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  • Child free wedding problem.?

    My cousin is having a child free wedding that I would have to travel for. I am fine with her choice but she won't provide child care. This is a problem and may result in my decline. I could find care for my toddler son, but I will have a newborn baby at that time and seeing as I will be breastfeeding I can't find a sitter for her. The baby being young my in laws wouldn' have energy for that. The family that isn't going wouldn't be ready to take care of a newborn. I am upset because I want to go but the refusal to provide child Cate seems a choice to prevent parents from being to attend. Any suggestions on what to do?

    19 AnswersWeddings6 years ago
  • Why do so many parents ....?

    Why do so many parents think that you have to choose between breastfeeding and formula? As a mom who pumps instead of breastfeeding I find this absurd. The fact that I am insulted for choosing this makes me angry. Breastfeeding doesn't work for everyone. Especially if your baby is born early and doesn't understand how to eat. Sometimes the scenario is better with a bottle. My baby may never have gotten off of a feeding tube if it weren't for bottles. I don't like the idea of formula either, but I'm told to use it with my milk for added calories and vitamins. Why is doing what is best for my baby according to several medical professionals such a horrible thing?

    1 AnswerAdolescent8 years ago
  • Why do people ask if a group of people can prove or disprove the existence of something?

    Honestly these questions seem more like an insult to whoever or whatever group you aim the question at. As you can't prove or disprove many of the subjects in such questions because of how science itself operates then really what is the point of the question? Don't people realize it's just an opinion and everyone is allowed to have their own opinion?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Do you really think persecution of muslims is just?

    I ask this question here because it seems to be where those opinions are voiced. I have family who are Muslim and I've learned a lot about their faith and personally find it beautiful. Now I ask you why do you think persecuting a person for their beliefs is the right thing to do? A major reason America came to be was because our founding fathers were tired of religious persecution. Heck the English settlers came over to the new world because they were not free to believe what they did without severe criticism or consequences. This reminds me of what the Muslims is situation right now. Many who are foreign came for freedom to believe what they believe without having the religious radicals threaten their lives. Only to come here and have themselves slapped with a stereotypical label of terrorist. I also notice that in history there was a time when many did not like the Jewish people and then Hitler took power. Look what happened with that hate? Do you really want to repeat tragic history to make yourself feel better? Do you really want to teach the future generations to hate a group of people with every fiber of their being? How does teaching and promoting hate make you better than a terrorist. Have you ever taken the time to walk into a Islamic temple in your area and ask your questions and get straight answers from people who believe not radically but in a loving God? Until you take the time to truly understand what they believe and even talk to a large variety of them what right do you have to judge?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Issues for Ohio to be voted on.?

    I'm in the Northwest Ohio area and I went online to read the issues to be voted on. Unfortunately the site for my area had a printed off copy posted and most of the print was so faded I couldn't read it. Anybody else have any idea where I can read about the issues that is impartial so i know what I'm voting on. I looked on the local government site and that was the one with the bad copy.

    1 AnswerElections9 years ago
  • Horror movie suggestions.?

    I'm a huge horror movie fan. I've seen a lot of what's out there and would like something new.

    Here are a list of movies I've seen that I liked.

    1. Nightmare on Elm Street (the original-the remake was a disgrace)

    2. martyrs

    3. Psycho


    5.Bloody Reunion

    6. Tomie

    7. Ringu and The Grudge from overseas.

    Just a few. I prefer foreign horror because their better written and their's less of a chance that I will predict the whole movie five minutes in. If you have any suggestion let me know. I'm in a horror rut.

    Also I hate movies like Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity because they aren't scary. They are annoying and badly written.

    9 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Why won't ovulation tests show result?

    My husband and I are trying to expand the family. We bought one of those ovulation packs with 20 tests in it and the brand is answer. The first time I used it it worked fine. The following three tests gave me no results. The space that is supposed to show lines remained blank. This has me confused and a little angry. What if I miss my ovulation day because of this? Does anyone know of a more reliable brand to use or why this may have happened?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • How to cancel verizon contract?

    Okay I currently have a cell phone contract with Verizon and am an extremely unhappy customer. They are always sending me texts telling me I missed a payment and threatening to shut off service. If I had received a bill I would be fine with these texts and act accordingly, but every time I try and sort this out with them . They refuse to acknowledge any fault on their part and fail to see how this can be considered bad service. I have even been told several times that I should call the post office because it's not their problem. I'm tired of a cell phone company that thinks my world revolves around their bills only. Is their way to get out of this contract without paying a fee so I don't have to put up with this hell anymore? This has happened several times and we already found a better provider. The only thing holding us back is the fee. Any helpful suggestions?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Am I the only person who see the major problems with Twilight?

    I'm not going to go into how badly written the stories are. I think that is a given when you compare her writing to any decent novelist. Even Stephen King came out and called her writing awful. What I want to ask about is the major psychological problems this book has and the awful message it sends young teens everywhere. I'm going to try and keep this brief.

    First Bella-

    No self esteem. Obviously depressed and needs therapy. Abandonment issues. Attracted and marries an abusive guy and her best friend is a guy who almost sexually asualts her and just could be considered into little girls. Not to mention has no backbone and needs a man to save the day.

    Edward- controling, temper problems, low self esteem. Over protective, jealous, and stalks the women he thinks he loves everywhere. Breaking into a girls room to watch her sleep is not romantic it's psycho. He even has physically harmed Bella and managed to isolate her.

    Jacob-A guy who uses the pretenses of friendship to try and win over bella. Only for his her to choose her abusive boyfriend. Causing him to go postal and move on to her newborn daughter.

    Mama and Papa Cullen- Frustrated at not being able to create a family of their own they snatch teens in their youth away from families dying or not and create a family. Then convince them they have given them a second chance in life.

    Bella's Father- Just a bad dad. Bella completely shut down. Instead of doing what was needed. Which is committing her to a mental hospital and then moving from forks for Bella's mental welfare he gives in to her kicking and waling in her catatonic state. Why didn't social services do something?

    Her human friends seemed to be the most sane characters. They realized at some point that Bella wasn't going to listen and was to involved in her own world. So they jumped ship. Frankly I don't blame them.

    Am I really the only person who sees this?

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Why do people assume that proving or disproving the theory of evoloution will prove or disprove God?

    I have no idea how people come to the idea if the prove or disprove evolution that the fight over whether God exists or not will be over. This conclusion baffles me. I will say I am a christian that thinks that evolution is quite possible. It seems like a very plausible theory.

    I say go ahead and find all the evidence you want.

    But if you want to disprove or prove God exists aren't you then violating the scientific method itself. According to the scientific method you have to be able to see something to test for something. So testing for a persons soul or for God would not be a valid scientific study. It is beyond human science.

    So why the bickering knowing this simple fact. Many fellow Christians I know love the hard core science.

    5 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Do athiest's understand the point V for Vendetta was making?

    V for Vendetta a fantastic movie. It basically takes what happened with the Germans in WW2 and tweaks it. It makes so anyone with a belief in religion, anyone who is gay, anyone who is different from what the government wants is arrested and killed. Like it or not if religion were outlawed that could be the future. A future where everyone lives in fear of doing something wrong that will anger a government that has gone out of control. It tries to show anyone can be capable of that evil. If you disagree with someone's values and beliefs that's fine, but trying to change a person or hating someone because you can't accept what they believe. Is one step towards a future where another holocaust could happen and this time maybe atheist's will spear head the campaign. I hope not, because the atheist's I know seem like great people, but the one's on here seem to give them a very bad name.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do atheists single out Christians?

    If you choose to not believe in a God that's your choice, but shouldn't you be fair if you are going to attack belief and attack all belief. Not just Christians, but Buddhism, Hindu, Jewish, Islam, Wicca, and many other religions that are out there? Why single out one religion? Is atheism just an excuse to belittle a religion you are personally not comfortable with? Also if your answer is just going to be an insult don't bother your just reinforcing my idea that atheist are atheist to insult Christians.

    36 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is the only reason Atheists pick on Christians..?

    Is the only reason Atheists pick on Christians is because they can't easily pick out people from other faiths? Seriously, if I was sitting next to a devout Muslim or Hindu I would be the one picked on because you know what my cross means. So I say keep your opinion to yourself unless you can share it equally to people of all faiths.

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why do atheist's try and convert me?

    First of all I have nothing against atheist's. All are entitled to believe as you wish. What I want to know is why atheist's try and convert me to atheism when I am minding my own business at school or something. The only thing that says Christian would be the cross around my neck or perhaps a book I'm reading. Why the need to start a conversation just to attack? I know this is what you all complain of all the time, but I am a Christian that only discusses my faith with an atheist if they ask about it. What right do you have to shove you believes down my throat when I refuse to do so to you?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Am I the only that thinks that birds should have rainbow colored clown wigs when they are born?

    I know it's an odd question, but birds would be more fun with clown wigs. Seriously think about it. What do you think?

    3 AnswersBirds10 years ago
  • Why aren't people of faith allowed to investigate science like normal people?

    Believe it or not Christian's and others of other religions happen to love science. Problem from others perspectives I guess is that we see things a bit differently. We look at the world and see a beautiful creation and want to know how it was done. Which could include the big bang, but truthfully it doesn't make sense that a bunch of molecules defy their natural state and create life. Sorry. So when we like everyone else say this makes no sense we look at other options. Why is it when a person of faith does this they are heavily criticized and condemned for it, but if a person with no faith were to make the same discovery they would be highly praised? Answer truthfully. Is there or is there not a bias against the religious in the science world? If you say yes ask why you must get so defensive when are just looking to satisfy our own curiosity? As for the bad publicity on the news don't judge a group by a few bad apples!

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why won't atheists admit what they believe is a religion?

    I ask because you bring up a theory other than evolution or big bang and all of a sudden your being attacked. Sorry for scientific and exploring ALL options. Atheists I talk to believe in there own version of a moral code. I've heard each one I talked to give different theory about what happens after death. Plus there is the explosion of atheists trying to convert the religious lately. If you consider Buddhism then that proves you don't need a God to be religious so that excuse is out. All I see is a day you all meet to discuss stuff. But wait aren't college age atheists doing that on campus now? Seriously take a step back and take a good look.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago