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Lv 729,595 points

John H

Favorite Answers16%
  • A New Amendment to the Constitution of the United States?


    No person shall be eligible to hold elective office, appointed office, or employment with the United States, who has not honorably served a minimum of two years active duty in the armed forces of the United States or served a minimum of sixty days deployment in a war zone as a Guardsman or Reservist.

    For persons deemed physically ineligible for the military, two years alternative service, to be designated or instituted by the Congress, shall substitute for Military service..

    Honorable discharge from the military, due to service connected wounds, injury, or illness, shall establish eligibility for the purposes of this amendment.

    The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to those holding office or employment at the time of ratification.

    Give me a little feedback on the idea. A movement is in the works. Those who are unwilling to serve, risk, and sacrifice for this country should not be running it.

    13 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • A New Amendment to the Constitution of the United States?


    No person shall be eligible to hold elective office, appointed office, or employment with the United States, who has not honorably served a minimum of two years active duty in the armed forces of the United States or served a minimum of sixty days deployment in a war zone as a Guardsman or Reservist.

    For persons deemed physically ineligible for the military, two years alternative service, to be designated or instituted by the Congress, shall substitute for Military service..

    Honorable discharge from the military, due to service connected wounds, injury, or illness, shall establish eligibility for the purposes of this amendment.

    The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to those holding office or employment at the time of ratification.

    Give me a little feedback on the idea. A movement is in the works. Those who are unwilling to serve, risk, and sacrifice for this country shouuld not be running it.

    8 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • A New Amendment to the Constitution of the United States?


    No person shall be eligible to hold elective office, appointed office, or employment with the United States, who has not honorably served a minimum of two years active duty in the armed forces of the United States or served a minimum of sixty days deployment in a war zone as a Guardsman or Reservist.

    For persons deemed physically ineligible for the military, two years alternative service, to be designated or instituted by the Congress, shall substitute for Military service..

    Honorable discharge from the military, due to service connected wounds, injury, or illness, shall establish eligibility for the purposes of this amendment.

    The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to those holding office or employment at the time of ratification.

    Give me a little feedback on the idea. A movement is in the works.

    2 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • A New Amendment to the Constitution of the United States?


    No person shall be eligible to hold elective office, appointed office, or employment with the United States, who has not honorably served a minimum of two years active duty in the armed forces of the United States or served a minimum of sixty days deployment in a war zone as a Guardsman or Reservist.

    For persons deemed physically ineligible for the military, two years alternative service, to be designated or instituted by the Congress, shall substitute for Military service..

    Honorable discharge from the military, due to service connected wounds, injury, or illness, shall establish eligibility for the purposes of this amendment.

    The provisions of this amendment shall not apply to those holding office or employment at the time of ratification.

    Give me a little feedback on the idea. A movement is in the works.

    2 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is it possible or safe to canoe the New River?

    Can the New River be negotiated safely through the Gorge and other stretches in West Virginia? Rafts and kayaks do it all the time, but I haven't heard about canoes. This assumes capable canoeists that are experienced on other rugged waters. I've never been there, but I want to try it, if it can be done without getting my brains knocked out. I'll, of course, do some research, but wanted to get a few opinions.

    2 AnswersBoats & Boating9 years ago
  • How Do You Want To Be Screwed, Romney vs Obama?

    Let's face it. The Republicans are dedicated to taking away our freedom and civil rights. The Democrats are equally dedicated to taking away our money to use it for their own purposes.

    The Republicans respect the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, but can't stand the rest.

    The Democrats are all for the 1st, 4th, and 5th.

    Both parties seem to have NEVER read the 9th or 10th.

    The question is, what is easier to get back once it is lost, your freedom? or your money?

    I'll have to support the sitting President this time around. But I'm going to be strongly supporting the Libertarians in the future, if they can start taking things seriously.

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Chrysler Pacifica '05 Electrical system goes haywire?

    First symptom was the cruise control failed to work. Later the headlights went out. Made it home through well lit neighborhood and discovered that the driver's window would not roll up. The horn doesn't work. And once the transmission was in park, it wouldn't select neutral, reverse, or drive again. The radio was playing, but after turning the car off and starting up again the radio won't work. The brake lights and turn signals still work as of this moment. This is so strange I don't know what to think of it.

    Web searches indicate that the problem is not unusual and it might be the BCU. Just wondering if this is a plug 'n play replacement or is a tow to the dealer the way to go.

    Suggestions? Thanx

    2 AnswersChrysler9 years ago
  • So, Social Security is an "entitlement" these days, eh? I'll make a deal with you.?

    Dear Fearless Leaders. If you think Social Security is an "ENTITLEMENT", all you have to do is give me BACK the money that has been taken from me (and my employers) in its name, since 1964. I'll happily invest it myself, purchase health insurance, long term care insurance, and get the hell out of the system. I promise NEVER to ask for any benefits. IS IT A DEAL?

    12 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Birth Certificate for George Bush or Bill Clinton, etc.?

    Does anybody know if any other President of the United States has exhibited his birth certificate to national and world media? I would like to know who and when.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did YOUR Congressman vote to limit oil spill liability to 75 million? Here's the list.?

    Some of these MORONS are STILL in office. The BP lawyer said that he might have to invoke this law to save the company some bucks.

    Here is the link to the House of Representatives roll call vote.

    From North Carolina, Walter Jones, Howard Coble, and David Price voted FOR this limit and they are still in business, running for office again. Let's get RID of them. It doesn't matter which party they belong to.

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How Many Agree With the Dingbat Judge Who Has Slapped Veterans in the Face?

    I'm looking for creative ( legal ) ways we can let this loony toon judge and the idiot attorneys, Bob Pepin and Christopher P. Beall, what we think of them.

    According to them, any scammer applying for a job or looking to get laid, can claim to be a war hero with their fraud being protected as "free speech".

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • I have put some of my favorites up on flicker. No photoshop junk. What do you think?

    These are some of my favorites, but certainly not all. I have refrained from going crazy with Photoshop and am presenting reality as best I can. I even hold the camera level. ( strange concept, eh? )

    For your enjoyment and comments are welcome.

    5 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Just for the Fun of It, I Posted Some of My Work. Let Me Know What You Think?

    Everybody else seems to be wanting critiques of their photography. So why not. Let me know what you like and don't like. It is a mix of digital and scanned prints. Some of those images are nearly 30 years old.

    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Entering Mexico Illegally Is a Felony. Ain't It Funny?

    Entering Mexico illegally is a felony, punishable with two years in prison. All police and military are authorized to check the status of suspected foreigners. Mexican citizens have the power of citizens' arrest to detain illegal aliens.

    I think it is HILARIOUS that the Mexican President is complaining about the new Arizona law. Shouldn't the U.S. and Mexico treat aliens entering illegally the same?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Crystal Bowersox Is Allowed to Sing "Farmer's Daughter" on Idol, She's the Champ?

    When I heard this original song on Youtube, I was blown away. It's astonishing. If American Idol lets her sing it, there is no doubt that she will be the winner.

    What do you folks think?

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Is this a violation of EEOC Rules? Must be a church member to work in a print shop?

    Ran across this job listing on Monster Dot Com. We can guess which church it is, but they aren't specific.

    "Our client is a religious organization and to be qualified for this position, all candidates must be a Temple Worthy member"

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is this a violation of EEOC Rules. Must be a church member to work in print shop?

    Found this quote in a Monster dot Com ad. We can guess which church it is, but they don't specify in the ad.

    "Our client is a religious organization and all candidates must be a member in good standing to qualify"

    Would love to hear from HR people about this one.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • We humans are able to live a long life without Health Care, BUT?

    We can live maybe a few weeks without food. We can only live a few days without water. If I don't pay for my water, it gets shut off. This is true for almost everyone who doesn't have a well.

    Why is there no campaign for nationalized, and free, water supplies for everyone?

    Just a thought that occurred to me.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Stolen Valor Act being challenged as violation of 1st Amendment. WTF?

    I just can't believe the stupidity of some lawyers. There are losers claiming military service and decorations, charged with crimes under the Stolen Valor Act, and there are people who are actually defending their false claims as "Free Speech"

    I fear for the future of our nation.

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Three, now world famous, cowards watch a girl being beaten in Seattle?

    These pretend "security" guards stand by and watch a girl being beaten. Their orders are to "observe and report", not to take action. Are they not human beings? Why have live people on scene when cameras and a cushy office can fascilitate the "observe and report".

    Does anybody know their names? Do they still have jobs? Will they ever suffer the public exposure and humiliation they deserve?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago