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  • What was it that got you into rap? BQ?

    I started off with rock honestly. linkin park, nickelback and mudvayne were my favorites. but as i got into smoking and drinking i started liking rap. but rock was still my number 1.. then i found MGK and became obsessed with him, then i met my fiance King who showed me real rap. Now i see how amazing and inspirational rap is.. and that MGK aint as good as i thought lol so how did you get into rap?

    BQ1: whos a rap artist you like but you re ashamed to admit?

    7 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop6 years ago
  • RHH: what do you think of rittz?

    I've got mixed feelings about him, i love his songs nowhere to run and high five. But other then that i dont really like him. Based on his lyrics and beats what do yall think about him?

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop6 years ago
  • Who is your top 3 celebrity crushes? and why?

    My fiance's is

    1) Ariana Grande (i hate her, shes annoying and childish)

    2) Jessica Alba (great actress)

    3) Megan Fox (LOVE HER)

    Mine is

    1) Dez Bryant (Best cowboys player ever, Fiance agrees:)

    2) Will Smith ( Amazing Actor and very funny)

    3) Alexander Skarsgard (Same as Will)

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • To My King~?

    Baby i just wanna say i love you and i miss you, i cant wait to be in your arms again soon! We have been through so much together and were still standing together. Strong as ever. Dont even think for a second were not good enough for eachother, were more then good enough.. Were perfect baby. I love you! TNA4LIFE<3

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • If you were to die tomorrow, how would you spend today?

    Id spend it with my daughter and fiancé.. Hugging them and kissing them, im not near any other family so id just write them all letters and have my fiancé give it to them.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • what is 3 things you couldnt live without? Besides loved ones?

    Mine would be

    1) Movies. Watching movies is a very helpful and fun thing to do in my life.

    2) Music. Music is always there for you when no one else is.

    3) Food. (: i love food.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Wanna do something nice for my fiance?

    Me and my fiance have been together a year and four months. We just had a beautiful baby girl together a month ago so we haven't done much together. Usually I just write him sweet letters but I wanna do something that'll really make him smile, any ideas? Thanks(:

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • 37 weeks and 2 cm dilated, 70 % effaced?

    im 37 weeks, went to the hospital the other night for cramps and im 2 cm dilated. They had me walk for 2 hours but I didn't dilate anymore. Im also 70% effaced. Well they sent home and that night my baby dropped. The following morning I lost my mucus plug and had some bleeding. This morning I had a real painful contraction and a few hours later two Braxton hicks. Been having lots of pressure down there and sometimes when she moves it'll send sharp pain down there too. I know this is pre labor but how long till im in active labor?

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • small baby, wanting to induce at 37 weeks?

    Im 32 weeks and 3 days, I had an ultrasound yesterday and my baby weighs 3 pounds and 10 ounces. My doctor says she's to small and her tummy got smaller to. so they are giving me three weeks to get get weight up and if I dont they want to induce me at 37 weeks. Im gonna eat alot more proteins and stuff to try and get her up but if I can't will she be ok being born at 37 weeks? Im worried about her.

  • For king.?

    Wanna run away and get married?(: then go to a beautiful castle in Scotland for a long romantic honeymoon?:D

    2 AnswersWeddings6 years ago
  • Names for your kids?

    Me and my fiance are having a girl and were gonna name her Leyla Renee. Im due in march, so not much longer(: if you had a girl what would you name her? Or a boy?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • What should I be for Halloween this year?

    I'm 4 months pregnant btw, my tummy isn't huge but I have a bump therefore its hard to pick a good costume. I wanna be something cute for my fiance but something scary for me. So think along those lines, thank you(:

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How do i tell my dad im moving out?

    Okay so i just turned 18 the other day and i told my dad i wanna go see my mom in Missouri and hes kinda mad about that but its my mom ya know? well i changed my mind that i wanna go visit my boyfriend first in Oklahoma. i told my dad this and he freaked out and was talking so much **** on my bf and saying he doesn't know who i am anymore blah blah. well i kinda got scared and was like "idk what to do yet" but i am gonna go see my bf first.. my dad says he wont take me to the airport which i can get another ride but he has such bad anger problems. he wont hit me. but he will yell. idk what to do. i dont know how to tell him. he doesn't understand. any advice would be much help. thank you<3

    4 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Is it bad my boyfriend said another girl is pretty?

    Okay so my bf just got a new job and this girl that works there was like "he should work outside cause hes got a cute face" He was honest and told me she hit on him. so thats good but then i asked if she was pretty expecting him to say no but he said yes.. i know i shouldn't of asked buuuut, hes never been like that so i really thought the answer would be no. and so we got into a fight and idk.. hes never given me a reason to be jealous or worried about cheating but it hurt me alot so idk.. what do you guys think? Honest answers, all rude comments will be ignored. thank you(:

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Can depression make small things seem like a bigger deal?

    I just found out some VERY horrible things my brother did so im like freaking out.. well i was talking to my bf and i told him all about it and then we were talking about how i heard his friend ask if my bf was cheating on me or dating other girls and i heard my bf laugh and he might of said no idk but he said he said no and it like got me freaking out even though i feel its nothing. am i feeling this way because im so upset about the thing with my brother that everything seems bad? or what.. please be honest and all negative and rude answers will be ignored. thank you

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Whats a good song to dedicate to my boyfriend?

    Okay so my boyfriend is going through ALOT right know with his parents and hes pretty much living in the car with his mom and shes not doing anything to try to get them somewhere to stay. Theres nothing i can do cause im in another state but ill be moving out there in May. until then idk what to do to help him. he said all i gotta do is love him and be there for him so i am and i was wanting to dedicate a sweet song to him that would make him happy. So whats a good song or two i should dedicate to him? Nothing to pop, girly, or anything along those lines. some rap, rock, or country is good. thank you so much for anyone who helps and any negative comments will be ignored(:

    2 AnswersOther - Music7 years ago
  • HELP!!!! 5 birds live in a tree, 3 fly home. how many birds are still in the tree?

    The answer isnt 5, 8, or 2. please help asap!!

    3 AnswersBirds7 years ago