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Lv 1229 points


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I enjoy helping people out by answering questions, and I also like gaining insight from my peers as well.

  • WIndows 8.1 License key Expiring?

    So, my windows license key expires today and I managed to find the original license key from before. I want to try and do a complete restore/reboot/whatever to my computer and put the original license key in and see if it works.

    One thing I'm scared of is, what if it doesn't work and I end up stuck without a computer. Should I try it out and see if it works, or should I just let it go?

    2 AnswersSoftware4 years ago
  • My cat suddenly is acting aggressive?

    I just got back from vacation on Sunday, and my cat was acting all nice and sweet up until today. My cat (female, age 9) suddenly ran towards and attacked my nephew, sister, and I. I'm not quite sure why my cat is suddenly acting like this. Is this because my cat hasn't seen me in almost 2 months, and is having territorial aggression?

    And should I take her to the vet, and get her checked out? I believe she also has never had any shots, but is an indoor cat, so I doubt it'd be rabies. Also, my cat isn't spayed, and has arthritis in her hip. Could she be injured, is that why she's hostile? She never attacked anyone before today, so I'm just worried. I don't want to get rid of my cat, just because she attacked my nephew, sister, and I, for the first time, ever.

    1 AnswerCats5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Tattoo cost?

    Whenever I turn 18 (not for 3 years), I was hoping to get a tattoo like the one in the picture shown. But, what I was wondering is... how much would a tattoo like this cost? How much would it hurt, and how much hard is it to maintain a tattoo like this?

    Thank you! And real answers please, don't direct me to a website without telling me what the website is.

    3 AnswersTattoos5 years ago
  • My Sims 2 Double Deluxe game keeps crashing!?

    Okay, so I reinstalled my Sims 2 Double Deluxe game but it keeps crashing. I tried turning off my laptop then turning it back on and it still does it. I have Windows Vista Basic. It worked the first couple weeks I had it then a few months later it started crashing. Now whenever I load the game it keeps crashing. Can someone help it to stop? I need help really, really, really bad! I really want to play it. I deleted all of my custom content. Please help me!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Good writing websites other than Quotev?

    I need a good online writing website other then Quotev because that website keeps deleting me for no reason. So, I need something else.

    Got any suggestions?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Easiest ways to make friends?

    So, I've been wanting to make friends for awhile now and I literally have no friends. I like to find friends who are into the same stuff as I am, but if not that's fine. Is there an easier way to make friends then just by doing that?

    I need some answers please because I'm going on a school outing on Friday and I really, really, really want to make friends.

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • How much do pomeranians cost?

    I'd like to get a pomeranian when I'm 18, and I was just wondering how much do they cost?

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago