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  • Bloated from anything I eat?

    Anything I eat, I bloat. I can drink liquids though and be fine. I wake up in the morning feeling fine and not bloated. The moment I eat something, my stomach insanely bloats. It might just be my time of month coming up though. Not really sure. I've never had this problem before.

    Any suggestions on what to do?

    I've been debating if I have some type of intolerance to a type of food. Maybe that's it?

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Not eating then eating a lot?

    I hadn't been eating well last weekish and then when I went on my trip, I ended up eating A LOT of food (more than I'd normally eat). Can you gain weight from this? I honestly would think so because if you don't eat, then your body would go into a survival mode and any food you get becomes fat...

    Something along the lines of that

    Anyone know more about that?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Is is possible that I'm pregnant? I'm kinda worried...?

    I've been wondering for some time if I'm actually pregnant....It'd be weird to say that though because I've had two periods already and it's been about 7 weeks since I've had any type of intercorse. I also took an HPT about two weeks after I had intercourse and it was negative. I feel weird though. My stomach is constantly bloated though and it's strange because it's never been like this. It might be a coincidence though because I had bulimia issue and I know that that can cause bloating issues, I just don't know how long it lasts.

    I haven't had any typical pregnancy symptoms. I mean....other than PMS things (like slightly sore breasts which went away.)

    I don't know what to do right now to be honest. I'm worried, but I feel like I shouldn't be worrying at all. And I mean...I'm not worrying in such a way that I'm driving myself crazy to think that I really am pregnant so my body pulls tricks on itself because I've done that before. Things were much worse than they are now.

    Yeah that's about it^^;; thank you~

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Any good ways to get about $500 in 3 months?

    I'm trying to buy a laptop off a friend (it's a really good gaming one) and he's offering it waayyy cheaper than he bought it for. My goal is to sell a few things, earn money, then sell my laptop last then get the laptop from him. Are there things I can do for the next 3 months to get about $500 (more might be better)? I'm I can work.

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • Is it possible to be pregnant?

    I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be worrying since it's been like...two still trips me though a little.

    I took an HPT a while ago (like it the third week of August since I was told that you need about a week before you should check so the HCG levels have enough to show) and it was negative and it had been two weeks and then around the 31st I had my period and it was normal and everything. Is there still a chance to be pregnant though? I haven't had any noticeable changes in my body (haven't gained weight), I don't have those cravings and what not, no morning sickness, not really tired (the only reason I would be is because I don't sleep much). It's been like...6 weeks since I've had any type of intercourse. I know I should have used a condom so I don't have to worry about these things slipped my mind (I was kinda frustrated before I did anything so I wasn't thinking clearly.)

    Thanks~ c:

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • I don't think I'm pregnant but I'm worried?

    Recently I've been worried that I'm pregnant. I took a pregnancy test a few days ago and it was negative but my period isn't here (it was suppose to come yesterday or Friday). It's been three weeks or so since I've had sex. I haven't felt else much other than bloating. I've never felt this before though. I don't know if that's because I still have a chance of being pregnant or something else. I'm trying to get over bulimia (and it's difficult) and I'm wondering if that's what's causing me to be bloated. I just feel like things are a coincidence. I don't really know what's going on right now...but...Is what's going on something else or is there something I think I'm missing? Thanks.

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Little black bugs, why are you in my bed?

    I've recently been seeing these little black bugs around my bed. They kindasorta look like this:

    They don't have such large antennas though and their bodies are a bit slimmer. I've kinda just seen them laying around my bed and occasionally on my floor. They don't do much but exist since I don't have any bites on my body. I don't know what they are c: if someone could tell me that would be lovely. I would like them to not exist so I can sleep in my bed TwT Thank you~

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • I'm scared I might be pregnant?

    I had unprotected sex (don't judge me...I know it was a really bad mistake...) and lately I've been worried that I might be pregnant. I know he didn't *** in me because I saw him pull out. I don't know what the chances are though of being pregnant. I haven't had my period yet but I'm due this week. It was interesting though because I did have my last period and I had sex a few days before it and it was normal. I know I screwed up....I'm not ready though to have a child. I'm still young and if I am actually pregnant, I don't know what to do. This would honestly been the second time that I'm having such a huge scare. The first time I was much younger but I was okay. I'm actually much more calm about it right now. I'm worried though. I don't know what to do....someone please help...Thanks

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Not drinking enough water?

    I spent the last few weeks drinking a lot more water and replacing a lot of the sodas I usually drink with water. I kinda stopped drinking as much water though and I haven't been feeling as well as I usually do. Because I stopped drinking as much water as my body has gotten use to, is it the reason why I'm not feeling to well? I'm kinda thinking that because I'm not drinking as much water as my body got use to, it's not feeling as well as it should since that water isn't there (I've been drinking a lot of teas though^^;;)

    Any suggestions?:33 Thank you~

    5 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Places in Honolulu that do not require a workers permit?

    I'm having an extremely hard time getting a permit (it has a lot to do with my mother). I don't have a legal form of identification (birth certificate, state ID, etc.) so I can't just go and get a permit because I would need to order my birth certificate but I don't think I can just "do" that. I really want to get a job and I've been trying to look around for places that don't require workers permits (though it's probably better to have one). Is there any way I can find out faster so I don't have to search and waste time? If it helps, I'm 16.

    Thank you~

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • How to say a few things in Japanese?~?

    How would you say some things like

    "Do you listen to -insert song/artist here-?"

    "Do you watch -insert whatever here-?"

    I would think the first would be like "-insert music- o kikimasu ka?" and the second would be "-insert show thing- o mimasu ka?"

    I could be wrong but that's what I think it'd be since to kikimasu is to listen and to mimasu is to see/watch?~

    If you have more of those little sentences then please post them:3 The Furigana would be nicer to have than the Kanji since I'm kinda weak at reading Kanji^^;;

    Thank you:333

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • Casual Alois Trancy cosplay?~?

    Any suggestions for a casual Alois cosplay?~ I don't have a lot right now but for the meet-ups that I go to as Alois, it'd be nice to have something~

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago
  • How to sooth a sunburn?

    Went to the beach today and forgot to put sunscreen on XD Now I have a semi-bad sunburn on my back and shoulders. Best way to sooth this without aloe?(cause it's like 9 at night and it hurts XD)


    3 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • Can you get a fever over night?

    No, not how can you get a fever over it possible is the question? I was sick all this month but I was never this sick. It was just a really minor cough. Last night, I was having these weird chills that I've never had before in my life. I went to turn the AC off and I just curled up in a ball with my blankets. A few hours later though, I started to feel extremely hot. Also, is there any way to actually tell if I have a fever or not? Or is this just something really weird?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Burn fat and build muscle?

    I want to burn fat specifically around my arms and my stomach and gradually build more muscle. I do have some from canoe paddling but it's not a lot. What's the best way I can do this? I weigh about 120lb .

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • I wanna dress like a guy?

    I live in a house where my mom is homophobic and it kinda bothers me. I'm bi and gender fluid so it's kinda weird cause I can't be either. I have to pretend to be straight and be a girl all of the time which kinda bothers me because some days I feel more like a guy than a girl and I wanna dress like a guy but it's hard when I don't have the actual clothes to and I'm pretty sure my brother wouldn't appreciate me wearing his .__. How do I do really wanna have guy clothes too..Do I just start getting them and kinda tell my mom to live with it? Cause I don't want the world to be awkward but damn it kinda bothers me to not be able to express my guy side...

  • How to convince people to come to prom?

    Right now, I'm in student council so I have some say...Problem I'm having is that people are complaining that $80 is too much for a prom ticket when it's $80 for students and guests when it's usually $100 for students and usually more for guests due to liability. It's gonna be at a really really nice place and I really want it to still be there. What's kinda getting at me is that a friend of mines is trying to move it to our school when every time we've had an event at our school, it turned out kinda bad because our school is super small so we don't have a gymnasium or anything. And I understand that it's saving money and all, but events occurring at our school aren't that great....So how could we convince people that the $80 will be completely worth it because we had it at the same place last year and it was amazing.

    orz;; I didn't know where to categorize this >_>

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Substitute for cream/milk in coffee?

    I don't have any milk of cream at my house but I really want coffee but I hate the taste of it when it's just coffee...any way to substitute this?

    3 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks9 years ago
  • Ended up with a higher water mass?

    In class we did an experiment with CuSO4 (copper 2 sulfate) and we started with 2 grams. Went through a whole process of heating it, adding alcohol to it till it was rehydrated (but not liquidy) then added some water till it was rehydrated with that. Did a bunch of calculations and ended up finding that the water mass that we started with was more than the mass of the CuSO4. What could this mean?

    2 AnswersChemistry9 years ago
  • What would the best way to earn money be?

    There's this guy I like and I asked if he wanted to come to my prom and he said he'd think about it~ So I'm super happy cause he's probably gonna say yes...I'm having small issues with my mother though cause she wants me to bring the friend I brought last year cause she knows him but he can't if my mom won't help me pay for his ticket, then what is the best way I can earn money so I can pay for it so my mom only has to pay for mines? The ticket is $80 which is on the more lower end of the ticket prices for proms (esp for where we got it). Thank you^^

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance9 years ago