notification about a 'class action suit.' I knew nothing about this, but the letter was from an attorney, and it stated that the suit was settled, and monies would be coming to me (and everyone else with that hardiplank siding) in a few months.

    Well, today, my neighbor from that neighborhood called to tell me that she received a letter today, and a check for about $3,000.00 from this class action suit. She had to sign for the letter.

    I have sold that property, but the suit was settled during my ownership time.

    My old neighbor gave me the name off the check of the attorney's office, and I contacted him online this evening.


    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Class Action Suit for Homeowner Question?

    I lived in a home, and received notification about a class action suit regarding something to do with the siding. ? A 'settlement' had been reached while I was living in the home, and I was notified that I would be receiving some money a few months later.

    Well, it is now time to receive that money, but I have sold the house. My neighbor from that nearby neighborhood called and told me that she received her money today. I am obviously not home to sign for the check.

    Will I still get that money? I don't think they will forward the money, as someone has to sign for it.

    I have contacted the attorney online, but I am wondering if I am still due the money, or is the new owner due the money?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Why more Thyroid Medicine ??

    I have been taking 50mcg (5mg) of a thyroid supplement for 12 years. It has worked perfectly. A new doctor in a new location with a new and different lab now tells me that the TSH is " 8.90H. "

    He wants me to take MORE sythroid daily.

    I'm confused. If my thyroid is not producing enough stuff, why does the test say H? (for 'high?')

    Why would I take MORE if it is High?

    (I'm also suspicious, as I have NO symptoms of problems, and my daughter has a misread for thyroid at the same place. She was placed on meds, and because of her horrific side effects, she was re- tested and found out she didn't need it at all.)


    1 AnswerOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • Thyroid Blood Test Question?

    I have been taking 50mcg (5mg) of a thyroid supplement for 12 years. It has worked perfectly. A new doctor in a new location with a new and different lab now tells me that the TSH is " 8.90H. "

    He wants me to take MORE sythroid daily.

    I'm confused. If my thyroid is not producing enough stuff, why does the test say H? (for 'high?')

    Why would I take MORE if it is High?

    (I'm also suspicious, as I have NO symptoms of problems, and my daughter has a misread for thyroid at the same place. She was placed on meds, and because of her horrific side effects, she was re- tested and found out she didn't need it at all.)


    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago