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Baby shower for 5th baby in a mixed family.?
5 years ago my husbands family had a shower for him and his ex wife they had a boy. I had one for my daughter 4 years ago before meeting my husband. Since then we have had 2 more girls. If this baby happens to be a boy would it be frowned apon to have a shower for diapers and boy things like clothing blankets and such. In my family my sister and cousin had full showers for each of there 3 children with in 4 years. Thanks
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years agoCan a family of 7, the parents and 5 girls under 6 be denied to a trailer park if its only a 2 bedroom.?
A friend of mine was told that here family has to be out of her in-laws house by the 1st (renting 2 bedrooms for 800). I have a 2 bedroom trailer we just moved out of and my friend would like to buy it. Can the landlord deny them moving in to the trailer park because of them having 7 in the 2 bedroom. there children are all girls oldest is 6 and youngest is 1. due to there credit they can not get any other housing at this time. thanks for your opinions.
4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years agowould you let your 2 and 3 year old watch ghostbusters.?
my 3 year old found the movie and is now asking repeatedly to watch it.
7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years agoAt what age did you stop running in your kids room when they whimpered at night.?
Just wondering at what age did you stop going in to your kids room when they cry a little at night. I am not asking about when they are screaming or calling your name just softly whimpering. thanks for any answers
6 AnswersParenting10 years agomy husbands ex asked me not to tell him some thing what do i do. read for info?
My husband and his ex wife share a 3 year old boy. the ex has a friend that is very mentally unstable and the ex said that she was done talking to her and seeing her and she would keep the boy away from this person. In the last 2 weekends he has been around this friend 2 times the second time she was sleeping at a house that the mother sent the little boy to spend the night at. The ex asked me not to tell my husband that both there son and this person were in the same house over night. What sound i do i feel that i should tell him but then it will just cause more tension between every one when trying to co parent the son. what sound i do.
7 AnswersParenting1 decade agoterminix coming in morning and i am worried about my kids things.?
I have 3 toddlers and i am pregnant again we have ants bad in my living room where most of the toys are and my bed is also in there. I am wondering when they come and spray is what they spray going to go right in the cracks or the house and not get all over our toys and blankets. i really don't have time to pick every thing up. please any one with small children and very limited space in there house have a treatment for ants how did they do it. thanks
5 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agoHaving new baby need names that match what i have.?
my step son is Elijah Michael
Daughters are
Marah Lyberti
Dayna Elizabeth
we don't know what the baby is yet so any advice would be great looking for names that are not often used. thanks
9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoTest came back positive very early twins?
My last monthly period was october 25th and i have a 32 day cycle. My clearblue easy digital test came back positive at 7dpo. Any chance the reason it came back so early is twins. thanks
8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHalloween movies for small kids?
I have 3 kids 3 and under and with Halloween coming up my 2 year old especial wants to watch "boo scares" movies. I am not sure what there is for Halloween movies that ok for her. She is advanced for her age and likes movies with real people better than cartoons. I would like some suggestions on Halloween movies that i will enjoy as well as my children. thank you so much
9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoWhen your toddler age 2 and over refuses to eat what do you do.?
i have 3 kids 1,2, and 3 my 1 year old will eat any thing. My 2 year old has recently decided to eat only what she likes and when she eats none she begs for snacks later at night. My 3 year old just decided this week he did not have to eat. but if there are any snacks they want them. i don't think they should get snacks after dinner if they have not ate any or their dinner. what do you think.
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoif you have pcos pregnancy.?
I have pcos and i had the Lh rize on the 20th of last month but had the cm for ovulation on 26 or 28th and i was wondering if i ovulated on the 28th could i still have got my period on the 2nd and then get pregnant because the egg had not had the time to implant yet if it takes 6 to 12 days to implant and ovulation occurred the 28th then i could take till yesterday to implant. can that happen with pcos.
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoWhy is abortion so much better than adoption to so many people.?
I am pro-choice but the choice i am for is adoption or keep your kid. I dont know why so many people call a baby a mistake sorry to say god does not make mistakes. I wonder how these girls that want abortions would feel if it was the other way around and they had a miscarrage like so many woman who want babies. If i was ever in a place were i could not care for that baby i would give it to some one who for one reason or another is unable to have them. why kill someone who would could be someone else's whole world its only 9 months of pregnancy and then you can forget they even existed.
14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHey horror fans is any one else disappointed.?
I watched the crazies today and good move but they had a preview for the new Nightmare on elm street and :( no Robert Englund as Kruger i got all excited until i heard freddy talk and new it was not him ugh.
5 AnswersMovies1 decade agohow many of you got your bfp's this month and what dpo where you?
i am in the 2ww ttc number 5 have 2 angel babys and 2 baby girls. I am about 8 or 9 dpo i think and was just wondering any of you ladys get your BFP this month and if so how many dpo where you.
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agowhat movie should i watch tonight.?
i have a 19 month old baby and i was wondering what movie i should watch to night that i would enjoy and would be appropriate for her. must be able to rent or buy at the store.
11 AnswersMovies1 decade agoHow many days or hrs in a row can you have positive ovulation tests.?
my husband a I have been ttc since our 7 month old was born. we have bought opks tor the last 3 months. this is the first time the test keep coming up positive on ovulation prediction tests. I took one at 2pm yesterday and one at 7 yesterday and one at 10 am today and another at 2. I have one left to finish off pack. they expire 30 days after opening so i cant save it. I think i will take it at 7 tonight. just wondering if i am having my lh surge lasting this long or could i be like my friend who ovulates day after af and i am getting positive opks cuz i am pregnant. thanks
5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoHas any one ever really had implantation bleeding.?
The first day of my last period was jan 28 and i got positive opk's for about 12 hrs on the 14th. My last cycle was 34 days. today i had some pink when i wiped and have had nothing since. I am hopping to be pregnant but i am so confused i have 2 girls 19m and 6m and i did not notice any bleeding before my period was due with them. I know to take a test and so far they are all neg. I just am wondering what you think or if you ever experienced this. thanks
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoHas any one ever really had implantation bleeding.?
The first day of my last period was jan 28 and i got positive opk's for about 12 hrs on the 14th. My last cycle was 34 days. today i had some pink when i wiped and have had nothing since. I am hopping to be pregnant but i am so confused i have 2 girls 19m and 6m and i did not notice any bleeding before my period was due with them. I know to take a test and so far they are all neg. I just am wondering what you think or if you ever experienced this. thanks
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agois my 2.5 year old safe in a backless booster seat.?
He will be 3 in july and we also have a 19 month old and a 6 month old. I went from having a van to having a smaller car still 4 door. but the only problem is i can not get the babys rear facing car seat with base and my 18 months olds toddler seat in and also have a toddler seat for our son. he will sit very well in the booster and not move but only has the lap belt on. I dont know what to do i can try to just buckle the baby in with out the base and maybe they will all fit if not can he at 30 lbs use this seat that says safe from 30 to 80 lobs
4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoI live in a trailer park and have 3 kids 2.5 and under and snowmobiles go by all night.?
My neighbor rides his snow mobile right past my house under my kids window waking them. i don't know him at all i have never met him. I am not sure if i should go talk to him or what. He goes buy as late at 230 bar close and the police cant do anything the park is private land. please help
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago