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  • Are they good parents?

    My mom and dad would go out 3-4 times a week to the bar from 5p.m to at least midnight if not longer getting completely **** faced. When they come back home they either wake us ( my brother and I ) up by yelling or bumping into things. The next day after drinking so much they just start yelling at us for no reason for for little reasons. They don't really cook anything for us, and they just but Burger King or what ever. And to have fast food basically everyday or every 2 days isn't good for you! Last week I had a fever of 103 so I stayed home from school resting. My parents were at work, my brother at school. My parents came home and started yelling at me saying why didn't I do the dishes? I was home all day. When they both knew I was sick! But the bottom line is, both my parents smoke a lot, drink a lot, yell a lot, hardly ever cook or clean anything. And it's not like I could move out or anything I'm only 15 and my brother's 17. I told my mom that I'm done everything now and that I hate her and my dad. I mean can you blame me? Are they good parents? And what should I do?

    6 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Do they sound like good parents to you?

    I love them to death, they're my family but my aunt and uncle have 2 babies. One is going to be 2 years old and the other is going to be 5 months old. The 2 year old jumps on the couch and beds. She never shares, when you tell her sharing is caring she'll scream No. When you're chasing her playing she'll laugh and run away. But once you get close she'll cry No and hit you. When ever you tell her No she'll pout and cry throwing a huge fit over nothing. While my aunt and uncle don't give her a time out nor do they really do anything. They allow her to basically do whatever she wants. And sometimes when you're playing with the 5 month old she'll hit him and pout when you say that's not nice you shouldn't do that. And my uncle is over protective over her complaining about every thing my aunt does saying she shouldn't do this or that. But he just sits on his butt and never really helps or spends time with his kids unless my aunt is working very hard at her job. And the 5 month old can't even hold his head up and by now he should kind of be able to right? They always hold him, when you go to put him down he'll scream and cry bloody murder. And when you go to pick him up he'll stop and smile. They're always having him laying down so the back of his head is flat. Do you think this is good parenting or not? I mean I love them all, but with this I think they're not really being good parents. I shouldn't really judge them since I'm not a mom I'm 16 the only baby I have is my dog. But are they good parents or are their kids just behaving badly cause that's normal?

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • How old should you start potty training?

    So my cousin is going to be 2 years old in 2 months. My mom works as my aunts nanny I guess you could say. Anyway my mom asked my aunt if she wants her to start potty training her daughter. My aunt said no she'll do it but she says that all the time for the past 2 months and never happened. My cousin is ready for potty training, she says she wants to sit on the toilet, then she pushes but her pants are still on since my aunt doesn't want us to train her. She tells us when she went pee and poo. And my aunt wants her to go to this day care where she needs to potty trained first. And my mom says that my cousin should already be learning how to use the toilet. So what age should you potty train your child? My mom said she potty trained my brother and I when we were the age before 2 years old. Thank You~

    5 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • How would you describe this?

    It's for a story I'm working on. A mother gets a phone call stating that her son's been kidnapped by a serial killer. Saying that each day she's not there to save him, each day he's gonna torture him painfully. So can you describe how the mother will feel. I pictured the feelings and everything in my head but I just can't make out the feelings into my story or words. Thank You!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • What are some painful ways to torture someone to death?

    So I'm writing a story and there's an insane killer who tortures his victims painfully before actually killing them as he enjoys watching them suffer. I need 4 more painful and horrific ways to torture/kill someone. I already have...

    1. had their skin peeled off by an electric meat slicer

    2. had their eyes gouged out and finger tips burned with acid

    3. had the back of their ankles, wrists, and throat slit open

    4. had the back of their ankles, wrists, and throat slit open

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Is this bad? Or is it okay?

    I was sick with the flu and because of that I haven't showered in a week. I know it's disgusting but my body was aching from being sick. But don't worry, as soon as I'm better you could better believe I'm going to take a nice hot shower. But still, is this bad that I haven't showered in a week?

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • What do you like and hate about GTA 5?

    I like the fact that you could play online with other people, there are a lot of hidden secrets like the creepy ghost girl on the mountain, the ufo, the aliens, the sewer, the 8 killer, and that you could chose to play different characters. I don't like the fact that you die a lot easier, you get busted by cops a lot easier and for no reason too. You get stars a lot quicker. What are the things you like and hate about GTA 5?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • GTA 5, why do you get arrested for no reason by cops?

    So I was just roaming around not killing anyone, just driving around obeying the law ( I know it doesn't sound fun but I just wanted to see how long it would take me to get board ) Anyways, I was standing by the hospital and there were 2 cops standing around too. I walked passed them and looked at them for a mere second then I got busted for nothing! What the hell did I do wrong?! I love GTA but the one thing I hate about it is that you get in trouble by the police for either no reason or way too quickly.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • I'm always nauseous, tired, and have headaches too?

    I've been getting 8 hours 9 hours of sleep max. I eat healthy food, only a little junk food. I only drink water because pop, juice, coffee, etc makes me nauseous. But for the past week I've been feeling very nauseous, tired, and I always get these horrible headaches. When I take advil or something it doesn't help. I get headaches on the top of my head, in the back of my head and top of my forehead. I'm 16 and never had sex so I'm not pregnant. And before I got to the doctors I would like to see what maybe be wrong first. So what do you think this is? And please no mean answers....Thank You!~

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • How many of you like FT?

    For those who don't know what FT is it stands for Fairy Tail a Japanese manga/anime. For those who have read/watch/heard of FT how many of you like it and what's your age?

    I'm 16 and I love FT!

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Can you play video games when you're sick?

    I lnow this is a stupid question but still....I'm sick with the flu, well more like the 24 hour flu cause Wednesday I was throwing up a couple a times. Yesterday thankfully I wasn't throwing up anymore but I still wasn't feeling well. And now today I don't have a fever anymore just I'm tired and my body aches from throwing up and not feeling well. So the past few days I stayed home right. Now it's after school hours and I'm really bored, and want to play some video games. ( Mainly GTA 5 ) only for an hour or two. But I'm afraid that when my mom comes home from work she'll yell at me like she usually does and say " If you're well enough to play video games, you were well enough to go to school " And when I try to tell her it's different from being sick while playing video games and going to school. At school you have to carry heavy bookbags, walk around class to class, sit up for hours, write nonstop, talk to anwer questions and stuff, and get other people sick as well. While playing video games you're still in bed laying down under the covers resting. Sorry if this is long, but I wanna know if I'm right about this? Can you play video games when you're sick? Thank You!

    3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation8 years ago
  • How do you suddenly get sick?

    Last night I couldn't sleep at all, maybe about an hour or two if that? Anyway, about 10:00 p.m I was feeling a bit dizzy and nauseous. I didn't tell my mom or anyone because they were all sleeping. So then about 10:30 I was in the bathroom throwing up til about 11:00. I felt a little better. Although about fifteen minutes later I felt sick again. About 11:30 to 1:00 a.m I was in the bathroom again throwing up. After that I was in so much pain, I cried, and had a huge headache. And now I woke up this morning about 6:00 a.m feeling like complete crap and I still kind of feel like throwing up again. I don't get it? What happened? Can you just suddenly get sick or get the flu or something? For those who answered and helped, Thank You!

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Can you suddenly get sick?

    Last night I couldn't sleep at all, maybe about an hour or two if that? Anyway, about 10:00 p.m I was feeling a bit dizzy and nauseous. I didn't tell my mom or anyone because they were all sleeping. So then about 10:30 I was in the bathroom throwing up til about 11:00. I felt a little better. Although about fifteen minutes later I felt sick again. About 11:30 to 1:00 a.m I was in the bathroom again throwing up. After that I was in so much pain, I cried, and had a huge headache. And now I woke up this morning about 6:00 a.m feeling like complete crap and I still kind of feel like throwing up again. I don't get it? What happened? Can you just suddenly get sick or get the flu or something? For those who answered and helped, Thank You!

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Please help, I'm having panic attack?

    So school was today at 7:45, and I've missed a week due to being sick and now I'm having a panic attack! It's not the first time either, I have them all the time. My mom doesn't understand, she yells at me and gets mad at me if I try to ask if I could stay home. I asked her then she said fine whatever but the police will knock on the door and drag you to school. Would that really happen if I stay home? But I'm having a major panic attack, I can't breathe, I feel sick, I want to puke, I want to pass out too! Would school understand that I have to miss cause of a major panic attack that happens a lot?

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Please, help me! What should I do?

    I'm a freshman in high school and I've missed about 9 days so far due to strep throat. I'm failing one of my classes, I had an A dropped to an F. I missed the midterms and make up day too because of the strep throat. I have a lot of missing work to make up and I'm utterly scared to go back to school! I'm scared the other students even the teachers would criticize me because it's happened to me before when I was in 6th grade cause I was out for a week from the flu. I'm so scared on going back to school tomorrow, I beg my mom to let me stay home. I cry myself to sleep from the fear, I have panic attacks and I even think of ways to allow my mom to let me stay home like making myself puke, staying up all night, etc. Please help me, I'm scared of going to school, ruining my future, and even scared that I'm going to have a mental break down and I'm scared that one day I'll harm myself seriously! Please, help me, what should I do?

    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Do guys like fat or skinny girls?

    Would guys prefer the skinny model type or the fat type with bigger boobs?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Poll: Who do you think is prettier?

    Okay so these 2 girls are my best friends...And I wanna know who is prettier. BQ: How old do you think they are, be honest!


    The one on top is named Amber, she has dark brown hair, blue eyes ( Depending on what she wears it changes to silver, purple, green, grey, etc ) She is 5ft7 and 100 lbs.

    The one on bottom is named Elle, she has blonde hair and green/hazel eyes. She is 5ft8 and 156 lbs.

    Now be honest, it could be mean and or nice comments, but who is prettier in your own thoughts? And how old do you think my friends are?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Baffled about freshman guy(s)? What are the signs?

    What are the signs of a freshman guy liking a freshman girl? I'm asking this question only because I'm curious to know if this guy likes me or not? I only have him in my P.E and World History class, when ever he has the chance he'll try to set next to me or any where near me. I'd turn my head to watch the clock, or teacher talk and I see him starring at me. We talk maybe a few times, but it's only small talk....So what are all/most of the signs of a 9th grade boy liking a girl & what are they thinking too? I'm asking this too because my guy friend says guys our age only think about sex with you? Anyways, Thank You!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Fairy Tail Anime Fans, Need Help!!!?

    So I'm up to the arc ' Key of the Starry Sky ' and I was wondering is it any good and is it important to watch? I mean if I don't watch it would I be confused or missing something? Or, is it alright to skip it because I was reading reviews and comments people made on it saying it's horrible. So is it worth watching and do I need to watch it or what? Thank You! ~

    5 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • High School Question?!?

    Okay, first off, don't judge me alright? And I don't want any rude answers/comments okay? I'll be a freshman of HS in two weeks when school starts and I'll be 16 due to the way my birthday fell and everything. Anyway, none of my friends are going to the same school as me and it's not a problem for me to make friends easily. However, I don't want to walk threw the doors of the school and be paralyzed kind of just starring out in front of myself thinking ' Holy crap, this is actually Hs ' and be scared and nervous. And I can't make it to the freshman connection thingy cause I'm already busy with family plans. So, what I was thinking was if someone goes/will be going to the same school as me maybe that you'd be able to show me around and give me advice of the school? I live in Chicago Illinois and I'm going to the HS Amundsen High School....If any one of you are at/will be at this school would you maybe wanna show me around and give some advice like I said before? You could place your answer here of course, or you could send me your answer ( S ) to my email which is And PLEASE don't judge me for asking this, it's just that I'm really nervous and I don't want to stand in the middle of the halls and look like a complete idiot. I hope you understand, Thank! ~