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ally g

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  • Can someone give me some nice, friendly Salvadoreno slang words?

    Like, friend, buddy, etc.

    I only know Mexicans and Mexican words like "carnal", etc...

    so I want to be able to use Salvadorean slang with this guy I work with.


    El Salvador1 decade ago
  • lego star wars II dark force character?

    which characters (besides Darth Vader) can utilize "dark force" areas in levels (the red glittery things)? or do I just have to stick it out until I unlock Vader??

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Conservatives, global warming theory?

    I want to know why, EXACTLY, global warming is a threat to conservatives and the right-wing. I don't want some gobbledygook you heard on the radio... I want real answers that come from your heart and mind. How is insisting that global warming is a "theory" supporting the conservative cause? Honest question.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Jews, I have a Kosher question...?

    Hi, I know if you keep Kosher you're not supposed to mix meat with dairy. But what about fish and dairy? Fin fish of course. Could you have a tuna melt, for example? That has cheese on top.

    If mixing fish and dairy is still kosher, can anybody tell me why?

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who's sexier: James Bond, or Indiana Jones?

    I'm not talking about Sean Connery/Daniel Craig etc and Harrison Ford, I'm talking about the CHARACTER (but the handsomeness of the actors can definitely be a factor).

    Well, what do you think?

    28 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • when can I introduce avocado?

    I was making guacamole today, and I really wanted to give my 9-month-old some plain mashed avocado before I added stuff to it. We eat a lot of avocado in my family, and I was just wondering if there is a recommended age regarding introduction of avocado... seems like it should be fine...

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Horror movies where the female star dies or goes crazy at the end?

    I'm taking a class on horror movies and I'm writing a paper debunking the "Final Girl" phenomenon (where a girl, usually the star, is the only survivor). Like in Halloween, for example, Jamie Lee Curtis lives.

    I need to find some recent horror movies in which the female star ends up dying at the end, or ends up in an asylum forever, etc.

    In Reincarnation and High Tension the girl goes crazy at the end. In The Ruins, The Descent, and The Grudge the girl dies. I need some more examples though!!

    I'm not very familiar with horror movies in general, so I need all the help I can get. Help please!

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Movies ending in an "insane asylum" shot?

    I'm looking for some movies whose last scene is (usually a bird's eye view) a person locked up in an insane asylum. There are actually a lot of them out there.

    In particular, I'm looking for movies with WOMEN in this final scene. The person may or may not always have been crazy, perhaps he or she went crazy during the course of the movie.

    Absolutely ANY suggestions of movies with this ending are welcome... thanks!

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Poll: Tell me your thoughts on meatballs?

    Do you like them? Do you make them? Do you buy them? Tell me all your thoughts on meatballs... 'cause I'd really like to hear them!

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What's the best brand of falernum, and what's the best website to buy it from?

    I would like to make a few tiki cockails at my next party and want to buy some falernum syrup for the drinks. Problem is, they don't sell it at my local liquor store (that I know of) and I don't know where would be a good place to buy it online.

    Any outstanding brands, or favorite websites where I could buy it?

    I found this article helpful on how to make your own:

    Which I might do. But for now, I just want to buy it and make it easy on myself. Thanks!

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • What was the Final Jeopardy Category today (Friday, May 01, 2009)?

    I want to know what the Final Jeopardy category was for 5/1/2009... my local news had some loooong special about the swine flu and they didn't broadcast Jeopardy during its normal time :(


    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • How can I make Second Life less confusing?

    It is overwhelming. I don't understand where to go or what to do, and there is nobody around. I don't want to put any money into it just yet since I have no idea what I'm doing. How can I meet other avatars/people on SL so that I can network? I always seem to be alone everywhere I go, it's weird.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Why can't you add cereal to a bottle?

    I am supposed to start introducing solids and people have told me not to put cereal in the bottle (even if it is verrrry VERY thinned out), but rather put it in a spoon and spoon-feed. I am not trying to give thick porridge here. Can someone tell me why you're not supposed to do this?

    16 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Introducing solid foods?

    Pediatrican says my 4 1/2 mo old can start being introduced to solids. I know that rice, barley etc cereal mixed w/formula is the way to start (in the bottle, I assume), but when is it ok to graduate to spoon-feeding? How gradually do you incorporate the cereal w/the formula, and how thick does the mixture have to be before you spoon-feed rather than bottle-feed?

    Also, any recommendations on foods to give the baby once he has gotten used to cereal? Not just bananas, etc.

    I know which foods are NOT appropriate to give infants, but which others are good besides the expected ones? Are there any other restrictions? When can I introduce seafood of any kind? What about spiced/spicy/salty foods?

    Anyone out there make their own baby food (not just jarred peas, carrots, etc) if so, what do you make?

    What early foods did you start your baby on?

    I am new at this, obviously, so any help is appreciated!! :)

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Touchpad on my laptop stopped working?

    I just reformatted my Toshiba laptop the other day and everything was working fine. Yesterday I notice that my touchpad is acting really weird; it is still working in the sense that I can move the cursor around, but the "tap" function that you use to "click" the mouse doesn't work.

    I have to physically click the buttons below the touchpad. If the laptop didn't have those buttons I wouldn't be able to click anything because the touchpad doesn't recognize the tapping pressure.

    It's not that big a deal, but how can I fix this?? Should I reformat again and see if maybe it is a hardware or driver issue? It was working fine for a couple of days.

    Also the touchpad is not "disabled" by using the fn keys, if that were the case the touchpad wouldn't work at all.

    Help!! :(

    PS I haven't installed any programs on it besides office and norton, however when I installed my HP printer software it didn't seem to recognize the usb port so I had to do it a couple of times before everything worked. I don't know if that would affect the functionality of the touchpad but I just thought I would throw that out there.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • At a bris, why is the mother sequestered?

    Just wondering. I've been to one where the mom was sequestered in the other room, her kvatterin takes the baby away and gives the baby back once the ceremony is done. I did some research and come to find out that this is the case, the baby is taken from the mother and then returned to her afterward. Anyone know the reasoning behind this, or can give me any biblical quotes or anything? Just find it sad that the daddy gets to be part of the action and the mommy has to wait it out... :(

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • how can I make a karaoke-type text video using windows movie maker?

    I see a lot of instrumental karaoke videos on youtube where they have the text of the lyrics on screen, and gradually the text changes color in time to the music/lyrics, as the song progresses.

    like this, for instance:

    I have tried to use windows movie maker before and seriously, I don't get it. Can I even use this program to create a video like this, or do I need to use something else? I don't think I can use Powerpoint either.

    I don't want to pay a lot of money for a video editing software!

    If you have suggestions for another program that I could use to make vids like this, is there anything out there that's free??

    Please help, this looks like the easiest kind of video in the world to make but I can't do it :(

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Do you think that Michael Jackson's "comeback/farewell" tour is a hoax?

    I swear, when I saw that press conference with MJ a few days ago, I thought it was an impersonator. I couldn't believe how, well, HEALTHY he looked... had a lot of hair, didn't look as frail...

    However, the thing that really sold me on the idea that this might be an impersonator/hoax was his VOICE! It didn't sound high and wavery at all... it sounded much deeper than usual... totally weird.

    Maybe he IS planning a comeback/farewell tour, but had an impersonator deliver the news in case he thought he might get assassinated, or have a shoe thrown at him, or something (u know MJ is a crazy one)?!

    I just think this whole thing is really fishy and wonder if anyone else thinks that this might be a ruse created for some strange reason!

    3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • my baby daddy and my ex boyfriend at my son's baptism?

    My son's father and I have been broken up for about a year now... he has a new gf (I don't approve of this because I think he has too many personal/financial issues for a girlfriend). My son is going to be baptised soon and my boyfriend from like 10 years ago (my first love, though I don't really have feelings for him anymore) is going to attend. All my friends who will be there (the godfather/godmother, etc) are my friends from way back when, and are friends with both my son's father, and my other ex bf (the one from 10 years ago). Is this going to be weird? I just hung out with my ex and it was way more comfortable than dealing with my baby daddy because we are such at each others' throats right now! I don't know if this situation will be awkward or not. I don't believe so, but, any advice would be appreciated, please!!!!

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago