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How does one say "How will you (plural) spend it" in French?
1 AnswerLanguages9 years agoWhat is with that Lotus guy and schizophrenia?
He tells every atheist that they're schizophrenic, and also never explains why.
It's probably his/her way of telling you that he/she (who puts every word into a thesaurus) can't think of a good response.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoDo all the members of the Westboro Baptist Church have some kind of serious mental retardation?
They just said that God created all of Apple's products through Steve Jobs so that WBC can spread their message. So they obviously think that God's on their side, yet they also clearly know that no one's listening to them. So God's supporting their message, but makes the rest of the world hate them?
Another theory is that their house has too much radon gas in it, which has given them all brain tumors, and the pain has driven them insane.
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoWhy are so many religious people so close-minded?
Example, many think that there's only one way to happiness, or one way to comfort oneself, etc. and that is through their God. There cannot be any other way, and so, since atheists don't believe in God, they must feel hopeless about all these things.
They then come on yahoo answers and ask some questions that seriously make me lose faith (lololol) in the human race."How do atheists deal with sadness? YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN A DEITY BAWWWWWWW."
And they call atheists close-minded.
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoIs it true that Asians can read minds?
Because I'm Asian and I'm worried that I'm not using this ability to it's full potential.
Also, I don't have an expressionless face. D:
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoChristians, what do you think about "Christian morals"?
Are they still relevant?
Especially the parts about stoning everyone who's different.
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoWhy was this question deleted?
"Why do Atheists believe in the unproven theory of Evolution?"
I had a great answer to it...
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoWhy do some believe that ignoring the theory of evolution is a good thing?
Someone posted this:
The cell is incredibly complex. Irreducible complexity. No way to test if evolution is true.
Therefore - Evolution might not be true
The Bible says ________
66 different books over thousands of years all say the same thing perfectly without contradicting
Therefore - The Bible might be correct
They challenged evolution with the argument of irreducible complexity, and then claimed that the bible must be true because there are no contradictions over a large amount of books written by individual, unrelated authors over a long period of time.
There's nothing wrong with challenging a scientific theory, but there are people who don't even challenge it, they just dismiss it entirely, with their sole reason being their religious belief. Why would you do this?
Also, about the bible and supposed lack of contradictions, that is just so wrong, I'm just speechless.
Link to a creative video about the bible's ridiculous contradictions:
Have fun.
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoWhy do most humans have a love of music?
Specifically, I'm asking how a love of music could have created a reproductive advantage.
As far as I know, other animals don't make music.
7 AnswersBiology10 years agoSpiritually speaking, is the Cake a lie?
Jesus never provided any date or even any clues to the date that he would return to earth and reward Christians with eternal life and possibly cake.
Like GLaDOS promising you cake and then attempting to throw you into a fiery pit?
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoWhy is it that some Christians continue rage at Atheists about things like "Judgement Day", when...?
They still haven't provided any evidence that the Bible isn't just a best selling pile of crap?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoWhy do some Christians hate me when they don't even know me?
...I love them. D:
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoChristians, how did you become christian?
And I don't mean when you were baptized, I mean, when/how did you start believing in the christian God?
Ex. Parents said so, learned yourself because of interest, etc.
18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoChristians, how do you know that the devil exists?
The real devil is my cat, he's evil, I tell you, EVIL!
And for you people who don't believe that he's the real devil, that's just because he's fooled you with his lies.
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoChristians, do you believe in the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
If not, I'm just here to let you know that you will be cooked in the fiery pot of Pasta Hell and then fed to us Pastafarians in Pasta Heaven. No, that is not called cannibalism, it's called fine dining.
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoWhy do people capitalize "he" if it's replacing God?
God can be called a proper noun and so should be capitalized. But it makes a sentence look terrible when the writer capitalizes pronouns, please stop doing it.
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoHow are we able to see starlight?
If the world was created only ~6000 years ago?
Something to think about.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoWhy do people believe in the power of prayer?
From what I've seen, praying doesn't do any good at all. Sure, your prayers may come true, but the act of doing so doesn't raise the chances the slightest bit. It even lowers it, because you acquire some false hope, and decide that you don't have to go out and actually do something about it. Instead, you pray. This is more like a form of laziness to me.
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago