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    New spider to identify. Anyone might know what kind of spider this is? X mark on back ?

    Anyone might know what kind of spider this is? It’s blurry sorry for the blur, but it has an X on the back. There is nothing online comparing to this at all. I would feel like that marking is warning to some venomous kind. It reminds me of how the black widow has the red hour glass to warn you being able to identify that way. It’s not a common garden spider not even close. I just can’t find anything to identify this spider. I’ve never seen one like this before. 

    4 AnswersZoology1 year ago
  • What is causing my lawn mower to go up in blue smoke and fry? Please help?! .?

    I have a craftsman MC110 140cc gas lawn mower. I am new to owning a gas mower. I’ve always used a weed eater or hire someone to do it. I’m an independent woman on my own and wanted to get a gas lawn mower doing that job myself. I read and follow directions when it comes to properly put gas in the gas reservoir and the proper oil it came with into the oil chamber. I do not mix any of it of course. I have only used it 10 times since I bought 2 months ago. No problems with it at all. Until today I went to cut my grass the start didn’t respond. No start when pulling the string and holding handle bar lever down. 4th time it started all seemed fine until *poof* giant mushroom clouds of blue smoke came out of the silver box chamber by the engine side. It looked like a tractor trailer on the high way with a brake fire how heavy the smoke was. I stopped it immediately. I only used the craftsman oil it came with until last week. I went with the off brand made by Statton and Briggs. I was told to get 4 cycle SAE 30. I am wondering if it didn’t like this oil? And not the correct kind? Brand new mower up in smoke so bad and fried. It still looks brand new I kept it well maintained until switching oils it was completely empty so it didn’t mix I know that for sure this shouldn’t have happened this soon?! Lowe’s won’t honor any exchanges nothing when having receipts it’s only 2 weeks after 30 day warranty. Any ideas what went wrong here? I went by the advice of a store employee

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 years ago
  • What else can cause severe water retention in your legs and ankles?

    I keep holding water in my ankles like an 8 month pregnant lady! I have had tests done after tests done to see if there are any underlying medical issues causing this. ALL come back normal. Diabetic sugar testing, heart disease, blood pressure etc They ran several tests of my heart and blood work-everything shows perfectly fine. My kidneys were checked as well and the dr said they are functioning perfectly. They have even ran ct scans and MRIs on full body including my abdomen and still all fine. They also checked my sodium levels and theyre fine. But they seriously need to be drained or something its so bad and hard to walk. Nothing works that I try at home like elevating legs and drinking more water. So I am at a loss for what to do?! My ankles are the size of softballs..*sigh*

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases2 years ago
  • What could be wrong with my car?!?

    I am not sure how to describe this. My car is a 2006 Toyota Corolla almost 300,000 miles. I know what youre thinking..But we have fixed everything when it breaks. Everything is new on it except the engine. Anyway the brake system has always been a problem but it may not be that issue. Replaced them so many times there is a really bad suspension rattle up front no mechanic can find the cause/ everything is fine and not loose. Now suddenly when you put car in reverse which ever peddle you use gas or brake peddle it sounds like a gear grinding noise. Kind of like when you ride a bike that same chain grinding noise. When you make right turns it does same thing it is an awful sound. Sounds like something is going to snap. I have tried every mechanic in town no one can find the cause. Any thoughts? Buying a new car isnt an option right now because I cannot afford car payments.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 years ago
  • Do I tell this woman who keeps trying to hook up with my live in boyfriend to leave us alone?

    My boyfriend and I have been living together for 3 years. This woman is lately trying to get my boyfriend to sleep with her when she is married and has kids. She tried to tell everyone she isn’t married when she is. It’s all over her fb she is married, happily married. But continues to message my boyfriend late at night or when I’m working over night shifts to come over and hook up. He has told her no and she insists. I have half the mind to contact her and tell her to bug off if she’s that miserable in her marriage then leave stop contacting and find someone else who is not taken ? I wonder how her husband would feel if he knew she was at this again? She has done this before. She doesn’t sound like a very good mom with good morals or values....but I’m at my wits end here when my boyfriend says not to contact her kind of sends a red flag to me a bit... no I’m not jealous. I am a loyal woman and don’t believe in this behavior of people at all. Why should I have to keep dealing with it?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • While making pizza dough I don’t know if I did something wrong, but I noticed while kneading the dough it seems to get a bit tough?

    Is this normal? I stopped kneading when noticing the toughness it is still somewhat elastic and I am not sure of the out come after it rises. I used a basic recipe to make one pizza. 1. tablespoon of sugar,

    1tablespoon of yeast, 2 cups of flour. 1/4 salt. 2/3 cup of water. Greased bowl the dough ball is rising in. I’m afraid when I go to roll it out for pizza time the toughness will be an issue to roll out dough?

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes3 years ago
  • What is the importance of having An e brake in your car? I know the answer but I just find out my family had a mechanic disconnect it?

    My car is in my name the title, registration and insurance is in my name. I was trying to have my brakes repaired they never were done quite right. Still grinds pretty badly and when n reverse it squeaks extremely loud. There are times when you go to brake gently to a red light it has no stopping power. I went to an inspector since the original shop refuses to help solve this after months of trying to ask and want it fixed. They make it seem I am thinking I’m going crazy all the while when I went to a state inspector they find the e brake system disconnected and zip tied to something under my car which it is getting hung up in my rear drums causing the grinding somehow. I asked the shop what is the meaning of this they claim my mother told them to do this and claiming I drive with the e brake on. That it’s why my brakes are bad. For one no I do not use my e brake. 2 the drums were never replaced is the issue. They are warped. My mother claims she told the mechanic behind my back to do this. How is any of this legal? I am 36 years old and this is beyond insane. They had no right doing this when not even asking me as the owner of vehicle to do this . How do I handle this? If you were in the situation what would you do?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years ago
  • A recipe calls for katchup in a beef casserole I wanted to try to make. Substitutes for katchup?

    I am not favoring the thought of katchup in this particular recipe. I have a feeling the katchup will over power the taste of everything. Is there any ideas what to use instead of katchup? I was thinking to use tomato paste or fresh tomatoes? The fresh tomatoes may make it too bland. It's a biscuit beef casserole. Thanks for any suggestions.

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes3 years ago
  • Anyone experience this when trying to conceive?

    My partner and I are trying to conceive we are new at it. We want to have a family. Anyway coulple weeks ago we had sex and then few days ago I had some bleeding. I thought it was start of my period or possibly really early miscarriage. Because without warning just started bleeding pretty moderate. My periods are always regular usually light heavy then taper off after 5 or 6 days. Not this time. I just bleed for one day. I had a miscarriage long ago and fearing that I went to the hospital in panic and we didn't even have a chance to find out if was pregnant or not. They said the bleeding is normal, but too early to tell. Odd thing is it stopped after half the day went by. Now I have just some really really light spotting. Just drops of spotting after bleeding for half a day. This is a week prior to my AF being due. I'm afraid that we didn't succeed am just worried. Or is it possible this was implantation and mistook it as an odd period?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive4 years ago
  • First Response pregnancy test bright white line in positive window?

    I have done a couple of hpt tests. My af is still a no show by a week. I am confused because I never had this happen to me before. First of all my basal temp has remained high for about 18 days now at 98.9 or 99. I do not have any infections. My bf and I had sex during the fertile window and ovulated day after. Ever since temp has stayed high. I have had symptoms and decided to take an HPT test. First one was clear blue got a light blue positive. Decided to wait to be sure went with first response. I got a bright white line after couple of minutes. It wasnt an indent. I started thinking maybe it is an evap line, but the bright white line appeared after 2-3 minutes and it never disappear. Im confused because some people told me they had same thing happen and ended up finding they were pregnant. Anyone have this happen and find it was a BFP? Ive been wanting children and we both do. Just dont want to get my hopes up.

    2 AnswersPregnancy4 years ago
  • Who has had ADT Security System?

    Who has had ADT Security system and did you ever find yourself with defective equipment after a year? Did they ever try to repair it? Or give you the run around leaving you with no working system while you pay the monthly contract fee? Did you pay the maintenance plan fee? And still no working system? And if you ever cancelled it, did you find you were forced a 30 day cancellation window still having to pay? Serious answers please I m looking to build a case against them and wondering what anyone s result was if ran into this. I m really disappointed in them as a company. They are not the same as they used to be and they shouldn t be allowed to get away with this.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • What is a good bread maker?

    Looking to buy a bread maker as I am trying to get into bread making. I have had no success making it naturally in my home. I think it has something to do with the air and moisture combination causing an issue. Once you have yeast activated it won t rise properly and when you bake it something goes really wrong. Someone recommended to start with a bread maker instead. But so many to choose from and not sure what to go with?

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes4 years ago
  • I adopted a Border Collie and he is 1 years old. I have experience with Border Collies in my past. However, he will not potty train?

    I've had dogs in my younger years and when my first one passed away after 9 years old from cancer I couldn't go without another dog. Anyway I have a Border Collie he is my best friend, my companion. Very intelligent. This is the first dog I have come across who just will not potty train. I have tried everything even going back to basics. I was consistent since day one. Until I find one thing... He started off doing great and for some reason went back to going in the house. It took me a bit to figure out why...I couldnt tell if it is behaviorial that is the issue or if it is possible at the time when I had a roommate..later I find he was letting him out of his crate to run free in the house not taking him to go potty and started this cycle. I even told the roommate to stop doing that explaining what this is doing....he didn't abide. Now this has created a Cycle of potty in the house, I can't seem to break now? The roommate no longer lives with me. I just cannot break this habit now!!!! Any suggestions?

    5 AnswersDogs4 years ago
  • Bleeding every other week?

    I have had ct scan done to show no fibroids no cancer no other conditions to explain bleeding every other week. I do not have endrometreosis. I have had my hormone levels checked there is not a decline in levels at all. Thyroid is fine. I thought I may have been pregnant having home test done saying positive...and symptoms. I am bleeding every other week starting in October. October 28th was bleeding for one day. Few days before Thanksgiving bleeding for only two days. It s now a December 10th I wake up in the morning bleeding again. Except it s brown and scanty. I My cycles are like clock work. Always on the dot never late etc. I was late a week in October giving my suspicion I am pregnant. The symptoms I m having scream at me saying I m pregnant. I do my best to ignore them!!!! It doesn t work! I am cofnsued!!! Has anyone experience this and end up later still finding out they were pregnant? My dr is on the 21st.

    2 AnswersPregnancy4 years ago
  • What kind of Bug bite would leave a white welt?

    I felt it at the time the bite hurt. I couldn't see what it was. So disregarded it. But in a short amount of days noticed a large white welt it is raised and can see a bite mark in middle. It is quarter size. I didn't think about it until it had intense itching a day after. That is when I looked to see what is going on. It's under my thigh and cannot figure out what the heck it is from. I also notice what appears to be small red bumps going upward. It's in the 30s at night now where I live so I know it's not mosquitos. I've never had anything if bitten by something leave a large white welt. No redness at the site, just that and trail of what appears to be a rash the bite mark is in the center. Anyone heard of or had anything like this?

    2 AnswersFirst Aid4 years ago
  • What kind of car is this?

    I was on my way to firehall this morning. Meanwhe, I live in Western Maryland and noticed a sport car in front of me it definitely is not from the United States. It had a lion in a circle emblem on the back. It doesn't say make of vehicle anywhere on it. I am curious to figure out what manufacture it is if anyone is familiar with that make symbol? It has me intrigued I love sport cars. I thought maybe could be from Peugeot line, but custom made possibly?

    5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation5 years ago
  • How do I answer this question? What are they looking for? When I supervise people I tend to..?

    Definitely do too much coaching


    Probably do too much coaching


    Definitely do too much telling people what to do


    Probably do too much telling people what to do

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • How do you calculate differential bonus pay when you work overnight shifts?

    I work 10 hour shifts that is including after taking break. I am paid at regular base pay 10.25 per hour. Then last 5 hours of shift is 12.25 an hour since I am working over nights. I have 35 hours for my first week. This is new to me so I am not sure how you calculate what your pay would be?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • What were your first pregnancy symptoms?

    I am losing my mind. Well trying not to. I am trying to have kids never had the right man until now who wanted kids and wanted to try..and I m in my early 30s. I have had myself checked out to make sure I am ok and nothing wrong with me and all is fine. I am able to have children. My cycle is 28 days always regular. I usually have Period symptoms cramping and bloating. That is it. Always 7 days heavy flow.

    Anyway I was late this month and when I thought was a period show up it seemed to be extremely scanty and light for 3 days. Spotting off and on and on the last 3 rd day a tiny drop. Didn t think much about it until my breasts after which are so so sore and tender to Where I cannot even bump into anything no, ouch! Food tastes all weird to me. Everything I love suddenly tastes off to me. I have thrown up few times. Also a white watery discharge a lot. TMI but I do not have any infections at all or symptoms associated with that either,

    I am thinking it is way too early to test the three days spotting was on Oct. 5. last normal cycle was sometime early September I think I don t know exact day. I didn t keep track of day because was busy with work. just feel weird I can t explain it. And it isn t like I am thinking about it so much to point my head is I cannot ignore these symptoms at all. I try to, but you can t. When is a good time frame to test? I never have any symptoms like this especially after a period ever. Let alone don t think that was a normal period.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • What would cause a car to not start if everything was already replaced under the hood with new parts?

    I have a 2006 Toyota Corolla it has about 177,000 miles on it now. Everything under the hood is brand new except engine and transmission. Have been repairing with new everything since I bought car few years ago. For example, new converter, spark plug, starter, belt, sensors, gaskets, etc. Anywho my transmission is on it's last leg and I am waiting for shipment of transmission. Meanwhile I go to start the car it wouldn't start. Keep in mind the battery I had to replace last week. Spark plug and starter is new. Just did that a month ago. Altinator is fine had that evaluated. I am waiting for a week to get replacment of transnission done and hoping it holds out one more week. But what else would cause a car to fail to start? I cannot afford to buy a new or used car which is why I have been repairing everything as it goes. But I am stumped as to what now would cause this problem? I think there is a hex on this car or it is just a p.o.s lol.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago