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  • How do I start tomatoes from seeds outdoors?

    When I was young, in the spring, my great aunt always had tomato "slips" (plants) that she'd started from seed in tubs. Of course I didn't ask before she died (I was a teen) and my mom had no idea. Does anyone know how to start tomatoes from seed outside? I know you can do it in the house, but I am interested in propagation outside--I know it can be done. Please help!!!

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Please give me your opinion?

    My mom died recently after a battle with cancer. My siblings work and could not be with her at the hospital, but my sister refused to stay with her, with an attitude. She refused to be at the hospital while mom was actively dying. She attended the funeral. Afterwards, the will was read, and she received most everything worth anything (that's ok). Mom didn't have a lot. Sis has copped an attitude since. She took off on an out of state vacation with her preteen daughter during the time things HAD to be moved out of mom's house because of a reverse mortgage. My family moved all of her things while she enjoyed herself. Yes, I was upset. I told my brother I felt she just left us behind to take care of it all so it would be done when she returned and she didn't have to deal with it. We didn't have time to ease into going into mom's house and her not being there, having sentimental attachment to things and be able to go through them. We had to put on our big girl/big boy panties and do it. Sis is mad at me and won't talk to me now because I said something about her leaving us behind to take care of this. She is going as far as accusing me of taking things that belonged to her daughter, as her daughter stayed with mom a lot (she is 8), yes, even at the end. I wouldn't want/take anything of hers! My niece and I are very close. I don't know how to handle this. I can do without her "friendliness" but her attitude since mom died has been very demeaning. I mean, I am grieving too! I spent time with mom on the weekends doing things she liked to do--sewing/quilting, whatever she wanted. Mom would say about my sister, "she only comes long enough to say hi, she won't spend time with me--just drops off the little girl." Mom was upset with me when she died because she misunderstood something I did, and I couldn't get her to reason with me. She would talk, but was very upset. Anyway, opinion on what to do? I promised mom before she died that we 3 children wouldn't fight, but strive to get along. My bro and I are fine with each other; bro and sis are fine with each other. Sis is just really mad at me because I felt this way.

    2 AnswersLyrics8 years ago
  • Are there exercises to do that will not increase heart rate?

    I am a 48 yo female that recently had a light stroke (my left side has no pain or temperature sensation, but I can use it). The reason for the stroke is unknown. I am overweight, but have no heart disease and do not smoke. I had just gotten into exercising before I had the stroke. During my MRI it was was found the stroke affected my medulla and cerebellum. It was also found that I have an aneurysm in the vertebral artery. My doctors have put me on plavix, and I am restricted to having no caffeine, no chocolate, and cannot raise my heart rate because of the aneurysm. Are there any exercises you know I can do that will not raise my heart rate?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Craft fair ideas for boys?

    I'm entering a crafts fair, my focus is on baby accessories. I have lots of adorable things for little girls--bows, beaded socks, woven headbands; tutus; but not much for little boys. Any ideas?? Needs to be cute, something pretty quick to make and as low cost as possible, of course. Thank you for your help.

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • 401K help? How to know how to invest?

    It's time to start a 401K at work--how do you know how to pick which way to invest your money? Is the initial money you put in ALWAYS there no matter how the market does (even if you pick high risk?) What about what the company matches with?

    My company will match up to 6%. This is all too confusing.

    4 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Are YOU Cinderella today?

    I went to a seminar where the speaker told us, "If you went to Disneyworld and Cinderella had a crappy attitude, yelled and threw candy at your kids, you would go straight to the managers office and ask for your money back--that's not why you pay hundreds of $ to go there, right? If you work with the public, especially, the people you work with do not want to hear your problems, how sick you are, or don't want your attitude from your problems. So pretend that you are Cinderella, and put on your Cinderella face and attitude when dealing with them" This really has worked for me....I have a Cinderella sticker on my rearview mirror in my vehicle so that when I get out at work, it's the last thing I see--I take a deep breath and remember...."I'm Cinderella". (Some days my bluebirds poop on my head, but, I clean it off, and I'm still Cinderella) LOL.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Trying to remember 1970's film with Bighorn Sheep clashing horns and other wildlife in Mountains?

    Think it was a Disney Sunday Movie. My hubby and I remember it was played on television once a year, came out in the the theaters in the early 70's, could have been a documentary. Thought it was "Call of the Wild", but as it turned out, it's not. DH remembers it playing on the theater at the same time as "Song of the South." Can you help???

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • I just found out I'm going to be a grandma...any advice?

    I am very excited, my son and his wife told us a few nights ago. It's my first grandbaby. He/she is due in March. I am 43!!!

    25 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How do I apply mosaic tiles/glass to a mesh table top?

    I bought a mesh outdoor table at an auction with the idea to

    cover it with mosaic tiles/glass. Now--how do I do that??? I'm sure I will need something to apply the tiles to besides the mesh, but what, and how do I affix that to the mesh??? Thanx for your help!!

  • My towels have a musty smell to them, how can I get it out?

    My washer has a stainless tub--I have tried vinegar with each rinse cycle, I have tried cleaning my washer/washing towels with a product called purewash, I use gain laundry detergent and downy softener. I immediately put them into the dryer after washing and do not let them sit and sour. They smell ok when they come out of the dryer, but the minute they get wet, they smell!!!

    16 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago