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  • Does Codeine make people more tired than other pain killers such as Vicodin and Percocet?

    I ask cause I was prescribed Tylenol 3 and took ONE pill and got really tired. I never had that level of sleepiness from vicodin or Percocet. I am not wanting to take another cause I am not ready for bed. Please comment your opinion if you have taken all three of those pain killers or at least two and let me know if codeine is really tiresome then the rest. Also I only take medication prescribed to me.

  • Why would a cat bring another cat live prey?

    Our 5 1/2 year old cat Nilla Bean brings our other cat Lexi who is 2 years old in October live prey often. She drops it at her feet for HER to torture and kill. The prey are always very healthy and never wounded (I save the ones I see). Last month she gave Lexi a lizard (carried it across the road and dropped it at Lexi's feet) yesterday a bird (it flew away when she dropped it at her feet) and today a chipmunk (still in the garage scared but I have the cat's in). I can't find any information on why Nilla Bean could be doing this. OPINIONS OR FACTS? Is it a sign of respect, a gift or to get the young'in off her back???

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • I have a Maine Coon mix cat. She has Maine Coon ears, paws and their temperment. How much Maine Coon is she?

    She has the hair tips on her ears, longer hair between paws. She has a long bushy tail compared to her body hair. She LOVES water and plays in the sink. She is very gentle when playing. I got her at 4 months old from a hoarder who had 20 cats. Her mom passed away and she was bottle feed. She is now 1 year and 1 week old. I'd guess around 10-11 pounds. Very healthy and has been to the vet 4 times since I had her. Also passed her leukemia/aids test. How much Maine Coon could she have in her? She is grey with white chest, stomach and paws. The white comes up to her mouth- one side is white the other grey. Also I know Maine Coons are slow growers and can take 3-4 years to bulk up. Is my cat done growing at one year? Her Birthday was October 17th. Thanks in advance for your answers, advice, suggestions and opinions=)

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • What Sega Genises game starts out in a cage where you have to swing back and forth to get free?

    Near the beginning your in a cave and leeches are falling on you from the ceiling. Have no idea what year it was made. Played it as a child. What is the name of this game? I think Aliens were in the game.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Looking for a movie. Made for t.v. About water contamination. Ppl going to neighborhoods giving water.?

    Everyone's in a panic. People are dying, hospitals are full. They have to boil water before consuming. Even to the touch it is dangerous. At the end I think the main guy and his friends are around a fountain and the water test come back clear so they jump in or push each other in. It is most likely from the 90's. It is NOT Erin Brockavich or the John Travolta movie. PLEASE let me know if it sounds familiar. I need the name.

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Need help for my new 10 gallon.?

    Lost all my fish due to a power outage. I can't get my big aquarium cleaned until spring, as late as early summer. So now I have a 10 gallon only. I know about proper stocking and how to stock.... that is why I am worried.

    I have beautiful bright red gravel and so I want a female Betta either pink, white, red or purple (even a mixture of those colors) and 2 MAYBE 3 Albino Corydoras.

    I know Corydoras should have a bigger aquarium and a 10 gallon is kinda small. Would it still hold 2-3? Many claim they need 4+ HOWEVER some people buy just one or two all the time. I notice as long as you have 2 they are fine and still very active. I would never own less than 2 though.

    Another thing, By the time I get the fish the aquarium will only be up for a week. I left the filter, decoration/ornaments and fake plants alone to help with the good bacteria but it still worries me.

    If I added 1 female Betta (small/immature, about 1/2" as I want to start young) and 2 Albino Corydoras (might get a third in another month), will it be ok? I know the fish can die if you add too much at once. I think a 15% water change every 2-3 days would help high ammonia spikes.

    Any Advice would be great!

    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Red Tail Shark Growth Rate?

    I got my Red Tail Shark about 6 months ago. It hasn't grown too much. Maybe 1/2". I know it has grown cause it is bigger than any in the display tanks at petsmart. I heard they grow fast, so I am a little worried. I want her to grow to be at least 4" and plump.

    She gets fed once a day. Either Dried Brine Shrimp, Dried Blood Worms or tropical flakes. About once a month it gets a cucumber slice for 2-3 hours. Since she is still small in a 30 gallon, I do a small water change once a week.

    3 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Female Convicts with Red Tail Shark?

    I have a 2 1/2" Red Tail Shark that is very aggressive. The aquarium is a 30 gallon (YES, a Red Tail Shark can be in a 30 gallon) and it only has the shark which I think is a female. I want to add 1-2 female convicts.

    ~Will they be able to defend themselves without harming the Shark?

    ~Can 2 female Convicts live together? (I'll have separate caves for them to claim in the 2 back corners and lots of fake plants) I had a pair of Convicts years ago and the alpha female picked on other females but for good reasons. I think 2 females without a male might work...

    ~Should I get the Convicts at 1" or a little bigger to stand up to my Red Tail Shark?

    Please don't give answers like:

    "your stocked" or "Red Tail Sharks can't be in 30 gallons". It would be a waste cause I know they can.



    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • What kind of algea do I have? How can I be sure?

    It is on all 4 sides of glass. It was on decorations but 2 months ago I soaked them in bleach for 6 hours then soaked in water for a day (re-filling with clean water to dilute and wash away bleach). Now the issue is on the walls. It wont come off with a rag. It is green with a small amount of a brown tint. I think it is now harming my Red Tail Shark. Should I strip it down and totally clean it?

    I wouldn't wash gavel so I could save good bacteria for the fish, but I think I should just scrub it down with bleach and soak it in fresh water until I know all bleach is gone. I don't WANT to do this but I think it may be my fishes only hope. He is getting lighter in color and I can't get rid of the algea. How hazardous is algea?

    4 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • Will a Red Tail Shark harass/kill Mystery snails?

    I want to buy 4-6 blue Mystery snails...

    4 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • Issues with Red Tail Shark turning white/grey (10pts.)?

    About 2 months ago my 3" Red Tail Shark started turning grayish. Now it has grey tints and most his face is white. He is young and alone, so I stopped water changes and just re-add water that evaporates. I did a 25% water change tonight to just see if he'd turn black again and no luck. People I have told say they turn grey when sexually maturing. Please help! I also have algae that wont scrub off. I don't want to use chemicals to kill the algae so I am gonna get a algae scraper. Will it work? This is tough algae that a rag can't get off.

    Any tips or info on Red Tail Sharks is also great. They are my fave fish!

    1 AnswerFish10 years ago
  • Algae bloom issue in aquarium!?

    I have a 30 gallon with one Red Tail Shark. The Algae is getting worse. The aquarium has been set up for a little over 3 years and I never had this issue. I tried cleaning the algae off the glass but it wont come off at all! It is like super glue. I don't want to use any algae killers as I don't want to harm my fish. What do I do?

    1 AnswerFish10 years ago
  • What can I put with my Red Tail Shark?

    I have a 30 gallon with one Red Tail Shark and 2 Upside Down Catfish (a species that grows 3-4"). The Red Tail Shark is aggressive and I had to remove 3 Ghost Catfish because of it. I am interested in one more upside Down Catfish or a Blue Gourami. Any advice?

    ALSO, my upside down catfish haven't grown much since I bought them around 6-8 months ago. Are they slow growers?

    2 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • Is it ok to feed my fish algea wafers every day?

    I have 4 Kuhli Loaches, 4 Oto Cats and 3 Corydoras that LOVE Algae Wafers. Is it safe/ok to feed them a wafer everyday? Or are they like Blood Worms and Brine Shrimp and should be fed them on a treat basis? The Corydoras seem to hoard it but the Loaches and Oto Cat's do get some. Is it safe if I continue feeding them it daily? Don't worry, I remove leftovers in 2 hours.

    Thanks so much in advance=)

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Too much Dried Blood Worms for my Red Tail Shark?

    So I got a Red Tail Shark about 3 weeks ago (My dad had 2 when I was a child). I offered it MANY foods and it turned down them all:


    Tropical Flake Food

    Fresh baby spinach


    Dried brine Shrimp

    Betta Pellets

    Algae Wafers


    Dried Blood Worms

    It took 1 1/2- 2 weeks for it to even except the DRIED blood worms finally. It was very active and survived off the growing algae (although I doubt there was much as I have 4 Oto Cats). It wont except ANY other food.

    Is it safe to feed it Blood Worms daily? Do I just have a picky Red Tail Shark? I KNOW for sure it doesn't eat other food cause I am in that room with them most the time. Can it survive and thrive on Dried Blood Worms and natural algae growth?

    10 pts for sure!

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • How fast do Red Tail Sharks grow? Determining sex?

    I got a Red Tail Shark. I think it is a female as it isn't pure black. The stomach is a lighter color like grey. She has a red tip on the top fin. I was told females have that as well but other people say a white tip doesn't determine sex differences. Does anyone have more info on the white tip?

    Do females get larger than males? I use to have one that was a male. He was 4-4.5". Will a female reach 5-6"?

    I want to upgrade it to a 40 gallon when it reaches 4", Now it is 2", maybe 2.5". Are they fast growers or slow?

    Thanks in advance. Please answer what you can even if you only know one answer to my many questions. It is very appreciated=)

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • My new Red Tail Shark wont eat. What to try?

    I have a 2" maybe 2.5" Red Tail Shark in a 29 gallon. Got it about 5-6 days ago. The first night it ate flakes cause it had a round stomach. Since, the stomach has been flat and I can't get it to eat. I have tried:

    Tropical Flakes

    Dried Brine Shrimp


    de shelled peas

    and today I got dried Blood Worms and baby spinach. It wont eat none of it. It swims through the flakes like it is nothing but showed interest in the shrimp by trying it then spitting it out at least. Same thing with the Dried Blood Worms recently.

    My dad tells me it will eat when it is ready and I am worried for nothing. Am I just offering it wrong food? How many foods did I mention are WHAT THEY ACTUALLY LIKE? I mean I READ that that's what they like, but am I wrong? Please let me know. I don't want to starve it. I researched it before buying it and plan to put it in a 40 gallon when it reaches 4".

    It is very active and has a red tail with a little yellow before the red shows.I read they need vegi's for the tail to stay red so I had plans on feeding it a Vegi or 2 every week. Am I right at all?

    Thanks dearly=)

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago