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Mr. Logic

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  • Can I transfer schools?

    I have a part time job at 3:30 a few days a week, but I don't get out of school till 3 and its like a 40 min drive. I really have issues with my old school anyway, so Im thinking I'd kill two birds with one stone and tranfer to the school in the town where I work. Driving that far isn't an issue because I drive 30 to school now. Can I change public schools legaly to the other school? I have a job there so surely it would be allowed. Anybody know if that would be allowed?

  • How do I get an app on my phone?

    I want this neat toy thing I found on line and it is operated with an app, but the app is only avaliable for IOS and android devices. I have a nokia lumia, how do I get that app on my phone if at all possible?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • How to get insurance to buy a car?

    Im about to be 18, and have some saved money to buy a new, cheap car to get me to school/work, but Im a little confused. Ive never done this before and have to all alone now. I know I need insurance on the car to buy it legally, but I'm not sure how to get car insurance coverage first. Do I call my preferred future insurance provider and tell them I need insurance proof for a car Im about to buy? Im not really sure what to do, anybody understand that can help?

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • Is Aeropostale a cheap/wanna be brand? Is it a low class brand?

    Where I go to school, Im one of the richer kids, because I'm middle class and everyone around is kinda lower class. I've been wearing clothes from Aeropostale for years, because thats what everyone wore. I just thought it was natural. I may be moving to a different school next year in a higher income area, and I'm not shallow, but I'd like to fit in. Is it okay to wear my old clothes, or do I need to take some of my money and get more expensive clothes?

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Do you ever think the more you do, the less proud your parents are?

    My parents seem to want more from me, and I try to deliver. Im only 16, I have a job, Im an honor roll student, and then I earned a freaking black belt, and my parents actually seem like they want me to add more to my life than before. Why do parents make you feel kinda like this? Am I all alone here or do you understand too?

    3 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Why do parents think their children are ignorant?

    Parents of 16/17 year olds are supposed to be letting their child off into the world within the next 5 years, and likely sooner, so why do they act like their children can't do anything? Shouldn't it show their skills at parenting suck? Maybe this is one reason teenagers and parents don't get along, a lack of true life instruction, and a lot of just fussing over chores. What do you think?

    7 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Why do parents and teachers do this?

    Your parents tell you to cone to them to talk about things, but if you talk about issues your having, they are against you. Theres this teacher who cheated me 20 points on a test today so I made a 77 and not a 97. She doesn't accept my work when In absent, even the next day when I have followed all the guidelines in the school rules to turn in work, and it bugs me, so I tell mom, and she is on her side! This is a minor example, but why do parents go against you?

    1 AnswerTeaching8 years ago
  • Is my mom being a jerk, ir is this normal for teens?

    My mom is so frustrating. I do so much work around our house. I do all of our laundry, clean our kitchen, take out the trash, clean the restrooms, cook our meals, vacume, dust, sweep, and do part of moms work papers. This is along with my part time job, and honors programs at school. She yells at me for being lazy! She sleeps and eats all this sugar, but she is diabetic and just wants to sleep and eat more, and is always mad, but never takes her sugar meds. She makes me take care of all 4 of us, and then insults me! Im not suposed to have to put up with this. She also wants me to get another part time job and think more about "my future" which she wants to control. I just want to know if she is a jerk, or I am an over reactive teenager. What do you think? I don't want to be all upset if thats just how its supposed to be.

    3 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Do people ever hire teenagers exclusiey on the weekends?

    I am about to be 17, and Im making honor roll, clean our house, and I teach karate 3 days a year. My life is busy, but I need something that pays. A job on the weekends would cut down on the family time I hate having to live through, and help me save money for college, or other expensies when I get kicked out in a year. Do you know if places will hire someone like me on satruday and sunday only? Or is that too much to ask?

    1 AnswerAdolescent8 years ago
  • How do I get this girl to like me?

    Im a year older than this cute girl at school that I like. Im make good grades, i speak 5 languages, about a 7 in looks, I have a nice car, I have a job, I do karate, and Im not a bad guy, but Im told I have a very awkward and different personality, I also don't have much experience with girls. She very cute, and nobody I know of is in any relationship with her or wants to be right now. I just don't know how to go about this. Any ideas? Other than the "be yourself" junk.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Am I bipolar? How do i ask my parents about feeling this?

    Im worried that I may be bipolar or something. I feel really stressed alot from school, work, parents, and just being full of hormones like all 16 year olds, but for a few years, I have been having terrible mood swings from hyperactive, to very sad, to very angry with harldy any warning or reason. Its happening several times a day/week and I feel abnormal. Its gotten bad enough that Idk if I can make myself control it if it gets any worse. I also am afraid that of it gets worse Im gonna hurt myself, because I think about it now when Im sad. I want somebody to help me deal with this but my parets are not suportive. How do I talk to them? What if they pass me off? Or say Im crazy, or its just a phase? Also, any advice about going to a profesional or something? (And help from somebody at church or school is out of the question)

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Which car would be better?

    Im a young guy and I want to show off money, fun, and professional at the same time. I am stuck between 2 cars. One is a convertible red Camaro, which is fun and a convertible, but its a little informal for a business kind of guy. I could also get a BMW 328i coupe. That says money, and professional, but its not as fun with no convertible, and less power. What do you think?

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • My parents are never on my side?

    Im really frustrated, because Mom and dad keep taking other people's sides and getting on to me over silly things. They never listen to me, and Im not a bad kid. I do a lot more than I need to, and Im tired of never getting any support from them. Is this normal? Do parents usually go against their kids, even when their kid were the ones in the right? Is it normal to feel so frustrated over them no supporting me?

    1 AnswerAdolescent8 years ago
  • I hate what I naturaly am?

    I just act a certain way naturaly. I am lonely and stressed and it is turning me into someone I hate. How do you fight your opions and feelings to become a better person?

    4 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Parent acting like morons!?

    Mom and Dad are killing me. Everything I do is wrong, Im over worked. I go from 6 am to 1 am every day. They never take my side, so people just walk over me and nobody is there to help, yet they drive me away from friends, and I feel like they are just too mean to me. I don't know what to do, because they laugh and punish me if I say life it to hard. They think I should just be fine, but Im tired of working a job, going to school, and then having 25 hours of chores a week. I have no life, and Im tired. What do I do?

    4 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Why dont my parents understand how tired I am?

    Mom and dad are strick. Im allowed to do something fun once a month. I don't ask for much more than what I need to live. I have a summer job. Im in honors classes and I have two to three hours of chores every day. After working and working and paying for my own phone, and having a nearly nonexistant social life, all they do is yell at me because they wanted a 95 instead of a 92 or they wanted the trash out before the laundry, and I did the laundry before the trash. Its stupid things that just make me crazy. After school all day, coming home to practice 3 languages, and chores for hours, Im exausted. Why do they act so critical. Am I being crazy, or are they a little too hard on me?

    1 AnswerParenting8 years ago
  • How do I keep my parents from ever finding me?

    I am getting close to 18, and with savings and job offers, I will be able to support myself (I know I won't he rich, but it is enough to make it and pay my bills and etc). My parents and I have some major personal issues, and we actually kinda hate each other (I am not a bad kid, we are just very different). I want the ability to run away without them ever being able to contact me again so that I have the power to come back on my own, but they have my SS#, birth certificate, medical records, etc. How do I get all this info away from them to make me untraceable to them? Just start burning and throwing away all the info I can find around? Can they still get that info anywhere? Any tips on being untraceable by your parents?

    5 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • What do you think of that Convertible Crossover?

    I like that convertible nissan Marano, but some people think it looks a little odd. Im okay with them no matter what but whats your view. Imagine a black one for a 20 year old guy.

    2 AnswersOther - Car Makes8 years ago
  • Girls, how do you feel when guys...?

    Im a very clean, organized, formal guy and I'm worried that girls see us all the same. How do you feel about guys?

    Do you think that masculine types of activities (beer/watching football/staring at cars) are pleasantly masculine or just annoying?

    Also do you think guys are gross? Whats your opinion on their hygiene? Help me get in your minds ladies.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Girls, sex question for you?

    Guys are kinda the horny person in a relationship. We are kinda looked as the ones who are all about sex, but I want to know if girl lust the same way we do. I am a guy and i like sex and masterbtion and things like that, but I am a nice guy and i worry about being a "horny pig" or something. Do girls lust, mastebate, and have fantasies like we do, or as much as we do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago