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John H
Lv 7
John H asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

Stolen Valor Act being challenged as violation of 1st Amendment. WTF?

I just can't believe the stupidity of some lawyers. There are losers claiming military service and decorations, charged with crimes under the Stolen Valor Act, and there are people who are actually defending their false claims as "Free Speech"

I fear for the future of our nation.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The 1st Amendment of the Constitution does not give anyone the right to impersonate and present themselves credit for the heroism of those who earned that right. They are the lowest of the low and should be imprisoned and the key thrown away. If not imprisoned, he should be ostrosized from society by any American he comes in contact with.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    @Cordelia: That wasn't just a guy who sued over the was a sitting judge. A judge bringing a frivolous lawsuit to court. LMAO

    The wonderful, and often scary, thing about the US is that you are free to bring any concern before the courts.

    @Murky: Oh please...John Kerry...fake Bronze Stars? Uh, one of the recommenders for Mr. Kerry's Bronze Stars was the same guy who brought up these charges...AND he was given his Bronze Stars for the same the same order. Now, do you want me to go on about his Silver Star? Let's get serious. Look, I don't like or dislike Mr. Kerry, but if his Bronze Stars are invalid, then the guy who brought the charges against him should also be stripped of his...and he should be tried for perjury and submitting a false report.

    Hey, I am as pro-military as you can get...and I am pretty damned conservative as well (former Republican)...but let's lose these scurrilous sorts of arguments, eh?

    Source(s): AFAIC, anyone who impersonates a military man/woman, or misrepresents his/her credentials, is a low-life.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People can challenge anything they want. Remember that guy who sued because the dry cleaner's lost his pants?

    Its against the law to impersonate a cop, etc. No reason why it can't be against the law to impersonate a member of the military.

    Look forward to it.

    Source(s): AD AF
  • janta
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    "additionally having thie very own Island for hawaiians in basic terms... so the place is the state or land for "whites in basic terms"???". Hawaii would not belong solely to community Hawaiians, genius. in actuality, community Hawaiians make up below 10% of that state's inhabitants. meanwhile, Maine, that's analogous in length, has a White inhabitants of ninety 5%. by the way, whilst the Europeans first arrived in Americas, many Natives have been residing in plenty extra beneficial situations than Europeans, who have been being ravaged by plagues. After touch with Europeans, the community inhabitants grow to be very much decreased end results of the introduction of their ailments. additionally, many later waves of ecu immigrants arrived interior the US, actually in rags, to flee the hardships they confronted returned of their abode countries, so permit's not pretend Europe grow to be some utopian land.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Falsely claiming to be a veteran or even former trooper is often done so for financial gain. Financial fraud is not protected by the first amendment. False bravato is protected by the First Amendment.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, the First Amendment protects all kinds of speech, including low-down, meretricious lying. If it didn't, Sen. John Kerry (D, MA) would be s--t out of luck, because at least two of his three Purple Hearts were fraudulent, according to his former commanders. If this is not true, all he has to do is unseal his service record and show us.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    fake vets should be policed , its that big a problem 1 and 2 its not the lying itself that's a crime to me, its reaping benefits on false pretenses that should be prosecuted

  • 1 decade ago


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