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Lv 2328 points

Nora Gibson

Favorite Answers9%
  • Is my mother emotionally absuive or am I just a sensitive cry baby?

    My mother and I have always had a bad relationship. We just always get into arguements and nowadays she isn't even speaking to me. Why? Because I asked if I could sleep over a friend's house after prom. A friend who she's known since I was 8. She called me a ***** for even asking and told me I'm selfish. She also told my dad I'd been out all day when in reality I went to the gym after school with a friend for an hour and hurried back home because she told me to come home fast. Up until I lost 20 pounds this past year, she'd call me fat and all kinds of rude names to make fun of my weight even though I wasn't even overweight just a little chubby.

    She hates when I go out with friends ever and calls me selfish for doing so. She calls me stupid and selfish pretty much every day despite the fact that I'm an honor student and study frequently. All in all she just makes me feel shitty. This past weekend she told me she's not my mother anymore now that I'm 18 and she hasn't spoken to me since other than to cruse me out. She also made me quit my job last night without even letting me fulfill a 2 weeks notice because she deliberately made her schedule conflict with my work schedule. I honestly feel suicidal around her and I wish she would just disappear from my life.

    1 AnswerFamily4 years ago
  • Should I take the college credit for this class?

    I am in my senior year of high school and one of my electives is forensic science. We are able to get college credit through a program that would count it as a Chem 113 class. Would it be worth the money? I'm taking AP courses as well and have taken many in the past so I know how challenging they can be but will I even be able to use the credits I get from this class to fulfill some sort of requirement? I'm going into science anyways, most likely a seven year medical program if I get accepted to any. This credit works for any NY school but still I don't want to waste my dad's money if it won't even count.

  • My mom is selfish and doesn't care about me?

    So I am in my last year of high school and my mom has gone back to school as well this year. She has a degree but it's not getting her hired so she went back. Anyway, I have two younger brothers and she always complains about having to drive them to sports practice and tutoring and driving me to my sat classes. Keep in mind that my road test is in two weeks and I am working VERY hard on my studies. However, she complains every single day about having to do anything because she never has time to study apparently, even though she is a stay at home mom and her only responsibilities are cooking dinner. Like I will help her clean the house and do everything in my power to destress her but she still complains. I for one think it's selfish that she demands I stop studying and that my brothers drop out of sports so she can go back to school. My dad makes enough for us to be well off, but she just wants to work, however it's not fair in my opinion for her to yell at us for being too young to not need her and trying to make a future for ourselves. I just can't deal with her. I sleep at 1 in the morning every night because I'm studying so hard and she has the nerve to act like I don't have it as bad as her. Is she being selfish or am I?

    4 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Is my senior year schedule rigourous enough? Only taking two AP classes and want to get into a medical program?

    Ok so I am going into senior year and wanted to make sure my schedule would be managebale on top of SAT prep, work, and applying to colleges, and I don't want to take AP Chem because I have never taken chemistry before and my school only has the AP option or the regular one. I have the following classes as of right now: Calculus, Chemistry, AP Literature, Economics/Gov, AP Psychology, Forensic Science, and Spanish 5. I plan on applying to seven year medical programs, and the aps I took last year I were AP Physics, AP Language, and APUSH. Sophmore year I took one AP and one honors, and my sat is 2050 but I'm taking it again as well as a subject test in math 2. My current weighted gpa is a 4.04 and unweighted is a 3.9 so is my schedule this year "good" enough to get into a medical program such as the one at Hofstra or NYIT?

  • Please help me with these math questions for Algebra 2? Urgent, have a huge test on Monday!!?

    Hi I would really appreciate if someone could explain how to solve the following problems:

    1) simplify

    ∛242x^5y^5 + 11xy√2x^3y^3

    2) Solve the following system:

    2x-y=1 3x+2y+z=10 x-y+4z=20

    5) What is the solution set for the equation 2x^2+2x=-3?

    Thanks in advance for your help I struggle a lot with math.

    2 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • Am i going to be able to get into a good college/medical program- Stony Brook, Colombia?

    Ok so I am currently a junior in high school and college has been on my mind as of lately. I aspire to be a doctor, but I'm not entirely sure on specifics yet. Do i have a good shot of getting into a good SUNY school or maybe an Ivy (probably a stretch)? These are the classes I have taken and plan to take senior year: Social Studies: pre ap world history, AP world history, AP U.S history, and I hope AP Psychology senior year.

    Math (worst subject- b plus average tenth and ninth grade but currently have an a plus): Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Caculus senior year, AP if I do well enough this year

    Science: Earth Science, Biology, AP Physics, and AP chemistry senior year

    English: English 9 honors, english 10 honors, AP Language and Comp, and AP Literature senior year

    I am planning on taking either AP Statistics or AP Economics senior year as well but I'm not sure which one yet. I am also in Spanish 4 and will take College Spanish next year. I am also in Spanish Honor Society.Other clubs: English Honor Society, Interact (community service), Journalism (part of layout and plan to be editor senior year), and possibly Physics Club. I also plan on applying to National Honor Society. I volunteer at Stony Brook in childlife and plan to do around 200 hours ( at around 70 now) and also volunteer at two other medical centers. I have a 3.8 gpa unweighted which I plan on bringing up to a 4.0 this year and I have a diagnostic(not counting) SAT score of 2050 which I plan to get to 2020

  • Please help me I m depressed and My mom makes my life so miserable that I hate being at home?

    My mother has always made me feel this way and now that it s summer I just can t escape it as easily. For one thing, I almost always do as my parents say and never go against their wishes. School is very important to them and I rarely hang out with friends besides the occasional get togethers during the school year. Now that it s summer I try and hang out with friends at least once a week and my mom gets so angry with me. I have agreed to take SAT classes and do volunteering as well as study over the summer as my parents requested me and she can t even let me see my friends every once in a while without yelling at me. I did really well this year in school and my gpa was a 3.99 and all she said was "not good enough". Now she yells at me when I make plans with friends because I m apparently disrespectful and undeserving of it. I try so hard to be kind to her and today alone she made me do endless chores throughout the day for her yet she still gets mad at me and I can t take it anymore I m going crazy! She always finds a reason to be mad at me and today she said I should be grounded for looking at my phone. I just can t deal with this anymore. What can I do? I feel so helpless and my dad always takes her side and tells me I need to try harder to be a good daughter but I do try- it s just never good enough.

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Art grade messing up my GPA?

    Ok so I have decent grades in all my classes except for art and it's messing up my GPA. My grades are:

    AP world history: A

    English Honors: A-

    Geometry: A-

    Biology: A

    Gym: A+

    Writing (elective): A+

    Spanish: A+

    Art: B-

    I'm not very good at art and I'm trying to get my grade up to at least a B+ but all I have left is one project and I have to do extra credit but I'm not sure if it will go up higher than a B. My math and English grades will probably go up to As because of grades not put in yet, but will this art grade hurt my overall transcript? I got and A- in art first semester, so I don't know why it's so low now but will it really matter that much when colleges look at my grades?

    I'm in tenth grade btw and plan on taking 3 AP classes next year to compensate for it.

  • Did he block me from seeing his pictures?

    So there's this guy who I'm positive likes me. He is always staring at me blatantly and in class he turns his body to face me. I was talking about him with my friend so she looked up his facebook (they're not friends but have mutual friends) And she saw a whole bunch of pictures of him with girls that I couldn't see when I looked up his fb. I also have mutual friends with him, yet I barely see as many pictures? I don't get how she can see all these pictures when all I can see are his profile pictures. Did he do this on purpose, and if so why?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Sat math question help?

    In 15 years the ratio of Steve's to carla's age will be 1:2. Five years ago, the ratio of steve's age to Carla's age was 1:4. How old is Steve?

    3 AnswersMathematics6 years ago
  • math question help?

    If the sun of the consecutive integers from -22 to x, inclusive, is 72, what is the value of x?

    I know the answer is 25 but I don't know how to get to it? Please help

    4 AnswersMathematics6 years ago
  • Life seems like an endless void and I'm never good enough for anything or anyone?

    I think it's safe to say I'm in a depressed state of mind that I can't seem to get out of no matter how hard I try. School, for one, is so repetitive and stressful that life has become a routine for me. Go to school five days a week and then rot away at home on the weekends. I don't hang out with friends as often as I'd hope, because trying to make plans is always difficult and stressful because no one seems to have time for me. I have also lost a great deal of friendships over the years including two of my former closest friends due to the fact that we rarely hung out or kept in touch over break. In school, I am considered smart, yet I feel like the biggest idiot on the planet. Sure, I have A's in almost every class (B's in math), but I'm never good enough for my parents. I get so stressed over grades it has made school sickening. I hate school and I hate my house as well. It feels like a prison I'm locked up in because no one wants to see me. I know I can do things like sports to get out of the house, but I'm not allowed to this year because my parents want me to get my grades up, so I'll have to practice extra hard for sports so I make varsity next year after a year of skipping out on them. Then, there's this deep loneliness in me, stemming from my desire to have a relationship. This boy used to often stare at me in the begining of the year and show signs of interst, yet never approached me and I feel like he's slowly losing intrest in me. How can I make my life less ****?

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Please help me out with this guy? I'll answer your question?

    Ok so I'm a girl in high school and most of the time I try not to fixate on guys and focus on school instead, however there's this one guy I just can't seem to get out of my head. It's kind of strange because his best friend, let's call him Tom, is attracted to me and often stares at me as well as trying to initiate conversation. However I am not interested in him and try to ignore him in the least possible offensive way. Tom's friends often stare at me as well. I presume it's because they know of his attraction towards me. Well this specific friend of his I am fixating on, let's call him Josh, began to stare at me a few months ago and when I would Return his gaze he'd smile and hold eye contact for a period of time until I looked away.

    I began to notice Josh more now, and I had previously realized his physical attractiveness but hadn't really taken note of it until then. Now, Josh is a bit harder to read than Tom is. I don't have classes with Josh, but when I see him in the halls we make eye contact and their whole friend group seem to stare at me now and I can't seem to understand if it's because they know something I don't or just simple eye contact. Sometimes Josh will stare at me often in a day and the next day it's like I'm invisible to him. Once I was walking in the halls and passed him and his friend. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him staring at me intently. The next day I passed by him and we made eye contact before he turned away. what does this mean?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Friends don't hang out with me ? I know it's long but please help me out feel so alone?

    Ok so I have a pretty good amount of friends, and I'm an overall friendly person. Yet I feel like no one likes me enough to hang out or even text. Like yeah, we'll text and agree that we should hang out but I'm always the first person to text and mention making plans. Even my closest friends who I've known for 5+ years barely have ever hung out with me. I'll send someone a snapchat complimenting how they look in their snapchat story or a simple hey and they will open it but not respond. I was snap chatting a friend I have never hung out with but was really close to a year ago and wanted to get back on track with her. I simply asked how things were going and she doesn't respond. Friends I was close with this entire school year and talked to everyday make no efforts to contact me outside of school. So far it's been three weeks into summer break and I only made plans once which are vauge and she might bail on me the last minute. I feel as if I have so many different friends yet none are "close" with me or make an effort to be and it kills me. Is there something wrong with me? How do I convince people to hang out with me?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • help with these math questions?

    Hello I am very confused about what we are learning right now in math can someone please help me with these review questions:

    1) rewrite the equation into a system of equations excluding the value(s) of x that to a denominator of zero, then solve the equation for x.


    2) solve for a: x=2a-b

    3) the area of a rectangle is represented by 9a^4+6a^3-12a. Express the length and width of the rectangle as a product of two factors.

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago
  • can anyone help me with this please?

    The first term of a geometric sequence is a1=4 and the common ratio is -2.

    a) Find the next three terms of the sequence.

    b) write an explicit formula for the sequence.

    3 AnswersLyrics7 years ago
  • Urgent! please help me with this math question?

    The first term of a geometric sequence is a1=4 and the common ratio is -2.

    a) Find the next three terms of the sequence.

    b) write an explicit formula for the sequence.

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • How can i tell if these boys are making fun of me or not?

    Okay so basically I have a handful of those typical cocky rich, popular good looking boys ( they are all white and i'm middle eastern) in some classes and they always seem to talk about how smart I am during class. Most of them have girlfriends and they aren't exactly kind to anyone outside their little group, yet whenever we have a test or contest in class they always "bet money on me" or want me on their team as their good luck charm/gold. We were playing a team game and two of them told me they "fought over me".This makes me a bit uncomfortable because i don't know if they're being genuine or calling me nerdy but they always smile at me and persist being friendly even though i just awkwardly smile back. I might be blowing this out of proportion but I always get this paranoia that everyone secretly hates me because i was bullied allot when i was younger. I feel there is a better way for me to actually acknowledge them for their words, but at the same time i don't know if they're secretly making fun of me?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • is this abuse? What should i do? Please help me I'm scared?

    Okay so I am a 14 year old girl and i think my parents are abusive. Well let me start off by saying my parents both came from another country and worked extremely hard to get where we are now and i respect them so much for that. That being said they still work like dogs and are mostly never home so I end up watching my two brothers until 6 or 7 at night, picking them up from the bus stop and changing my baby brothers diapers and making them sleep at night. My mom yells frequently which is something i have had to deal with for all my life and i find myself having a short temper and stressing out over the littlest things as well. My mom always does homework with my younger brother and she always seems to be yelling at him and hitting him, punching pushing and yelling at him when he doesn't understand things. Sometimes my dad does this too and it comes out of nowhere as well, like hes bipolar. He never gets seriously hurt to leave a mark, but sometimes his skin gets red and the sounds of his screaming in pain and crying are mortifying. He is in extended learning but hes only five so it's not as serious as if he were older. She always does this though and seems to just explode over every little thing. My dad is no different and I remember once when i upset him he was holding a knife for some reason and came towards me in a threatening way with it and choked me. That has been the second time it has happened and I am honestly so scared yet at the same time I hate them and cant wait to leave after college for good. My parents also verbally abuse me and constantly tell me to diet and that I'm fat and my dad once almost didn't buy me jeans because i was a size 3. They do this to my brother as well who is not fat at all just a little chubby but he's a little kids so what do you expect? Then they always yell at us because we don't eat and my brother can't even eat a piece of candy on Halloween without asking me if he'll get fat. What i was wondering was is this considered child abuse or at least dysfunctional in some way or am I just overreacting.

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago