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Lv 31,830 points

Sarah H

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  • another potty question...?

    my son was two in december. i am wanting to start potty training, but my son shows no interest in trying to learn. he LIKES diapers. i put regular underware on him and he went and got a diaper and tried to put it on. he wanted the "big boy underware" on after the diaper was back on him.

    people say their kids got sick of being in dirty diapers. how? i always change hm as soon as i know he is wet or dirty. should i wait a little to change him? am i starting too soon?

    any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • lactose intolerance? how can you tell? (graphic BM description... sorry)?

    my daughter switched to regular vitamin D milk when she turned1. before this she was on alimentum formula. she had normal poops (sorry) while on the formula, but now on the milk she has very hard round smelly smelly BM's (they smell like horse poop) they are like rabbit pellets. they are always like this. is this her being lactose intolerant? i havent talked to my dr yet. she goes regularly. i didnt know if i should be concerned or not.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • terrrible 2's- whats the best way to handle...?

    my son turned 2 in december. lately when we tell him "no" becasue we dont like what he is doing, he will throw his toys in anger. he throws large toys in a destructive manner. i have just tried ignoring him and it doesnt seem to work.

    i dont want him acting out like this, but when we address him throwing the toys he just throws another one. we have tried a swat on the butt, but that just makes him run around crying. i dont like to hit him because i feel it just reinforces bad behavior. (hitting = to hit is "okay")

    i just want the best for him. i want him to be able to control his anger and accept that we are the adults. any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • beginning to take seroquel?

    in the last two days i have started taking seroquel (25mg in am 50mg in pm) this is for anxiety and panic disorder. i have never been on meds like this before. i am just so tired and blah. i feel like i am coming down from smoking weed. i feel like this all day long (only thing i can think to compare it to) i hate feeling this way. will it always be like this?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • hey tax pros!!!! i have one for ya?

    can you take a 179 depreciation on a racehorse?

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • question about 2009 direct payment for SSI recipients?

    my daughter is disabled and gets SSI. will she be entitled to the 2009 stimulus direct payment (that were passed by the senate and house) even though she is a minor?

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • i think my 1 yr old has a speech delay?

    my daughter turned 1 on new years eve. she only started saying mamamama and dadadada a few weeks ago ( i am pretty sure she doesn't mean to say it) i know to talk to her pediatrician and all but are there any other mothers with young children whose speech delays started this early? whats your advice?

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • who is responsible? landlord or business?

    we are a tax service with no food service in the building (employees do eat here and use trash cans to dispose of their wrappers. but nothing abnormal...) we have discovered we have rodents. we are thinking they are rats because of the excessive damage they do in one night. (they destroyed an unopened box of hot chocolate mix like no mouse could have)

    the landlord said he could send an exterminator, but could add it to our rent. but i dont think this is fair. we havent done anything to encourage the rats to be in the building. i feel there are conditions to the outside of the building that contribute to their access in here. (a large opening). but if it is our responsibility we will pay up.

    cause ew... who wants rats...

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • caring for bi racial hair?

    my children are bi racial ( white and african american) and i have no idea how to care for their hair. can anyone give me any tips such as how often i should wash their hair ( i was told once every two weeks but i wash it about once a week) and what i should be putting in it to keep it from breaking and being brittle. their hair also grows very very slowly. is this normal or am i doing something wrong? any help would be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • adoptee discrimination?

    i am asking this with complete respect. how are adoptees discriminated against? i read it in the one question and am just wondering.

    12 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • when do i switch my preemie to her big girl car seat?

    my daughter was born three months premature. she is growing very fast and doesnt seem to have any lasting medical problems. she was diagnosed with low muscle tone in her trunk and legs but with the help of physical therapy she is almost caught up to her birth age (she has surpassed her adjusted age) she weighs 19lbs now and will probably be 20lbs by her 1st birthday(12/31). but can i switch her to a forward facing car seat or should i wait until her due date to switch her(3/31)?

    18 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • when do you start time out?

    i have a 19 month old son who is generally a good kid, but some times he gets out of control... when did you successfully start time outs? when are "early bed times" okay? am i jumping the gun?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • preemie with developmental delay?

    my daughter was born at 27 weeks gestation. she was in the NICU for two months after she was born. she is now 6 months old and i took her for her check up. the doctor is concerned because she is not doing what a three month old should be doing (3 months is her adjusted age.) and the doctor has ordered her for physical therapy. have any other moms of preemies gone through this. is this an indication of more developmental delays to come? why do i feel so scared for her?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • my son is traveling out of country PLEASE HELP?

    my son is goung to mexico with his great uncle and his family. my uncle and my son have the same last name and look similar. my son has a valid passport. what else do i need to do for him to leave the country? i heard about a notorized letter if i do need that what should it say? and how should it be signed? grandpa is dropping him off in michigan (we are in the eastern part of ohio) any help would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • my son is traveling out of country PLEASE HELP?

    my son is goung to mexico with his great uncle and his family. my uncle and my son have the same last name and look similar. my son has a valid passport. what else do i need to do for him to leave the country? i heard about a notorized letter if i do need that what should it say? and how should it be signed? grandpa is dropping him off in michigan (we are in the eastern part of ohio) any help would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • my son is going to mexico with his great uncle...?

    they have the same last name and look similar. my son has a valid passport. what else do i need to do for him to leave the country? i heard about a notorized letter if i do need that what should it say? and how should it be signed? grandpa is dropping him off in michigan (we are in the eastern part of ohio) any help would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Mexico1 decade ago
  • toddler nipple hair?

    ok so my 16 month old has clear nipple hair... ther are two each nipple... he is a boy and is mixed with russian, african american, italian, puerto rican, and irish. is this normal at all? i dont want a thyroid problem, and be blindsided

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • when do you give toddlers forks and spoons to eat themselves?

    i may have waited too long, i am a first time mom so i may have waited too late. i just need advice.

    13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • what are common signs of lactose intolerance in my 16 month old? (graphic poo description ahead... sorry...)?

    Noah pukes cottage cheese like substance after drinking milk, not every time but it is pretty common. Also he is prone to weird explosive poops that look like a cross between sweet potatoes and cream cheese. Or he will be on the opposite end and have hard pellets that stink like the high heavens! i would ask my doctor but i am in the middle of switching peds. any input would be helpful!

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • ear piercing?

    ok... i know it may seem barbaric... but i want her ears pierced when she cant remember it... when did you pierce your daughters ears?

    26 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago